Die besten Gold-/Silberminen auf der Welt
Bezüglich seiner Einschätzung muss man nicht seiner Meinung sein jedoch ist es schön zu sehen wie hoch alle kosten insgesamt sind und ab wann Upsidepotential besteht, bzw was die Trigger in der Zukunft sein könnten.
Aus meinem Portfolio sind in der Berechnung Trigon Metals, Aris Mining und Santa cruz Silver dabei.Aris und Santa kommen da katuell nicht gut weg. Aris weil ja Projekte entwickelt werden und alle Kosten bei ca 1900 US Dollar jetzt liegen. Auf längerer Sicht werden diese jedoch stark fallen und bei Santa Cruz sieht Er Upsidepotential bei steigenden Zinkpreisen und Silberpreisen sowie Insolvenzgefahr. Das sehe ich derzeit nicht. Noch ist cash vorhanden und man muss in diesem Jahr keine Zahlungen an Glencore leisten. Erst im nächsten Jahr werden wieder Zahlungen fällig. Man hat ja auch schon Zahlungen an Glencore getätigt da ansonsten die Zahlen anders ausgesehen hätten. Break Even hier 24 US Dollar pro Unze Silber.
Das Kupfer Video werde ich mir gleich mal anschauen. Bei dne Silberwerten sieht Er kaum Upside bei den aktuellen preisen und die Firmen sind im zu teuer. Bei den Goldminen sieht Er bei aktuellen preisen deutlcih mehr Upside. Das heißt jedoch auch wenn der Goldpreis nachhaltig nach oben ausbrechen wird eröffnet sich für viele Goldminen die derzeit extrem hohe Kosten haben zusätzliches Potential da endlich nachhaltig geld verdient werden kann. Firmen die Gesantkosten von bis zu 1500 US Dollar haben werden, sollten dann überproportional ansteigen in der nächsten Upbewegung. Es ist empfehlensert sich eine Watchliste mit den Minen anzulegen um dann im richtigen Moment einzusteigen. Bei den Developers sieht Er bei Artemisd Gold und Marathon Gold viel Upsidepotential.
Daraus ergibt sich aus der aktuellen Marktkapitalisierung zum möglichen Cash flow über die nächsten Jahre zum NPV ein 10 bagger Potenial von 50 Millionen cad zu 500 Millionen cad.,
Hier noch eine sehr detallierte Berechnung mit zunkünftigen Annahmen zu Trigon. Sehr interessant wie ich finde,
Timline NPV Trigon im Vergleich zu Oroco Resources
03.08.2023 | CNW
(all dollar amounts (other than per share amounts) are expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated)
MEDELLIN, Aug. 3, 2023 - Mineros S.A. (TSX: MSA) (MINEROS:CB) ("Mineros" or the "Company") today reported its financial and operational results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023. For further information, please see the Company's unaudited condensed interim financial statements and management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") filed under Mineros' profile on www.sedar.com.
Andrés Restrepo, President and CEO of Mineros, commented, "We have had positive results in the second quarter of 2023, mainly due to managing our costs and administrative expenses, that offset a 6% decrease in gold production. During the second quarter of 2023 we continued our exploration campaign at the Porvenir Project in Nicaragua, where the metallurgical drilling campaign is expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2023 and we hope to share additional information in this regard soon."
Gold Production
69,254 ounces of gold produced.
A 6% decrease in gold production compared to the same period in 2022 (Q2/22: 74,062 ounces of gold produced).
Cost of Sales, Cash Cost1 and All-in Sustaining Cost ("AISC")1
Cost of sales of $99,801, similar to the same period in 2022 (Q2/22: $99,487).
Cash Cost per ounce of gold sold2 of $1,207 (Q2/22: $1,131), a 7% increase relative to the same period in 2022.
AISC per ounce of gold sold1 of $1,388 (Q2/22: $1,388), similar to the AISC per ounce of gold sold during the same period in 2022.
Dividend Payment
$5,213 in dividends paid.
A decrease of 34% in dividends paid compared to the same period in 2022 (Q2/22: $7,875), explained by an extraordinary dividend of $0.01 per share paid in April of 2022.
1 Cash Cost, AISC, Adjusted EBITDA, net free cash flow and average price realized per ounce of gold sold are non-IFRS financial measures, and Cash Cost per ounce of gold sold (stated in dollars), AISC per ounce of gold sold, ROCE and Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio are non-IFRS ratios, with no standardized meaning under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. For further information and detailed reconciliations of non-IFRS financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measures, see Non-IFRS and Other Financial Measures in this news release.
2 Stated in dollars
Revenue of $138,826.
Revenue increased by 1% compared to the same period in 2022 (Q2/22: $137,286).
Gross profit up by 3% to $39,025 compared to the same period in 2022 (Q2/22: $37,799).
Net profit for the period up 10% to $12,552 ($0.04/share) compared to the same period in 2022 (Q2/22: $11,399 or $0.04/share).
Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio3
Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio2 of (0.02)x as at June 30, 2023.
The Company continues to have a low Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio, with a 119% decrease compared to 0.11x as at June 30, 2022.
Gold Production
129,502 ounces of gold produced.
