Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
Die Video-On-Demand-Plattfom „Rakuten TV“ hat den Start eines neuen Kids-TV-Kanals angekündigt. Der neue dedizierte Kanal erweitert seinen aktuellen Katalog in seinem kostenlosen Bereich um mehr als hundert Episoden mit Inhalten für Kids.
Der Kanal wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem berühmten Animationsstudio Aardman Animations, Milimages, Motion Pictures und dem Bildungsangebot Lingokids gestartet, um eine Reihe von Inhalten für Kinder bereitzustellen, darunter Titel wie Shaun das Schaf, Wallace & Gromits, Molang und Glumpers.
„Uber-Chef Dara Khosrowshahi kündigte an, den in Dubai ansässigen Konkurrenten Careem für 3,1 Milliarden Dollar (umgerechnet 2,7 Milliarden Euro) zu übernehmen.
Careem wurde in der jüngsten Finanzierungsrunde mit etwa zwei Milliarden Dollar bewertet und ist in 98 Städten aktiv.“
SAN MATEO, Kalifornien, 12. Februar 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Mit der Einführung von Rakuten Advertising können Marken, Werbetreibende und Agenturen ab heute erstmals die umfangreichen Rakuten-Medien nutzen, die den Zugang zu Customer Insights und dem preisgekrönte Performance-Marketing-Ökosystem von Rakuten bieten.
Das neue Unternehmen vereint das ausgedehnte Affiliate-Netzwerk von Rakuten Marketing, die programmatische Retargeting- und Prospecting-Technologie von Rakuten Marketing mit den Einblicken von Rakuten Intelligence und einer einzigartigen Reihe von globalen Medien, so dass Marken ein breites Publikum entdecken und dauerhafte Beziehungen aufbauen können, darunter Rakuten TV, Rakuten Viber, Rakuten Viki und Rakuten France.
Marketers werden ebenso Zugang zu einem der größten und vertrauenswürdigsten globalen Performance-Marketing-Netzwerke der Branche haben, das von den International Performance Marketing Awards (IPMAs) und von mThink zum neunten Mal in Folge als "Bestes Affiliate-Netzwerk" ausgezeichnet wurde. Dieses Netzwerk ist heute in mehr als 200 Ländern und Regionen auf der ganzen Welt tätig.
Recap of Relation between Cashless and FinTech Businesses
The cashless trend is an opportunity for the FinTech business, but not all payment providers enjoy this trend
Currently, credit cards are at the center of cashless, and Rakuten Card continues to show high growth potential, and momentum is accelerating due to the penetration of cashless
In particular, there are many payment companies that are not sustainable in terms of profits, but Rakuten Fin Techbusiness is a sustainable model which collects commissions in the payment business
Although profitability in the payment business is low, Rakuten Card becomes a powerful hub, accumulating revolving credit and cashing balance in the card, and sending customers to profitable businesses such as banks, securities and insurance
RakutenCard will play a central role in connecting the various functions (Dots) of the Fin Tech business, and connecting them also to e-Commerce business, mobile business, and other group businesses
"In the fourth quarter of 2019, Lyft’s revenue came in at $1.017 billion, a gain of 52% compared to its year-ago result of $669.5 million. Sticking to the growth side of things, the company’s “active rider” count rose from 18.59 million to 22.91 million from Q4 2018 to Q4 2019, a gain of 23%. Lyft’s active riders also spent 23% more year-over-year, reaching $44.40 in the final quarter of last year."
Rakuten is in the process of building out its own new 4G mobile network in Japan, and has touted it as the world’s first end-to-end fully virtualized, cloud-native network.
Rakuten said that operators can benefit from flexibility and accelerated innovation from OpenRAN that delivers programmable radio access network (RAN) solutions based on General Purpose Processing Platforms (GPPP) and disaggregated software.
TPG, a subsidiary of Australia’s TPG Telecom Group, operates a 4G network in Singapore, and to date has signed up 300,000 customers.
In the U.S., Dish Networks said it decided it will go with an Open RAN architecture for its forthcoming mobile network. and executives have pointed to Rakuten’s approach as a good template for the satellite provider’s new entry into wireless. Unlike Rakuten though, Dish plans to build a 5G network from scratch, rather than 4G.
