Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Eröffnet am: | 29.09.07 14:50 | von: nekro | Anzahl Beiträge: | 25.581 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 12.03.25 23:39 | von: dr.stromberg | Leser gesamt: | 6.367.435 |
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"Die Landeigner präsentierten einen Vertragsentwurf,zu Bougainville Copper,welches von ALLEN Landeignern gutgeheissen wird."
Jetzt braucht es nur noch der Zustimmung des ABG u. BOC kann loslegen. ;-)))))))))
B’ville calls ‘tune’ for investors
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government vice president John Tabinaman yesterday warned any foreign investor that they will “dance to our tune” when they invest in the region.
He said this as he assured Panguna landowners of the ABG’s intention to work in their efforts towards reconciliation.
Panguna Landowners Associ-ation headed by chairman Michael Pariu met with Mr Tabinaman and expressed their dissatisfaction that the ABG had done little or nothing with the reconciliation plans of the landowners.
The landowners also presented a draft agreement on Bougainville Copper endorsed by all landowners to the ABG.
Mr Pariu and other interim executives of the association which also included women also suspected that the ABG had not been fully briefed by Member for Ioro in ABG Dr Benedict Pisi on issues that were being discussed among the landowners and most of the issues such as request for funding assistance were being suppressed.
Mr Tabinaman said the ABG had always prioritised the issue of reconciliation on Bougainville, especially among the landowners, and said the Government also respected the concerns of the people.
Mr Pariu also said that from an awareness program currently being carried out by the members of the association, responses had been positive and that the former operator of the Panguna mine, Bougainville Copper Limited should be allowed back into the island to “clean up its mess”.
He said the draft agreement carried the views of all landowners and what was presented included what they wanted in the event profitable mining and exploration returned to Panguna.
“We urge the ABG unanimously endorse the attached draft agreement in their nest meeting,” Mr Pariu said.
Dieses Landowners Proposal,welches von den Landeignern und den ESBC anlässlich der HV in POM am 08.05 zusammen ausgearbeitet u. von BOC gutgeheissen wurde,findet also nach Abstimmung die uneingeschränkte Zustimmung aller Landeigner.;-)))))))))))))))))
Heute sollte es zu einem Treffen Kabui/Somare in POM kommen.In der Hauptsache dürften sich die Gespräche um den massiven Wiederstand der Bougainviller gegen Kabui's "Bettgeschichte";-)))))))) mit Invincible drehen.
Aber dass Somare zwischenzeitlich schon gebrieft ist und das Landowners Proposal vorliegen hat dürfte die eigentliche Ueberraschung für Kabui werden. ;-)))))))))
May 9, 2008
Three streams of ongoing sustainable cashflow from BCL and their proposed beneficiaries:
1.§Taxes: Approx K1,217 million per annum split 50:50 between ABG and National Govt about K609 million per annum to each.
2.§Dividends on 76.4 Million shares: Beneficiaries to be split 50:50 between 50% for all adult Bougainvilleans, and the remaining 50% for Landowners. Quarterly dividend payments to them to be managed jointly by the National Govt and ABG. The ownership of shares to be held in trust by the ABG and BCL. The dividend stream is K367 million per annum or K184 million to all adult Bougainvilleans and K184 million to Landowners.
3.§Royalties: 3.5% of revenue attributable to mining area to be mapped and paid out to individual title holders on a monthly basis. Royalties payable of K 37,400 per annum. No dividend withholding tax will be applicable on dividends paid on BCL shares.
Non Recurring one-off payment: At the time of signing of the New BCA BCL will pay Landowners payable to them since 1990 of K1.4 million per annum plus interest plus expenses incurred.
(Updated on May 7, 2008)
I. Root Cause of the Problem
The root cause of the problem was the unfair distribution of income amongst the three main interest groups viz Landowners, North Solomon Provincial Government and the National Government. During its 17 years of life from 1972 to 1989, 58.4% of benefits received from the mine went to the National Government, and only 4.8% to the Provincial Government with merely 0.2% going to Landowners. The remaining 36.6% went to Non Government shareholders for their risk capital, technology and management; that was quite fair.