An 8% decrease in gold production compared to the same period in 2022 (six months ended June 30, 2022: 140,071 ounces of gold produced).
Cost of Sales, Cash Cost and All-in Sustaining Cost ("AISC")1
Cost of sales of $185,621, a 3% decrease when compared to the same period in 2022 (six months ended June 30, 2022: $191,492)
Cash Cost per ounce of gold sold of $1,183 (six months ended June 30, 2022: $1,152), a 3% increase relative to the same period in 2022, explained by the 8% decrease in gold production.
AISC per ounce of gold sold1 of $1,398 (six months ended June 30, 2022: $1,383), similar to the AISC per ounce of gold sold during the same period in 2022.
Dividend Payment
$10,050 in dividends paid.
A 19% decrease in dividends paid compared to the same period in 2022 (six months ended June 30, 2022: 12,473), explained by an extraordinary dividend of $0.01 per share paid in April of 2022.
3 Cash Cost, AISC, Adjusted EBITDA, net free cash flow and average price realized per ounce of gold sold are non-IFRS financial measures, and Cash Cost per ounce of gold sold, AISC per ounce of gold sold, ROCE and Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio are non-IFRS ratios, with no standardized meaning under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. For further information and detailed reconciliations of non-IFRS financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measures, see Non-IFRS and Other Financial Measures in this news release.
Sandstorm Gold Royalties Announces Record Revenue and Strong Operating Results in Second Quarter 2023
03.08.2023 | CNW
VANCOUVER, Aug. 3, 2023 - Sandstorm Gold Ltd. ("Sandstorm Gold Royalties", "Sandstorm" or the "Company") (NYSE: SAND), (TSX: SSL) has released its results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2023 (all figures in U.S. dollars).
Record revenue of $49.8 million (Q2 2022 - $36.0 million);
Attributable gold equivalent ounces1 of 24,504 ounces (Q2 2022 - 19,276 ounces);
Cash flows from operating activities, excluding changes in non-cash working capital1 of $38.0 million (Q2 2022 - $21.9 million);
Average cash cost per attributable gold equivalent ounce1 of $228 resulting in cash operating margins1 of $1,744 per ounce (Q2 2022 - $273 per ounce and $1,593 per ounce respectively);
Net income of $2.7 million (Q2 2022 - $39.7 million);
Sale of Antamina NPI and closing of Horizon Copper transaction: In June, Sandstorm closed the final component of its previously announced arrangement with Horizon Copper Corp. ("Horizon Copper") to sell a portion of the Company's Antamina royalty in consideration for a silver stream, debt, equity, and cash. The transaction furthers Sandstorm's strategy to acquire precious metal streams on high-quality copper assets. With the closing of the Antamina sale, Horizon Copper is positioned as a competitive copper company with a portfolio of high-quality cash-flowing and development stage copper assets.
Share buybacks: During the six months ended June 30, 2023 and under the Company's normal course issuer bid, the Company purchased and cancelled approximately 2.8 million common shares for total consideration of $14.2 million.
Based on the Company's existing streams and royalties, attributable gold equivalent ounces for 2023 are forecasted to be between 90,000 and 100,000 ounces. The Company's production forecast is expected to reach approximately 125,000 attributable gold equivalent ounces within the next five years, with a sustainable average annual production of approximately 110,000 attributable gold equivalent ounces over the next 15 years.
For the three months ended June 30, 2023, the Company realized record quarterly revenue of $49.8 million compared with $36.0 million for the comparable period in 2022. The increase in revenue is largely attributable to a 27% increase in attributable gold equivalent ounces sold.
The Company had record cash flows from operating activities of $42.1 million and net income of $2.7 million for the three month period, compared with cash flows from operating activities of $33.2 million and net income of $39.7 million for the comparable period in 2022. The change is due to a combination of factors, including a $22.9 million gain that was recognized during the three months ended June 30, 2022, related to the sale of a portfolio of royalties to Sandbox Royalties Corp., and a $12.5 million gain on the sale of the Company's equity interest in Entrée Resources Ltd. to Horizon Copper that was also recognized during the comparable period in 2022. Other contributing factors to the change include a $10.8 million increase in depletion expense partly driven by an increase in attributable gold equivalent ounces sold and a $9.1 million increase in finance expense, primarily related to interest paid on the Company's credit facility that was drawn down to finance acquisitions made in 2022. The change in net income and cash flows from operating activities was partially offset by a $13.9 million increase in revenue and a $5.7 million decrease in income tax expense.
Of the attributable gold equivalent ounces sold by Sandstorm during the second quarter of 2023, approximately 11% were attributable to mines located in Canada, 30% from the rest of North America, 45% from South America, and 14% from other countries.
(in Millions)
Gold Equivalent
North America excl. Canada
South America
Streams and royalties on Canadian mines contributed 11% less gold equivalent ounces to Sandstorm when compared to the second quarter of 2022. The change is primarily due to a decrease in royalty revenue from the Diavik mine in the Northwest Territories, driven by the timing of sales, production rates, and diamond prices, as well as a decrease in royalty revenue from the Bracemac-McLeod mine in Quebec, which discontinued operations in the second half of 2022. The decrease was partially offset by an increase in gold equivalent ounces received and sold from the CEZinc smelter in Quebec, which was acquired in July 2022, and an increase in ounces received and sold from the Black Fox mine in Ontario.
