Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
The Bloomberg-article about Rakuten from Min Jeong Lee, Taro Fuse and Takahiko Hyuga published on Yahoo on Thu, November 10, 2022 at 3:00 AM is an addition of lies. And I can’t understand, that Bloomberg and Yahoo help to publish such criminal nonsense.
„And last but not least, we have no intention and no desire to be a fourth mobile operator in Japan. I believe we are in our way to be the number one mobile operator and carrier in Japan. So focus on cost, cost will decline drastically. You have seen, and I have showed you in the previous slides that the major build of our network is done. The costs will dramatically decrease as we hit the 60,000 mark and add 99% population coverage.“
Zeitpunkt: 14.11.22 12:09
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
Zeitpunkt: 14.11.22 12:09
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
Die Erlöse flossen bisher bei Rakuten Symphony spärlich, aber jetzt geht es bei den Erlösen wie eine Flutwelle nach oben.
All diese wurde m.E. bisher kaum in der Diskussion um Rakuten Mobile, in die Rakuten Symphony einbezogen ist, berücksichtigt.
Novemer 11, 2022
Rakuten Card continues to grow at a remarkable rate, having now issued over 26 million credit cards in Japan*. The creative team behind Rakuten Card is focused on the goal of "profitable CWD (Creative and Web Design)" and is a keystone for the business's growth. RNN takes a closer look at two of the team’s main projects, aimed at improving the UI of the Rakuten Card app, and "API-nization" of back-end systems which has achieved a major boost in efficiency.
Let me share with you what a one-year-old start-up has done in just since August 2021 until today. We have opened up our global offices, nine global offices, invested heavy engineering, massive technology partnership, huge awards from the industry, but we have booked US$3.1 billion of booking revenues in the first 13 months of Rakuten and Symphony existent. This is just absolutely remarkable. 14 global customers, two marquee customers that we're providing end-to-end technology stack.
So from booking to revenue, if you look at Q3, we are at US$315 million of revenue in Q3. And if I share with you our pipeline, what I could tell you is the demand in the market is very strong, very strong. Symphony have to focus our resources and high payoff projects and activities. In addition to the booked US$3.1 billion, we have 69 opportunities that we are also going after that have a value of US$2.7 billion of pipeline, 110 million in total that we are addressing today.
So if you ask me what is really the aspiration on the goal. We think in the next five quarters, we're going to work and really put all of our energy and effort to break through the $1 billion target mark for revenue for Symphony.
11 NOV 2022 Joseph Waring
On an earnings call, CEO Tareq Amin (pictured) said profitability will improve with all subscribers shifting off free plans to paid and costs to drop dramatically after network capex peaks at the end of the year.
“The major build of our network is done,” he said, noting base station construction and opex will fall significantly.
The optimism stems from a link found between wide network coverage and customer acquisition, with more new users joining in areas where Rakuten Mobile has 100 per cent reach.
Amin said its bottom-line will also benefit from a reduction in roaming costs, noting 95 per cent of traffic runs on its own infrastructure.
ARPU increased to JPY2,588 with the transition to new pricing plans, Amin said.
Aufgrund anhaltender strategischer Investitionen in das zukünftige Wachstum des Segments Mobile, einschließlich der Installation von Netzwerk-Basisstationen, verzeichnete die Rakuten Gruppe im dritten Quartal des GJ2022 einen Non-GAAP-Betriebsverlust von 78,6 Milliarden Yen. Ohne das Mobilfunk- und Investmentgeschäft lag das Non-GAAP-Betriebsergebnis bei 47,2 Mrd. Yen, ein Plus von 7,8 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Bei Rakuten Mobile stieg der durchschnittliche Umsatz pro Nutzer (ARPU) im Einklang mit der Einführung des neuen Rakuten UN-LIMIT VII Tarifs. Kostensenkungen, die durch die Umstellung von Roaming in Partnernetzgebieten auf das Netz von Rakuten erzielt wurden, haben auch zu einer allmählichen Verringerung der Verluste im Mobilfunksegment geführt, die im ersten Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2022 ihren Höhepunkt erreichten. Für die Zukunft wird ein weiterer Rückgang der Verluste prognostiziert.
Vogue Business partners up with Rakuten — the rewards-based e-commerce leader focused on helping retailers drive loyalty through strategic cashback incentives — to investigate the moods and wallets of luxury shoppers while the global economy braces itself for potential downturn.
