Rohstoffjuniors: Langfristig vor Renaissance

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4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Gold Intraday - heftige Vola nach US-Daten

06.07.12 15:59

Erst spike up, dann wird mit ordentlichem Volumen abverkauft



4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# IMF Update, #176

06.07.12 16:02

IMF’s Lagarde Issues Warning on Global Economy

9:03AM  |  By Jon Nadler

Spot gold fell to lows near $1,587 and then opened at $1,596, down $7 while silver touched $27.25 per ounce overnight but opened at $27.52. Once again, the US dollar added a few small steps to yesterday’s upward march and reached 82.85 on the index..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Gold, WTI

06.07.12 16:04

Gold Surge and Equity Purge Post-Payrolls... Update: Gold Unsurging

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/06/2012 08:46 -0400

UPDATE: Sell-off gathering pace now. WTI lagging a little more now at $84.6 -$1.2 and ES back at this week's lows as Gold has retraced all its knee-jerk gains..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diemYTD: Commodities Performance

07.07.12 12:47

4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diemTSX-V: 52-Wochenchart - Anhaltender Abwärtstrend

07.07.12 13:03

4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diemTSX-V: 5-Jahreschart, im Juni auf 3-Jahrestief

07.07.12 13:04

4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Graphitaktien: Wochenperformance

07.07.12 13:29

Die fortgeschrittenen Unternehmen (primär mid term producer) können diese Woche den Abwärtstrend vorerst stoppen. Dabei führt der in Schweden aktive Developer Flinders Resources die Liste der besten Wochenperformer unter den größerren Spielern an. Erste Erholungsanzeichen lassen sich beobachten, das Volumen ist jedoch durch die Bank noch weit von seinen Höchsttänden entfernt. 



4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Rio Alto weiter auf der Überholspur

07.07.12 14:00

Glänzende Zahlen u. Entwicklungen bei Rio Alto. Einer der ganz wenigen (small cap) Goldproduzenten, deren Operationen herausragend laufen, und dies dazu führt, dass sie ihre Jahresziele anheben dürften.

Produktionsziel für 2012 dürfte angehoben werden - Rio Alto Mining fördert im zweiten Quartal fast 60.000 Unzen Gold


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Brisantes statement von Anglo @ Australian MT

07.07.12 14:06

Australia's tax policies worry AngloGold more than nationalisation

CEO Mark Cutifani says he sees Australia's tax policies as more of a threat than calls within South Africa's ruling ANC party to nationalise mines and impose more duties..� 


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# 184, Review

07.07.12 14:11

Gold cost profiles and nationalisation - Cutifani

In a wide ranging discussion, AngloGold Ashanti's CEO Mark Cutifani talks about nationalisation, cash cost and the outlook for the gold price..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Oil, Africa

07.07.12 14:23

Oil demand high in Africa: Stockhouse TickerTrax

7/6/2012 6:40:47 PM | Danny Deadlock, TickerTrax

AOI up 400%, Calvalley a Friday takeover target, as well as a progress update on my new (free) TSXAlerts service

Stockhouse Ticker Trax is equity specific research (Canadian listed and market cap < $300 million) published every Monday to paid subscribers. Our free Friday column may feature companies previously featured to paid subscribers (with a minimum one month delay) or discuss topics of interest to the general investment community and relevant to overall portfolio management..

I.  Junior oils doing very well in Africa

II. Summary of events and gains for TSXAlerts (new)

While the junior oil & gas stocks struggle for attention and fair value in North America, Africa seems to be the flavor of choice in 2012. The Chinese have made huge investments there over the past several years but juniors are now beginning to reap the benefits of early entry..