North America Excluding Canada
Operations located within North America, but outside of Canada, contributed 71% more gold equivalent ounces when compared to the second quarter of 2022. The change was primarily driven by an increase in gold equivalent ounces received from streams on the Mercedes mine in Mexico, which were acquired in April and August of 2022, and an increase in ounces received and sold from the Relief Canyon mine in Nevada, primarily due to the timing of sales, whereby, 1,476 gold ounces were delivered by March 31, 2023, and sold in the subsequent quarter. The increase was partially offset by a decrease in ounces received from the Santa Elena mine in Mexico, largely due to mining activity on concessions not subject to the Company's gold stream.
South America
Operations in South America contributed 18% more gold equivalent ounces when compared to the second quarter of 2022. The increase was largely driven by an increase in royalty revenue from the Antamina mine in Peru and the Caserones mine in Chile, both of which were acquired in the second half of 2022. The change was partially offset by a decrease in revenue attributable to the Chapada copper stream primarily due to a 39% decrease in the number of copper pounds sold as a result of planned lower recoveries, partially offset by higher throughput, as well as a decrease in the average realized selling price of copper when compared to the equivalent period in 2022.
Streams and royalties on mines in other countries contributed 34% more attributable gold equivalent ounces when compared to the second quarter of 2022. This change is primarily due to an increase in gold equivalent ounces received and sold from the Bonikro mine in Côte d'Ivoire and the Blyvoor mine in South Africa, both of which were acquired in August 2022.
A conference call will be held on Friday, August 4, 2023, starting at 8:30am PDT to further discuss the second quarter results. To participate in the conference call, use the following dial-in numbers and conference ID, or join the webcast using the link below:
International: (+1) 416-764-8688
North American Toll-Free: (+1) 888-390-0546
Conference ID: 86332521
Webcast URL: https://bit.ly/3rwhFWG
B2 Gold ordentlich Zahlen sehr niedrige Cash Kosten dafür allerdings dann doch hohe AISC von knapp über 1200 US Dollar. Trotzdem bleibt was hängen ne Dividende von 4 Cents wird gezahlt. Gute Cadhposition würde ich mal sagen mit knapp über 500 Millionen US dollar.
B2Gold Reports Q2 2023 Results; Strong Q2 2023 Operating Results Position B2Gold to Achieve 2023 Annual Guidance; First Half of 2023 Cash Operating Costs and All-In Sustaining Costs Both Below 2023 Guidance Ranges
03.08.2023 | GlobeNewswire
VANCOUVER, Aug. 02, 2023 - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") announces its operational and financial results for the second quarter of 2023. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated.
2023 Second Quarter Highlights
Total gold production of 262,701 ounces in Q2 2023, in-line with expectations for the quarter: Total gold production of 262,701 ounces, including 16,740 ounces of attributable production from Calibre Mining Corp. ("Calibre"). The Fekola Mine produced 152,427 ounces in the quarter, benefitting from a favorable mine phasing sequence in the second quarter, with Phase 6 of the Fekola pit providing high-grade ore to the process plant. All B2Gold operations are on track to meet or exceed annual production guidance ranges.
Total consolidated cash operating costs of $667 per gold ounce sold in Q2 2023, below the annual guidance range: Total consolidated cash operating costs (see "Non-IFRS Measures") (including estimated attributable results for Calibre) of $667 per gold ounce sold during the quarter. Consolidated cash operating costs from the Company's three operating mines of $639 per gold ounce sold.
Total consolidated all-in sustaining costs of $1,214 per gold ounce sold in Q2 2023, below the midpoint of the annual guidance range: Total consolidated all-in sustaining costs (see "Non-IFRS Measures") (including estimated attributable results for Calibre) of $1,214 per gold ounce sold. Consolidated all-in sustaining costs from the Company's three operating mines of $1,210 per gold ounce sold.
Attributable net income of $0.06 per share; Adjusted attributable net income of $0.07 per share in Q2 2023: Net income attributable to the shareholders of the Company of $80 million ($0.06 per share); adjusted net income (see "Non-IFRS Measures") attributable to the shareholders of the Company of $86 million ($0.07 per share).
Operating cash flow before working capital adjustments of $199 million in Q2 2023: Cash flow provided by operating activities before working capital adjustments was $199 million in the second quarter of 2023.
Robust financial position: At June 30, 2023, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $506 million and working capital (defined as current assets less current liabilities) of $570 million.
Q2 2023 dividend of $0.04 per share declared: The Company remains in a strong net positive cash position and paid a second quarter dividend of $0.04 per common share on June 27, 2023 (annualized rate of $0.16 per common share).
Completed acquisition of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. ("Sabina"); Goose Project construction on-track for mill completion and first gold production in Q1 2025: In the second quarter of 2023 the Company completed its inaugural winter ice road season, extinguished certain of Sabina's construction financing obligations and received all critical materials that were necessary to maintain the schedule for construction completion of the mill and first gold production at the Goose Project in the first quarter of 2025. Currently, camp construction is partially complete, generators are being installed, and construction workshops are being erected. The Company has also decided to move to an owner-operated construction model versus a fixed priced EPC contract for the construction of the process plant, which will reduce costs and result in a mill with higher availability and lower sustaining capital requirements. Using B2Gold's owner-operated team also allows for flexibility in construction and the ability to prioritize construction activities as needed.
