Selwyn - eine unentdeckte Perle
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Eröffnet am: | 25.09.07 12:55 | von: scioutnescio | Anzahl Beiträge: | 48 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 15.06.13 19:48 | von: Tyko | Leser gesamt: | 7.426 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 2 | |
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In Stichworten:
- Größtes bekanntes Vorkommen an Zink.
- Großer Teil ist im Tagebau zu gewinnen
- Produktionskosten können durch zweistufige Verarbeitung begrenzt werden (im ersten Produktionsgang wird durch Schwerkraft bereits ein Teil des Abraums von den Erzen getrennt)
- Es wurde beobachtet, dass im Abraum bereits wieder Vegetation wächst (Umweltverträglichkeit)
- Ambitionierte Exploration (über 20 Mio CAD in 2007 sind finanziell abgesichert)
- Beteiligung (30%) an ausgegründeter Savant Resources mit weiteren vielversprechenden Gebieten wie Nachbarschaft zu Sabina
- Gespräche mit mehreren großen Produzenten laufen zwecks Beteiligung/Übernahme
- Produktion geplant ab 2012 – detaillierter Projektplan im Jahresbericht
- Management scheint sehr kompetent zu sein und verfolgt den Projektplan zielstrebig
- Privatplatzierung mit eindrucksvollen Partnern im August(!) 2007 erfolgreich
- Empfehlung durch Sprott
- finanzielle Förderung durch Provinzregierung
- schlechte Infrastruktur: 150 km Straßen fehlen, Energieversorgung nur durch Dieselgeneratoren
- Zink Grades (4,5-5%) nur durchschnittlich, wird durch Bleivorkommen aber relativiert
- Noch ein langer Weg bis zur Produktion, Kosten und Investitionen sind ohne einen starken Partner aber nicht zu stemmen (Übernahmekandidat?)
Berechnung des In Situ Wertes der Indicated Resources auf der Basis aktueller Preise
Indicated | Menge | Erlöse |
Zink @ 1,33 | 9.406 Mio lbs | 12,51 Mill$ |
Blei @ 1,48 | 3.293 Mio lbs | 4,87 Mill$ |
Gesamt |
| 17,38 Mill$ |
Zwar sind die Indicated Resources für sich betrachtet schon eindrucksvoll, es gibt aber darüber hinaus auch Inferred Resources, die deswegen in der Betrachtung nicht unberücksichtigt bleiben sollten, weil es Selwyn in den letzten Monaten gelungen ist, durch seine Bohrungen bereits einen Teil der Inferred Resources in die Kategorie Indicated Resources zu überführen. Bei den Inferred Resorurces handelt es sich zum großen Teil um historische Resourcen, die von Selwyn in die Kategorie Indicated eingestuft wurden:
Inferred | Menge | Erlöse |
Zink @ 1,33 | 22.375 Mio lbs | 29,76 Mill$ |
Blei @ 1,48 | 7.025 Mio lbs | 10,4 Mill$ |
Gesamt |
| 40,16 Mill$ |
Das Explorationsgebiet erstreckt sich über 40 km und besteht aus mehreren einzelnen Vorkommen. Es steht zu vermuten, dass diese zusammenhängen und ein einziges riesiges Rohstoffvorkommen bilden. Selwyn selbst hat erklärt, dass es in den noch nicht explorierten Gebieten mit weiteren Vorkommen rechnet, die mindestens noch einmal so hoch sind wie die bereits als Indicated und Inferred benannten Resourcen sind. Sie wurden als Potential Resources bezeichnet. Das letzte Resourcenupdate nach NI 43-101 stammt von April 2007. Seitdem wurden weitere ermutigende Bohrergebnisse veröffentlicht. Im Laufe der nächsten Wochen und Monate ist mit weiteren Ergebnissen zu rechnen, die in die Prefeasibility Studie einfließen werden, die bis Mitte 2008 erstellt werden soll – anschließend Feasibility (bis 2009).
Für die Berechnung des Unternehmenswertes wird folgende Formel angewendet:
Unternehmenswert = Marktkapitalisierung – Cash – Beteiligungen + Schulden
65,7 Mio CAD = 77 Mio CAD – 10 Mio – 1,3 Mio + 0
Der letzte Kurs in Toronto lag bei 0,58 CAD. Die Privatplatzierung erfolgte zu einem Kurs von 0,65 CAD, Die Bezugsrechte können zu einem Kurs von 0,85 CAD ausgeübt werden.
Fairer Kurs/Kursziel:
Für die Berechnung des fairen Kurses wird ein Prozentsatz des In Situ Wertes angenommen, der unterhalb der für Zink und Blei langfristig erwarteten Preise liegt. Bei einem Preis von 0,72 CAD für Zink und 0,39 CAD für Blei ergeben sich für die Indicated Resources ein bereinigter Wert in Höhe von 8 Milliarden Dollar. Bei einem Explorer, in der zuvor beschriebenen Situation halte ich eine Bewertung in Höhe von 3% für angemessen (Analysten rechnen normalerweise mit 5 – 10%). Dies bedeutet, dass ein Unternehmenswert von 180 Mio CAD unter den aktuellen Umständen angemessen wäre. Bei 137 Million Aktien sind dies 1,31 CAD als aktueller Wert. Mit Erweiterung der Indicated Resources und Vorlage der Prefeasibility Studie wird ein Wert von mindestens 4% des dann zugrunde zu legenden bereinigten In Situ Wertes angemessen sein. Damit wird sich das Kursziel erheblich erhöhen.
Die Ausübung der Bezugsrechte ist für 24 Monate zulässig. Dieser Zeitraum kann von Selwyn verkürzt werden, wenn innerhalb von 12 Monaten an 20 aufeinander folgenden Handelstagen der volumengewichtete Kurs über 1,30 CAD liegt. Diese Regelung sehe ich als Bestätigung des von mir errechneten Kursziels an.
Die Berechung eines Kursziels auf der Basis des NPV ist erst möglich, wenn die Prefeasibility Studie vorliegt.
Die Gesellschaft untersucht derzeit, ob sich mit dem „Sweetening-Verfahren“ eine Senkung der Produktionskosten erreichen lässt. Bei diesem Verfahren werden höhergradige Erze aus dem Untertagebau mit niedriggradigeren aus dem Tagebau gemischt.
In Deutschland ist Selwyn Resources zwar notiert, wird jedoch bisher kaum gehandelt. Interessenten empfehle ich, sich nach Möglichkeit in Toronto einzudecken, da der Spread in Deutschland zu hoch ist.
Ich sehe Selwyn als herausragende Investitionsmöglichkeit im Explorersektor, die den von Börsenbriefen empfohlenen Anlagen deutlich überlegen ist.
Alle Angaben beruhen auf der Verwendung externer Quellen. Für Fehler und Irrtümer übernehme ich keine Gewähr. Do your own Due Diligence!
Gerade SABINA SILVER, das absolut genialste Silber-Zink-Play ist meiner Meinung nach um Lichtjahre Besser wie Selwyn.
Also wer Performance und ein absolutes Top-Invest sucht sollte Sabina wählen.
Meine Meinung.
tho710, am 12.2 hast Du zu Sabina geschrieben:
Sabina ist ein Top Explorer der kurz vor dem Übergang zu einem Produzenten steht.
Eindeutig falsch, weil Sabina frühstens in 5 Jahren produziert.
Am 24.9. schreibst Du:
Ich habe alles nochmal durchgescreent und ich bleibe bei meinem Kursziel 3,50 Euro bis Ende Dezember und im Frühjahr wenns auf die Pre-Fea zugeht 5,00 - 6,00 Euro!!
Dagegen sehen die Analysten von Research Capital, die als einzige Sabina analysieren auf Sicht von 12 Monaten einen Preis von 4,70 CAD (3,30 Euro).
Sabina hat gegenüber Selwyn zwei Vorteile:
1. Bessere Infrastruktur
2. Fünf unterschiedliche Metalle (statt zwei bei Selwyn) wobei langfristig bei Silber mit guten Preischancen zu rechnen ist.
1. Besser im Vergleich zwischen Unternehmenswert und Wert der Resourcen
2. Noch größere Chancen.auf Vergrößerung der Resourcen als bei Sabina
Beide Aktien haben das Potenzial sich auf Sicht von 12 Monaten zu verdoppeln. Bei Sabina ist das Risiko geringer und bei Selwyn die Chance größer. Ein kluger Mensch legt seine Eier nicht in einen Korb. Sabina ist für den langfristigen Investor ein absolutes "Muß" und Selwyn wegen "drohender Übernahme" (es gibt schon Gespräche) eine fette Chance kurzfristig Kohle zu machen und wenn das nicht funktioniert, dann eben langfristig zu verdienen.
