Übernahmeangebot mit 150% Kursaufschlag!
>>>zum 12. August läuft die Annahme des Übernahmeangebots aus, wobei die Erhöhung der O/S wohl die Erreichung der 51% Hürde verhindern könnte
>>wenn ich dann wie oben geschrieben das Volumen ansehe, besteht kein Verkaufsdruck mehr.......Größe Order gestern 300k......evtl. auch ein Zeichen dafür, dass die "Großaktionäre" derzeit das Angebot unterschrieben haben und demenstprechend die Papiere in festen Händen sind, bis mindestens 19. August( Tag an dem HNSS weitere Infos bekanntgeben wird)
Weiterhin sehe ich HNSS als große Chance, da wir uns auf einem akzeptablen Einkaufsniveau befinden.....die Aufmerksamkeit ist erstmal weg(siehe Forum hier und Forum USA)........aber die kleinste Info reicht aus und wir starten wieder los:)
While no specific answers are given (for obvious reasons) I do feel the tone of the email lends to Black's character in that he is working his butt off FOR us. Curious to hear everyone's thoughts.
Thank you for your interest and support. As I have pointed out to you previously, we cannot have a running discussion, nor can we provide information privately to a few investors that is not provided to all investors, and as a result, we cannot join your group.
However, we can help to provide a better understanding of the relationship between the Company’s management and its shareholders. Many companies and investors choose the OTC (formerly Pink Sheets) for a variety of reasons. All other exchanges, and even the OTC Bulletin Board only list reporting companies. Maintaining these listings is costly and time-consuming and require audits and filings, work that has become even more onerous with recent regulations. As a result, many smaller companies have opted for the OTC (which Healthnostics did), where management is able to focus its time and resources on productive endeavors. Meanwhile, it should go without saying that OTC investors enticed by the risk-reward ratio inherent in the OTC should understand that information will be more limited than that provided by companies listed on other exchanges.
Conversely, in this age of on-line social media, and the proliferation of message boards and forums, interested parties put out a great deal of information, much, if not most of which is inaccurate. Some of this is prompted by forces that seek to depress the stock price; some of it by well-meaning people who are caught up in the web of misinformation; some of it by unsophisticated investors who misinterpret rules and make false assumptions. Some of these people end up discouraging other investors, hurting themselves and the company in the process. They question management's motives and integrity, an irrational exercise because, unlike anonymous Internet voices, management is highly visible and, therefore, answerable to stockholders and regulators alike. It is not a venue of choice for those who wish to avoid scrutiny and accountability. This holds true not just for us, but for many other small public companies and their respective management teams as well.
Investors must understand that business interests come first. While management seeks to keep investors informed, it is serving investors best by taking actions that increase the company's value. This often means that negotiations and ongoing sales and marketing pursuits all fall in the realm of proprietary information, the release of which would adversely impact the company and its stockholders.
We are proud to have navigated the company through the difficult economy of the past few years. This has placed the company in a position to capitalize upon current opportunities. Toward that end, shares outstanding will increase and decrease as companies, divisions, and R&D are bought or sold. Management strives to ensure that stock issuances benefit the company and are accretive, not dilutive.
Yes, you may publish my response. Also, you may want to post the official FINRA site:
This site provides the actual short information. Select a month at the top, then go to ORF and select a day. Go to HNSS and it will show the short volume and total volume for that day. It is quite revealing.
Healthnostics, Inc. Records Near $1 Million Gain for HNS Fund Co.
2 minutes ago - Marketwire via Comtex
Healthnostics, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: HNSS) announced three-month results for the company's investment division, HNS Fund Co. During the period May 1 - July 31, 2011, HNS Fund Co. had a net gain in the market value of its investments totaling $957,000. To achieve this end the company made an accretive investment of more than 100 million shares of Healthnostics, Inc., common stock, an investment that began seven months before the formal April 26, 2011 creation of HNS Fund Co. The portfolio includes both securities and debt instruments, none of which were adversely affected by the general market downturn in August.
This press release may contain certain statements that are not descriptions of historical information, but are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements refer to matters that involve risks and uncertainties. Such statements reflect management's current views and are based on certain assumptions. Actual results could differ materially from the assumptions currently anticipated.
in den USA wurde die NEWS noch nicht auf allen großen Portalen veröffentlich! derzeit werden allerdings so gut wie keine Aktien gekauft(egal ob HNSS oder Apple).......denkbar ungünstiges Börsenumfeld
ich habe auch kein einziges Stück hergegeben, obwohl ich gaanz schön in den miesen war...;-) Go HNSS