Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
... (Transitional Arrangements) Bill
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Was ist davon zu halten ???
Vll. haben die großen Ohren mehr darüber gehört.
-The draft Bill, in its current form, if passed into law, may adversely impact on the mining rights held by BCL.-
A special Mining Lease is generally issued to the EL holder for large scale mining operations. The EL holder must also be a party to a Mining Development Contract with the state. A special mining lease may be granted for a term not exceeding 40 years, which may be extended for periods not exceeding 20 years.
Before the grant of an SML, the Minister is required to convene a development forum to consider the views of the persons and authorities whom the Minister believes will be affected by the grant of the SML. Those represented at this forum will include the applicant for the special mining lease; the landholders of the land that is the subject of the application for the special mining lease and other tenements to which the applicant's proposals relate, the National Government, and the Provincial Government, if any, in whose province the land the subject of application for the special mining lease is situated.
Wäre Panguna Gebiet?
Oder ist damit Daveonas Special mining lease Area gemeint?
The autonomous Bougainville Government will respect the National
Government's authority regarding international agreements.
Closely linked powers and functions will be transferred together.
National laws will continue to apply in Bougainville until replaced by
Bougainville laws.
The National Government and the autonomous Bougainville Government
will jointly prepare agreed plans for co-operating in implementing the transfer
of powers and functions for which the autonomous Bougainville Go
vernment will become responsible.
National Government assets and land will be transferred to the autonomous
Bougainville Government at the same time as the powers and functions with
which they are associated.
die Land-Rechte gehen bei Übertrag der Powers auch auf das Land B.
Das Land verpflichtet sich, die zurzeit geltenden Land-Rechte zu berücksichtigen.
Sieht der Markt offenbar sehr kritisch. Wenn die Rechte erst einmal futsch sind, müssten diese wieder durch das Land B an BCL gehen. Klar, steht so auf dem Papier, aber hält sich jeder dran?
Wenn ja, dann eine evtl. letzte Chance sehr billig rein zu kommen. Denn wenn B die Rechte wieder auf BCL überträgt (wann auch immer), dürfte das ein sehr deutliches Signal sein...
Da staunt der Laie und der Experte wundert sich. Ich denke, so manche gehen nach all den Jahren der Enttäuschungen und des Wartens emotional am Krückstock und sind es bald leid. Die Mehrzahl unter uns jedoch, so hoffe ich zumindest, ist zwar auch genervt, bleibt aber dabei und harrt der Dinge, die da kommen.
Ich selbst glaube an eine finale Entscheidung (so oder so) bis Ende des kommenden Jahres. Auch wenn ich mit dieser Entscheidung vermutlich wieder einmal voll daneben liegen werde. lol
....wenn mich nicht alles täuscht endet die Amtszeit von Dr. Momis im Juni 2015. (Präsi seit Juni 2010)
Also eine Entscheidung vor diesem Datum wäre mir desshalb persönlich angenehmer. ;-))))
by ramunickel
David Stringer | Bloomberg
Proposed changes to mining laws on on the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea may adversely affect rights held by unit of Rio Tinto Group (RIO), the world"s second-biggest mining company.
Bougainville Copper Ltd. (BOC), 54 percent owned by Rio Tinto, is seeking talks with the island"s autonomous government over its resource tenements and licenses to mine and explore after reviewing the draft legislation, it said today in a statement.
"The draft bill, in its current form, if passed into law, may adversely impact on the mining rights held by BCL," the Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea-based unit said in the statement.
The unit controls a number of mining rights on Bougainville, including over the site of the former Panguna mine, which was shut by local protests in 1989 amid unrest that included attacks on staff and operations, according to company filings.
Panguna may contain more than 5 million metric tons of copper and 19 million ounces of gold according to a 2012 order of magnitude study, the unit said last year.
ramunickel | June 26, 2014 at 8:16 am | Tags: ABG, Bougainville, Mining Law, Panguna,
Lieber "the devil we know" als den chinesischen Drachen ;-))))
Die Aussage wurde nämlich zu einer Zeit getroffen, in der es noch organisierten Landeignervereinigungen gegeben hat.
Somit konnte diese Aussage nur von einem Teil/evtl. einzelnen Person getätigt worden sein.
Allein auf die Aussage "the devil we know" zu vertrauen, halt ich für sehr blauäugig.