II. 1987 Production and Prices
In 1987 when there was no Additional Profits Tax, when average copper price was US 81 cents per pound and gold price was USD 446.7 per troy ounce, the Earnings per share were 24.83 USc (Earnings of USD 99.55 Million). Total concentrate produced was 585,500 Tonnes grading 30.4% Copper, and 25.1 grams per tonne of gold. This corresponds to 177,992 Tonnes of copper or 392 Million pounds worth USD 318 Million at US 81 c per pound plus 585,500 x 25.8/31.1 = 485,720 troy ounces worth USD 217 Million. Total sales of USD535 million per annum and net profit of about USD100 million per annum.
III. Assumptions
1)§Current price of copper at USD3.88 per pound and gold at USD 878 per troy ounce.
2)§A capital investment of USD 1,500 Million which will be made wholly via non-recourse loans or non-voting preference shares by BCL at an interest rate of 7.5% per annum, with loan repayment in about 7 years of USD 277 Million per annum. In Year 1 the interest cost would be USD 112.5 Million. The loan of USD 1500 Million would be fully repaid in seven years from profits.
3)§No new ordinary voting shares will be issued by BCL. (This will help in maximizing the value of shares as well as Dividends received by the National Government, ABG and Landowners).
4)§To allow for carried forward tax losses to be used fully and to encourage BCL to speedily invest a larger amount of capital (which will help Landowners to earn more royalty and the ABG/National Government to earn more from dividends and taxes) offer BCL a tax free status for first two years of full production viz 2010 and 2011. There shall be no dividend withholding tax.
5)§A tax rate of 30% will apply from 2011. (It will take BCL at least 2 years to get into production so this tax concession will be available for only 3 years during which time they would anyway utilize their carried forward tax losses). This tax will be split equally and paid directly by BCL to the ABG and the National Government
6)§Current exchange rate of K1 equals US 35 c and Aus 37 cents.
7)§Landowners will get royalty at 3.5% of sales per annum. This is higher than the rate of 2% provided in the Mining Act. As a quid pro quo there shall be no dividend withholding tax paid on shares of Bougainville Copper, which will also be beneficial to landowners as shareholders of BOC. The dividend withholding tax rate is currently 10%
III. Valuation of Shares, Taxation & Royalty as a going concern
If we assume the same level of production as in 1987 and the current price of copper at
USD 3.88 per pound and gold at USD 878 per troy ounce the extra sales will be
392 Million pounds x [3.88-0.81] = USD 1203 Million
485,720 x [878 – 446.7] = USD 210 Million
Incremental Sales = USD 1203 + 210 = USD 1413 Million
Total Sales per annum = 535 + 1413 = USD 1,948 Million
It is proposed to pay a royalty of 3.5% of sales to landowners
This will be USD 65.5 Million or K 187 Million per annum
If we assume there are 5000 adult descendents of the original 510 titleholders, this corresponds to K 37,400 per annum or K 3,117 gross per adult landowner per month.
Royalties must be 3.5% Special Mining Lease Title landowners only; no sharing with ABG who are separately getting generous revenue from taxation (not available to Landowners). These shall be split 70% to individual title holders and 30% to a Future Generation Fund or Non Renewable Resources Fund. Should this split occur monthly payment to individual landowners will be 0.7 x 3,117 = K2,182 net per month.
