$$$ SunPower, die amerikanische SW $$$
SunPower ist keine Klitsche, sondern einer der ganz Großen in den Staaten mit ähnlich guten Beziehungen zum Kunden, wie SolarWorld hier zu seinen deutschen Kunden!
Sunpower ist im Gegensatz zu First Solar kein Hersteller von Dünnschichtzellen und somit preistechnisch auch nicht direkt vergleichbar. Während First Solar horrend hoch bewertet ist (auch wenn das Unternehmen wirklich klasse ist) würde ich Sunpower aufgrund der aktuellen Bewertung und Aussichten auf jeden Fall bevorzugen! Desweiteren gehe ich davon aus, daß der Dollar zu alter Stärke zurückkehren wird, so daß der Gewinn noch höher ausfallen könnte!
Die Mischung macht's! Nachdem Q-Cells gestern komplett enttäuscht hat und damit SolarWorld's Position indirekt gestärkt, gehe ich auch davon aus, daß in Amerika eher Hersteller von multikristallinen Zellen bzw. Modulen aufgrund Ihrer Qualität, Langlebigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Ausbeute das Rennen machen werden!
Nächste Woche wird's spannend und mit Obama's Schritt in den Senat sowieso, aber der Solarmarkt wird explodieren in den Staaten, nur eine Frage der Zeit! Mein Votum -> Einsteigen, Aktie ist saugünstig!
SunPower to Announce Second-Quarter Results on July 23, 2009
--Event to be Webcast at: http://investors.sunpowercorp.com/events.cfm
SAN JOSE, Calif., July 7, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB) will announce its second-quarter earnings in a conference call on Thursday, July 23 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time. The call-in number is 517-623-4618, passcode SunPower. The event will be webcast and can be accessed from SunPower's website at http://investors.sunpowercorp.com/events.cfm.
Full text of the press release and supplemental financial information will be made available on the SunPower website at http://investors.sunpowercorp.com/ at 1:05 p.m. Pacific Time on
July 23.
About SunPower
Founded in 1985, SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB) designs, manufactures and delivers the planet's most powerful solar technology broadly available today. Residential, business, government and utility customers rely on the company's experience and proven results to maximize return on investment. With headquarters in San Jose, Calif., SunPower has offices in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. For more information, visit www.sunpowercorp.com.
SUNPOWER and the SUNPOWER logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunPower Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
SOURCE SunPower Corp.
SAN FRANCISCO and SAN JOSE, Calif., June 29, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) and SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB) today announced a new collaborative effort to fund up to $100 million in SunPower commercial-scale solar systems.
Under the financing program, SunPower will enter into power purchase agreements with qualified customers and Wells Fargo will finance the solar power systems that SunPower will design, build, operate, and maintain. Customers hosting the systems will buy the electricity from SunPower at prices that are competitive with retail rates, providing them with a long-term hedge against rising power prices and the ability to take advantage of the environmental and financial benefits of solar power with no initial capital investment.
"We see increasing opportunities over the next several years to support renewable energy markets," said Barry Neal, director of Wells Fargo's Environmental Finance. "By teaming up with SunPower, we intend to support growth in the solar energy market by making it easier and more affordable for businesses and public entities to benefit from solar electricity today."
The first projects financed under the program include a 1.1-megawatt system for University of California, Merced, and a 1-megawatt system for the Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority. Scheduled for completion by year end, both will be ground-mounted systems using the patented SunPower(R) T20 Tracker technology, which follows the sun throughout the day and delivers up to 30 percent more energy than fixed-tilt ground systems.
"SunPower offers high performance solar technology and financing expertise that helps customers maximize savings on their electricity expenditures. Our relationship with Wells Fargo strengthens our project finance efforts, streamlining the implementation of clean, renewable solar power for SunPower's large commercial and public customers throughout the U.S.," said Mac Irvin, managing director of SunPower's structured finance group.
SunPower has more than 500 large public and commercial solar power systems installed or under contract, representing more than 400 megawatts. The company pioneered the use of solar power purchase agreements in 2000.