Da würde ich mich eher an das internationale Recht halten ;-)
(dubspec 25/06/14 17:54)
...über die weitere mögliche Einflußnahme von PNG auf das mining = kritisch , soweit ich das verstehe wird allerdings die Besonderheit `Autonomie Bestrebung` nicht analysiert. (eine Stimme von `vor Ort` mit ansonsten vielen click´s. ;-)))))
Information vital in mine negotiations
An increased flow of information will be provided to Panguna landowners and other Bougainvilleans as they give consideration to a re-opening of the former copper mine, says the co-chair of the joint Panguna Negotiations Coordination Committee, Raymond Masono.
He said this is part of a strategy to ensure that Bougainvilleans are at the centre of decisions about the mine’s future.
“The exclusion of Bougainvilleans from decisions about development of the Panguna copper mine was a key cause of the Bougainville conflict.
“This is why customary landowners, the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the National Government and Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) are adopting a very different approach in considering whether the mine should be reopened,” said Mr Masono.
“At the heart of this approach is a commitment by all parties that decisions on the future of the mine will rest with Bougainville.”
Prime Minister O’Neill and the Chairman of BCL, Peter Taylor, agreed with Bougainville President John Momis that strong support from the ABG and affected landowners is essential if the mine is to reopen.
“This is very different to what happened in 1969, when the key decisions were made by the Australian Colonial Administration and the mining company, which was then CRA Ltd,” Mr Masono said.
The transfer of mining powers from the National Government to the ABG and the development of Bougainville’s own mining legislation, are critical in ensuring that Bougainville is in control.
The other big change is that all of the major stakeholders will be closely involved in negotiations about the future of the mine, and will have access to the information they need to deal with the legacies of earlier mining and plan for the future.
“The JPNCC has been created to make sure that this happens,” Mr Masono said.
The JPNCC is a partnership between Panguna-affected landowners, the ABG, the National Government and BCL.
A key role of the JPNCC is to undertake baseline studies designed to establish the state of the environment, and existing social conditions, in areas surrounding the Panguna mine.
These studies, which will be conducted over the next 12 to 18 months, are essential to deal with the impacts of earlier mining and to inform decisions about whether the mine should be reopened.
“If people are to have trust in the findings of baseline studies they must be conducted independently, transparently, and to the highest technical standards.
“The JPNCC will ensure that this happens,” he said.
He said much remains to be done to improve communication of information about the baseline studies and other preparations to Bougainvilleans.
“An ABG survey of communication channels, both formal media and informal transfer of information, confirmed that people outside Buka have very limited access to mainstream media, including radio, television and newspapers,” he said.
“In response to these findings the JPNCC is developing a communication strategy focusing on face-to-face communication and delivery of print materials that are designed specifically to suit Bougainville conditions”.
New Bougainville Party launches Tonsu branch
THE people of Tonsu constituency in the west coast area of Buka Island recently witnessed the launching of the New Bougainville Party’s Tonsu branch.
The ceremony which was held at Petats Island last Wednesday was attended by party leader and President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, John Momis and his cabinet ministers, party president Linus Sahoto and other senior members of the party.
The event marks Tonsu as the first constituency in Bougainville to have set up its branch, thus showing that many people there greatly admire and support the current leadership of President Momis.
On top of that, Tonsu will shortly be having permanent executives that will be manning the party’s interest. During the 2010 ABG Elections, NBP was only operating on an adhoc basis in the Tonsu area.
Mr Momis and his delegation included ministers Joel Banam (Public Administration and member for Tonsu), Luke Karaston (Works), Wilfred Komba (Commerce), Rose Pihei (Culture and Tourism), Newton Kauva and others.
..ein gutes Beispiel dafür welche Chancen sich den regionalen Unternehmungen bieten durch modernes mining (das Credo von Mr. Momis)
Mine awards road contract to LO firm
The National, Friday 27th of June, 2014
THE Ramu NiCo Management Ltd has awarded a road contract worth more than K700,000 to a landowner company from the project area.
The nickel miner has awarded the road maintenance contract to Maigari Ltd, valued at about K3000,000 per year for the next two years.
The contract covered the 6.2 kilometre road which starts from Yamagi in the Ward 31 area of Usino LLG to Ramu River Bridge or Banu, in the Usino LLG.
Ramu NiCo has urged Maigari Ltd to take priority in its safety standards to ensure all its staff and machinery were safe so they could deliver the result required.
In a low key ceremony on Wednesday Kurumbukari (KBK) mine health, safety and environment manager Bill Miname said Ramu NiCo wanted all landowner companies’ employees to go home safely to see their families.
Miname said Ramu NiCo saw safety as its priority and any contract awarded to any companies, including landowner companies, should make sure there was no casualty.
They will assign a safety officer to assist Maigari Ltd avoid any potential fatalities when delivering the maintenance road work.
Deputy mine manager Timothy Irinaya said that section of the road had been causing problems for the mine’s operation, locals and the general travelling public.