Income Tax
Income Tax in 1987 = USD 55.7 Million
Interest Cost in Year 1 = USD 113 Million (7.5% interest rate on US$1.5 Billion)
Incremental Tax = 0.3 x [1413 – 113- 66] = USD 370 Million
Tax per annum = 55.7 + 370.2 = USD 425.9 Million = K1217 Million
Earnings per share
Incremental Profit After Tax = 0.7 x [1413-113-66] = USD 864 Million
Total Profit After Tax = 100 + 864 = USD 964 Million
Incremental Eps = USD 2.15
Total Earnings per share = USD 2.40 per share
Dividends per share
The loan of US$1.5 Billion will be fully repaid in 7 years. Let us assume a dividend payout ratio of 70%
Dividends per share in first 6 years while loan is being repaid = USD 1.68 or $A 1.81 or K 4.80
Dividends on 76.43 Million shares = K 366.9 Million per annum
Valuation of shares Copper prices have increased from 81 US cents a pound in 1988 to about US 3.88 a pound and if the mine were running at the pre-89 capacity, earnings per share would be about 9.6 times the then eps of 25 US cents a share. In the late eighties the shares hit a high of $A7.20; on a similar valuation basis the shares could hit a high of $7.20 times 9.6 or $A69.12.
On a more conservative P/E multiple of 12, the shares should be valued at USD 28.80 or AUD 30.97 provided no new shares are issued. This corresponds to K 82.57 per share
The 76.43 Million shares would be valued at K6,311 Million. Hard facts requiring negotiation and distribution predominantly for Bougainvilleans:
Shares with an intrinsic value K6.3 billion plus Annual Income available to Bougainvilleans of K 1,771 Million (K1.7 Billion) per annum or about K 5 million per day comprising:
- Annual Tax of some K1,217 Million
- Annual Dividends worth K367 Million
- Annual Royalty to landowners worth K187 Million
If we assume there are 80,000 adult Bougainvilleans and the dividends are distributed equally amongst them , each adult Bougainvillean will receive about K2,293 per year.
Kina Values 1988 figures are actual, NEW BCA 2008
If taxes are shared 50:50 between National Govt and ABG/Bougainvilleans
And if dividends from shares are paid equally among all distributed in the ratio of 1/2:1/2 for Bougainvilleans: Landowners
The mine life based on proven reserves is 14 years. But if the moratorium on exploration is lifted, the mine life will extend to about 30 years. Also, that will provide greater benefits of royalty to the new landowners in whose leases those areas exist.
There is a big quantum leap in benefits for Bougainville:
•§New BCA provides ABG/Bougainville income from dividends and taxation of about K609 Million p.a, from 2011 (and an equal amount of K609 million p.a. to the National Govt) ; this is a whopping increase from merely K5.5 Million received per annum in the pre 1988 era.
•§New BCA provides for Landowners to receive about K187 million per annum from Royalty and K184 Million per annum from dividends or total of K371 from about 2011 compared with about K0.2 Million p.a. in the pre 1988 era
•§New BCA provides equity ownership by ABG and Landowners each of some K3.15 Billion worth of shares in BCL compared with zero shares earlier.
It is obvious that this will be the biggest step forward for Bougainville in their history and all Bougainvilleans need to be united in the pursuit of this goal. The Supplemental Bougainville Copper Agreement (2008) needs to be agreed by the initiators viz Landowners together with the ABG, the National Govt and BCL. This bottom up approach will help in fast tracking development which will deliver K5 million per day of benefits from the mine.
Proposed Action Plan:
1.Landowners to have reconciliation followed by a unanimous representation. All of them to agree on this Supplemental Agreement, endorsed later in a Mining Forum Meeting. Preferred time frame May/June 2008.
2.Approval from majority of 4 MPs from Bougainville of 36 Members of ABG, preferred time frame end of June 2008 prior to meeting of ABG with National Govt.
3.Access to mine to be restored : unrestricted and without any fear.
- All Guns to be surrendered: Bougainville to be a GunFree Zone.
Combatants to be paid two rates : one rate for each home made gun surrendered already (the records of this exist already) another rate for automatic guns.
