Vom Graphit-Boom profitieren: Standard Graphite

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 03:09
Eröffnet am:04.03.12 01:03von: carpe_diemAnzahl Beiträge:2.84
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 03:09von: UrsulahnqnaLeser gesamt:190.738
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2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderBin mal gespannt wie hoch die Preise noch

23.04.12 15:25

gehen! Wahnsinn!


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# 551

23.04.12 15:30
Ja, sehr dynamische Entwicklung - die Spitzenprodukte sind in der Range um mehr als 10% auf Monatsbasis gestiegen..  

4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Top Artikel @ IM

23.04.12 15:31

2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderTSX

23.04.12 16:12

Krass, alle meine Werte auf der WL sind 5-10% im Minus... übel übel!


2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderVom Volumen her ist das schon echt mau,

23.04.12 17:15

was da drüben heute gehandelt wird... Naja, mal gucken! Die Woche hat gerade erst begonnen!


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Warrant Klausel

23.04.12 21:13

Leider kommt die lukrative Warrant-Klausel (noch) nicht zum Zug, da sich der Akitenkurs nur 18 Tage über 0,60 CAD bewegt hatte. 20 Tage am Stück wären für die Aktivierung der Warrant-Klausel notwendig gewesen. Sollte Standard jedoch das aktuelle PP erfolgreich abschließen, spielt die Warrant-Klausel nur noch eine untergeordnete Rolle.


Standard Graphite hat eine äußerst interessante Klausel hinsichtlich der Warrants in der letzten Finanzierungsmaßnahme (PP zu 0,25 CAD im Dezember 2011) eingebaut:

"..Each whole warrant (the "Warrant") will be exercisable by the holder to acquire one additional common share at a price of $0.40 for 18 months from Closing. The Warrants are subject to an accelerated expiry which comes into effect once the shares trade above a weighted average price of $0.60 for any twenty consecutive trading-day period, subsequent to four months from Closing. "

(Quelle: http://www.standardgraphite.com/s/news.asp?ReportID=503986)

Diese Klausel bedeutet Folgendes: Sobald der Aktienkurs des Unternehmen 20 Tage lang sich überhalb von 0,60 CAD hält, können die Warrants bereits frühzeitig ausgeführt werden (wenn das Unternehmen zustimmt = wird hier der Fall sein). Wir stehen jetzt 50% über den 0,60 CAD und bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt sieht es klasse aus, dass wir diese 20-tägige Periode schaffen würde.. 


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diemBattery/IT-News..

23.04.12 21:22

Printable Flexible Electronics

"These polymers are inexpensive, environmentally friendly and compatible with existent roll-to-roll mass production techniques," said Bernard Kippelen, director of Georgia Tech's Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics (COPE). "Replacing the reactive metals with stable conductors, including conducting polymers, completely changes the requirements of how electronics are manufactured and protected. Their use can pave the way for lower cost and more flexible devices..

Link: http://www.graphiteblog.com/2012/04/...lexible-electronics.html 


L G’s Bendy E-Books

"With the world's first plastic EPD, LG Display has once again proven its reputation for leadership and innovation with a product we believe will help greatly popularize the E-Book market," said Mr. Sang Duck Yeo, Head of Operations for LG Display's Mobile/OLED division. "Based on our success in mass-producing plastic EPD, we are excited as we look toward applying concepts from this experience to future developments like plastic OLED and flexible displays.."

Link: http://www.graphiteblog.com/2012/04/l-gs-bendy-e-books.html


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# TOP ranked Article über SGH @ Resource Clips

23.04.12 21:26

Standard Graphite Explores 13 Quebec and Ontario Properties 

Link: http://resourceclips.com/2012/04/23/top-rank/


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# 558

23.04.12 21:28

Top Info + Ausblick:

  • With 13 wholly-owned properties in Quebec and Ontario, Standard Graphite TSXV:SGH is a company in search of a flagship. But within a year, President/CEO Chris Bogart maintains, Standard will have designated its focal point and developed a 43-101 resource. Then, he adds, with the expertise of its experienced graphite team, the company can take a worthy project all the way into production.
  • Just last week, Standard finished a 3,310-line-kilometre airborne electromagnetic survey over its entire domains. “The results will be coming,” says Bogart. “We’ve already started ground work on our Ontario properties. As the snow melts, we’ll do the mapping, sampling and trenching for all the properties. Once that’s complete, we’ll rank our properties according to the results. And then we’ll start developing those and moving towards drill targets for the summer. Once you’re drilling, the season is 12 months a year.” 