The access road will also benefit people from Usino and Bundi as far as Bundi station including Brahaman High School, Danagari, Enekuai and other villages.
By Aloysius Laukai in Mabiri
The first meeting between Catholic Bishop of Bougainville, his Lordship BISHOP BENARD UNABALI and his Diocese Lands Board with the Original landowners of the land in which Mabiri Ministry school and the Mabiri High School are situated on was a success.
The meeting occurred at the Mabiri Ministry School attended by all the clan leaders and their members who agreed to work with the Church to develop Mabiri for the good of the people of Bougainville.
The meeting was organized by the Bishop of Bougainville following numerous requests by landowners land owners to reclaim some parts of the land however at the meeting all agreed to follow the process the Diocese has established to deal with land issues between original landowners and the church on Bougainville.
The first meeting resolved to set up a committee including the three COEs in the area to work between the landowners and the church first to identify the landowners and their successors of original landowners to pave the way for collaboration with the church on how best they can benefit from the developments that will take place on the Mabiri land.
Meanwhile, a happy Secretary of the Bougainville Diocese land board, MARTIN GOLU said that he was happy that the process for partnership with the landowners will pave the way for a harmonious working relations for both parties.
He said that this is the type of environment that the people of Bougainville should be working in to develop Bougainville.
gemeint sein kann ?
...they can benefit from the developments that will take place on the Mabiri land.......
By Aloysius Laukai
The final delegation of the 20 member Bougainville delegation to the Joint Supervisory Body Meeting arrived in Rabaul this morning for tomorrow’s meeting at the Gazelle International Hotel in Kokopo.
The delegation led by ABG President Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS had to climb out of the plane using Emergency exits as the main door of the plane refused to open.
Reports reaching New Dawn FM from the media officer accompanying the delegation, STEPHANIE ELIZAH reported that despite the drama at the airport the group arrived safely in Rabaul.
New Dawn will give daily update on the progress of the JSB which is the first for 2014.
New Dawn FM understands that this JSB will discuss on the breakup of the 200 MILLION KINA made available by the National Government under the Special High Impact Projects on Bougainville which the ABG has continued to dispute stating that Bougainville has other pressing issues that could be funded under High Impact Projects.
They have also resolved that the recommendations from the constitutional review will be made available to the Independent experts who conduct the analysis that contributes to the 2015 joint review by the National Government and the ABG of Bougainville’s autonomy arrangements.
This was agreed to in last year’s Joint Supervisory Body meeting at Kokopo, East New Britain, on 18th October. The implementation of this joint resolution has however been slow due to various challenges.
The endorsement on the review of the Bougainville Constitution follows concerns that despite Section 220 of the Bougainville Constitution provides that the constitution be reviewed immediately prior to reviews such as the Review of Bougainville’s autonomous arrangements, a review of the Constitution has not occurred.
According to the 2013 Review Report of Bougainville’s Autonomous Arrangements, this is a breach of the constitutional laws and goes against the recommendation of the Bougainville Constitution Commission (BCC).
The BCC, at the time of drafting the Bougainville Constitution in 2004, had stated that Section 337 of the Papua New Guinea constitution provides for a review on a 5 yearly basis of the autonomy arrangements.
natural result of such review, the BCC added, would be a need to amend the Bougainville Constitution.
“For any constitution to stand the test of time, there needs to be a capacity to bring about sensible change. We also recognise that society grows and involves an effective constitution must also grow and evolve,” BCC stated.
The Commission justified that the advantage of reviewing the Bougainville Constitution first would be that it should help to clarify matters that may need to be dealt with in the wider review process in relation to the autonomy arrangements generally. more than 4 months ahead of U.S. payrolls
Quelle :
...CHIEF of the Barapang clan in Kongara, Central Bougainville, Luke Miringtoro says Rio Tinto through BCL shouldn’t be talking about re-opening the Panguna mine.
Instead they must find ways to compensate the many lives lost during the conflict in the form of bel kol...........
................ Not even BCL or the PNG government. Since its operational period the mine has done nothing for Bougainville. A good example is our roads are not sealed till present. There were no scholarships given by the company management. The Kieta-Arawa section of the road was only sealed because the Queen of England (Queen Elizabeth II) wanted to visit Bougainville. BCL didn’t start any new work on the island. Instead of helping Bougainville, it (BCL) helped PNG.”...............
Wie war das gleich ? Corruption in Bougainville is letting down all that we fought for.
....etwas paradox aber irgend wie finde ich es auch beruhigend wenn Optionen
denkbar / möglich sind und das sind sie ja ganz offensichtlich. ;-))))))