Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
Vergleichende Betrachtungen mit Vervielfachern überlasse ich Euch.
Zeitpunkt: 07.08.18 10:51
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - unbelegte Aussage
Zeitpunkt: 07.08.18 10:51
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - unbelegte Aussage
- Ausbau des Direktverkaufs
- C2C marketing
im Bereich des Domestic E-Commerce wäre der Gewinn von Rakuten im ersten Halbjahr höher ausgefallen, denn man konnte zwar den Umsatz im Domestic E-Commerce noch erhöhen, hatte aber aufgrund der oben angführten Invesitionen einen Gewinnrückgang, wie die nachstehenden Zahlen zeigen.
Domestic E-Commerce
Revenue 95.0 101.5 +6.8%
Operating Income 18.4 14.8 -19.1%
Zeitpunkt: 08.08.18 09:47
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
Zeitpunkt: 08.08.18 09:47
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
wird auch über die Investment Performance der Kapitalbeteiligungen von Rakuten von 2012 bis heute berichtet.
Seit 2012 hat man 1,802 Milliarden US-Dollar investiert und für Ende Juni 2018 einen Wert von 3,212 Milliarden Dollar festgestellt - also dabei den Wert um 1,410 Milliarden US-Dollar gesteigert. Das entspricht einem Return on Investment (ROI) von 78% bzw. einem Internen Zinsfuß (IRR), der die jährliche Verzinsung anzeigt, von 29%.
Card 45.3 +13.8% 8.6 +16.1%
Bank 20.4 +9.6% 6.5 +16.3%
Securities 14.4 +18.4% 5.3 +16.8%
Life Insurance 7.2 -10.8% 0.9 +22.2%
General Insurance 14.1 - 2.2 –
Others 3.8 +12.9% 0.5 +0.5
FinTech Total 105.2 +28.2% 24.0 +31.5%
Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
(oberste Datei)
And the next one is Domestic E-Commerce, the revenue stream is diversifying. One Delivery, One Payment has been introduced. So we have this opportunity to capture revenue from the diversified business.
FinTech business, it's also growing very strongly. The revenue up by 28.2% year-on-year, and non-GAAP operating income was up 31.5% year-on-year. And we will be making more money.
Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
(oberste Datei)
The queastion is now: What is the value of a company with a Operating Income of 70.8 million and Operating Income-groth of 33.8%?
I believe, the right answer is a P/E of 30, which values Ebates with about $2.1 billion.
Mikitani went on to explain Rakuten’s plans for remedying the industry’s logistics issues through achievement of the One Delivery vision, initially announced to merchants at the New Year Conference earlier this year. In short, Rakuten will manage merchant deliveries from end to end, working through both Rakuten’s own logistics network and external partners to improve service, effectively manage costs and increase capacity.
Aug. 9, 2018 7:30 AM ET
William Daniel
Rakuten Inc. trades at just ~10x earnings, 1.14x sales, and 6.36x EV/EBITDA.
The company's domestic e-commerce business continues to struggle as Amazon seems willing to lose millions in order to gain market share in Japan.
Rakuten is much more than an e-commerce company, although the rest of the business is often overlooked.
Given the ~19% YoY revenue growth and strong profitability, along with a low relative valuation, I reaffirm my BUY rating on Rakuten.
"Rakuten is much more than an e-commerce company, although the rest of the business is often overlooked."
These are the words of Masayuki Hosaka, vice chairman at Rakuten, the Japanese e-commerce giant that is trying to transform the insurance industry and itself.
Viber is Rakuten's hidden gem in my view. As of July 31st, the app had an incredible 1.03 billion unique users. Although Rakuten has been slow to monetize the platform things are beginning to take off, revenues increased 69.1% YoY in Q2. Even more impressively the business is now contributing an operating profit. The real value of Viber may be in its ability to connect users to the Rakuten ecosystem and act as a source of data for the advertising business.
Viber Community, chat space for 1b users, launched
JULY 6, 2018
Viber Community is launched in HCM City, opening a group chat of up to 1 billion users. — VNS Photo Messaging application Viber on Wednesday launched Viber Community in Viet Nam, offering a chat space where up to 1 billion users can exchange messages and all kinds of content. According to the company, group chats on apps now restrict the number to hundreds or thousands of users at most. The new service was unveiled in March 2018 at the Mobile World Congress, and has since been rolled out around the globe. Anubhav Nayyar, Viber’s head of business development for Southeast Asia, said: “Viet Nam is a very special market for us. As soon as the country jumped into the global digital revolution, Viber almost instantly became the main chat app for Vietnamese. After a gradual global rollout we are excited to bring Viber Communities to Viet Nam.” New community members have access to the complete history of a community and can contribute to the conversation with all of Viber’s messaging features. Superadmins control community member roles with the ability to add members and promote them to admin or super admin status, ban or block members, decide whether or not they can participate in conversations, and if they can invite new members. Superadmins can grow the community and make it publicly available by enabling a share link or revoke the link at any time.
Potential sollte doch da sein aber der Kurs über die letzten 1/3/5 Jahre ist ne Krankheit !
Ist der Wert zu klein ? Zu wenig in USA bekannt ? Stören die in den letzten Jahren gestiegenen Verbindlichkeiten ?
Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
(oberste Datei)
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