4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Five days of metals and miners: July 7th @ IKN

07.07.12 17:09

4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Aktuelles TGR-Interview mit Noel White

07.07.12 17:12

Miners Are Unlocking China's Gold: Noel White

China may be investing billions elsewhere to locate new mineral deposits, but Geologist Noel White believes there are huge discoveries yet to be unearthed within its borders. White, an independent geological consultant with Enargite in Brisbane, Australia, says China's history and politics have slowed development of its mining at home. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, White reveals which companies have boots on the ground and the expertise to make the next big strike in China and South America.  .(7/6/12)



4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Mining Education: VMS

08.07.12 22:14

Geologie,  Miningscout  15 / 02 / 2012

Was ist VMS ?

 Unter VMS ( volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposit ) versteht man eine Mineralisierung, die durch vulkanische Tätigkeit am oder unter dem Meeresboden in der Form gebildet wird, dass durch Magmaöffnungen ( z.B. “black smokers“ ) kaltes Meerwasser eintritt und zu Dampf erhitzt und unter Mitnahme von Sulfidmineralen wieder „ausgeblasen“ wird und sich in Folge durch Abkühlung am Meeresgrund ablagert..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diemNeues von Centerra

08.07.12 22:15

Kyrgyz Prime Minister visits Centerra mine

7/6/2012 8:02:20 PM | Stockhouse Editorial

This was the Prime Minister’s first visit to the Kumtor mine and he was joined by members of the recently established State Commission..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diemWochenrückblick TSX-V

08.07.12 22:16

4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Update Jim Sinclair

08.07.12 22:53

Jim Sinclair - War between gold manipulation in West and gold buying in East


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Stahlindustrie

09.07.12 08:23

Steel industry fears demand has plateaud

Sunday's Financial Times asks the question: "Has the age of 'peak steel' – in which world steel annual output and demand reaches a plateau at about its current level of 1.5bn-1.6bn tonnes – finally arrived?


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# 183 - Rio Alto vor Produktionsverdoppelung

09.07.12 08:30

Rio Alto continues to get high grade gold kick at Peru mine

Second quarter production results shows Rio Alto still gets a high grade kicker at the La Arena gold mine.

Author: Kip Keen - Posted: Friday , 06 Jul 2012  - HALIFAX, NS (MINEWEB) - 

Rio Alto Mining's (TSX: RIO) again reported gold grades that are about double mine plan at the La Arena gold mine in Peru..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Labrador, Eisenerz

09.07.12 08:32

Der Labrador Trough in Quebec – das Eisenerzgebiet der Zukunft

Ein interessantes Gebiet für Eisenerz-Gesellschaften ist der Labrador Trough in Quebec und Labrador, Kanada, wo seit 1954 Bergbau betrieben wird. Dieser 1.600 Kilometer lange und 160 Kilometer breite Gürtel hat das Potenzial weltweit eine der größten Flächen für Eisenerz zu werden. Die eisenhaltigen Reichtümer sind erst zu einem geringen Teil ausgebeutet..;utm_source=twitter



4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Gold: Impact Inflation, Deflation im Big Picture

09.07.12 08:55

The Impact of Inflation & Deflation on Bullion

Jul 6  |  By Mark O'Byrne

Gold did not manage to stay above $1,600/oz in Asian and European trading this morning, and is currently trading at $1,595.90/oz. Gold is still up from a recent low of on the 28th of June at $1,552/oz. Key US employment data is due to be released later today..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# 195, @ Labrador Iron Mines, First Nation

09.07.12 09:14

Canada's iron ore heartland once more hit by First Nation blockade

04 Jul 2012 | By Kip Keen

It still isn't clear what is at stake as protesters continue to block access to iron ore mine sites on the Quebec side of the Labrador Trough..


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# Goldaktien: Review Q1+2 2012

09.07.12 09:39

Mid-Year Gold Stocks Review

It’s been a rough time recently for gold and gold stock investors.  The last nine months has been the second worst cyclical downturn in gold and gold stocks during this long term secular bull market for gold.  The next chart shows how brutal this recent correction has been:


4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# 198, HUI Bear Sessions 2003-2012

09.07.12 10:00

4186 Postings, 4739 Tage carpe_diem# 198, HUI: 2. Halbjahr traditionell stärker

09.07.12 10:10

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