Daher setze ich auf beide Aktien.
Wenn jemand Selwyn "gescreent" hat und meint, dass es Lichtjahre hinter Sabina ist, bzw ein schlechtes Invest, dann möge er das bitte mit Fakten belegen und nicht mit Ausdrücken wie "besser", "genial", "Lichtjahre" und "absolut". Ich lerne gerne dazu und bin bereit, Fehler einzugestehen.
Besitzer von Zinspapieren schlafen gut; Aktienbesitzer dagegen leben gut
Auf dem Gebiet der kanadischen Provinzen Yukon(90%) und Northwest Territories wurde über zwei Jahrzehnte die nachgewiesenermaßen größte Blei(Pb)-Zink(Zn)-Lagerstätte der Welt exploriert.
Seit 2005 bis zum Ende diesen Jahres werden von Selwyn Resources(bisheriger thread Pacifica Resources) 50M CA$ in die Exploration geflossen sein. Es handelt sich von der Entstehung her um eine sedimentäre Exhalationslagerstätte, dem Lagerstättentyp zu dem weltweit die größten Pb-Zn-Lagerstätten zu rechnen sind. In Deutschland gab es zwei große Lagerstätten dieses Typs, nämlich den Rammelsberg bei Goslar mit Blei und Zink und die sulfidische Eisenerzlagerstätte Meggen im Sauerland. Am Rammelsberg wurde 1000 Jahre Erzbergbau betrieben. Bei der Entstehung solcher Lagerstätten strömen am Boden von Tiefseeböden bedingt durch Schwächezonen in einer sich dehnenden Kruste heiße metallhaltige Lösungen in die Sedimente am Meeresboden vermengen sich mit diesen, bilden aber auch entlang oder in der Nähe der Hauptförderwege Reicherze mit Metallgehalten bis zu 50% und mehr. Aktuell entstehen solche Lagerstätten am Boden des Roten Meeres, die austretenden Lösungen erscheinen im Licht der Tiefseekameras wie schwarze Rauchwolken; daher rührt der Name für diese 200 bis 300°(400°)C heißen Quellen „black smokers“.
Zurück nach Kanada: diese sedimentäre Exhalationslagerstätte von50 bis 100m Mächtigkeit erstreckt sich über eine bisher nachgewiesene Länge von 38km und ist trogartig in die unteren(liegenden) und oberen(hangenden) Schichten eingebettet. An der westlichen und östlichen Flanke des Troges
schneidet das Lager an mehreren Stellen die Eroberfläche (die erzhaltigen Schichten beißen aus), so dass im Prinzip mehrere Tagebaue erschlossen werden könnten. Man wird mit dem beginnen wollen, wo in überschaubarem Zeitrahmen der Rückfluss des eingesetzten Kapitals
am schnellsten gewährleistet ist. Das ist u.a. die Aufgabe einer vorläufigen Machbarkeitsstufe (PFS Prefeasibility Study).
Für die Startphase sind vier Tagebaue ins Auge gefasst
Zentrum der XY-Zone
Zentrum der Anniv-Zonen
Ostteil der Anniv-Zonen
Neben der HP-Zone, de OP17-Zone und Pellynorth ist besonders Don Valley von Interesse, wo ein Reicherzlage Untertage abgebaut werden soll. In der Startphase sollen täglich 20000t Erz herein gewonnen werden, was 278.000t Zink als Zink-Konzentrat und 93.000t Blei als Blei-Konzentrat jährlich entspricht. Damit wird das Unternehmen von Beginn an zur fünftgrößten Blei-Zink-Mine der Welt.
Auf der Preisgrundlage von 2,42 US$/kg Zn und 1,1US$/kg Pb wurde mit einer Abzinsung von jährlich 8% ein Net-Present-Value(Kapitalwert) von 836M CA$ vor Steuern ermittelt. Als Investitionskosten flossen in die Berechnung 685M CA$ und als Betriebskosten 196MCA$ ein; dabei sind bei den Investitionen der Bau der Mine, die Mahlanlagen und der Bau einer Straße bis zum Robert Campbell Highway eingeschlossen.
In der Zwischenzeit hat sich der Zinkpreis von 2,42 af 3 US$/kg und der Bleipreis von 1,1 auf 3,8US$/kg entwickelt. Auch unter Berücksichtigung erhöhter Investitions- und Betriebskosten dürfte der NPV bereits die Milliardengrenze überschritten haben.
Alle Infos unter, gehandelt in Kanada TSX.V SWN und Frankfurt Kürzel: P3Z WKN: A0MUKE.
Die aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung beträgt 51,19 Mio EUR bei 137 Mio Stück.
Auf der Toronto Rohstoffkonferenz für Anleger am 21. und 22. Oktober wird sich das Unternehmen nach einer weiteren erfolgreichen Explorationskampagne in diesem Sommer präsentieren.
Selwyn Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SWN) is pleased to provide an update on recent drilling activities in the wholly-owned Don Valley area of the Selwyn Project. The current drilling is focusing on the 8.0 kilometre length of Active Member between the Don and HC Deposits and is continuing to expand the high-grade zinc-lead mineral potential both in the open pit environment and at depth in Don Valley. To date, 98 drill holes have been completed or are in progress on Selwyn Project totalling 32,721.3 metres. The location of the new drill holes can be found on drill plan maps available at
- DON-103 in Don East zone intersected 15.76 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 10.41% zinc and 3.96% lead, including 1.82 metres grading 11.97% zinc and 8.06% lead
Don East Open Pit Target
A total of 46 diamond drill holes have been completed and/or are in progress in both the open-pit and underground target areas for a total of 12,115.58 metres in the Don East deposit. Three drill rigs are now working on the deep underground target identified earlier this summer (see September 4, 2007 news release) to further enhance the mineral potential of this exciting new underground target area. Open pit definition drilling has been temporarily halted pending the receipt of further assay results from the analytical laboratories that are necessary to facilitate a proper evaluation of priority for drilling in and around the Don East deposit.
The identification of thicker, higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the open-pit target at the Don East deposit, such as in DON-103, now provides for an excellent opportunity to increase the grade of the mineral potential in the near surface environment. This means that potential increase in grade in the open-pit target could prove important to the design of any conceptual open-pit infrastructure that may be part of any future updates to the mineral resource estimation of the Selwyn Project.
-------------------------------------------------- TrueDrill From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+Zn ThicknessHole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)--------------------------------------------------DON-103 133.00 151.20 18.20 3.96 10.41 14.37 15.76-------------------------------------------------- Including 133.00 138.70 5.70 6.54 20.85 27.39 4.94-------------------------------------------------- Including 137.20 138.70 1.50 8.91 34.07 42.98 1.30-------------------------------------------------- Including 146.30 151.20 4.90 5.24 8.79 14.03 4.24-------------------------------------------------- Including 147.60 149.70 2.10 8.06 11.97 20.03 1.82--------------------------------------------------
The high-grade zinc-lead mineralized Active Member from the open-pit target in DON-103 is 600 metres southwest of DON-106 (see September 4, 2007 news release); which was the high-grade discovery drill hole for the new underground target currently being delineated by three drill rigs. DON-106 intersected 22.50 metres true thickness grading 8.09% zinc and 1.79% lead including 12.30 metres grading 11.13% zinc and 2.23% lead. DON-103 is an important intersection because it demonstrates continuity of the higher-grade mineralization between the open-pit and underground target areas. It is also an important intercept because it parallels similar relationships known to occur at the XY Central deposit, 17 kilometres to the southeast, where there are known high-grade intercepts in both the open-pit and underground deposits. These new intercepts of higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization further support the conceptual, detailed geological model of a laterally extensive higher-grade core zone to the Active Member at Selwyn Project.
