Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
„In der Zehn-Jahres-Betrachtung haben Aktionäre mit der Rakuten-Aktie per saldo 28,7% gewonnen, was einer jährlichen Performance von im Mittel 1,1% entspricht. Ein Investment in Höhe von 10.000 Euro wäre damit auf 11.133 Euro gestiegen. Parallel dazu ist das Anlagerisiko aufgrund der Verlust-Ratio* von 3,6 als hoch einzuordnen“
Vergleicht das einmal mit anderen Aktien, wie z.B. SNP, IVU, Hypoport o.Ä.
M.E. hat Rakuten keinen Fokus und verzettelt sich in unzähligen Business Units und Beteiligungen, so als ob sie nicht wüßten, was eventuell irgendwann mal Profit abwirft.
Operating Income of Core Business increased 16.6% in 2020
FY2020 Revenue and Operating Income
JPY bn
FY2019 FY2020 YoY
Core Business (Includes Ichiba, Travel, Rakuten Rewards (Ebates), Card, Bank, Life Insurance, etc)
Revenue 1,010.8 1,131.7 +12.0%
Operating Income 134.2 156.5 +16.6%
Non-recurring / Investments (Includes Securities, General Insurance and Investment Business)
Revenue 122.6 129.7 +5.9%
Operating Income 93.4 23.2 -75.1%
Future Growth Investments (Includes Logistics-related investments, Mobile, Payment, NBA broadcasting rights, Rakuten Rewards (Ebates) rebranding costs, etc)
Revenue 265.3 362.0 +36.4%
Operating Income -127.7 -285.3 -157.6
Revenue -134.8 -167.9 -33.2
Operating Income -4.9 2.9 +7.8
Revenue 1,263.9 1,455.5 +15.2%
Non-GAAP Operating Income 95.1 -102.7 -197.8
IFRS Operating Income 72.7 -93.8 -166.6
Q4/20 Revenue and Operating Income
(JPY bn)
Q4/19 Q4/20 YoY
Core Business (Includes Ichiba, Travel, Rakuten Rewards (Ebates), Card, Bank, Life Insurance, etc)
Revenue 291.4 331.6 +13.8%
Operating Income 33.6 48.2 +43.4%
Non-recurring / Investments (Includes Securities, General Insurance and Investment Business)
Revenue 33.3 31.8 -4.4%
Operating Income -20.2 19.6 +39.9
Future Growth Investments (Includes Logistics-related investments, Mobile, Payment, NBA broadcasting rights, Rakuten Rewards (Ebates) rebranding costs, etc)
Revenue 75.6 98.6 +30.5%
Operating Income -44.9 -92.6 -47.7
Revenue -42.1 -46.7 -4.6
Operating Income -0.7 1.4 +2.1
Revenue 358.2 415.3 +16.0%
Non-GAAP Operating Income -32.2 -23.3 +8.9
IFRS Operating Income -40.2 -33.3 +6.9
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
JPY bn
FY2019 FY2020 YoY
Non-GAAP Operating Income (Excluding Mobile, Logistics and Investment Business)
108.1 148.9 +37.6%
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Q4/20 Non-GAAP Operating Income (Excluding Mobile, Logistics and Investment Business) increased 60.7%
Q4/19 Q4/20 YoY
(JPY bn)
Q4/19 Q4/20 YoY
Non-GAAP Operating Income (Excluding Mobile, Logistics and Investment Business)
27.6 44.3 +60.7%
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Jun/20: 1.00 million customer
Sep/20: 1.43 million customer
Dec/20: 2.01 million customer
Feb 8, 2021: 2.5 million customer
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
„In addition, the Rakuten Ecosystem has become even more powerful with the addition of the Rakuten Mobile. Here are some examples. At Rakuten Mobile shops, the shop introduced up to 6 services, including the Rakuten Card. In addition, when applying for Rakuten Mobile online, we have introduced the mechanism that allows user to seamlessly apply for Rakuten Card and Rakuten Bank.
This is better comparing the amount of the money spent on Rakuten Ichiba by customers before and after subscribing to Rakuten Mobile in May last year. As you can see, the usage amount after subscribing to Rakuten Mobile increased 44% compared to the average usage amount before subscription. Considering that the ratio of the increase is 3x bigger than nonmobile users during the same period, we can see how sub solution to our mobile service is the factor that encourages the usage of our other services.“
RCP Existing Customers and Sales Pipeline
4 existing customers
25 prospecting clients
3 existing customers
14 prospecting clients
Middle East & Africa:
7 prospecting clients
Russia & CIS:
2 prospecting clients
4 existing customers
20 prospecting clients
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
In related news, Rakuten Mobile and Ligado Networks announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) where the two companies will collaborate to create a blueprint for Ligado’s 5G mobile private network solution that leverages the Rakuten Communications Platform (RCP). Under the MoU, the companies will start efforts in Q1 2021 with ecosystem partners and vendors to establish a timeline for the implementation of network trials and blueprint for solutions.