- Negotiations with Meekamui; removal of road blocks so more prosperity can enter. Youth Training Colleges to be established
- Aropa airport to be opened
- Arawa port to be opened
4.NEC Decision on broad issues:
- equity transfer so 50:50 sharing can take place between Bougainvilleans and Landowners of 76.4 Million shares
- tax 50:50 sharing between National Govt and ABG
- royalties to landowners 3.5% no dividend withholding tax
- fully delegated departmental tasks of Mining (MRA) and Environment
5. New BCA to be signed as a Supplemental Agreement appended with the Old BCA preferred time frame August 2008 to coincide with pre-feasibility Order of Magnitude study report of BCL
Ich denke dass BOC und seine Aktionäre mit Vergnügen mittanzen können,sollte das Agreement so ende Juni auf dem PNG/AGB Meeting verabschiedet werden. ;-)))))))))
The president of Papua New Guinea's autonomous region of Bougainville, Joseph Kabui has died.
Mr Kabui was rushed to the provincial hospital in Buka late last night with severe chest pains and died at 4 am local time.
He had just returned earlier yesterday from Manos where he had attended the National Governors' Conference.
Mr Kabui was elected president of the newly formed autonomous region of Bougainville in 2005.
Prior to that he was the premier of the province until civil war broke out in 1989.
When the central government in Port Moresby imposed an economic blockade on the island in 1990 Mr Kabui joined forces with the rebel Francis Ona and his men.
Mr Kabui leaves behind his wife Rose Mary and 4 daughters.
Produced by Radio Australia and Australia Network
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt
Die Amtsgeschäfte dürften wohl vorläufig von Bougainville Vice-President John Tabinaman übernommen werden.Dieser löste am 21 Mai 07 Joseph Watawi ab,welcher
... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:27
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren
Zeitpunkt: 07.06.08 11:27
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren
Betrachtet man den Wirbel,den Kabui's Invincible Deal auf Bougainville verursacht hat,so gäbe sein Tod Tabimanas jetzt die Gelegenheit ohne Gesichtsverlust zurückzurudern. Allerdings darf man nicht vergessen dass er als Kabui's Spezi wohl kaum gegen den Invincible Deal opponiert hat.
B’ville calls ‘tune’ for investors
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government vice president John Tabinaman yesterday warned any foreign investor that they will “dance to our tune” when they invest in the region.
He said this as he assured Panguna landowners of the ABG’s intention to work in their efforts towards reconciliation.
Panguna Landowners Associ-ation headed by chairman Michael Pariu met with Mr Tabinaman and expressed their dissatisfaction that the ABG had done little or nothing with the reconciliation plans of the landowners.
The landowners also presented a draft agreement on Bougainville Copper endorsed by all landowners to the ABG.
Davon ab -und ich möchte nicht pietätlos klingen - gibt es Einschätzungen zu den möglichen Konsequenzen für Bougainville und natürlich BCL? Da sich Kabui ohnehin zuletzt unbeliebt gemacht hatte, mit Invincibile etc. "merkwürdige" Deals abschloss und so manches andere, wäre es aus Sicht der BCL-Aktionäre besser gewesen, wenn andere an der Spitze des Parlamentes gestanden hätten. Diese "Chance" ist nun -wenn auch unter bedauerlichen Umständen- schneller gekommen als gedacht.
1. Wie ist Tabinamas einzustufen in Hinblick auf das Thema Mining auf Bougainville?
2. Weiß jemand, was die Verfassung sagt bezüglich des aktuellen Falles? Bleibt Tabinamas bis zum Ende der Legilsaturperiode in 2010 oder wird es vorgezogene Neuwahlen geben (müssen)?
3. Was ist mit Akotai? Sind seine Chancen auf das Präsidentenamt nun deutlich gestiegen oder was plant dieser Mann? Und was ist mit Hannet? Die beiden letztgenannten sollte meines Wissens nach doch auf "Friends of BCL" sein, oder? :-)
Well, Fragen über Fragen........
Auch wenn man Kabui nicht unbedingt als unseren "Freund" betrachten konnte......Jo Kabui unwittingly paid a useful role by bringing mining into the agenda for Bougainvilleans to consider.
(1) Subject to Subsection (2), the President ceases to hold office on the assumption of office by a new President following an election of President under Section 89 (election of President) or Section 90 (special election of President).
