Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
Rakuten will boost its advertising arm's revenue to 200 billion yen (US$1.88 billion) by 2021. That is double what it was in 2018.
“We began a search and quickly concluded that we needed a larger company with multiple fulfillment centers that we could grow into, rather than choose a company with one single, centrally located, fulfillment center.” - Craig David, CEO
What was needed to get up and running with RSL?
It wasn’t quite an out of the box solution for us, but it was extremely painless. We needed to integrate our shopping cart with RSL and although there was no native integration available for our solution, our developer was able to use the RSL API to easily integrate them. Now, whenever an order comes in, it is instantly disseminated to RSL and the order confirmation is recorded in our data base.
What were the primary benefits of working with RSL?
We had a dedicated IT contact who quickly answered our developer’s questions and made the integration go smoothly. We also had a great salesperson who answered all of our questions… and believe me, we had a lot!
Can you give us an example of how working with RSL has helped you stay ahead of the competition?
After the first year, we began using a second RSL warehouse to reduce delivery times for our west coast customers. This is something only our largest competitors can offer their customers.
What is most important to you when dealing with your customers?
The customer must have a good experience for our business to succeed. And the good experience includes quick access to tracking information as well as short handling times. RSL has been able to do their part well.
The global Small Cell 5G Network Market, which is extensively assessed in the report contemplates the best need development angles and how they could affect the market over the figure residency under thought. The experts have taken careful endeavors to thoroughly evaluating every development factor of the market, other than indicating how certain market restrictions could represent a danger to players in the coming years. In addition, the report additionally gives data on top patterns and openings and how players could take advantage of them to take up the difficulties in the Small Cell 5G Network Market. This could be a helpful rule for players to concrete their situation in the business or make a rebound in the market.
The Leading Market Players Covered in this Report are : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.,Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,Nokia Corporation,Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson,ZTE Corporation,Fujitsu Limited,CommScope Inc.,Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Ltd.,Altiostar,Airspan Networks,Ceragon .
You can now buy fruits, vegetables, snacks, and even desserts through Viber!
May 7, 2020
byKatie Rojas
Delivery of all kinds—food, groceries, and other household needs—are what’s keeping most people in their homes during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Luzon. But with the stricter rules on road use and the number of checkpoints placed around the metro, it’s become difficult to book delivery riders.
To help address this issue, husband and wife Stephen and Aimee Lorraine Keh-Lee developed PH Food Delivery Network, a Viber bot.
“PH Food Delivery Network is a bot that connects customers with sellers on Viber. It allows non-tech-savvy business owners to post their products and contact details while, at the same time, allows buyers to quickly find what they need when they need it,” Aimee Lorraine says in her interview with Manila Bulletin Lifestyle.
Users can access it by typing wherecani.shop/fromhome on their smartphone’s browser so they can be redirected to Viber. According to Aimee Lorraine, there are around 100 shops that are available and around 500 users have already joined the network.
Da gibt es andere Gemischtwarenläden, die meines Erachtens attraktiver sind. Aber muss jeder selbst wissen, wo er investiert und sein Geld "parkt".
Es ist vielleicht wenig überraschend, dass die Pandemie den deutschen Arbeitsgeist nicht gedämpft hat: Auf Rakuten Deutschland sind die Verkäufe von Webcams um mehr als 1000 Prozent gestiegen, und auch die Nachfrage nach Schreibtischen, Bürostühlen und Schreibwaren hat sich vervielfacht. Eine logische Erklärung dafür ist der starke Wandel zur Fernarbeit, da unzählige Unternehmen, wie auch Rakuten Deutschland, bereits seit Mitte März im Homeoffice arbeiten. Mit der richtigen Ausstattung funktioniert das umso besser.
Eine weitere Priorität sind die Kinder, die auch während des bisherigen Höhepunkts der Krise gut unterhalten werden wollten. Auf Rakuten TV rangierte lange Zeit der Disney Film Frozen 2 auf Platz 1 der meistgesehenen Filme. Und auf dem Marktplatz wurden 45 Mal so viele Trampoline und Spielburgen verkauft, ebenso wie die beliebten Spieltürme, die eine Zuwachs an Verkäufen von 2.600 Prozent erlebten.
Und das Fitnessstudios geschlossen blieben, hieß noch lange nicht, dass die Lust auf Sport stagnierte. Rakuten Deutschland verkaufte in den letzten 3 Monaten 750 Prozent mehr Hantel-Bänke, 15 Mal so viele Fitness-Tracker und 65 Mal so viele Tischtennisschläger, während der Verkauf von Vitaminen um 142 Prozent gestiegen ist.
Are you buying or selling on Carousell? Transact online safely with the all-new Carousell Protection, an in-app payment feature that allows you to pay online or collect payments securely. As a buyer, your money is safely held until the item is confirmed to be received as listed.