Updated and significantly increased Mineral Resource Estimate for the Anaconda Area announced: On June 21, 2023, the Company announced an updated Mineral Resource estimate that includes a significant increase in the laterite, saprolite and saprock (collectively "oxide") Mineral Resources, and an initial sulphide Indicated Mineral Resource estimate for the Anaconda Area
I80 Gold sind am Anfahren der Produktion. Noch wird mit Verlust produziert. Trotzdem sieht die Zukunft rosig aus wenn man die Produktion ausweiten kann. Zuletzt sehr gute Bohrergebnisse abgeliefert
Lundin Mining noch wird auch hier mit Verlust produziert
Kinross Gold mit starken Quartal und viel Cash Flow. Dividende wird gezahlt. Man hat allerdings AISC von 1296 US dollar.
Galiano Gold mit ordentlichen Quartal plus ansteigender Produktion. Man erzielt Gewinne und hat keine Schulden sowie über 110 Millionen US dollar an cash. Allerdings sind die AISC Kosten mit 1374 US dollar hoch.
Royal Gold mit einem guten Quartal plus Dividendenerhöhung um 7 Prozent
Royal Gold Reports Steady Portfolio and Financial Performance for the Second Quarter of 2023
02.08.2023 | Business Wire
Royal Gold, Inc. (NASDAQ: RGLD) (together with its subsidiaries, "Royal Gold," the "Company," "we," "us," or "our") reports net income of $63.4 million, or $0.97 per share, for the quarter ended June 30, 2023, ("second quarter") on revenue of $144.0 million and operating cash flow of $107.9 million. Adjusted net income1 was $57.2 million, or $0.88 per share.
Second Quarter 2023 Highlights:
Solid financial results with revenue of $144.0 million, operating cash flow of $107.9 million and earnings of $63.4 million
Revenue split: 77% gold, 15% silver, 6% copper
Production volume of 72,900 GEOs2
Maintained high adjusted EBITDA margin1 of 80%
Debt reduced to $400 million after $100 million repayment
Total available liquidity increased to $702 million
Revolving credit facility maturity extended to June 28, 2028
Paid quarterly dividend of $0.375 per share, a 7% increase over the prior year period
Entered into binding commitment to acquire royalty interests on the producing Serrote and Santa Rita mines for $250 million
"Our second quarter was relatively quiet and the portfolio provided another quarter of solid cash flow," commented Bill Heissenbuttel, President and CEO of Royal Gold. "We repaid $100 million of our outstanding revolving credit facility balance and grew our liquidity to over $700 million by the end of the quarter. We also extended the term of our $1 billion revolving credit facility a further two years to mid-2028, which ensures continued access to a key non-dilutive and flexible financing tool. We greatly appreciate the continued support of our bank group."
"We remain active on the business development front and we entered into a binding commitment letter to provide royalty financing to help create ACG Electric Metals, an emerging supplier of battery metals to the EV supply chain," continued Mr. Heissenbuttel. "We are working alongside the other parties in the transaction towards closing, which we now anticipate could occur within the coming weeks. Upon successful closing we will have precious metal royalty interests on two producing base-metal mines in Brazil with long-term potential, operated by a well-established team. Our role in this transaction demonstrates how our financing product can be applied to unique M&A opportunities while maintaining our strategy of providing precious metals exposure to our shareholders."
Knapp über 1000 US dollar
Perseus June Quarter Report
26.07.2023 | GlobeNewswire
Perth, July 26, 2023 - JUNE 2023 QUARTER REPORT
Perseus exceeds gold production and cost guidance for FY23 and H2 FY23; Cash and bullion increased to US$522M
PERTH, Western Australia/ July 26, 2023/Perseus Mining Ltd. ("Perseus" or the "Company") (TSX & ASX: PRU) reports on its activities for the three months' period ended June 30, 2023 (the "Quarter").
Key Operating highlights for the June 2023 quarter, the June 2023 Half Year and the full 2023 Financial Year include:
Gold recovered Ounces 130,275 136,634 266,909 535,281
Gold poured Ounces 130,512 137,586 268,098 538,642
Production Cost US$/ounce 831 811 820 820
All-In Site Cost (AISC) US$/ounce 971 1,007 989 959
Gold sales Ounces 135,111 140,533 275,644 537,564
Average sales price US$/ounce 1,821 1,933 1,878 1,803
Cash margin US$/ounce 850 926 889 844
Notional Cashflow US$ million 111 127 238 452
Quarterly gold production of 136,634 ounces at AISC of US$1,007 per ounce and cash margin of US$926 per ounce.
Gold production and AISC significantly outperformed market production and cost guidance for June 2023 Half Year and 2023 Financial Year.
Quarterly gold sales of 140,533 ounces, up 4% (+5,422 ounces) from the March 2023 quarter.
Average sale price of gold was US$1,933 per ounce, up 6% (+US$112 per ounce) from the March 2023 quarter.
