Royal Bank of Scotland

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1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Citi

30.07.09 17:37
hat uns die 55 versaut..... loool  

50854 Postings, 6917 Tage minicooperdie wird heute noch in gb auf tageshoch

30.07.09 17:39
schließen und uns über die 55 ziehen.

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-mini

30.07.09 17:49
GB ist schon seit 20 Minuten zu, die werden uns nicht mehr hoch ziehen.....  

50854 Postings, 6917 Tage minicooperups, na dann halt morgen

30.07.09 18:49

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-;-))

30.07.09 19:00

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Ich sehe

30.07.09 21:04
bei RBS die Tage 2 Widerstände die es zu nehmen gilt..... das wären einmal die 57 Cent und dann die 61 Cent. Wenn das Umfeld stimmt, könnten beide Widerstände auch an einem Tag genommen werden, da diese beide nah beisammen liegen. Sollte dies der Fall sein wäre ein weitere steigen angesagt, wenn die Zahlen nicht Grottenschlecht ausfallen.....

Heute wäre man fast an den ersten Widerstand angelangt, nun mal hoffen das es morgen eventuell hin haut..... Dann wäre nächste Woche Charttechnisch und auch wegen den Zahlen eine sehr spannende und interessante RBS Woche.....  
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1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-USA

31.07.09 10:13
hat gestern zum Schluss zu viel wieder abgegeben..... Citi lief ins Minus..... das ist alles kein Fundament auf das RBS heute bauen könnte..... Dazu noch das WE das bevorsteht..... Könnte einen Rückschlag geben.....

Plus Minus Null für heute wäre schon Top.....  

50854 Postings, 6917 Tage minicooperpositiv denken steve

31.07.09 10:42
egal ob die  heute stagniert. berichte stehen nächste woche an deshalb gehts ab anfang nächster woche um so mehr ab ....

50854 Postings, 6917 Tage minicooperStanchart may buy RBS India, China retail ops

31.07.09 10:52
Friday July 31, 11:10 AM    

Stanchart may buy RBS India, China retail ops - paper
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Standard Chartered is set to buy Royal Bank of Scotland's retail and small and medium enterprises operations in India, China and Malaysia for about $250 million, the Economic Times said on Friday, citing two unnamed sources familar with the deal.

Talks are taking place in London and may conclude by early next week, the paper said.

The deal is likely to be announced in two weeks, it said citing a person close to the negotiations.

"We always look at opportunities in our footprint markets but, as you would expect, we don&#65533;t comment on any specific opportunities we may be looking at," a Standard Chartered spokesperson told the paper.

RBS has drawn up plans to sell different parts of its business after an initial plan to sell the entire group to one buyer for at least $2 billion failed.

"The sale process of the retail and commercial assets in Asia has advanced well; however, due to regulatory constraints and the confidentiality of the process, we will not comment on any individual bidders or elements of the transaction process until its completion," a RBS spokesperson told the paper.

RBS is selling its assets to shore up its balance-sheet after the bank was bailed out by the British government, which owns up to 70 percent of the banking group. RBS is seeking to exit from or shrink its operations in up to 36 countries.

Standard Chartered, which is heavily focused on Asia, has weathered the financial crisis better than most rivals.

(For more news on Reuters Money click

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-RBS

31.07.09 18:48
schliesst die Woche mit einer gesunden Konso ab. Zum Schluss nochmals schönes Volumen..... Der Lauf war wie ich es mir gestern gewünscht hatte..... Ein Plus/Minus Null..... das ist eine optimale Ausgangslage für die nächste Woche.....  

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Bankentitel

31.07.09 21:50
gehen in USA gerade auf Tageshoch..... das wird eine gute kommende Woche für RBS..... :-))  

9788 Postings, 6649 Tage Tyko....

01.08.09 10:19
nur noch runde 50%.....zu pari..

schau dann mal in einem Jahr rein....


1720 Postings, 5888 Tage decon1401KK 0,12 !

01.08.09 10:28
Was für ein Highlight .......


923 Postings, 5928 Tage Depot Oli@ minicooper

02.08.09 01:38

hi, bin wieder aus dem urlaub zurück. war nicht lange aber immerhin ganz erholsam. ( nordseekueste ). wie ich bisher nachgelesen hab war nichts dolles passiert oder hab ich was verpasst ?. royal ist ja bisl gestiegen. hoffen wir mal, das die zahlen ganz gut ausfallen. ich hab bisl bedenken ( nicht wegen der zahlen, ) sondern dass evtl. diese kommende woche der markt ein wenig konsolidiert und selbst bei guten zahlen nicht viel bei herumkommt. trotzdem glaube ich daran, dass royal evtl. dieses jahr noch die 70 eurocent packt. ( bzw. hoffe es (

was meint ihr so ?