DON-103 is also not the first drill hole in the open pit target at the Don East deposit to intersect higher-grade zinc-lead sulphide mineralized Active Member. DON-053 (see May 28, 2007 news release) was the first drill hole to intersect a high-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the Don East open-pit target and was collared 640 metres northwest of the discovery drill hole, DON-036 (see November 30, 2006 news release); however, it is important to note that DON-053 was fault-bounded on both the hangingwall and footwall contract of the intercept. DON-053 is located 620 metres southeast of the new intercept in DON-103. DON-055 is the up-dip follow-up to the high-grade intercept in DON-053 and intersected 33.90 metres true thickness of well mineralized Active Member. Intercepts for DON-036, DON-053, and DON-055 include the following:
- DON-36 intersected 18.62 metres true thickness grading 5.26% zinc and 1.45% lead including 2.95 metres grading 13.18% zinc and 4.91% lead (see November 30, 2006 news release)
- DON-053 intersected 5.40 metres true thickness grading 6.55% zinc and 1.51% lead including 2.20 metres grading 14.53% zinc and 3.61% lead (see May 28, 2007 news release)
- DON-055 intersected 33.90 metres true thickness grading 5.11% zinc and 1.37% lead including 6.25 metres grading 11.39% zinc and 3.10% lead (see May 28, 2007 news release)
DON-075 and DON-088 are infill drill holes that were successful in confirming the continuity of zinc-lead mineralized Active Member through the near surface expression of the Don East deposit. The Don East deposit remains open for expansion along strike and to depth.
-------------------------------------------------- TrueDrill From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+Zn ThicknessHole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)--------------------------------------------------DON-075 226.00 236.40 10.40 2.67 6.87 9.54 9.43-------------------------------------------------- Including 232.10 235.50 3.40 4.78 11.40 16.18 3.08--------------------------------------------------DON-088 65.80 84.40 18.60 1.29 5.31 6.60 14.25-------------------------------------------------- Including 66.70 70.70 4.00 1.93 6.25 8.18 3.06-------------------------------------------------- Including 76.20 84.40 8.20 1.67 7.16 7.83 6.28--------------------------------------------------
Recent shallow drilling continues to expand the mineral potential of the Don East deposit well beyond the April 2007, NI 43-101 compliant, Inferred mineral resource area that contains 24,710,000 tonnes grading 5.15% zinc and 1.15% lead (see April 2, 2007 news release). The northwesterly bounds of the continuously mineralized zinc-lead Active Member in the Don East deposit has doubled from 900 to 1,800 metres and successfully tested a continuous northeasterly down dip length of 1,100 metres. The target for zinc-lead mineralization in the Don East deposit is conceptualized to contain 35 to 55 million tonnes within an area of approximately 2,000 by 1,000 metres and having an average thickness of 15 metres with base metal grades ranging from 4.8 to more than 12.0% combined lead and zinc. The target requires additional drilling to define the mineral resource and it is unknown if drilling will define a mineral resource. Further definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource classification and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
One drill continues to target the high-grade underground target of the Don deposit, as well as working on expanding the known mineral resources. Further updates on exploration results from the Don deposit drilling will be released after assay results are received from one of the analytical laboratories and verified through Selwyn's rigorous QAQC protocols. The higher-grade target area is modeled to potentially contain 10 to 12 million tonnes of higher-grade mineralization with a range of grades varying from 7.4% to more than 20% combined lead and zinc. The mineral potential of this target is outside of the known NI 43-101 compliant, Indicated mineral resource of 2,360,000 tonnes grading 5.15% zinc and 1.15% lead and Inferred mineral resource of 14,680,000 tonnes grading 4.17% zinc and 1.70% lead (see April 2, 2007 news release). This target is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient drilling to define a mineral resource and it is unknown if drilling will define a mineral resource. Additional definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource classification and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
Drilling in Don Valley is expected to continue through November. Currently, assay results for 31 drill holes are awaited. Shortly, the Company will provide an update on engineering and environmental baseline work completed in this year's $25M program.
The XY camp is now completely winterized and all field crews have moved operations to the Don camp, where the newly expanded larger airstrip will easily be able to support exploration activities at Selwyn Project as operations transition to winter conditions in the mountains.
Note that all discussion of previous NI-43-101 compliant Indicated and Inferred mineral resources are referenced in the April 2, 2007 news release that discusses the 2007 NI 43-101 compliant mineral resources and the subsequent report written by Independent Qualified Person Cliff Pearson, P.Geo., and Non-Independent Qualified Person John. J. O'Donnell, P.Geo., for the Selwyn Project. Any areas discussed as possessing mineral potential are conceptual and not defined through drilling based upon a detailed geological model. Further definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
The Selwyn Project exploration program is being reviewed by Vice President Exploration, Mr. Jason Dunning, M.Sc., P.Geo. The onsite activities for the Selwyn Project are directed by Exploration Manager, John J. O'Donnell, P.Geo. Both Mr. Dunning and Mr. O'Donnell are Qualified Persons within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. All assay data has been through internal validation of quality assurance and quality control. Selwyn has established a sampling and assay control program with blind insertion of assay blanks, standards and duplicates for the Selwyn Project; however, it should be noted that there is also a quality control and quality assurance program in place at International Plasma Laboratories ("iPL") and ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd. ("ACME") that includes blanks, duplicates and standards. At iPL, base metal analyzes are conducted by wet fire assay and at ACME, silver and base metal analyses are conducted by a 17-element, four-acid digestion, ore-grade ICP-AES technique.
Selwyn's focus is the exploration of its properties that make up the Selwyn Project in the Yukon, which hosts large tonnages of zinc-lead mineralization. The known deposits have the potential for the large scale production of zinc and lead, at a time when major new mines are needed to ensure adequate future zinc mine supply.
This press release may contain forward-looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove to be inaccurate as a result of exploration and other risk factors beyond its control and actual results may differ materially from the expected results. Additional drilling is required to confirm the potential of the new discovery areas and expansions of the current resource areas and the extension of the higher grade deep mineralization to depth. Furthermore, there is no assurance that the resources being defined can be developed as an economically attractive mine, and there are many uncertainties associated with permitting and other factors that could delay such development.
@scioutnescio; Danke für den gut recherchierten Thread. Schön!
Zunächst einmal will ich in Erinnerung rufen, dass Selwyn die riesigen bekannten historischen Vorkommen allesamt als inferred eingestuft hat, um durch neue Bohrungen diese Ergebnisse auf den Stand indicated zu heben. Die letzte Resourcenberechnung aus dem April 2007 hatte dann auch eine beeindruckende Anhebung der indicated Resources zur Folge. Seitdem wird ohne Unterlass gebohrt. Derzeit sind mehrere Bohrgeräte im Einsatz, die auch noch den ganzen November arbeiten sollen. Von den bereits ausgeführten Bohrungen stehen allein in der Don Valley Zone noch Laborergebnisse von 31 Löchern aus. -> Da ist mit einer Menge News in der nächsten Zeit zu rechnen.
Für die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Projekts ist von entscheidender Bedeutung wieviel Resourcen von welchem Metallgehalt im Tagebau (open pit) gewonnen werden können. Ich hatte in meinem Beitrag zur Eröffnung des Threads schon darauf hingewiesen, dass es einen Plan gibt, durch "Sweetening" die low-grades aus dem Tagebau mit den high-grades aus dem Untertagebau zu vermischen. Interessant finde ich in diesem Zusammenhang die Meldung, dass die Bohrungen in der Don East Open Pit Zone angehalten wurden, um nach Vorliegen der Laborergebnisse die Bohrplanungen optimieren zu können. Hintergrund sind wohl die vielverprechenden Ergebnisse aus der Bohrung DON-103, die es möglich erscheinen lassen, high-grade Vorkommen zu finden, die für den Tagebau geeignet sind.
Ich bin zwar nur Laie, aber ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Geologen von Selwyn ziemlich genau wissen, was sie tun. Wie man den Presseerklärungen von Selwyn entnehmen kann, wurden sowohl erfolgreiche infill Bohrungen gemacht, welche die Grundlage dafür sind, dass eine Klassifizierung von inferred nach indicated angehoben werden kann als auch stepout Bohrungen. Letztere sind Bohrungen, die außerhalb der bekannten Mineralisierungen gemacht werden und die zu neuen Inferred Results führen. Wie zu lesen ist, ist der nordwestliche Rand von der Active Member Zone von 900 auf 1800 m ausgedehnt worden. Auch bei den Tiefenbohrungen bis 1100 m war man erfolgreich. Wenn dies und alles das, was ich noch erhoffe, dann in die nächste Resourcenberechnung eingeht, dann kann man sich als Investor freuen.