“With 5G being introduced by mobile network operators around the world, some of the most innovative use-cases will be in 5G mobile private networks. 5G brings ultra-low latency and ultra-high bandwidth enabling unprecedented experiences and services and unique applications in private networks,” said Tareq Amin, CTO of Rakuten Mobile.
Under the MoU, the companies will define a strategy that leverages Rakuten’s ecosystem position to advance the jointly developed 5G mobile private network solution and accelerate overall L-Band commercial readiness among network hardware and software providers. Ligado Networks and Rakuten Mobile will collaborate with enterprise customers on advanced use cases and the final technology stack for a launch of the 5G mobile private network offering.
Ligado is currently a network operator of mobile satellite service (MSS) to government and commercial customers across North America. The Reston, Virginia-based firm is enhancing its MSS offerings and developing new 5G services for enterprise customers across the public safety, manufacturing, agriculture, and other critical infrastructure sectors.
On performance, our throughput have significantly improved as we continue to enhance our radio software architecture. We started with 870 megabits per second. And today, we are delivering over 1.7 gigabits per second on a virtualized appliances -- commodity appliances. We believe this is a big breakthrough. Rakuten Mobile network built and delivered on the world's most advanced mobile edge data network platform. We believe this is critical to deliver on 5G use cases of today and tomorrow.
We started our journey with automation in our DNA, and we are on a solid path to achieve a highly autonomous network. We have so far achieved significant operational efficiencies in our current network. Examples of this is provisioning and activating our customers in less than 3 minutes, and activating our macro base stations in less than 4 minutes for 5G and 8.5 minutes for 4G.
"Rakuten Communications Platform (RCP) has been sold to a total of 15 customers so far, according to the company’s mobile networking CTO Tareq Amin."
Rakuten TV: Total Users* +14.8mm
Rakuten Viki: Registered Users +12.2mm
Rakuten kobo: Registered Users +7.9mm
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Reaching over 27 million people in more than 190 countries, Rakuten Viki enables advertisers to connect with hard-to-reach audiences via its advertising-video-on-demand (AVOD) services.
Of the 27 million global Viki users, 14 million are in the Americas, 7 million in Asia and 6 million in Europe. These insights show how Viki’s Asian content caters to a truly global audience, reaching far beyond an Asian audience. Furthermore, 68% of all Viki users are Millennials or Gen Z, showcasing the value of Viki as a youth-orientated platform for reaching younger audiences.
In understanding how to utilise Viki advertising opportunities and connect with hard-to-reach audiences, advertisers need first to understand the AVOD model and the Viki viewer.
Viki was also one of the first video-on-demand (VOD) services to launch watch parties and boasts the unique feature of allowing watchers to create their own subtitles and contribute to content creation. Through the Viki community, more than 1billion words have been translated by members in more than 200 languages, leading Viki to secure an engagement rate with users 4x higher than its competitors.
Amidst an acceleration of digitalization, advancing fusion of online and offline, and an expansion
of the E-Commerce market, Rakuten has exceed the growth rates of the overall market
Household Expenditure approx. JPY 300tn (Cabinet office ”2019 Quarterly Estimates of GDP)
E-Commerce market = approx. JPY 20tn ( Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry “2019 E-Commerce Market Survey”)
Rakuten FY2020 Domestic E-Commerce GMS = JPY 4.5tn (+19.9% YoY)
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Growth accelerated significantly due to changes in consumer behavior, and domestic ECommerce
GMS in 2020 reached 4 trillion yen for the first time
FY2020 = JPY4.5tn = +19.9% YoY
Q4/20 = JPY1.4tn = +38.5% YoY
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Revenue 178,528 JPY million in Q4/20 (against 132,152 JPY million in Q4/19) = + 35.1% YoY
Operating Income 20,976 JPY million in Q4/20 (against 12,318 JPY million in Q4/19) = + 70.3% YoY
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
FY2020 RSL shipments: +140.7% YoY
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Kanagawa: Kohoku fulfillment center
started operations in 2021
Continuing to invest in distribution centers in order to meet further expansion of demand
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Rakuten announced 2.5 million customers had applied for a free unlimited mobile offer by 8 February, as the operator continued to accelerate a rollout across Japan.