50854 Postings, 6917 Tage minicooperRoyal Bank of Scotland assets to cost ANZ $900m

02.08.09 20:30
Royal Bank of Scotland assets to cost ANZ $900mFont Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print Richard Gluyas | August 03, 2009
Article from:  The Australian
ANZ Bank is likely to pay about $900 million for select Royal Bank of Scotland assets in Asia, despite the RBS group businesses in the region making a loss last year.

ANZ's purchase of the vendor's operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, The Philippines and Vietnam, as part of its super-regional strategy, was to coincide with RBS's half-year result on Friday, or earlier. However, negotiations in Hong Kong over the weekend hit a snag.

The unspecified problem, while not considered a "deal-breaker", could mean the timing of any announcement slips into next week.

The RBS assets on the block, including businesses in China, India and Malaysia that are likely to be bought by Standard Chartered, made a pound stg. 49m ($98m) loss in 2008.

They were weighed down by rising loan impairments, inefficiencies due to lack of scale and group cost obligations, according to a research note by JPMorgan.

But analyst Scott Manning said this underscored their attractiveness to ANZ, which could expand its footprint by bolting the businesses on to its existing assets, as well as adding "modest volumes" to regional hubs it had set up in Singapore and Hong Kong.

ANZ chief executive Mike Smith's super-regional strategy assumes Asia will contribute one-fifth of $8 billion in group profit by 2012.

About $5.5bn of the bank's $35bn in shareholder funds were already allocated to the region, according to Mr Manning, making the RBS a "meaningful but not transformational" transaction.

He broke the estimated purchase price down to $400m for the RBS assets, $350m for the deposits and $150m for wealth management earnings.

While the assets would help fill out ANZ's expansion, Mr Manning said China and India would have to remain a key focus for some time if the bank were to realise its super-regional strategy.

He said the ANZ institutional business was the driver of the strategy, accounting for 60 per cent of revenue, 67 per cent of profit and 77 per cent of assets.

However, each business stream, including institutional, retail and wealth management, had a level of customer deposits that was in excess of assets, ensuring the operations were self-funding and not a drain on the group.

"This is consistent across many Asian geographies, where loan-to-deposit ratios are typically below 100 per cent," Mr Manning said.

He said return on capital for ANZ's businesses in Asia had improved to the "low teens", due to revenue growth being greater than cost increases, with minimal growth in lending assets.

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1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Wird das helfen?

03.08.09 08:58
"Barclays schreibt trotz hoher Abschreibungen schwarze Zahlen

08:26 03.08.09

LONDON (dpa-AFX) - Die britische Großbank Barclays (Profil) hat im ersten Halbjahr trotz hoher Abschreibungen und einer erhöhten Risikovorsorge für Kreditausfälle ihren Gewinn gesteigert. Vor Steuern verdiente die Bank in den ersten sechs Monaten 2,98 Milliarden britische Pfund (3,5 Mrd Euro), wie das Institut am Montagmorgen in London mitteilte. Das waren acht Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Experten hatten allerdings mit einem stärkeren Anstieg gerechnet.

Die Summe der Abschreibungen und der Risikovorsorge für faule Kredite sei von 2,45 Milliarden Pfund auf 4,56 Milliarden Pfund gestiegen. Diese waren durch eine Ertragssteigerung von 37 Prozent auf 16,25 Milliarden Pfund abgefangen worden.

Barclays-Chef John Varley rechnet trotz des weiter schwierigen Umfelds auch für das Gesamtjahr mit schwarzen Zahlen. "Die Entwicklung im ersten Halbjahr ist dafür ein guter Start." Barclays geht davon aus, dass die Gefahr von Kreditausfällen im zweiten Halbjahr zurückgehen wird, die Abschreibungen dürften sich aber ähnlich entwickeln wie in der ersten Jahreshälfte./gr/zb "  

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Freitag

03.08.09 09:25
Banken in USA fast auf Tageshoch geschlossen..... Futures sind Grün..... Barclays meldet gute Zahlen..... RBS steht fast auf der Stelle, da muss doch diese Woche was gehen, das ist doch deckeln was da eben läuft..... :-))  

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Eben

03.08.09 10:11
gehts ja etwas hoch..... wäre ja auch nicht mit rechten Dingen zugegangen..... Der nächste Widerstand dürfte die 57 sein..... wenn der Markt so bleibt, sollte dieser morgen getestet werden.....

Mal schauen was USA heute so macht, es stehen ja weitere Zahlen an..... wird eine "heiße" Woche.....  

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-gleich die 55 ?!