Average cash margin of US$926 per ounce of gold sold up 9% (+US$76 per ounce) from the March 2023 quarter.
Notional cashflow of US$127 million during the quarter, up 14% (+US$16 million) from the March 2023 quarter.
Group rolling 12-month TRIFR remained stable at 1.20.
Strong quarterly cashflows further strengthened Perseus's financial position with available cash and bullion of US$522 million with zero debt.
Net cash and bullion balance increased US$51 million from the March 2023 quarter.
Organic growth activities including Mineral Resource drill outs and feasibility studies at Yaouré's CMA Underground Project progressed on schedule. Results due in the September 2023 quarter.
Perseus's total economic contribution to its host countries?of Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Sudan was ~US$158 million (approximately 58% of revenue) during the quarter.
Pre-development activities at Meyas Sand Gold Project (MSGP) in Sudan suspended due to security concerns, with FID originally planned for the December 2023 Half Year now deferred.
Group Gold Production and Cost Market Guidance
Group gold production and AISCs for the December 2023 Half Year and the 2023 Calendar Year are as shown below in Table 10.
Table 10: Production and Cost Guidance
Yaouré Gold Mine
Production Ounces 137,120§125,000 to 140,000 262,100 to 277,120
All-in Site Cost USD per ounce 786 850 to 950 818 to 864
Sissingué Gold Mine
Production Ounces 25,838§27,500 to 32,500 53,338 to 58,338
All-in Site Cost USD per ounce 1,647 1,700 to 1,900 1,677 to 1,777
Edikan Gold Mine
Production Ounces 103,952§90,000 to 100,000 193,952 to 203,952
All-in Site Cost USD per ounce 1,094 1,200 to 1,300 1146 to 1190
Production Ounces 266,909§242,500 to 272,500 509,409 to 539,500
All-in Site Cost USD per ounce 989 1,080 to 1,190 1,035 to 1,085
Das ist halt ein großer Vorteil in den USA. Dort wir gerne investiert und dort werden auch gerne Gelder bereit gestellt. Ein großes Nanko von Deutschland und Europa.
All figures are in United States dollars. All production figures reflect payable metal quantities and are on a 100%-basis, unless otherwise stated. For references denoted with NG, refer to the “Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures” disclosure at the end of this news release for a description of these measures.
TORONTO, July 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Centerra Gold Inc. (“Centerra” or the “Company”) (TSX: CG and NYSE: CGAU) today reported its second quarter 2023 results.
Second Quarter Highlights
Production: Second quarter 2023 gold production of 61,622 ounces, including production from Mount Milligan Mine (“Mount Milligan”), which achieved record throughput in May and June in the process plant, and a partial month of production from the Öksüt Mine (“Öksüt”). Copper production in the quarter was 13.8 million pounds.
Sales: Second quarter 2023 gold sales of 48,155 ounces at an average realized market price of $1,532 per ounce and copper sales of 12.8 million pounds at an average realized copper price of $2.56 per pound. Gold sales were 22% lower than gold production in the quarter due to timing related to Turkish national holidays at the end of June 2023.
Costs: Consolidated gold production costs were $1,066 per ounce and all-in sustaining costs (“AISC”) on by-product basisNG were $1,711 per ounce for the quarter. Costs were primarily impacted by mine sequencing and other timing factors, in addition to general inflation on labour and consumable costs. In the quarter, the weakening of the Canadian dollar, which offset some of the cost increases at Mount Milligan, was mitigated by a loss on the Company’s foreign exchange hedging program.
Capital expendituresNG: Additions to property, plant, equipment (“PPE”) and sustaining capital expendituresNG of $20.8 million and $20.7 million, respectively. Sustaining capital expendituresNG in the second quarter 2023 included costs for equipment overhauls and the tailings storage facility (“TSF”) step out at Mount Milligan, as well as capitalized stripping costs at Öksüt.
Updated production guidance: Centerra’s 2023 consolidated gold production guidance has been updated following the resumption of operations at Öksüt and is now expected to be between 340,000 to 360,000 ounces, including estimated gold production of 180,000 to 190,000 ounces at Öksüt and 160,000 to 170,000 ounces at Mount Milligan. Although guidance for Mount Milligan is unchanged, production is trending to near the low end of the range. Copper production guidance is unchanged and is expected to be within the range of 60 to 70 million pounds.
Updated cost guidance: Centerra’s 2023 consolidated gold production costs are expected to be $700 to $750 per ounce, reflecting the full restart of gold production at Öksüt, with lower unit costs expected during the second half of 2023. Full year 2023 gold production costs at Öksüt are expected to be $450 to $500 per ounce and the Company has increased full year gold production costs at Mount Milligan which are now expected to be $1,000 to $1,050 per ounce, up from $900 to $950 per ounce previously. Full year 2023 AISC on a by-product basisNG is expected to be $1,000 to $1,050 per ounce, including $650 to $700 per ounce at Öksüt and $1,125 to $1,175 per ounce at Mount Milligan, an increase from previous guidance of $1,075 to $1,125.