AST SpaceMobile has agreements and understandings with mobile network operators (“MNOs”) globally that have over 1.8 billion existing subscribers, including a mutual exclusivity with Vodafone in 24 countries. Interconnecting with AST SpaceMobile’s planned network will allow MNOs, including Vodafone+Group, Rakuten+Mobile, AT&T, Bell Canada, MTN Group, Orange, Telefonica, Etisalat, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Smart Communications, Globe Telecom, Millicom, Smartfren, Telecom Argentina, Telstra, Africell, Liberty Latin America and others, the ability to offer extended cellular broadband coverage to their customers who live, work and travel in areas with poor or non-existent cell coverage, with the goal of eliminating dead zones with cellular broadband from space.
Tareq Amin, CEO of Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Symphony and an AST SpaceMobile director, added “Our mission is to democratize access to mobile connectivity: That is why we are so excited about the potential of AST SpaceMobile to support disaster-readiness and meet our goal of 100% geographical coverage to our customers in Japan. I look forward not only to testing BW3 on our world-leading cloud-native network in Japan, but also working with AST SpaceMobile on integrating our virtualized radio network technology to help bring connectivity to the world.”
November 3, 2022
Cabify has been transforming the way people move around the city for 10 years, with more than 42 million registered users and 1.2 million collaborating drivers and taxi drivers. After being born in Madrid, the company spread, within a few months, to Latin America and is currently present in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.
The test satellite could be followed by over a 100 "Bluebirds" meant to eliminate dead zones on Earth.
Eric Mack Nov. 14, 2022 4:20 p.m. PT
The company says it has "agreements and understandings" with mobile carriers around the world, including Vodafone, Rakuten Mobile, AT&T, Bell Canada, Telefonica, Telstra and several others. The space-based service will offer extended cellular broadband coverage with the goal of eliminating dead zones.
By Johan Villet
Corporate Communications and Analyst Relations Rakuten Symphony
Understanding the next generation of consumers: A Gen Z study
12 hours ago
Rakuten Insight and Rakuten Europe team up to look at how companies and brands can build ad strategies that connect with Gen Z.
Rakuten Payment, Inc. wird ab Herbst 2022 Touch-Zahlungen für sechs große Kreditkartenmarken in "Rakuten Pay (Physical Store Payment)" unterstützen.
"Rakuten Pay (Physical Store Payment)" hat neue Marketingmaßnahmen implementiert, um den Bedürfnissen der Geschäfte gerecht zu werden, und verschiedene Initiativen, um es sicher und geschützt zu verwenden, um die Verwendung von Kreditkarten zu fördern.
Touch-Payment macht nicht nur die Übergabe von Bargeld überflüssig, sondern auch die Notwendigkeit, Karten zu übergeben, in Kartenleser einzustecken und PINs einzugeben, die für herkömmliche Kreditkartenzahlungen erforderlich waren.
In Zukunft wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Touch-Zahlungen immer mehr expandieren wird, und als Reaktion auf viele Anfragen von Geschäften, dass sie kontaktlose Zahlungen unterstützen möchten, hat "Rakuten Pay (physische Ladenzahlung)" beschlossen, Touch-Zahlung zu unterstützen.
NOVEMBER 16, 2022 by RNN
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Rakuten Group, RNN spoke to key persons from Rakuten's diverse range of global businesses, asking them questions on the themes for 2022 – "Gratitude and Commitment."
This time, Rakuten Kobo CEO Michael Tamblyn shares the remarkable successes the business has experienced globally through expansion into new business models and regions. He also shares how his globally spread team navigated through the pandemic while still making sure that they never steer away from their core mission of making their readers' lives better.
Dan Meyer | Executive Editor 8 hours ago
The carrier also used that coverage mark as a signal to start shifting its aggressive network investments to be “lean and profitable.” Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Symphony CEO Tareq Amin shied away from calling these job cuts and explained that this shift would result in moving employees into other areas of the broader Rakuten business.
“As we are nearing the end of the major construction build out, I would not classify this as Rakuten Mobile is doing layoffs, but Rakuten Mobile is now focused on our lean operation,” Amin said during the earnings call in regards to a question about whether this move would lead to layoffs at the company. “The staff that we would have required to continue the build and investment into the build, obviously as the number of base station reduces, such staff we are transferring to other functions within the group.”
Rakuten’s management noted the losses were tied to the ongoing expansion of its cloud-based open radio access network (RAN) architecture that has allowed the nascent operator to cover 98% of Japan’s population with its own network. That on-network coverage is important as it allows Rakuten Mobile to reduce the roaming costs it pays to rival operators when Rakuten Mobile customers are not on its home network.