Date10/31/2007 §
Time§04:58:18 AM
Title§Selwyn Resources Announces High-Grade in HC West Deposit Open Pit Target
CDNX Symbol: SWN
Press Release
FOR: Selwyn Resources Ltd.
October 31, 2007
Selwyn Resources Announces High-Grade in HC West Deposit Open Pit Target
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 31, 2007) - Selwyn Resources
Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SWN) is pleased to provide an update on recent drilling
activities in the wholly-owned Don Valley area of the Selwyn Project. The
current drilling is focusing on the 8.0 kilometre length of Active Member
between the Don and HC deposits and is continuing to expand the high-grade
zinc-lead mineral potential both in the open pit environment and at depth in
Don Valley. To date, 99 drill holes have been completed or are in progress on
Selwyn Project totalling 33,221.2 metres. The location of the new drill holes
can be found on drill plan maps available at
- DON-111 intersected 16.50 metres true thickness in the open-pit target
grading 6.93% zinc and 2.08% lead including 3.40 metres grading 13.59% zinc and
4.30% lead
- DON-104 intersects two structurally duplicated Active Member intercepts
including 13.30 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 5.47% zinc
and 1.25% lead and 3.20 metres grading 8.28% zinc and 2.87% lead
HC West Open Pit Target
A total of 15 diamond drill holes have been completed in HC West deposit
open-pit target area for a total of 3,498.6 metres. Drilling on this open-pit
target has been temporarily halted pending the receipt of further assay results
from the analytical laboratories that are necessary to facilitate a proper
evaluation of priority for drilling in and around the HC West deposit.
High-grade zinc-lead mineralized Active Member has now been successfully
intersected over 5.1 kilometres from the Don deposit to the HC West deposit.
The identification of thicker, higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the
open-pit target at the HC West deposit, such as in DON-104 and DON-111,
continues to provide an excellent opportunity to increase the grade of the
mineral potential in the near surface environment. This was also recently
exemplified in the October 29, 2007 news release about the Don East deposit
where DON-103 intersected similar higher grade zinc-lead mineralization in the
open-pit target grading 10.41% zinc and 3.96% lead over 15.76 metres (see
October 29, 2007 news release).
From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+Zn Thickness
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)
DON-111 116.30 133.40 17.10 2.08 6.93 9.01 16.50
Including 123.20 133.40 10.20 2.72 9.15 11.87 9.90
Including 128.30 131.80 3.50 4.30 13.59 17.90 3.40
DON-104 57.60 70.90 13.30 1.25 5.47 6.73 13.30
Including 63.80 67.90 4.10 1.79 7.81 9.60 4.10
111.30 120.40 9.10 2.07 6.44 8.51 8.70
Including 117.10 120.40 3.30 2.87 8.28 11.15 3.20
The high-grade zinc-lead mineralized Active Member from the open-pit target in
DON-104 and DON-111 is approximately 3.0 kilometres from the two high-grade
targets in the Don East deposit, exemplified in DON-103 (see October 29, 2007
news release) and DON-106 (see September 4, 2007 news release) that are
currently being delineated by three drill rigs. DON-106 intersected 22.50
metres true thickness grading 8.09% zinc and 1.79% lead, including 12.30 metres
grading 11.13% zinc and 2.23% lead. DON-111 is an important intersection
because it continues to demonstrate that there is potential for continuity of
the higher-grade mineralization across larger aerial extents in both the
open-pit and underground targets of the Don Valley rather than it being
localized in individual zinc-lead deposits.
Another exciting aspect of the higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the
open-pit target of the HC West deposit is the apparent duplication of well
mineralized Active Member in DON-104. Structural duplication in an open-pit
target has the added benefit of significantly increasing the mineral potential
of well mineralized, zinc-lead Active Member in the near-surface environment.
DON-111 is located 105 metres south of DON-018, the first high grade drill hole
identified in the open pit target at the HC West (see October 25, 2006 news
release) and 150 metres northwest of DON-104. DON-037 is located 300 metres
west of the new intercept in DON-111 (see December 11, 2006 news release).
Intercepts for DON-018, DON-022, and DON-037 include the following:
- DON-018 intersected 10.60 metres true thickness grading 5.19% zinc and 1.21%
lead including 1.70 metres grading 15.64% zinc and 3.86% lead (see October 23,
2006 news release)
- DON-022 intersected 8.10 metres true thickness grading 6.02% zinc and 1.73%
lead including 2.67 metres grading 12.33% zinc and 3.07% lead within. (see
October 23, 2006 news release)
- DON-037 intersected 20.40 metres true thickness grading 4.84% zinc and 1.37%
lead including 5.30 metres grading 9.97% zinc and 3.25% lead (see December 11,
DON-083 and DON-087 are infill drill holes that were successful in confirming
the continuity of zinc-lead mineralized Active Member through the near surface
expression of the HC West deposit. The HC West deposit remains open for
expansion along strike and to depth.
From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+ZnThickness
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)
DON-083 169.80 176.70 6.90 0.89 3.82 4.71 6.90
Including 169.80 174.70 4.90 0.89 4.17 5.05 4.90
DON-087 165.70 180.80 15.10 0.89 3.46 4.35 15.00
Including 165.70 173.90 8.20 1.08 4.38 5.46 8.17
Recent drilling in the HC West deposit has increased the southeasterly bounds
of the continuously mineralized zinc-lead Active Member by 300 metres from
1,000 to 1,300 metres. The mineralization of the HC West deposit remains open
for expansion of the mineral potential to the southeast as a 1,080 metre gap
remains between it and the HC deposit to the southeast. The target for
zinc-lead mineralization in the HC West deposit is conceptualized to contain 30
to 35 million tonnes within an area of approximately 1,300 by 700 metres and
having an average thickness of 12 metres with base metal grades ranging from
3.7 to more than 16.0% combined lead and zinc. The target requires additional
drilling to define the mineral resource and it is unknown if drilling will
define a mineral resource. Further definition drilling is required prior to
discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource
classification and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the
target being delineated as a mineral resource.
The ongoing identification of higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the
open-pit targets of the Don Valley could prove important to the design of any
conceptual open-pit infrastructure that may be part of any future updates to
the mineral resource estimation of the Selwyn Project. The April 2007 NI 43-101
compliant mineral resource estimation done by Independent Qualified Person
Cliff Pearson, P.Geo., and Non-Independent Qualified Person John J. O'Donnell,
P.Geo.; indicated that the various deposits in Don Valley contain an estimated
aggregate Indicated mineral resource of 15,430,000 tonnes grading 4.29% zinc
and 1.09% lead and an aggregate Inferred mineral resource of 98,450,000 tonnes
grading 4.62% zinc and 1.22% lead (see April 2, 2007 news release). With
completion of the current drilling program towards the end of November, the
mineral resource inventory for these five deposits will be updated and new
development plans formed.
One drill continues to target the high-grade underground target of the Don
deposit, as well as working on expanding the known mineral resources. Drilling
in Don Valley is expected to continue through November. Currently, assay
results for 33 drill holes are awaited. Shortly, the Company will provide an
update on engineering and environmental baseline work completed in this year's
$25M program.
Note that all discussion of previous NI-43-101 compliant Indicated and Inferred
mineral resources are referenced in the April 2, 2007 news release that
discusses the 2007 NI 43-101 compliant mineral resources and the subsequent
report written by Independent Qualified Person Cliff Pearson, P.Geo., and
Non-Independent Qualified Person John. J. O'Donnell, P.Geo., for the Selwyn
Project. Any areas discussed as possessing mineral potential are conceptual and
not defined through drilling based upon a detailed geological model. Further
definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an
accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource and it is uncertain if additional drilling
will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
The Selwyn Project exploration program is being reviewed by Vice President
Exploration, Mr. Jason Dunning, M.Sc., P.Geo. The onsite activities for the
Selwyn Project are directed by Exploration Manager, John J. O'Donnell, P.Geo.
Both Mr. Dunning and Mr. O'Donnell are Qualified Persons within the meaning of
National Instrument 43-101. All assay data has been through internal validation
of quality assurance and quality control. Selwyn has established a sampling and
assay control program with blind insertion of assay blanks, standards and
duplicates for the Selwyn Project; however, it should be noted that there is
also a quality control and quality assurance program in place at International
Plasma Laboratories ("iPL") and ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd. ("ACME") that
includes blanks, duplicates and standards. At iPL, base metal analyzes are
conducted by wet fire assay and at ACME, silver and base metal analyses are
conducted by a 17-element, four-acid digestion, ore-grade ICP-AES technique.