Wells Fargo has provided more than $1.75 billion in financing for renewable energy projects since 2006. That includes funding for 27 wind projects, more than 150 commercial-scale solar projects and 1 utility-scale solar thermal project.
Zeit schwierig ist, denke ich das Solaranlagen in Amerika großes Nachholpotiential
haben. Jetzt können wir nur hoffen das der Senat grünes Licht gibt.
Gruß Largo
Bis jetzt hat er Alles durchgeboxt und sollte der Senat, wie erwartet zustimmen, dann gibt's meiner Meinung nach einen Run auf Solaraktien aus dem Amiland! Buy American kommt dann halt doch zuerst und da könnte blind gekauft werden, egal ob da Pommesbuden dabei sind oder nicht!
Später dürften dann die wahren Solarplayer davon weiter profitieren. Die gängigen Solaraktien verharren noch in Lethargie, aber wehe der Senat stimmt zu!
SunPower wird meiner Meinung nach das größte Aufholpotential entwickeln und ich werde nachkaufen, sobald der Kurs jetzt weiter nachgibt!
Zum Glück ist der Anton Millner als Angelsachse zu Q-Cells und nicht zu SunPower gegangen ;)
Der Deal mit Wells Fargo ist nur der Anfang!
Willkommen im Club Largoblue ;)
Ein Grund für die gute Stimmung auf der Intersolar Nordamerika seien die positive politische Einstellung von Präsident Barach Obama und Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger zur alternativen Energie und die gesetzlichen Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Solarenergie, teilte die FWTM mit.
Und eines sollte sicher sein, von dem Förderprogramm werden hauptsächlich amerikanische Solarfirmen profitieren (wie unsere Sunpower)
Bis dahin dürften die Kurse weiter schwach bleiben.
Trotzdem sollte es nicht mehr allzu tief gehen.
By Toby Shute
July 17, 2009
Under former CEO Lee Scott, Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE: WMT) announced a long-term initiative to move to 100% renewable energy and zero waste. Skeptics abounded at the time, but since then, the retail giant has pursued one green initiative after another.
In addition to those long-term goals, the company has taken on a slew of more immediately actionable initiatives:
* Encouraging suppliers to drop polyvinyl chloride (PVC) packaging.
* Installing efficient LED lighting, eliminating 35 million pounds of carbon dioxide annually.
* Helping to educate consumers about compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs), selling hundreds of millions of them, and saving the equivalent output of several coal-fired power plants.
* Teaming up with BP (NYSE: BP) and SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWRA) to put solar systems on the rooftops of stores in California and Hawaii.
On Thursday, at Wal-Mart's Sustainability Milestone Meeting, the company unveiled another plank in its environmental platform: the introduction of product sustainability ratings. The idea would be that you could walk to the cell-phone aisle and see how an Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone stacks up against a Palm (Nasdaq: PALM) Pre across various metrics, such as water used or waste produced in the product's lifecycle. This information would likely be represented by a number or color code indicating the product's overall sustainability. Pretty cool.
While your gut reaction may be that, as with organic certification, sustainability indexing has the potential to drive product prices higher, Wal-Mart says it intends to lower costs in the process. That, after all, is the company's core purpose. If any firm on the planet can live up to that promise, it's got to be this one.
That's not the only reason this is the right company for the job. As with McDonald's (NYSE: MCD) and its ability to influence global farming and feedlot practices, Wal-Mart is very well positioned to effect change here. With more than 100,000 suppliers, Wal-Mart is facing a mammoth undertaking, but it also carries a lot of weight with a lot of companies.
Sure, we can't expect to see sustainability labels cropping up in the immediate future. But this does feel like the future, and I'm glad to see Wal-Mart spearheading this initiative, which will require the collaboration of countless other firms, universities, and nongovernmental organizations.
Die Solarrakete ist schon lange auf dem Weg zur Sonne, auch ohne bisherige Zustimmung des amerikanischen Senats. Der Kurs bzw. die Anleger hat/haben es nur noch nicht mitbekommen ;)
Bei dem Kursverlauf habe ich kein gutes Gefühl. Werden wahrscheinlich nicht so gut ausfallen.