03.08.09 10:37

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-Barclays

03.08.09 11:04
7 % im Plus - RBS erst 3 % - da geht noch etwas.....  

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-HSBC

03.08.09 11:07
auch sehr gute Zahlen, besser als erwartet, aber die Abschreibungen drücken das Ergebnis..... Trotz allem gut im Plus.....  

27135 Postings, 6271 Tage brunnetaANZ seen to clinch RBS deal this week

03.08.09 11:38

1067 Postings, 5769 Tage -STEVE-geht doch :-))

03.08.09 11:38

8689 Postings, 5994 Tage hollewutzbei anhaltender Rally weltweit dürften die Rahmen

03.08.09 12:51
bedingungen sehr gut sein das RBS die 0,70 Eur schafft!

Die Rally wird momentan von den Banken hochgekauft, jeder Shortversuch wird im Keim erstickt, die Banken machen da ´Riesengewinne! Wie lange das noch so weiter läuft, kann keiner sagen jedoch sollte man sich auch immer wieder bewusst sein die Börse ist keine Einbahnstraße es wird auch wieder nach Süden ehen. Ich denke nur je höher das ganze steigt, je massiver kann der Absturtz ausfallen!

Also umbedingt mit STopps arbeiten!

50854 Postings, 6917 Tage minicooperANZ likely to agree $775 mln RBS Asian deal-source

03.08.09 18:00
03.08.2009 08:48
UPDATE 2-ANZ likely to agree $775 mln RBS Asian deal-source
By Denny Thomas

SYDNEY, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd will likely clinch a deal this week to buy some Asian assets from British lender Royal Bank of Scotland Plc for about $775 million, a source briefed on the situation told Reuters on Monday.

The deal would mark ANZ's biggest overseas purchase, cement its position as a regional bank and would be a key step in Australia's fourth biggest bank's goal to generate a fifth of its revenue from Asia by 2012.

ANZ has been in talks for weeks to buy retail and commercial banking operations in six Asian markets from RBS, which is selling assets to concentrate on its home market after racking up huge losses during the credit crisis.

'I think it will happen this week at some stage. This week is more likely,' the source said. The source declined to be identified as the negotiations were confidential.

ANZ's Asian aggressive expansion is in contrast to the strategy adopted by the three top Australian banks - National Australia Bank, Westpac Banking Corp and Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which have heavily relied on domestic growth.

'It's clearly good for (ANZ's) Asian expansion strategy if they get these assets for a reasonable price,' said Mark Nathan, a fund manager with Fortis Investment Partners, which oversees about A$4 billion, including ANZ shares.

But ANZ was not in talks to buy RBS's Indian and Chinese businesses, the source said. Some analysts have questioned the wisdom of an Asian deal with RBS minus the Indian and Chinese operations, which are seen as the prized assets. ANZ raised about $2 billion in May to fund the potential acquisition.

'China and India just proved to be too difficult given that ANZ doesn't have banking licence (for those countries) at this moment,' the source added.

ANZ was pursuing assets in Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan, the source added. ANZ has spent about A$2 billion over the past decade in buying mostly minority stakes in banks from China to Vietnam.

ANZ declined to comment on the progress on the talks or give details of the assets which it was pursuing.

An RBS spokeswoman in Hong Kong said: 'We are well advanced with the sale process, however due to regulatory constraints and the confidentiality of the process we will not be commenting on any individual bidders or elements of the transaction process until its completion.'


RBS could time the annnoucement to align with the release of its first-half earnings on Aug. 7, the source added.

JP Morgan said in a report last week the Asian operations of RBS made a net loss in 2008 due to higher impairments and lack of operational efficiencies.

'RBS has a small number of branches across multiple geographies... across Asia. In our view, this is what appeals to ANZ in effectively holding the potential for a bolt-on acquisition across multiple geographies to strengthen their existing presence,' the report added.

ANZ shares ended up 2.5 percent, in line with gains in its peers after Goldman Sachs JBWere upgraded its rating on Australian banks.

RBS, 70 percent owned by the British government, has put the assets up for sale as part of a plan to retreat to its home market and exit or shrink in up to 36 other countries.

Asia-focused Standard Chartered was in talks to buy RBS's assets in China, India and Malaysia, a source told Reuters last month. RBS had initially planned to sell the entire group to one buyer for at least $2 billion.

Standard Chartered declined to comment on Monday.

ANZ is being advised Credit Suisse, while Morgan Stanley is advising RBS. ($1=A$1.20)

(Additional reporting by Alison Leung in Hong Kong and Saeed Azhar in Singapore; Editing by Anshuman Daga)

((; +61 2 9373 1812; Reuters Messaging: ANZ/

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