Quelle: http://resourceclips.com/2012/04/23/top-rank/


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Black Donald & Little Bryan

23.04.12 21:31
  • Of the Ontario projects, Bogart points to Little Bryan and Black Donald as standouts that also enjoy excellent infrastructure. The 9,000-hectare Black Donald Property surrounds a former mine that produced both amorphous and flake graphite from 1896 to 1954. Amorphous graphite is the type employed in steelmaking, as well as auto clutches and brake linings, sports equipment and other uses. The more expensive flake graphite is the type associated with emerging needs: lithium-ion batteries, vanadium redox batteries, pebble-bed nuclear reactors, solar panels and fuel cells associated with energy storage, generation and efficiency. Graphite’s unique qualities as an extremely light, strong, heat-resistant and conductive material open up a host of present uses and future possibilities.
  • Going back to mid-century, the Black Donald Mine’s final 10 years of operation reportedly produced grades between 25% and 30% carbon. In its time, it was “one of the highest-grade producing projects in the world,” Bogart says. The company reports its EM survey found two long, well-defined conductors, possibly indicating mineralization that replicates the former mine’s trend. “That tells us that geological area is amenable to graphite occurrences over large stretches of ground. There’s definitely the potential for a lookalike mine.” 

Quelle: http://resourceclips.com/2012/04/23/top-rank/


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Q' properties

23.04.12 21:33
  • “Carheil has a power line and a road running right through the property, so we’ve got great infrastructure considering where it’s at,” Bogart says. “It’s a big mining camp.” Standard‘s nearby Sandy Lake and Sandy Lake NE are also prospective targets.
  • Five so-far underexplored properties in southwest Quebec share proximity to Timcal Graphite & Carbon’s Lac-des-Îles Mine, the larger of Canada’s two graphite producers. Simon Moores, a graphite authority who writes for Industrial Minerals, reports that after decades of mining Timcal plans to move its operation to a second, nearby pit later this year. “They reckon that’s good until 2018,” he says. Timcal has other targets on its privately owned land as well, the result of ongoing drilling. Standard awaits EM results on four of its five properties before mapping, sampling and trenching begin.
  • The company has properties galore, but Bogart emphasizes that Standard‘s team plays a crucial role. “We’re the only exploration company that I’m aware of in Canada that has a graphite exploration geologist and a graphite executive with sales, marketing and operations experience. So we can not only discover, identify, evaluate and graduate a project, but we also have a team that can take it to production.” 

Quelle: http://resourceclips.com/2012/04/23/top-rank/


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Antoine Fournier, Benoit Gascon

23.04.12 21:34
  • Chief Geologist Antoine Fournier’s 20 years of experience includes his role in the discovery of the Lac Knife Deposit. Senior VP Business Development Benoit Gascon was President of Stratmin Graphite, past owner of Lac-des-Îles. While there, he negotiated Stratmin’s takeover to form Timcal, where he remained in senior roles.
  • The importance of a graphite geologist like Fournier is clear enough. Gascon brings an additional advantage. “In industrial minerals, sales and marketing are of absolute cornerstone importance,” Bogart explains. “So we’re well suited to advance those projects.” Bogart himself was co-founder of Magnum Uranium, a TSXV company which was bought out by TSX-listed Energy Fuels. 

Quelle: http://resourceclips.com/2012/04/23/top-rank/


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# CEO

23.04.12 21:37
  • Bogart will address OnPage Media’s May 2 Graphite Express-Conference in Toronto. “I’m looking forward to it,” he says. “I always love telling the story to new people.”
  • He concludes, “Any investor should lean heavily on management’s expertise and track record. Ours is quite substantial. It’s a great management team that’s had a lot of success in this sector…. We’ve been doing well. We’ve had good results, we’re providing value.” 

Quelle: http://resourceclips.com/2012/04/23/top-rank/

Fazit: Es läuft - wie gesagt - wirklich alles nach Plan. Standard hat auch mittelfristig die Chance, sich dem desaströsen Junior-Markt zu entziehen..


2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderMoin Leute,

24.04.12 13:06

alle bereit für ne weitere Talfahrt? Auch durch news scheint diese nicht wirklich zu stoppen!

Zur Warrent Klausel: scheint mir so, als wenn jemand das nicht möchte, dass die Finanzierung so abläuft. 18 Tage über 0,60 CAD, dann meiner Meinung nach ohne wirklich triftigen Grund runter.. echt strange. Gut, alle Graphitaktien lassen Federn derzeit, aber SGH hats echt hart getroffen im direkten Vergleich!

Naja, vllt kommt ja heute ne news raus, die den Kurs ein wenig stützt.


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Orderbuch

24.04.12 13:17
Gestern kurz vor Börsenschluss war das OB wie heute im Pre-Market verdächtig u. auffällig. News voraus?! Wir werden sehen..  

2708 Postings, 4702 Tage Vollzeittrader@ Carpe

24.04.12 13:20

Kannst du nochmal das Orderbuch posten? Wäre nett...