(2) The office of President becomes vacant if the President –
(a) dies; or...............
(1) Where the office of President becomes vacant under Section 94(2)
(vacation of office of President) –
(a) other than in circumstances described in Paragraph (b) of this section – an election shall be held to fill the office of President.......
sollte wohl Neuwahlen bedeuten,oder??
Zeitpunkt: 09.06.08 19:39
Aktion: -
Zeitpunkt: 09.06.08 19:39
Aktion: -
The fact that Michael Pariu met John Tabinaman re our proposal would suggest he may be
favourably disposed towards BCL mine reopening.
I think the New BCA needs to be endorsed by the ABG Parliament. This should be much easier now.
Have a good week-end!
für mich stellt sich nu auch die Frage/n ...
was steckt da evtl tatsächlich hinter ...
... ist es nen normaler Tod oder wurde -wie auch immer- "nachgeholfen"???
... welche Quirlereien um den Posten gibt es nun "hinter den Kulissen" ... die den bisherigen Prozeß in Richtung Mining wieder blockieren, verzögern bzw behindern könnten? ...
... wie schnell könnte evtl nun der tatsächliche Beginn des Minings sein / kommen?
allen noch nen schönes weekend
... könnte der Tod evtl wieder Unruhen hervorrufen?
... könnte der Friedensprozeß allgemein -durch gegenseitige Anschuldigungen, Unruhen etc- unterbrochen/abgebrochen werden?
... könnte RT bzw BOC sich evtl genötigt sehen, ihr Vorhaben zu überdenken?
Fragen über Fragen
Als das Bukahospital wegen Mangel an Medikamenten die Lieferung in PNG reklamierte flog der Schwindel auf.
Der Geschäftsman erklärte er hätte Medikamente bei einem Lieferanten in PNG bestellt,(den Namen konnte/wollte ??? er aber nicht angeben).Die Lieferung sei ihm inzwischen auch verschwunden/gestohlen ??? worden.
Sollte Kabui seiner Herzattacke jetzt wegen Mangel an Medikamenten im Hospital erlegen sein.....?????????? wäre diese Kungelei,von wem auch immer wohl dafür verantwortlich zu machen.Sollte er als ABG Präsident u. somit oberster Polizeiherr es versäumt haben bei der Untersuchung des Vorfalls den nötigen Druck auszuüben,so hätte er sich seinen Tod wohl selbst zuzuschreiben.
... wie schnell könnte evtl nun der tatsächliche Beginn des Minings sein ?
......This should be much easier now.
Wer an diesen gelöschten u. an zukünftigen News Interessiert ist sollte einfach öfters auf uvs vorbeischauen,ren...;-)) kommen dort nicht zum Zug ;-))))))))))))))))))))
Hier 1 der gelöschten Artikel,der aus einer privaten Mail stammt.Als Link kann aber inzwischen auch gelten ;-))
Dass die im Text enthaltene Quelle "Papua New Guinea's National Broadcasting Corporation radio" vom Mod J.B. übersehen wurde,lässt wohl einige Zweifel an seiner Objektivität aufkommen,oder???????????????????????????
Bougainville president Joseph Kabui dead
Saturday, 7 June, 2008
Bougainville President Joseph Kabui has died of a suspected heart attack in a Buka hospital, Papua New Guinea's National Broadcasting Corporation radio has reported.
Bougainville leaders have gathered in the capital Buka for an emergency meeting, NBC reported.
The death happened at approximately 4.10am.
Kabui, the Autonomous Bougainville Government leader, had been under intense pressure over a series of unpopular decisions in the region.
Kabui had travelled to Australia on several occasions for medical treatment, a friend in Buka told AAP.
"We'd told him he was working too much for his condition," he said.
Bougainville People's Congress president Kabui was declared president in Bougainville in June 2005.
Over the past six months Kabui had been facing numerous calls to resign and growing critics of his government.
The ABG has granted Invincible Resources, a Canadian mining company headed by Australian-born Lindsay Semple, 70 per cent access rights to the island's vast mineral resources.