Net loss: Net loss of $39.7 million or $0.18 per share and adjusted net lossNG of $42.3 million or $0.20 per share. Adjustments include $8.3 million of reclamation provision revaluation recovery at sites on care and maintenance and $5.7 million of deferred income tax expense resulting from the effect of foreign exchange rate changes on monetary assets and liabilities in the determination of taxable income related to the Öksüt and the Mount Milligan mines.
Free cash flowNG: Cash provided by operating activities of $33.4 million and free cash flowNG of $10.6 million, including a $35 million reduction in working capital from the Langeloth Metallurgical Facility.
Cash and cash equivalents: Total liquidity of $799.9 million, representing a cash balance of $401.8 million and $398.1 million available under a corporate credit facility as at June 30, 2023.
Dividend: Quarterly dividend declared of C$0.07 per common share
Wie letztes Jahr wieder ein Verlust
Eldorado Gold Reports Q2 2023 Financial and Operational Results; Well Positioned to Meet 2023 Guidance
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eldorado Gold Corporation (“Eldorado” or “the Company”) today reports the Company’s financial and operational results for the second quarter of 2023. For further information, please see the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") filed on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.com under the Company’s profile.
Second Quarter 2023 Highlights
Gold production: 109,435 ounces, compared to 113,462 ounces in Q2 2022, a 4% decrease from Q2 2022 as a result of lower throughput at Lamaque due to the wildfires in the region and lower average gold grade and recoveries at Olympias.
Gold sales: 110,134 ounces at an average realized gold price per ounce sold1 of $1,953, compared to 107,631 ounces at an average realized gold price per ounce sold of $1,849 in Q2 2022. Gold sales increased 2% from Q2 2022 primarily a result of an increase in production at Kisladag.
Production costs: $117.0 million, compared to $109.3 million in Q2 2022. The increase was primarily due to higher royalty expense and increased sales volumes.
Cash operating costs1: $791 per ounce gold sold, compared to $789 per ounce gold sold in Q2 2022. Cash operating costs increased from Q2 2022 primarily as a result of lower by-product credits.
All-in sustaining costs ("AISC")1: $1,296 per ounce sold, compared to $1,270 per ounce sold in Q2 2022, primarily reflecting the increase in cash operating costs per ounce sold and slightly offset by lower sustaining capital expenditures.
Total capital expenditures: $99.4 million, including $42.6 million of growth capital1 invested at Skouries, with activity focused on mobilization, procurement and advancement of contracts. Growth capital invested at the operating mines totalled $29.0 million and was primarily related to Kisladag waste stripping to support mine life extension and construction of the first phase of the North Heap Leach Pad. Sustaining capital1 totalled $26.1 million, including $16.2 million at Lamaque for underground development, equipment rebuilds, and the expansion of the tailing management facility.
Production and cost outlook: The Company is maintaining its 2023 annual gold production guidance and cost guidance. Gold production is expected to be 475,000 - 515,000 ounces of gold. Cash operating costs per ounce sold are expected to be $760 to $860, total operating costs of $860 to $960 per ounce sold and AISC per ounce sold of $1,190 to $1,290.
Revenue: $229.9 million in Q2 2023, an increase of 8% from $213.4 million in Q2 2022, primarily due to higher sales volumes, and higher average realized gold price.
Net cash generated from operating activities from continuing operations: $75.3 million compared to $27.0 million in Q2 2022, primarily as a result of higher gold sales volumes and higher average realized prices.
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital2: $82.4 million in Q2 2023, compared to $49.2 million in Q2 2022, primarily driven by higher sales volumes, lower finance costs and lower income taxes paid.
Cash, cash equivalents and term deposits: $456.6 million, as at June 30, 2023. Cash increased by $194.7 million from March 31, 2023, primarily as a result of a strategic equity investment ($61.3 million) by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("EBRD") and a bought deal financing ($101.1 million) that were both completed during the quarter.
Net earnings (loss): Net earnings of $1.5 million, or $0.01 earnings per share, compared to net loss of $22.9 million or $0.12 loss per share in Q2 2022. Higher net earnings in Q2 2023, compared to Q2 2022, is primarily a result of higher gold sales, higher average realized gold prices, foreign exchange gain and lower finance costs.
Adjusted net earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("Adjusted EBITDA")2: $106.8 million, compared to $88.5 million in Q2 2022. The increase was primarily driven by increased gold sales, coupled with lower finance costs.
Adjusted net earnings (loss)2: $16.1 million or $0.09 earnings per share, compared to net earnings of $13.6 million or $0.07 earnings per share in Q2 2022. Adjusted net earnings in Q2 2023 added back a non-cash loss of $21.4 million on foreign exchange translation of deferred tax balances and removed a non-cash $8.4 million gain on derivative instruments, primarily on gold collars entered into during this quarter.
Free cash flow2: Negative $21.7 million compared to negative $62.7 million in Q2 2022. Free cash flow excluding Skouries was $13.2 million compared to negative $56.9 million in Q2 2022, with the stronger figure this quarter due primarily to both higher sales volumes and realized gold price as well as lower tax installments and temporary working capital movements.
Project Facility Drawdowns: Drawdowns on the Skouries Term Facility for Q2 2023 totalled €65.9 million, including the previously reported initial drawdown of €32.3 million in April 2023.
Eine neue Wachstumstory am Goldhimmel?