Kennt jemand ein Link wo man die Insiderkäufe und Verkäufe von Sunpower nachlesen kann ?!
08:47 20.07.09
New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Paul Clegg, Analyst von Jefferies & Co, stuft die Aktie von SunPower (Profil) unverändert mit "buy" ein.
Die Gewinnerwartungen seien nach unten korrigiert worden. Damit werde den schwierigeren Finanzierungsbedingungen im Sektor Rechnung getragen.
Das Kursziel sinke von 40 auf 34 USD. Die Aktie bleibe damit attraktiv bewertet.
Vor diesem Hintergrund sprechen die Analysten von Jefferies & Co für die Aktie von SunPower weiterhin eine Kaufempfehlung aus. (Analyse vom 20.07.09)
Heute im Plus. Die W-Formation bildet sich gerade aus! Doppelboden mit Umkehr nach oben! Phantastisch und jetzt bitte Gewinne, Gewinne, Gewinne!
RENIXX World klettert weiter - Yingli-US-Chef spricht von spürbarem PV-Marktwachstum in den USA
Münster – Der weltweite Aktienindex für erneuerbare Energien RENIXX World setzte gestern den Aufwärtstrend weiter fort und legte um 2,35 Prozent auf 786,34 Punkte zu. Das regenerative Börsenbarometer steigt damit seit fünf Handelstagen in Folge. Die Gewinne von gestern stellten sich bis zum Nachmittag ein, in der Folge bewegte sich der Index seitwärts.
Yingli und SunPower an der Indexspitze
Einer Reuters-Meldung zufolge habe der Geschäftsführer von Yinglis amerikanischer Tochtergesellschaft Yingli Green Energy Americas, Robert Petrina, in den letzten sechs Wochen spürbare Verbesserungen im US-Photovoltaikmarkt erlebt. Grund sei eine verstärkte Nachfrage für kommerzielle Solarprojekte, da die Obama-Administration zu Beginn des Monats Richtlinien über staatliche Zuschüsse für regenerative Projekte in Höhe von insgesamt 3 Mrd. US-Dollar herausgegeben habe. Yingli will darüber hinaus Medienberichten zufolge in China eine neue Fertigungsfabrik errichten, in der ab 2010 Solarprodukte hergestellt werden sollen. Die Yingli-Aktie legte gestern um 9 Prozent auf 8,96 Euro. Aktien des US-Solarkonzerns SunPower klettern um 7,9 Prozent auf 17,31 Euro. Neben dem chinesischen Windenergiegetriebe-Hersteller China High-Speed Transmission (+7,7 Prozent, 1,95 Euro) können weitere Solarwerte wie Meyer Burger (+7,5 Prozent, 109,21 Euro), Suntech Power (+7,4 Prozent, 12,46 Euro) und Q-Cells (6 Prozent, 11,69 Euro) profitieren. Auch die Aktien der US-Solarunternehmen First Solar (+3,8 Prozent, 107,99 Euro) und Evergreen Solar (+3,4 Prozent, 1,54 Euro) verteuern sich.
Vielen Dank,
SunPower bedient Endkunden, wie auch Unternehmen.
Hier ein Bild des Solarparks Bavaria ...
Also wenn ich mir die Einstrahlung in Kalifornien so ansehe, sollten sie auf alles Fälle mehr aus Solar setzen :o)
Aber, da wäre ja auch noch China! Obacht ;)
16:25 22.07.09
New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von Ardour Capital stufen die Aktie von SunPower (Profil) von "buy" auf "hold" herab. Das Kursziel werde von 36 auf 25 USD gesenkt. (22.07.2009/ac/a/u)
* Market focused on outlook for demand, pricing in H2
* Financing, US stimulus helping demand
* But panel prices still falling
By Nichola Groom and Christoph Steitz
LOS ANGELES/FRANKFURT, July 22 (Reuters) - Investors are
looking for signs of a recovery in solar panel demand when
manufacturers report earnings in the coming weeks, though panel
prices are still falling fast and earnings may not see a
meaningful improvement until 2010.