Selwyn's focus is the exploration of its properties that make up the Selwyn
Project in the Yukon, which hosts large tonnages of zinc-lead mineralization.
The known deposits have the potential for the large scale production of zinc
and lead, at a time when major new mines are needed to ensure adequate future
zinc mine supply.
This press release may contain forward-looking statements based on assumptions
and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove
to be inaccurate as a result of exploration and other risk factors beyond its
control and actual results may differ materially from the expected results.
Additional drilling is required to confirm the potential of the new discovery
areas and expansions of the current resource areas and the extension of the
higher grade deep mineralization to depth. Furthermore, there is no assurance
that the resources being defined can be developed as an economically attractive
mine, and there are many uncertainties associated with permitting and other
factors that could delay such development.
- 30 -
Selwyn Resources Ltd.
Dr. Harlan Meade, President and CEO
(604) 682-5474 or Toll Free: 1-877-682-5474
International Toll Free: 1-800-8682-5474
Selwyn Resources Ltd.
Jasmin TamDoo, Manager of Investor Communications
(604) 682-5474 or Toll Free: 1-877-682-5474
International Toll Free: 1-800-8682-5474
Fax: (604) 682-5404
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility
for the adequacy of this news release.
INDUSTRY: Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
Diese Frage wird von Diskussionsteilnehmern im Stockhouseboard sehr kontrovers diskutiert und mit Vorwürfen gegenüber dem CEO Dr. Harlan Meade gewürzt. Kein Wunder: Ist der Kursverlauf doch für alle diejenigen, die schon vor längerer Zeit eingestiegen sind, höchst unbefriedigend. Grund genug also, sich darüber einmal Gedanken zu machen.
Im wesentlichen sind es zwei Vorwürfe, die sich mit der Person von Meade verbinden.
1. Er kümmere sich zu viel um Yukon Zink, wo er auch CEO sei.
2. Dr, Meade sei zwar ein hervorragender Geologe, aber eben kein Unternehmensstratege.
Ich sehe diese Vorwürfe recht gelassen. Zum einen, weil mir jede Kursschwäche die Möglichkeit bietet, mein Selwyn-Depot weiter aufzustocken und ich gene meine Position bis 100k Aktien ausbauen möchte. Möglichst preiswert. Zum anderen sehe ich Selwyn als längerfristiges Investment, dessen Wert kontinuierlich wachsen wird.
Dass Meade sich zu einem großen Teil seiner Arbeitszeit um Yukon Zink kümmert ist verständlich. Die sind näher an der Produktion und brauchen auch mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Würde er das nicht tun, so wäre das ein Grund an ihm zu zweifeln. Auch der zweite Kritikpunkt lässt mich kalt. Was Selwyn im Moment benötigt, das ist ein hervorragender Geologe zur Resourcenausweitung. Und ich denke, da hat er hervorragende Arbeit gemacht.
Natürlich würde ein höherer Kurs bei weiteren Refinanzierungen der Gesellschaft mehr helfen. Aber die letzte Finanzierung bei der die Flow-Through Shares kurzfritig an institutionelle Investoren mit einem Kursaufschlag von 30%, dem höchsten, der bei Flow Through Shares für Investoren noch Sinn macht, zeigt mE dass Meade das Interesse seiner übrigen Investoren sehr wohl im Auge hat.
Momentan ist Selwyn noch nicht im Focus großer Gruppen von Privatanlegern, die nach Empfehlungen von Börsenbriefen blind kaufen und die Kursentwicklung unberechenbar machen. Auf kurze Sicht ist bei dem Kurs von Selwyn mE nicht mit großen BEwegungen zu rechnen. Erst wenn der neue NI43-101 kommt und anschließend die Prefeasibiity Studie, dann wird ein nachhaltiger Anstieg nicht zu verhindern sein. Selwyn ist einer der wenigen Exploratoren, der auf seiner Webseite in so einem frühen Stadium einen Zeitplan veröffentlicht hat. Zeigt der doch, dass man sich über die langfristige Entwicklung der Liegenschaft Gedanken gemacht hat und, dass das Management bereit ist, sich an seinem eigenen Projektplan messen zu lassen. Mit jedem erreichten Teilziel wächst der Wert der Gesellschaft und der Kurs der Aktien parallel dazu.
In einem Interview, das vor einiger Zeit veröffentlicht wurde, begründete Meade die etwas enttäuschende Kursentwicklung mit dem niedrigen Zinkpreis in den letzten Monaten. Das ist sicher nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Allerdings sollte man bedenken, dass Selwyn auch eine ganze Menge von dem derzeit hoch gehandelten Blei besitzt. Im übrigen denke ich, dass der aktuelle Zinkpreis für die aktuelle Kursentwicklung nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung sein sollte. Interessant sind vielmehr welche Chancen für Selwyn bestehen unmittlebar bevor sie in Produktion gehen wird. Und hier zeichnen sich einige positive Aspekte ab, auf die ich in einem späteren Beitrag eingehen werde.
Ein Gedanke noch zum Aktienkurs: Spread und Aufschlag in Deutschland zeigen auf, dass es günstiger ist - zumindest bei größeren Mengen - sich in Kanada einzudecken. Mein aktueller Auftrag in Kanada läuft über 0,46 $. Wären am 31.10. keine Bohrergebnisse veröffentlicht worden, dann hätte ich sicher Erfolg gehabt. Aber ich kann warten. Der Abschlag gegenüber Kursen in Deutschland ist so hoch, dass sich das lohnt.
08:58 EST Tuesday, November 06, 2007
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 5, 2007) - Selwyn Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SWN) is pleased to provide an update on recent drilling activities in the wholly-owned Don Valley area of the Selwyn Project. The current drilling is focusing on the 8.0 kilometre length of Active Member between the Don and HC deposits and is continuing to expand the high-grade zinc-lead mineral potential both in the open pit environment and at depth in Don Valley. To date, 100 drill holes have been completed or are in progress on Selwyn Project totalling 33,927.1 metres. The location of the new drill holes can be found on drill plan maps available at
- DON-120 intersecting 15.81 metres true thickness of the Active Member grading 4.53% zinc and 1.62% lead including 4.89 metres grading 7.14% zinc and 2.71% lead
- DON-124 intersecting 19.74 metres true thickness of the Active Member grading 4.11% zinc and 1.45% lead including 1.31 metres grading 8.22% zinc and 4.70% lead
Don Deposit
One drill rig continues to expand the mineral potential of the Don deposit along the southeastern margin where no drilling had previously tested the favourable stratigraphy from hangingwall to footwall. DON-120 and DON-124 confirm the possible expansion of mineral potential to the southeast of the deposit with both drill holes intersecting well mineralized, zinc-lead bearing Active Member that correlates well with previous drilling in the Don deposit.
From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+Zn True Thickness
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)
DON-113 638.10 644.00 5.90 2.81 8.34 11.15 2.31
DON-119 260.60 277.50 16.90 1.34 4.52 5.86 13.32
Including 267.20 277.50 10.30 1.78 5.58 7.36 8.12
Including 271.50 275.50 4.00 2.40 7.54 9.94 3.15
DON-120 276.10 300.70 24.60 1.62 4.53 6.15 15.81
Including 288.00 300.70 12.70 2.33 5.83 8.16 8.16
Including 288.00 295.60 7.60 2.71 7.14 9.85 4.89
DON-124 291.60 344.30 52.70 1.45 4.11 5.56 19.74
Including 291.60 295.10 3.50 1.37 6.12 7.49 1.31
Including 317.40 342.20 24.80 2.10 6.04 8.14 9.29
Including 338.70 342.20 3.50 4.70 8.22 12.92 1.31
DON-126 68.60 85.50 16.90 1.31 4.60 5.92 10.86
Including 79.20 85.50 6.30 1.97 6.27 8.24 4.05
Including 76.50 80.70 4.20 2.27 7.34 9.60 2.70
DON-128 428.80 459.30 30.50(i) Assays Pending for Active Member
(i) denotes apparent thickness with true thickness reported upon receipt
and processing of assay results
DON-120 is 490 metres southeast of DON-119 and is a 405 metres step-out to the southeast of DON-042; which intersected a true thickness of 16.33 metres of well mineralized, zinc-lead Active Member grading 6.92% zinc and 2.62% lead including 3.88 metres grading 12.98% zinc and 6.95% lead (see December 11, 2006 news release). DON-124 is a 220 metre step-out to the southeast from DON-056; which intersected 13.40 metres true thickness grading 4.74% zinc and 1.43% lead including 4.80 metres grading 7.70% zinc and 2.56% lead (see June 14, 2007 news release).