Dazu noch Soma Gold ein kleiner aufstrebender Produzent aus Kolumbien der haltet Euch fest eigene Drill Rigs 2 an der Zahl hat wenn ich es richtig gelesen habe laut ceo,ca. Das ist ein Novom und die laufenden Kosten sind viel niedriger da man keine Mieten zahlen muss für die Großgeräte. NSN will dieses Jahr ca 35000 Unzen produzieren und gleichzeitig explorieren um die Resourcen zu erweitern. Sehr niedrige Marktkapitalisierung mit viel Wachstumspotenzial meiner Meinung nach.
Auszug aus "The Maven Letter" von Gwen Preston, 04. August 2023
Ich durchlebe meine Vertrauenskrise. Am Dienstagmorgen schrieb ich eine lange E-Mail an zwei enge Freunde aus der Branche. Die Betreffzeile lautete "Crisis of Confidence" (Vertrauenskrise), denn genau das erlebte ich mitten in der Nacht, nachdem ich mein Baby Baden gestillt hatte: den überwältigenden Wunsch, einfach das Handtuch zu werfen und in Bergbauinvestitionen zu investieren. Hier ist der Kern dieser E-Mail. Aber bitte lesen Sie sie in dem Wissen, dass mein Tiefpunkt mich am Ende ermutigt hat, den Kurs zu halten, und mir geholfen hat, die näheren Aussichten zu erkennen!
Das Geschäft läuft nicht gut. Ich verliere Abonnenten, weil Investitionen in diesem Bereich im Vergleich zu den meisten anderen Bereichen miserabel sind. Mein Anlageportfolio sieht schrecklich aus und hat in den letzten 18 Monaten erschreckend viel verloren. Und das wird sich wohl auch in nächster Zeit nicht ändern. Gold könnte einen neuen Anlauf nehmen, aber die Käufe der Zentralbanken sind jetzt rückläufig, was meiner Meinung nach sehr hilfreich war, und niemand hat sich um Goldaktien gekümmert, selbst als der Goldpreis gut war... was erhoffe ich mir also wirklich? Sicher, Entdeckungen glänzen und können eine Menge schlechter Performances auslöschen, aber sie sind immer ein Glücksspiel. Was die Basismetalle anbelangt, so werden sie nicht gut abschneiden, bis wir ein robustes Wachstum erreichen, was ewig dauern wird, ob wir nun durch eine langsame sanfte Landung dorthin gelangen oder erst eine Rezession überstehen müssen, weil Zinserhöhungen Probleme verursachen. Das Gleiche gilt für Uran. Was soll ich also im nächsten Jahr tun? Für mich und meine Abonnenten?!? Wenn ich bereits reich wäre, könnte ich mich zurücklehnen, es ruhig angehen lassen, den Brief sogar eine Weile auf Eis legen. Aber das bin ich nicht. Ich habe eine riesige Hypothek, die mit einem verrückten Renovierungsprojekt weiter wächst. Ich habe zwei kleine Kinder, die nur noch teurer werden (und erstaunlich... aber auch teuer!). Ich verfüge über ein umfassendes Wissen in diesem Bereich und bin gut darin, darüber zu schreiben und zu sprechen... aber was nützt das, wenn es einfach kein Publikum gibt, das Bergbau betreibt? Und keine kurzfristigen Vorteile, die den Leuten helfen könnten, etwas zu erreichen? Ich bin im besten Arbeitsalter und verbringe es damit, endlos auf einen Markt zu warten, der sich nicht zeigt.
Zum Glück gibt es Freunde. Nur eine halbe Stunde später antwortete mir ein Freund. Er hat mit Investitionen in Metalle und Bergbau, insbesondere Gold, viel Geld verdient. Wichtig ist, dass er seine Millionen nicht mit ein paar guten Käufen in der Mega-Hausse vor zehn Jahren gemacht hat - er hat 20 Jahre lang jedes Jahr in den Markt hinein- und herausgehandelt, indem er die Stimmung, die Saisonalität, die Zyklen und die makroökonomischen Kräfte beobachtet hat. Hier ist der Kern dessen, was er mir schrieb:
"Ich habe gerade heute wieder angefangen zu kaufen (nachdem ich monatelang verkauft hatte), weil es so schlecht ist und wie kann es noch schlimmer werden. Es ist etwas komplizierter als das, aber das ist die Zusammenfassung. Im Moment kann ich qualitativ hochwertige Projekte erwerben, die ich normalerweise nie kaufen würde (weil ich so billig bin). Abschläge zum NAV, kurzfristiger Cashflow und Cash pro Aktie sind meine neuen Ziele. Ich kaufe auch Unternehmen, bei denen ich schon länger investiert bin, mit einem Abschlag von 20 bis 40 %. Ich kaufe, um mich zu verdoppeln, wofür ich normalerweise ein hohes Risiko eingehe. Derzeit muss ich muss ich nur/meistens ein Zeitrisiko eingehen, im Gegensatz zu einem Vermögensrisiko/Unternehmen. Und der Zeitpunkt ist entweder diesen Herbst oder im Frühjahr. Die Zinsen müssen für die nächste Goldrallye nicht sinken. Es muss nur der Eindruck entstehen, dass