But the deal has sparked wide concerns for Bougainville landowners, politicians and citizens.
Bougainville Vice-President John Tabinaman said he saw Kabui in good spirits on Friday afternoon.
"When I heard this morning I could not believe such could have happened," he told AAP.
"Life is such we can't predict and this is a big shock," he said.
"(Yesterday) he appeared to be OK, cheerful the way he was.
"This will be very hard to believe for the people of Bougainville," he said.
Tabinaman said Kabui had been receiving medical treatment in Brisbane hospitals.
"He always was on top of things. The man was capable of handling pressure," he said.
Opposition Leader Thomas Lugabi said it was a sad day for Bougainville, in particular the people in Panguna, central Bougainville.
"My family and I send condolences to his family and the people of central Bougainville, in particularly Panguna, where he was born," he said.
Auf der ESBC Homepage gibt es übrigens auch eine Forum Funktion.Das "Problem" damit war dass nur Beiträge bis 1333 Zeichen eingestellt werden koennen.Das sollte aber nächste Woche behoben sein.
Danach wird dieser Chat in einen geschlossenen Mitgliederbereich umgewandelt.Zugang haben dort dann nur noch eingetragene (u. verifizierte) Mitglieder.Neue werden dann keine mehr aufgenommen.Eine Zensur findet dort nicht statt.
Dort können dann auch die Quellen der Kontakte vor Ort beim Namen genannt werden.
User mit angeblich grossen (Oral) Positionen können sich ja dann mal eigenständig um die Infos zu ihrem (Oral) Invest bemühen. ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
zwei Anmerkungen zu der aktuellen Diskussion,
ein Originalzitat von der ESBC-Homepage:
„Kabui, der sich gerne mit dem amerikanischen Präsidenten verglich, hatte immer wieder betont, dass eine Wiedereröffung der Pagunamine durch Bougainville Copper "nur über meine Leiche" möglich sei. Dieser Herzenswunsch wurde ihm erfüllt.“
ziemlich unsensible Äußerung, selbst wenn ich als Bürger von Bougainville kein Fan von Kabui gewesen wäre, würde ich mich wohl über diese Art der Meinungsbekundung nicht besonders freuen,
ich finde eine solche Bemerkung völlig inakzeptabel, und Vorsicht, in DE wurde eine solche „klammheimliche Freude“ (der informierte Leser erinnert sich) schon mal entsprechend geahndet,
zweites Zitat, diesmal von nekro:
„Auf der ESBC Homepage gibt es übrigens auch eine Forum Funktion.Das "Problem" damit war dass nur Beiträge bis 1333 Zeichen eingestellt werden koennen.Das sollte aber nächste Woche behoben sein.
Danach wird dieser Chat in einen geschlossenen Mitgliederbereich umgewandelt.Zugang haben dort dann nur noch eingetragene (u. verifizierte) Mitglieder.Neue werden dann keine mehr aufgenommen.Eine Zensur findet dort nicht statt.
Dort können dann auch die Quellen der Kontakte vor Ort beim Namen genannt werden.
User mit angeblich grossen (Oral) Positionen können sich ja dann mal eigenständig um die Infos zu ihrem (Oral) Invest bemühen. ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))“
das ist ja nun geradezu widersinnig,
die Mitglieder des ESBC sind doch an steigenden Kursen aufgrund positiver Nachrichten interessiert,
zugegeben ich auch, klar,
aber die ESBC-Mitglieder würden den Kurs wohl nicht dadurch stärken, dass sie sich die Aktien untereinander zu immer höheren Preisen hin und her verkaufen,
also haben sie natürlicherweise ein Interesse an der allgemeinen Verbreitung von good-news,
was soll also dieses Insider-Gehabe,
wohlgemerkt, ich bin in Bougainville investiert und das schon seit Ende der 80´er,
ich bin auch kein Gegner des ESBC,
aber was dort – bei allem positivem – manchmal veranstaltet wird …,