DON-128 is a successful follow-up 200 metres down-dip of DON-124 and further enhances the continuity of zinc-lead mineralized Active Member along the southeastern margin of the Don deposit. Assays for this recently completed drill hole will be released pending receipt of results from the assay laboratory and results being verified through Selwyn's rigorous QAQC protocols. Note that drilling has already commenced on DON-132 that is targeting 200 metres down-dip of DON-128 to further test the mineral potential of the high-grade, underground target.
DON-113, although a narrow intercept of high-grade, zinc-lead Active Member, is currently the deepest intersection in the deposit area at a vertical depth from surface of 650 metres and correlates with DON-051 and DON-097; which are located 170 metres to the southeast and 220 metres to the northwest respectively. It is also on the same drill section as DON-109 that is located 370 metres updip and also intersected high-grade, zinc-lead mineralized Active Member.
Additional drilling is planned in this deep underground target area following review and updating of the detailed, 3D geological model. These new deep intercepts build strong confidence that the Don deposit remains open at depth for further expansion of the mineral potential. Note the assays for DON-051, DON-097, and DON-109 are as follows:
- DON-051 intersected a true thickness of 16.50 metres grading 5.95% zinc and 1.90% lead including 1.10 metres grading 11.23% zinc and 7.28% lead (see May 28, 2007 news release)
- DON-097 intersected a true thickness of 17.0 metres grading 5.55% zinc and 1.66% lead including 2.70 metres grading 7.54% zinc and 2.22% lead (see September 4, 2007 news release)
- DON-109 intersecting 14.10 metres true thickness grading 8.46% zinc and 3.57% lead including 4.50 metres grading 16.31% zinc and 8.15% lead in the Don deposit (see September 4, 2007 news release)
To date, 19 drill holes have been completed and/or are in progress on the Don deposit totalling 8,487.9 metres. One drill rig is working on expanding the known mineral resource within a target area of 700 by 700 metres by 20 metres that is predominantly below open-pit target limits. It is below the open-pit limits in the Don deposit where the zinc-lead mineralized Active Member is known to contain higher-grades such as exemplified in DON-074 that intersected 31.63 metres true thickness of the Active Member at a depth of 241.7 metres with a grade of 10.20% zinc and 3.91% lead including 4.30 metres grading 35.97% zinc and 16.01% lead (see July 21, 2007 news release).
The higher-grade target area is modeled to potentially contain 10 to 12 million tonnes of higher-grade material with a range of grades varying from 7.0% to more than 40.0% combined lead and zinc. The mineral potential of this target is outside of the known NI 43-101 compliant, Indicated mineral resource of 2,360,000 tonnes grading 5.15% zinc and 1.15% lead and Inferred mineral resource of 14,680,000 grading 4.17% zinc and 1.70% lead (see April 2, 2007 news release). This target is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient drilling to define a mineral resource and it is unknown if drilling will define a mineral resource. Further definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource classification and that it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
Three drill rigs continue to target the high-grade underground target of the Don East deposit, as well as working on expanding the known mineral resources. Drilling in Don Valley is expected to continue through November. Currently, assay results for 21 drill holes are awaited.
The April 2007 NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimation done by Independent Qualified Person Cliff Pearson, P.Geo., and Non-Independent Qualified Person John J. O'Donnell, P.Geo.; indicated that the various deposits in Don Valley contain an estimated aggregate Indicated mineral resource of 15,430,000 tonnes grading 4.29% zinc and 1.09% lead and an aggregate Inferred mineral resource of 98,450,000 tonnes grading 4.62% zinc and 1.22% lead (see April 2, 2007 news release). With completion of the current drilling program towards the end of November, the mineral resource inventory for these five deposits will be updated and new development plans formed.
08:58 EST Thursday, November 08, 2007
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 8, 2007) - Selwyn Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SWN) is pleased to provide an update on recent drilling activities in the wholly-owned Don Valley area of the Selwyn Project. The current drilling is focusing on the 8.0 kilometre length of Active Member between the Don and HC deposits and is continuing to expand the high-grade zinc-lead mineral potential both in the open pit environment and at depth in Don Valley. To date, 101 drill holes have been completed or are in progress on Selwyn Project totalling 33,860.7 metres. The location of the new drill holes can be found on drill plan maps available at
- DON-099 intersected 15.10 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 5.85% zinc and 2.06% lead including 2.20 metres grading 13.38% zinc and 4.40% lead
- DON-112 intersected 8.57 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 8.12% zinc and 2.28% lead including 3.05 metres grading 16.84% zinc and 5.12% lead
- DON-118 intersected 9.89 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 6.05% zinc and 1.69% lead and 4.40 metres grading 7.27% zinc and 2.29% lead
HC West Open Pit Target
A total of 15 diamond drill holes have been completed in HC West deposit open-pit target area for a total of 3,498.6 metres. Drilling on this open-pit target has been temporarily halted pending the receipt of further assay results from the analytical laboratories that are necessary to facilitate a proper evaluation of priority for drilling in and around the HC West deposit.
High-grade zinc-lead mineralized Active Member has now been successfully intersected over 5.1 kilometres from the Don deposit to the HC West deposit. With continuing high-grade, zinc-lead mineralized Active Member in the near surface environment being delineated in the HC West deposit, there is excellent potential to increase the grade of the mineral potential. This was also recently exemplified in the October 29, 2007 and November 7, 2007 news releases about the Don East deposit.
Thick- Thick-
From To ness Pb Zn Pb+Zn ness
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)
DON-099 150.10 165.20 15.10 2.06 5.85 7.91 15.10
Including 150.10 152.30 2.20 4.40 13.38 17.78 2.20
DON-100 118.60 124.40 5.80 1.97 5.12 7.07 5.74
DON-105 55.10 63.20 8.10 1.63 5.42 7.06 7.79
DON-112 64.00 72.70 8.70 2.28 8.12 10.40 8.57
Including 68.60 71.70 3.10 5.12 16.84 21.96 3.05
DON-118 308.00 317.90 9.90 1.69 6.05 7.74 9.89
Including 315.00 317.90 2.90 2.30 7.31 9.62 2.90
Including 312.40 316.80 4.40 2.29 7.27 9.55 4.40
DON-112 is located 150 metres east of DON-111 (see October 23, 2006 news release) that was the first high grade drill hole identified in the open pit target at the HC West. DON-111 (see October 31, 2007 news release) is an important intersection because it continues to demonstrate that there is potential for continuity of the higher-grade mineralization across large aerial extent in both the open-pit and underground targets of the Don Valley rather than it being localized in individual zinc-lead deposits.
The higher-grade zinc-lead mineralized Active Member from the HC west open-pit target in DON-112 and DON-118 is approximately 3.1 kilometres from the two high-grade targets in the Don East deposit, exemplified by DON-103 (see October 29, 2007 news release). DON-103 intersected 15.76 metres true thickness grading 10.41% zinc and 3.96% lead including 1.30 metres grading 34.07% zinc and 8.91% lead.
Another exciting aspect of the higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the HC West deposit is that the intersection in DON-118 is starting to develop into a possible underground scenario that could be below any conceptual open-pit infrastructure. Additional drilling is required in this area of the HC West deposit to further test the mineral potential of any possible underground target; noting that this area will be a high-priority for follow-up in 2008.
DON-112 is also 170 metres northeast of DON-104 and 150 metres southeast from DON-018. DON-112 is located 440 metres east of DON-037. Intercepts for DON-018, DON-022, DON-037, DON-104, and DON-111 include the following:
- DON-018 intersected 10.60 metres true thickness grading 5.19% zinc and 1.21% lead including 1.70 metres grading 15.64% zinc and 3.86% lead (see October 23, 2006 news release)
- DON-022 intersected 8.10 metres true thickness grading 6.02% zinc and 1.73% lead including 2.67 metres grading 12.33% zinc and 3.07% lead within (see October 23, 2006 news release)
- DON-037 intersected 20.40 metres true thickness grading 4.84% zinc and 1.37% lead including 5.30 metres grading 9.97% zinc and 3.25% lead (see December 11, 2006)
- DON-104 intersected two structurally duplicated Active Member intercepts including 13.30 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 5.47% zinc and 1.25% lead and 3.20 metres grading 8.28% zinc and 2.87% lead (see October 31, 2007 news release)
- DON-111 intersected 16.50 metres true thickness in the open-pit target grading 6.93% zinc and 2.08% lead including 3.40 metres grading 13.59% zinc and 4.30% lead (see October 31, 2007 news release)
DON-099, DON-100 and DON-105 are infill drill holes that were successful in confirming the continuity of zinc-lead mineralized Active Member through the near surface expression of the HC West deposit. The HC West deposit remains open for expansion along strike and to depth.