Naja, mal gucken! So langsam gebe ich die Hoffnung auf, hier diesen Monat noch nachhaltig die 0,60 CAD zu sehen.. Hätte man das eher gewusst. Naja, so ist Börse =)!


2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderSo ist es...

24.04.12 13:28

Recht hat der junge Jedi ja: Kaufen, wenn andere verkaufen...

Toller Artikel über die aktuelle Situation an der TSX: http://bjoernjunker.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/...ktor-sein/#more-10501


2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderNeuer Artikel von seeking alpha:

24.04.12 13:35

2708 Postings, 4702 Tage Vollzeittrader@ Carpe

24.04.12 14:03

Diesmal hast du den richtigen Riecher ;)!

News release: http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/...sx-venture-sgh-1647753.htm




2708 Postings, 4702 Tage VollzeittraderSo, ich denke mal, dass die Talfahrt

24.04.12 14:19

trotzdem weiter geht! Naja, ich guck mir das Spektakel nicht mehr an, wünsche allen trotzdem noch nen schönen Tag!

Bis dann!


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# 569

24.04.12 18:36
Yes, top timing! ;-) Die news kann sich mehr als sehen lassen!  

4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Volumen

24.04.12 18:41
Weiterhin sehr verhalten - evtl. sehen wir Änderungen der Finanzierungskonditionen, da der Aktienkurs stark gefallen ist. Das ist nicht weiter schlimm, Hauptsache sie kommen mit moderater Verwässerung zu dem benötigten Geld, das sie für die umfassenden und wegweisenden Explorationsprogramme dieses Jahr benötigen werden.

Link Intradaychart & Volumen: http://de.advfn.com/...p;s=TX^SGH&p=0&t=23&dm=0&vol=1  

4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Tripple Bottom

24.04.12 18:49

Schöner Tripple Bottom im Wochenchart ausgebildet, die 0,52-0,50 CAD dienen jetzt als solide Unterstützung. Kann es mir absolut nicht vorstellen, dass wir bei diesem news flow und diesen Aussichten darunter gehen werden - außer der TSX-Venture fällt in das Bodenlose.. 

Link: http://s7.directupload.net/images/120424/9ob5ndkt.jpg


4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# NGC Article, auch für SGH interessant

24.04.12 18:57

Looking for the Winners in the Burgeoning Graphite Market

Northern Graphite is starting to draw a lot of attention, now that the graphite market – as we all know by now – is on a roll.

Northern Graphite (NGC: TSX) recently announced positive results from pilot plant testing on its Bissett Creek graphite project in Ontario, located between Ottawa and North Bay on the Trans-Canada Highway.

The company has been operating a pilot plant to confirm and optimize the process plant design to produce large flake, high purity gr`aphite. NGC announced results that showed 50% of the graphite concentrate produced will be jumbo size +48 mesh flake with a carbon content averaging 97.7% graphitic carbon (Cg), according to House Mountain Partners CEO Chris Berry.

(The firm runs what it calls DiS – or Discovery Investing Scoreboard - and Northern Graphite scores high so its one of the top picks.)

These results imply that graphite of this high carbon content and flake size will command a premium price on world markets. The graphite NGC plans to produce will be ideal for use in lithium-ion batteries and other applications requiring a highly pure form of graphite. An electrified future is building.  It will require more stable supplies of both lithium and graphite (amongst other metals); this is good news for companies like NGC,” Berry writes in a recent morning note. “The next step for the company is …set its sights on the eventual production of large flake, high purity graphite by the end of 2012.”

Berry sees the obvious potential for this kind of incubator company in much the same way the uranium sector took off in 2004 and the rare earth sector in 2006.

We see the potential of a cyclical increase in the graphite companies as a group.  Further, the materials science of derivatives of graphite, graphene for example, is just beginning to emerge for the R&D world. Focus Metals for example has spun off a private company called “Graphoid” to take advantage of the many applications that of that new material appear to offer,” Berry writes.

One of the strengths of the graphite story is that it is not just dependent on one technology. Lithium Ion batteries, Electric Vehicles, fuel cells, VRBs, Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactors, are all going to be commercial to some degree and all will have an effect on the graphite market which is already tight.” 

Quelle: http://www.graphiteblog.com/2012/04/...urgeoning-graphite-market.html



4186 Postings, 4601 Tage carpe_diem# Hochinteressant

24.04.12 19:24

Silicene Versus Graphene

Interesting caveat to the whole graphite story:  “Since its discovery in 2004, graphene — sheets of carbon an atom thick — has sparked a flurry of research into the nanomaterial’s potential applications for blazing fast, tiny electronics. Now, several research groups claim to have created analogous thin sheets of silicon called silicene, according to a story at Invest in Graphene..

Link: http://www.graphiteblog.com/2012/04/silicene-versus-graphene.html


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