15 Nov 2022
Japan’s newest mobile network operator (MNO) Rakuten Mobile hopes to introduce services over the so-called ‘platinum band’ (900MHz) from March 2024, the firm’s chief executive officer Tareq Amin recently informed investors on a conference call. According to Amin: ‘The deployment of [the] platinum band will be done at an extremely low cost. We will utilise and reuse our existing base stations, all of the accessories from batteries, rectifiers, even fronthaul backhaul, dark fibre, where we reuse the existing infrastructure that exists … Also, the software for radio access is a technology that is owned by Rakuten Symphony. So thus, we believe that CAPEX is negligible if you compare deployment of [the] platinum band of Rakuten Mobile versus other telecom companies in Japan or across the world.’
The use of cash in Q3/2022 decreased to 192 billion JPY (84.5 billion JPY from negative operating cash flow and 87.5 billion JPY from investing) – the use of cash in the first half of 2022 was 249.8 billion JPY from negative cash flow and 223.0 billion JPY from investing, together 472.8 billion JPY.
And I am sure, the negative operative cash flow and the investing in Q4/2022 will be lower again – not higher than between 130 and 150 billion JPY. For this amount are the cash of 198.8 billion at Sep 30, 2022 is enough.
Not to forget, Rakuten had in Q4/2022 some days ago an additional increase of cash of 77.5 billion through the sale of 19.9% of shares of Rakuten Securities.
Tareq Amin: „If you notice my presentation on the phases of where we are, first phase, when you build mobile network, you invest a lot of organization and headcount, especially around base station construction. Second phase, as we are nearing the end of the major construction build-out, I would not classify this that Rakuten Mobile is doing layoffs, but Racket Mobile is now focused on our lean operation. The staff that we would have required to continue to build an investment into the build, obviously, as the number of base station reduces such staff we are transferring to other functions within the group. So I have seen the news and read the news. And I would say not all of it is accurate. This is just part of our business as we continue to focus now on the second phase, which is lean operation, largely due to major build almost finished for us.“
Read mor about the important mission of BlueWalker 3
Low brand awareness outside of the US, has meant expanding into new territories has been an obstacle for Rad Power Bikes, a brand that specializes in high-quality and affordable electric bikes. After joining the Rakuten Advertising network in 2021, the company was able to partner with a diverse mix of 190+ publishers in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands, outperforming the benchmarked target by 71% within months of launching. View the white paper to learn how Rakuten Advertising can support brands in scaling up an emerging presence in new markets.
26. Oktober 2022
Rakuten TV ist eine der führenden Video on Demand Plattformen in Europa, die TVOD (Transactional Video on Demand), AVOD (Advertising Video on Demand), FAST Kanäle (Free Ad Supported Streaming TV) und SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand) kombiniert.
Der TVOD Dienst bietet ein authentisches Kinoerlebnis mit den neuesten Veröffentlichungen zum Kauf oder zum Leihen in hoher Audioqualität und Videoqualität. Der SVOD Dienst ermöglicht ein Abonnement für den Premium Dienst Lionsgate #Plus. Das werbefinanzierte Angebot umfasst die Dienste AVOD und FAST. Der AVOD Dienst bietet mehr als 10.000 Titel auf Abruf, darunter Filme, Dokumentationen und Serien aus Hollywood und lokalen Studios sowie den Katalog mit Original und Exklusivinhalten. Der FAST Service besteht aus einem umfangreichen Angebot von mehr als 250 kostenlosen linearen Kanälen von globalen Netzwerken, europäischen Top Sendern und Mediengruppen sowie den plattformeigenen thematischen Kanälen mit kuratierten Inhalten.
Rakuten TV ist in 43 europäischen Ländern verfügbar und erreicht derzeit mehr als 110 Millionen Haushalte über seine Marken, Fernbedienungstaste und die vorinstallierte App auf Smart TV Geräten.
“It’s key to have someone with a deep knowledge of the specific markets, especially when you work across so many different ones,” says Valeria Alesiani, Team Lead, Global Affiliate Marketing at WestWing. Partnering with Rakuten Advertising since 2022, home and living business WestWing is now active in 11 European countries, in which the brand is looking forward to exploring innovative ways to create tailored partnerships with their publishers.
The affiliate landscape is now far more sophisticated than ever. It’s crucial that retailers understand how best to use affiliate marketing and adjust strategies to adapt to evolving consumer needs. Download our white paper today to uncover the vast possibilities affiliate marketing presents.
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