Recent drilling in the HC West deposit has increased the southeasterly bounds of the continuously mineralized zinc-lead Active Member by 300 metres from 1,000 to 1,300 metres. The mineralization of the HC West deposit remains open for expansion of the mineral potential to the southeast as a 1,080 metre gap remains between it and the HC deposit to the southeast. The target for zinc-lead mineralization in the HC West deposit is conceptualized to contain 30 to 35 million tonnes within an area of approximately 1,300 by 700 metres and having an average thickness of 12 metres with base metal grades ranging from 3.7 to more than 16.0% combined lead and zinc. The target requires additional drilling to define the mineral resource and it is unknown if drilling will define a mineral resource. Further definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource classification and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
One drill continues to target the high-grade underground target of the Don deposit and three drills continue to target the high-grade underground target of the Don East deposit. Drilling in Don Valley is expected to continue through November. Currently, assay results for 13 drill holes are awaited. Shortly, the Company will provide an update on engineering and environmental baseline work completed in this year's $25M program.
The Selwyn Project exploration program is being reviewed by Vice President Exploration, Mr. Jason Dunning, M.Sc., P.Geo. The onsite activities for the Selwyn Project are directed by Exploration Manager, John J. O'Donnell, P.Geo. Both Mr. Dunning and Mr. O'Donnell are Qualified Persons within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. All assay data has been through internal validation of quality assurance and quality control. Selwyn has established a sampling and assay control program with blind insertion of assay blanks, standards and duplicates for the Selwyn Project; however, it should be noted that there is also a quality control and quality assurance program in place at International Plasma Laboratories ("iPL") and ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd. ("ACME") that includes blanks, duplicates and standards. At iPL, base metal analyses are conducted by wet fire assay and at ACME, silver and base metal analyses are conducted by a 17-element, four-acid digestion, ore-grade ICP-AES technique.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 14, 2007) - Selwyn Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SWN) is pleased to provide an update on recent drilling activities in the wholly-owned Don Valley area of the Selwyn Project. The current drilling is focusing on the 8.0 kilometre length of Active Member between the Don and HC Deposits and is continuing to expand the high-grade zinc-lead mineral potential both in the open-pit environment and at depth in Don Valley. To date, 101 drill holes have been completed or are in progress on Selwyn Project totalling 34,385.2 metres. The location of the new drill holes can be found on drill plan maps available at
- DON-079 in the open-pit target intersected 14.84 metres true thickness grading 5.38% zinc and 1.87% lead, including 5.39 metres grading 10.49% zinc and 3.22% lead
- DON-114 in the underground target intersected 44.97 metres true thickness grading 4.55% zinc and 1.26% lead, including 3.94 metres grading 9.38% zinc and 2.45% lead
- DON-121 in the underground target intersected 19.42 metres true thickness grading 4.91% zinc and 1.33% lead, including 10.14 metres grading 6.21% zinc and 1.82% lead
Don East Underground Target
A total of 9 diamond drill holes have been completed and/or are in progress in the underground target area for a total of 7,654.1 metres. Three drill rigs are now working on the underground target identified earlier this summer in drill hole DON-106 (see September 4, 2007 news release) to enhance the mineral potential of this exciting new underground target area.
From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+Zn Thickness
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)
DON-114 611.70 688.20 76.50 1.26 4.55 5.81 44.97
Including 611.70 622.70 11.00 0.93 4.54 5.48 6.47
Including 639.60 647.70 8.10 2.01 8.84 10.84 4.76
Including 668.20 684.30 16.10 2.36 7.23 9.59 9.46
DON-121 435.60 455.70 20.10 1.33 4.91 6.24 19.42
Including 435.60 437.10 1.50 1.66 9.87 11.53 1.45
Including 445.20 455.70 10.50 1.82 6.21 8.04 10.14
DON-127 619.40 647.70 28.30(i) Active Member Assays Pending
DON-129 534.30 547.10 12.80(i) Active Member Assays Pending
(i) denotes apparent thickness with true thickness reported upon receipt
and processing of assay results
The high-grade zinc-lead mineralized Active Member in DON-114, is 226 metres northeast of DON-106 (see September 4, 2007 news release). DON-106 intersected a true thickness of 22.50 grading 8.09% zinc and 1.79% lead including 12.30 metres grading 11.13% zinc and 2.23% lead. DON-114 is also 295 metres northeast of DON-121; which also successfully intersected well mineralized, zinc-lead Active Member in the underground target. Both DON-114 and DON-121 demonstrate continuity of the higher-grade mineralization between the open-pit and underground target areas. It should also be noted that DON-121 is 388 metres down-dip of DON-103 (see October 29, 2007 news release) and 325 metres down-dip of DON-081 (reported below); noting that both DON-081 and DON-103 are located in the open-pit target.
The identification of thicker, higher-grade zinc-lead mineralization in the underground target at the Don East deposit, such as in DON-114 that intersected an overall true thickness of 44.97 metres of zinc-lead mineralized Active Member, now provides for an excellent opportunity to not only increase the grade of the mineral potential in the underground environment, but also the overall tonnage potential of this target.
Don East Open-Pit Target
A total of 35 diamond drill holes have been completed and/or are in progress in the open-pit target area for a total of 6,644.0 metres in the Don East deposit. It should be noted that open pit definition drilling has been temporarily halted pending the receipt of additional assay results from the analytical laboratories that are necessary to facilitate a proper evaluation of priority for drilling in and around the Don East deposit.
DON-079 and DON-081 are infill drill holes that were successful in confirming both the continuity of zinc-lead mineralized Active Member through the near surface expression of the Don East deposit and that there are consistently higher-grades being identified as infill drilling continues. Additional intercepts of higher grade, well mineralized Active Member in the open-pit continues to support the concept that there is a widespread, higher-grade core zone to the Active Member across the Selwyn Project. The Don East deposit remains open for expansion along strike and to depth.
From To Thickness Pb Zn Pb+Zn Thickness
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (%) (m)
DON-079 167.60 183.30 15.70 1.87 5.38 7.25 14.84
Including 176.30 182.00 5.70 3.22 10.49 13.71 5.39
214.30 221.30 7.00 2.41 6.35 8.76 6.62
Including 217.00 220.10 3.10 2.39 8.07 10.46 2.93
DON-081 222.20 231.10 8.90 1.28 5.16 6.44 6.29
Including 222.20 228.60 6.40 1.38 5.81 7.19 4.53
Including 222.20 224.70 2.50 2.34 10.26 12.60 1.77
Structural repetition of the mineralization in drill hole DON-079 within the open-pit target resembles a similar repetition in the upper part of the HC West deposit seen in DON-104 (see October 31, 2007 news release). Structural duplication in an open-pit target has the added benefit of significantly increasing the mineral potential of well mineralized, zinc-lead Active Member in the near-surface environment).
Recent shallow drilling continues to expand the mineral potential of the Don East deposit well beyond the April 2007, NI 43-101 compliant, Inferred mineral resource area that contains 24,710,000 tonnes grading 5.15% zinc and 1.15% lead (see April 2, 2007 news release). The north-westerly bounds of the continuously mineralized zinc-lead Active Member in the Don East deposit has doubled from 900 to 1,800 metres and successfully tested a continuous north-easterly, down dip length of 1,100 metres. The target for zinc-lead mineralization in the Don East deposit is conceptualized to contain 35 to 55 million tonnes within an area of approximately 2,000 by 1,000 metres and having an average thickness of 15 metres with base metal grades ranging from 4.8 to more than 12.0% combined lead and zinc. The target requires additional drilling to define the mineral resource and it is unknown if drilling will define a mineral resource. Further definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource classification and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
Drilling in Don Valley is expected to continue through November. Currently, assay results for 9 drill holes are awaited.