July 21, 2020
The Average Malaysian Earned RM1,396 On Carousell
Rakuten cashback business “is stronger than ever.”
Bye Buy, Rakuten Marketplace
August 2, 2020 8:46 pm Ina Steiner
Rakuten is closing its marketplace, according to TechCrunch, and will wind down its operations over the next two months. The Japanese marketplace had acquired Buy.com in 2010 for $250 million and later rebranded it.
Rakuten had gone on an international expansion spree in 2008, but failed to fulfill its vision for a global marketplace. In 2016, it closed numerous country sites including the UK (Play.com) and Spanish marketplaces and those in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Rakuten rebranded the marketplaces it acquired rather than sticking with the brand domestic customers were used to, which may have been a challenge, at least in some countries.
Over the years, Rakuten acquired other ecommerce related services, and the Rakuten.com website continues to feature one such business – its cashback program formerly called Ebates.
A Rakuten spokesperson told TechCrunch it was sunsetting the US Rakuten Marketplace but said the Rakuten cashback referral business “is stronger than ever.”
„In-App Tracking und effiziente Reward-Strategien sind jetzt Pflicht für Unternehmen, wenn sie Wert auf ihren Mobile-Kanal legen“, sagt Stefan Bernauer, Country Manager DACH bei Rakuten Advertising. „Mit In-App Tracking können Werbetreibende Konversionen in der App verfolgen und ihre Kampagnen für App-Nutzer optimieren. So verstehen Unternehmen besser, wie ihre Kunden mobil einkaufen und können die Consumer Experience einfacher optimieren.“
Über Rakuten Advertising
Rakuten Advertising verbindet führende Agenturen, Marken und Publisher mit aktiven und engagierten Verbrauchern auf der ganzen Welt. Mit dem Zugang zu Rakutens vielfältigen Medien und Zielgruppen, kombiniert mit einem preisgekrönten Perfornance-Netzwerk und firmeneigener Verbraucherforschung, schafft Rakuten Advertising die richtigen Voraussetzungen, um neue Kunden zu erreichen und eine langfristige Loyalität aufzubauen. Mit seiner Grundlage aus fortschrittlicher Technologie, Daten und strategischen Dienstleistungen ist Rakuten Advertising in der Lage, eine differenzierte Palette von Marketing- und Werbelösungen anzubieten und gleichzeitig die Branche ständig voranzutreiben. Es ist eine Sparte von Rakuten Inc. (4755: TOKYO), einem der weltweit führenden Internet-Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in San Mateo, Kalifornien, mit Niederlassungen in ganz EMEA, APAC, LATEAM und Nordamerika.
The three companies in the running are:
Amdocs – RevenueONE
Cohere Technologies
Rakuten, Intel and Altiostar Networks
The Leading Lights winners, and the identities of this year's Light Reading Hall of Fame inductees, will be announced online, on August 21, during a special video presentation on http://www.lightreading.com, one month before the start of the Big 5G Event.
die 1000 YEN Marke scheint eine unüberwindliche Hürde zu sein.
Es ist ein Gemischtwarenladen da ändert sich auch in 100 Jahren nichts mehr.
Und wenn ich dann die lächerlichen Vergleiche mit Amazon lese, und Rakuten natürlich besser als Amazon ist dann kann einem als Aktionär nur noch übel werden.
Auch nach zig Jahren immer noch rund 60% unter dem Hoch und das Ganze nach einer Rallye an den Börsen seit vielen Jahren.
Auch heute wieder fast 2% minus auf 954 YEN runter.
Und das Ganze mehr oder weniger Tag für Tag.
Nur noch lachhaft diese permanente Pusherei hier und drüben.
By Juan Pedro Tomás AUGUST 11, 2020
New Japanese market entrant Rakuten Mobile, a subsidiary of e-commerce giant Rakuten, expects to cover all the country’s population with its mobile service in 2021.
During an earnings call, Chairman and CEO Mickey Mikitani said that the company previously targeted full coverage in Japan by 2028, but added that it was possible to accelerate this goal by seven years. Rakuten Mobile now aims to have 70% population coverage by end-March 2021 and full coverage by summer 2021.
Rakuten Mobile posted an operating loss of JPY50.6 billion ($477.2 million) in the second quarter of the year from JPY12.24 billion in the comparable 2019 period, on higher capex and depreciation costs. Revenue increased 61% year-on-year to JPY43.65 billion.
How big is the market for this? It’s about ¥30 trillion, ¥40 trillion per year. And that’s what we are targeting. So, if we introduce RCP, how much will it cost us? At least we will achieve 30% cost reduction by introducing this Rakuten Communication Platform. The competition might be becoming very severe in some countries, so for future growth, I think there is tremendous potential.
Hast du schon mal drüber nachgedacht das mit der Börse sein zu lassen?
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