Parent Rakuten said expansion of its mobile service coverage, along with various marketing strategies had proved successful.
It said customer acquisition from both in and outside the Rakuten ecosystem continued to grow, while reiterating its aim to reach 96 per cent of the population by constructing around 44,000 base stations throughout the year. The operating loss was attributed to investment in future growth areas, including swifter rollout of base station installations, which was happening five years ahead of schedule.
Future 4G Capex is expected to be 30 per cent to 40 per cent from a base of JPY600 billion.
Under the MoU, the companies will define a strategy that leverages Rakuten's ecosystem position to advance the jointly developed 5G mobile private network solution and accelerate overall L-Band commercial readiness among network hardware and software providers. Ligado Networks and Rakuten Mobile will collaborate with enterprise customers on advanced use cases and the final technology stack for a launch of the 5G mobile private network offering.
With this MoU, Rakuten Mobile and Ligado Networks aim to accelerate the delivery of private networks through the use of open technology. RCP combines the proven technologies and expert playbook of the world's first end-to-end cloud native, software- centric, Open RAN based mobile network of Rakuten Mobile and its world-class partners to offer enterprises a way to easily build and deploy fully cloud native network services at speed and low-cost. Ligado's licensed mid-band spectrum supports enterprises by building mobile networks that meet their requirements for availability, coverage and flexibility for indoor and outdoor deployments.
Ligado is currently a network operator of mobile satellite service (MSS) to government and commercial customers across North America. The Reston, Virginia-based company is enhancing its MSS offerings and developing new, innovative 5G services for enterprise customers across the public safety, manufacturing, agriculture, and other critical infrastructure sectors.
„Rakuten Mobile berichtete, dass 2,5 Millionen Menschen das Angebot eines einjährigen kostenlosen Mobilfunkdienstes beantragt haben. Das Unternehmen hat dieses Angebot auf bis zu 3 Millionen Menschen ausgeweitet, aber es scheint schwierig zu sein, so viele Abnehmer zu finden.“
Und so sehen die Fakten aus:
Acceleration of Customer Acquisition of Rakuten Mobile
Jun/20: 1.00 million customer
Sep/20: 1.43 million customer
Dec/20: 2.01 million customer
Feb 8, 2021: 2.5 million customer
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Danach wird man m.E. schon im März 2020 mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit die Zahl von 3 Millionen erreichen, zumal das Freijahr bald nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Ich schließe auch nicht aus, dass die drei Millionen noch im Februar erreicht werden.
Eine Frage bleibt: Wie kommt die Internet-Adresse „https://www.nach-welt.com/...e-und-erhoht-die-investitionsschatzung/“ zu solchen nach meiner Einschätzung nicht nachvollziehbaren Meldungen und ich frage mich, mit welcher Motivation diese Internetadresse ihre Meldung in die Welt gesetzt hat?
Dass da nur künstliche Intelligenz Fehlinterpretationen geliefert hat, nehme ich der Internet-Adresse nicht ab.
„In seinem gestern veröffentlichten Gewinn für das vierte Quartal berichtete Rakuten Mobile, dass seine Verluste gestiegen sind, 686 Millionen US-Dollar (72,5 Milliarden Yen) erreichten und sich auf 2,76 Milliarden US-Dollar (290 Milliarden Yen) summierten.“
Der Mobile-Bereich von Rakuten weist zwar einen großen Verlust aus, aber keinen von 290 Milliarden Yen, sondern einen von „nur“ 227 Milliarden Yen, der sich aus Quartalsverlust von 36,6 +54,0 +61,0 + 75,4 Milliarden Yen zusammensetzt, wie man der nachstehenden Quelle entnehmen kann:
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Durch die hohen Investitionen in Mobile wurde dort zwar ein hoher Verlust ausgewiesen, aber der weitaus größte Teil wurden durch die hohen Gewinne der anderen Bereiche absorbiert - nach dem höchsten angeführten Verlustwert waren es danach „nur“ noch 103 Milliarden Yen. Ohne die Investitionen wäre sogar ein Gewinn von 149 Milliarden Yen herausgekommen, wie Ihr der folgenden Übersicht entnehmen könnt.