Note that all discussion of previous NI 43-101 compliant Indicated and Inferred mineral resources are referenced in the April 2, 2007 news release that discusses the 2007 NI 43-101 compliant mineral resources and the subsequent report written by Independent Qualified Person Cliff Pearson, P.Geo., and Non-Independent Qualified Person John. J. O'Donnell, P.Geo., for the Selwyn Project. Any areas discussed as possessing mineral potential are conceptual and not defined through drilling based upon a detailed geological model. Further definition drilling is required prior to discussing mineral potential as an accepted NI 43-101 mineral resource and it is uncertain if additional drilling will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.
Gibts dafür eine Erklärung?
Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen
Nach den guten Nachrichten gestern muss man sich aber wirklich wundern. Darin steht, dass die Unterlagen von Selwyn aktuell von mehr als einem Dutzend MAjors geprüft werden. Außerdem gibt es hervorragende Ergebnisse bezüglich der metallurgischen Untersuchungen. Einige der gestern veröffentlichten Ergebnisse werden sich positiv auf die Wirtschaftlichkeitsstudie auswirken.
Möglicherweise wird auch der Kurs manipuliert, um günstig an Selwyn ranzukommen. Also, alles etwas dubios...
Ich versuche, den Tieftsstand abzupassen und dann nachzulegen. Bei diesem Vorkommen kann man nichts falsch machen.
Zinifex und andere sind stark am aquirieren.
Einziges Problem bei Selwyn ist, dass sie eigentlich kein Silber haben.
Das ist ja normal das Nebenprodukt der Zinkproduktion.
Um den Zinkpreis sollte man sich keine Gedanken machen, denn wie schon erwähnt, das Große SCHLIE?EN beginnt mittelfristig.
Das macht Selwyn eben gerade so attraktiv: Gute Beziehungen zur First Nation und das Erz läßt sich umweltfreundlich verarbeiten.
Bisher gibt es lediglich auf die Infrastrukturfragen noch keine Antworten: alles andere entwickelt sich bestens.
Macht China den Markt kaputt, weil Sie Ihre eigenen Rohstoffe fördern?
Fragen über Fragen, wohin geht es im nächsten Jahr.
Salazar, Sabina, Bravo,Liberty, Heartdland usw alle sehr stark gefallen und Erholung nicht in Sicht.
Zunächst einmal muss man sehen, dass das Schicksal von Explorern besonders stark mit den Rohstoffpreisen verknüpft ist. Sinken diese, so trifft das die gesamte Branche - egal ob es produzenten sind oder Explorer. Das haben wir in den vergangenen Monaten leider erfahren dürfen. Die Rohstoffpreise werden in US$ notiert. Bei fallendem Wechselkurs werden dann alle Rohstoffunternehmen gleichermaßen betroffen. Wenn dann noch zusätzlich die Rohstoffpreise sinken, dann verstärkt sich der Effekt.
Die Rohstoffpreise werden in erster Linie durch Angebot und Nachfrage bestimmt. Das bedeutet, dass bei einer schwächelnden Konjunktur die Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen abnimmt und die Preise unter Druck geraten. Das ist das Drohszenario für 2008. Manche Rohstoffe sind davon mehr betroffen als andere. Für Molybdän und Uran bin ich relativ positiv gestimmt, andere wie Kupfer, Nickel und Zink sind in höherem Maße gefährdet. Gold und Silber stehen am Scheideweg. Prognosen gibt es reichlich - aber sie unterscheiden sich sehr.
Produzenten haben direkt damit zu kämpfen, dass ihre Erlöse - angenommen die Rohstoffpreise sinken weiter - sich vermindern werden: bei gleichbleibenden Kosten. Das wird sich im Kurs widerspiegeln.
Bei Explorern kann sich das noch schlimmer auswirken. Beispiel: Die Yukon Zinc Corporation ist bereit für die Produktion. Der Versuch, das für die Produktionsaufnahme erforderliche Kapital über die Ausgabe von Aktien zu finanzieren, ist in die Hose gegangen. Es haben sich keine Investoren gefunden, die bereit waren das zu finanzieren.
Aus diesem Beispiel kann man lernen, dass es nicht ausreicht, Reserven nachzuweisen, Machbarkeitsstudien in Auftrag zu geben und einen Plan zu haben. Es muss auch Vertrauen am Kapitalmarkt da sein. Für weit fortgeschrittene Explorer bedeutet dies, dass neben der ökonomisschen Machbarkeit auch Faktoren wie öffentliches Interesse und Vertrauen wesentlich sind.
In Kanada gibt es den Begriff "Mining the stock market". Darunter versteht man den Ansatz mit dem einige findige Geschäftsleute claims aufkaufen und Hoffnungen vermarkten. Nur in Ausnahmefällen lässt sich erklären, warum ein renommiertes Unternehmen teilerschlossene Vorkommen verkaufen, die sich durch ein Explorerunternehmen dann wirtschaftlich zur Produktion führen lassen. Warum soll einem unbekannten Explorer das gelingen, was sich ein renommiertes Unternehmen nicht zutrauen will? Bei solchen Unternehmen verdienen die Gründer an den Kapitalgebern; nicht anden Rohstoffen.
Es ist allseits bekannt, dass weniger als 10% der Explorer es nicht bis zur Produktion schaffen werden. In 2008 wird sich unter den Explorern ein scharfer Konkurrenzkampf um Investorengelder entwickeln. Geld brauchen sie nämlich (fast) alle. Diejenigen, die auf dem Kapitalmarkt kein Geld bekommen, werden die Waffen strecken müssen und die Aktionäre müssen mit Totalverlusten rechnen.
Daher muss man sich jeden Explorer, in den man sein Geld steckt, genau ansehen. Natürlich wird es auch weiterhin Hypes geben. So wie bei Noront, die gute Bohrergebnisse hatten und jetzt langsam aber sicher wieder auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückgeholt werden.
Da wir uns im Selwyn Forum befinden noch ein paar Worte dazu. Sie sind wie viele andere unbarmherzig gefallen. Die Gefahr hierbei ist, dass sie in ein paar Monaten auch frisches Geld benötigen und unsicher ist, ob der Kapitalmarkt mitspielen wird. Andererseits sind im Moment über ein Dutzend großer Firmen dabei, die Unterlagen von Selwyn zu sichten und eine Übernahme oder Kooperation sind eine realistische Chance. Auf der Habenseite von Selwyn stehen unter anderem die letzten Bohrergebnisse mit hochgradigen Vererzungen, die im Tagebau ausgebeutet werden können. Die bevorstehende Resourcenberechnung und die PFS werden das unterstreichen. Daher sind meine Erwartungen an Selwyn etwas positiver als bei vielen anderen Explorern.
Zumindest werde ich nun die Verluste aussitzen müssen, bin ja noch kein Rentner und somit ohne Zeitdruck.
2008 kann es eigentlich nicht so weiter südwärts gehen.
There is one particular zinc stock that I like at the moment. It has the largest mining project in the world up in Canada's Yukon, with grades averaging about 5% zinc or higher, and a market cap of about 1/2 of what the company spent on exploration in the last 2 years, and recent exploration results have been phenomenal. So, if you buy the stock, you get the company's recent exploration efforts for half off, the prior $100 million exploration efforts for free, and the entire project for free, too. I liked the stock at $.77/share, and it's now 75% off from that, at $.19/share. This multi-billion dollar project is priced at about $28 million.
I think this zinc stock took a huge hit to the downside for 3 reasons. First, the zinc price got knocked back from $2/lb. to $1/lb. Second, another recent multi billion dollar gold and copper mining project, (NovaGold) was recently halted due to rising mining costs. Third, the entire sector is in a terrible slump; partly because the world does not understand silver and gold and has thus neglected the mining industry, and because the world is fearing a world-wide economic slowdown just because top US financial firms are having troubles with their frauds being exposed. I suppose a fourth reason that this stock has been hurt is that vulture capitalists will sometimes sell their stock on the hopes of buying more stock more cheaply in the next round of financing. Additionally, Canada's odd tax code gives Canadians a perverse incentive to dump their own Canadian stocks after "flow-through" share financings (they get to avoid paying income taxes on their investments, and they will consider it a "gain" if they sell stock at a loss).
I see that zinc is moving up smartly this morning... Perhaps the company's stock is about to reverse direction.