sie bald sinken werden. Nach der Fed-Sitzung im September werden wir den Eindruck haben, dass dies die letzte Zinserhöhung war und es keine weiteren Erhöhungen mehr geben wird, oder dass der Juli die letzte Zinserhöhung war und eine ausbleibende Erhöhung im September eine Bestätigung dafür ist, dass es keine weiteren Erhöhungen mehr geben wird (Wahrnehmung). New York wird dies als Wendepunkt bezeichnen, und sie werden in gewisser Weise Recht haben. Nein, ich glaube nicht, dass die Zinsen in den nächsten Jahren tatsächlich sinken werden, aber der Wechsel von steigenden Zinsen in den letzten zwei Jahren zu gleichbleibenden Zinsen ist wichtig. Dies ist eine fundamentale Marktbewegung, die das Potenzial hat, alle Märkte im Herbst nach oben zu bewegen (wenn auch vielleicht nur für ein paar Monate). Lange genug, um für Volumen und 100%ige Gewinne bei Goldaktien zu sorgen. Dazu muss Gold nicht einmal die Marke von 2000 $ durchbrechen, da die Aktien im Verhältnis zum Goldpreis so unterbewertet sind (wie Brien Lundin kürzlich sagte, sind die Bewertungen heute ähnlich wie zu der Zeit, als Gold unter 300 $/oz lag). Ich hoffe, dass ich Ihnen damit nicht zu nahe trete, aber Ihre E-Mail weckt in mir den Wunsch, mehr zu kaufen. Das ist die Art von Stimmung, die in unserem Sektor derzeit allgegenwärtig ist. Wenn alle verkaufen, würde ich am liebsten kaufen. Aber das tun nur wenige, weil es schwer ist, eine Gegenposition einzunehmen. Und wenn Sie knapp bei Kasse sind, um zu kaufen, setzen Sie kleine Beträge ein (besser etwas als gar nichts!) und bereiten Sie Ihre Abonnenten auf massive prozentuale Gewinne vor."
Er hat mich vom Abgrund zurückgeholt. Ich dachte schon daran, das Handtuch zu werfen und mir einen neuen Job zu suchen. Er erinnerte mich daran, dass (1) Geduld unbequem ist und (2) die größten Gewinne denjenigen zufallen, die kaufen, wenn die Dinge dumm und billig sind, und er stellte die Aussichten in einem vernünftigen Zeitrahmen dar.
Kurzversion: twitter.com/miningmavengwen/status/1687163060124090368?s=20
Eine Frage hätte ich: warum findest du eine niedrige Marktkapitalisierung gut? Ob es Wachstumspotential gibt.... ?
Dazu noch eine Explorationspräsentation vom Juli
E2 Gold war bei ca 0,30 cad Cents gewesen
Steve Snowline leider nicht im Depot gewesen sonst hätte ich noch Anteile
Blaschzok Zinsanalyse
Die USA zahlen Zinsen aktuell für ca 3,45 Prozent des BIP und nicht 6 Prozent. In den nächsten 2 Jahren können dann die Zinszahlungen auf 2 Billionen Dollar sich erhöhen was dann ca bei Wachstum des BIP ca 6,45 Prozent ausmachen würde. Kein Land zahlt heute mit Triple AAA Bonität soviel für seine Zinsen.
Um so niedriger die Marktkapitalisierung um so höher das Upsidepotential vor allem im Rohstoffsektor. Man berechnet hier den Value anhand des Projektwertes. Um so höher der Projektwert ist und im Vergleich dazu eine niedrige Marktkapitalisierung vorhanden ist, um so höher ist das Upsidepotential bezüglich Developers Minen und Explorer. Dazu ganz entscheidend ist auch die Aktienanzahl. Um so weniger im Umlauf sind um so höher ist das Upsidepotential bezüglich des zukünftigen Kurses. Ein Sehr Explorer mit wenigen Aktien kann viel viel höher ansteigen um die gleiche Marktkapitalisierung zu erreichen wie ein Explorer der viele ausstehene Aktien hat.
Beispiel Projektwert 500 Mio US Dollar. Explorer A hat nur 50 Millionen Aktien und Ecplorer B hat 100 Millionen Aktien.
Explorer A steigt auf 10 cad und erreicht die 500 Millionen Projektwert.
Explorer B allerdings erreicht schon bei 5 cad schon fie gleiche Marktkapitalisierung. Das ist nur ein ganz einfaches Beispiel da es in der Produktion auf den cash Flow ankommt und fie Frage sich stellt nach wiviel Jahren die Capexkosten durch den Cash Flow wieder eingespielt werden. Um so früher um so besser. Bei vielen Werten wird der jedoch der Projektwert nie oder erst nassere vielen Jahren erst wieder erreicht. Das heißt aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung plus die Capexkodten ergeben dann den Wert der dann abgezinst wird zwischen 5 bis 10 Prozent in der Regel über den Cash Flow bei aktuellen Preisen. Dazu ergeben sich bei sehr hohen Produktionskosten bei stark steigenden Preisen ein überproportionaler Hebel auf die Gewinne und den Cashflow.
Die sind doch alle so gut kapitalisiert sagen Sie doch immer alle.