FY2019 FY2020
Revenue 1,263.9 1,455.5
Non-GAAP Operating Income 95.1 -102.7
Non-GAAP Operating Income Excluding Mobile, Logistics and Investment Business
108.1 148.9
IFRS Operating Income 72.7 -93.8
Latest IR Materials
Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2020
Man könnte also auch sagen: Nur wenige Unternehmen hätten wie Rakuten Investitionen zur Schaffung des vierten Mobile-Netzes in Japan stemmen können.
Rakuten Mobile – which entered the domestic market in April 2020 – reported a massive USD2.1 billion loss, wiping out the group’s other profits in the process. Rakuten expects losses from the nascent wireless carrier to widen in fiscal 2021 before ‘decreasing next year’, and in an online conference Mikitani bullishly proclaimed ‘we have no intention to stay in the number four position’ adding that the company has almost 22 million credit card users and wants to reach a position where it has more mobile users than credit card holders. With subscriptions for Rakuten Mobile reaching 2.5 million applications at 8 February 2021, Mikitani confirmed Rakuten’s ambitious target to create a strong new revenue stream for the group, but the Nikkei notes its sizeable CAPEX is already shaking investor confidence.
Last Friday, Rakuten said that it is ramping up its mobile rollout, upping its initial CAPEX of JPY600 billion by between 30% and 40%, to install more base stations across Japan. Mikitani is quoted as saying that the mobile business ‘would break even at around seven million subscribers, a target it expects to reach in 2023
"Rakuten Mobile CTO Tareq Amin surprised – and possibly alarmed – investors by announcing in February the company will accelerate network deployment by a full five years from its original plan. Rakuten believes that due to its innovative network architecture, it is now able to cover 96% of Japan’s population by summer 2021. The company’s confidence is bolstered by its early deployment, which finished 2020 well ahead of schedule.
Unfortunately, the CTO and the CFO/CMO case may be at odds. While Rakuten appears to be executing on plan technically, it also posted an operating loss of 75 billion Japanese yen (nearly $700 million) in Q4 2020, its largest in a string of operating losses that seems likely to continue and perhaps worsen with the announced network acceleration plans.
The ultimate question is whether its network innovation will translate into customer adoption. The current subscriber base stands at just over two million – an impressive beginning but still relatively tiny (by comparison, Rakuten’s primary competitors have between 45 million and 80 million mobile customers).
Rakuten is counting on innovative rate plans, a high-performing network, and strong ties to Rakuten’s e-commerce operations that will enable loyalty rewards in addition to mobile subscription revenue. However, Rakuten Mobile will need to attract a much larger base of customers to actually profit from its expensive network investment. In an already saturated mobile market, that may be a tough sell.
Ich halte seine Skepsis für übertrieben, denn Rakuten arbeitet trotz der hohen Investitionen - bedingt durch die neue Technologie "auf der grünen Wiese" mit niedrigerem Kapitaleinsatz (30 bis 50% weniger), und bereits 7,5 Millionen Subscriber sollen angeblich schon für den Break-Even reichen. Nach meinen Schätzungen wird man bereits im März 2021 die 3 Millionen knacken - dann wird es wegen des dann fehlenden Freijahres langsamer gehen, aber andererseits werden potentielle Kunden auch wechselwilliger, wenn Covid verschwindet. Was m.E. hier in starkem Umfang übersehen wird ist, dass man sich in derart unsicheren Zeiten scheut, seinen Mobilfunkanbieter zu wechseln - und dass man da vor Covid gesetzte Zielmarken noch nicht erreicht hat, m.E. sonnenklar.
SINGAPORE, Feb. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Based on its recent analysis of the Japanese contact center market, Frost & Sullivan announced that it has recognized Rakuten Communications with the 2021 Contact Center Customer Value Leadership Award. Rakuten Communications' versatile 'Rakuten Connect Storm' platform enables contact centers to meet the specific demands of customers in the Asia-Pacific region by accomodating different customer preferences and integrations. Rakuten Communications has vast experience in incorporating both emerging and leading technologies in its expansive portfolio, eliminating the complexities inherent in using new technology and delivering value to users.
"Rakuten Communications's flexible technology stack presents an omnichannel experience to customers. Over the years, the company has become a reliable one-stop service partner, combining its cloud-based contact center systems and communications services," said Krishna Baidya, Head of Customer Contact Research, ICT Practice Asia-Pacific, Frost & Sullivan. "It plays an active role in clients' customer service/branding strategy, right from designing the contact framework, implementing intelligent routing, and managing/analyzing incoming calls to conducting customer satisfaction surveys and text mining according to clients' requests."