U.S. solar players including SunPower Corp (SPWRA.O), First
Solar Inc (FSLR.O) and MEMC Electronic Materials (WFR.N) are
scheduled to report quarterly earnings this week and next, with
Chinese and German companies' results also in the offing.
Recently, companies including SunPower and Yingli Green
Energy Holding Co Ltd (YGE.N) have said the solar market turned
a corner in the second quarter. Last week, however, the world's
top solar cell maker, Germany's Q-Cells (QCEG.DE), injected
fresh nervousness into the market when it withdrew its 2009
outlook -- which it had previously cut three times.
Demand for solar panels has suffered this year due to a
lack of available financing for renewable energy projects and a
pullback in government subsidies in Spain and Germany. That
demand slide has lead to a global glut of solar panels that has
sent prices tumbling and hampered manufacturers' profits.
Second-quarter results from solar companies are expected to
be significantly better than the previous quarter, when many
reported hefty losses. Analysts are more interested, however,
in the manufacturers' outlooks for the remainder of the year.
"What will be most important will be management commentary
on demand and average selling prices," Simmons & Co analyst
Burt Chao said in an interview. "I would expect Q3 demand to
improve, and if they talk that down that would be very negative
for the stocks."
Many companies have said they expect improved financing
conditions and funds from the U.S. economic stimulus to boost
demand in the second half of this year, yet financing remains
tight and government programs have been slow to roll out.
In addition, prices on solar panels are still falling.
"Many solar companies set expectations for improving demand
in the second half of this year," said Gabelli & Co analyst
Hendi Susanto. "We believe higher-than-expected price declines
will likely overshadow improving volumes."
Earlier this week, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch analyst
Steven Milunovich downgraded the solar sector to "underweight,"
citing the risk that demand will not recover as much as
expected. He added that this year's rally in alternative energy
stocks may be over for the time being as second-quarter results
"should be disappointing."
Panel maker SunPower will kick off the solar earnings
season after the market closes on Thursday. For SunPower, the
market is focused on to what extent the company is feeling
pressure from lower-priced Chinese competitors, which could
result in steeper-than-expected price declines. Barclays
Capital analyst Vishal Shah said in a client note that he
expects SunPower to cut its 2009 revenue outlook.
SunPower should also offer insight into the global
financing environment and outlook for U.S. solar policies.
In the first half of August, investors will also hone in on
a raft of earnings from solar companies out of Germany -- the
world's biggest solar market -- including industry bellwethers
such as Conergy (CGYG.DE) AG, SolarWorld (SWVG.DE) and Solon SE
Top German solar company Q-Cells stunned the industry when
it forecast a second-quarter loss before interest and tax of 62
million euros ($87.99 million), as the recovery it had hoped
for failed to materialize. [ID:nLE396437]
German cell maker Ersol (ES6G.DE), owned by the world's
largest supplier to the automotive industry Bosch [ROBG.UL],
hit a similar note by substantially cutting its full-year
profit outlook.
"To me, this (recovery) has been wishful thinking," said
Sebastian Growe, analyst at Equinet. "There is a hope among
companies, but what strikes me is that this has seldom
translated into hard estimates, real numbers."
Hopes rest on all-rounders such as SolarWorld, which has so
far remained relatively unscathed by the crisis that has hit
the sector.
German manufacturers' woes may not extend to Chinese
counterparts including Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd (STP.N),
Yingli Green Energy Holding Co Ltd (YGE.N) and JA Solar
Holdings Co Ltd (JASO.O), analysts said, as price declines on
Chinese-made panels were more dramatic earlier this year, when
many took hefty inventory writedowns.
"With Q-Cells, one of the real key things they said was
(prices) have declined a lot faster than we had previously
expected," Chao said. "The Chinese manufacturers have taken the
(price) declines early on."