120,46 Yen
24. Feb., 09:47
Mein lieber Scholli,erstaunlich,was du alles nicht mitkriegst.
The company is planning to simultaneously launch 4G and 5G services in quick succession in April 2020 and June 2020 respectively
February 23, 2020
The company is developing businesses that bring together membership, data and branding, along with the development and operation of services that proactively leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence). Rakuten Group is aiming for double-digit growth in the consolidated revenue for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 vis-a-vis fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 thanks to the launch of 4G and 5G services in Japan by leveraging both e-commerce and FinTech services.
Overview: Top investment apps in 2020
Acorns: Best for worry-free savings
Acorns is one of the older of the new breed finance apps, but it remains one of the most popular, because of how easy it is to use. You really don’t have to pay much attention once you’ve set up the app. Link a debit or credit card to your account, and Acorns will round up the total on purchases to the next dollar and invest that difference into one of a few ETF portfolios.
The cost is a modest $1 per month for Acorns Invest, though the company offers other features. If you want to take a step up, you can move to Acorns Later, which is bundled with Acorns Invest, for an additional $1 per month. Acorns Later is the company’s version of an individual retirement account (IRA), and you’ll be able to open one of three versions: the traditional, Roth or a SEP.
And for an additional $1 per month, you can add Acorns Spend, which provides a FDIC-protected checking account with a debit card, among other things.
Why you want this app: You like getting automatic savings while you’re spending without worrying about it. You like retirement investing without the hassle.
Recyclable cardboard beds and customizable mattresses for athletes to sleep on during the 2020
Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were unveiled this week, as organizers aim to provide comfort at the athletes village while fulfilling environmental sustainability goals.
The bed frames, made of high-resistance cardboard, can support up to about 200 kilograms, the organizers said. They come with three-part polyethylene mattresses that can be mixed and matched to suit each athlete's preferred firmness for the upper, middle and lower body, according to Japanese bedding maker Airweave Inc.
After the games, the beds and mattresses will be recycled into other paper and plastic products.
Airweave will supply 18,000 beds for the Olympics and 8,000 beds during the Paralympics next year.
Veröffentlicht von L. Rabe, 17.02.2020
Diese Statistik zeigt die Anzahl Unique IDs bei Viber in ausgewählten Monaten zwischen März 2015 und Dezember 2019. Im Dezember 2019 lag die Anzahl der Unique IDs des Chat-Dienstes für Smartphones und Desktop-PCs, mit dem auch telefoniert werden kann, bei rund 1,15 Milliarden.
The solution Algorithmia offered the needed functionality off the shelf, with a development roadmap compatible with the GWG’s aims. It also provided the GWG with the technology necessary to quickly publish and consume algorithms without extensive DevOps investment.
The future Using Algorithmia, the GWG now supports:
Deployment and consumption of machine learning algorithms as well as traditional statistical methods.
Access throughout the world with a very low barrier to entry.
A growing global community of users across 193 UN member states.
The GWG was able to quickly deploy, develop, and tailor the platform with support from Algorithmia engineers. Combined with public cloud hosting, Algorithmia now provides the required ease of use, speed, and consistency needed to maintain the global algorithm library. As part of the UN’s global data program, the GWG is now able to provide data and analysis to help countries around the world make better, data-driven decisions.
February 25, 2020
Nokia said it will operate the virtualized core network of Rakuten Mobile, a mobile network operator in Japan, to manage total cost of ownership (TCO).
Nokia is enabling automation in network and service lifecycle management within the Rakuten Mobile cloud environment. This will accelerate the pace of service innovation and deployment while controlling Opex.
Nokia is supporting over 160 virtual network function instances across two data centers in a multivendor cloud environment.
Friedrich Trawöger, head of Operate & Managed Services Unit at Nokia, said: “By managing its telco cloud we can help Rakuten Mobile to focus on its objectives; to launch its mobile LTE network and to rapidly realize its vision as a 5G digital service provider.”
Tareq Amin, chief technology officer of Rakuten Mobile, said: “With Nokia supporting the operation of our cloud native network, we can focus on service launch and expansion.”
Allein das wird den Gewinn in Q1/20 um 365,5 Millionen US-Dollar erhöhen und zu einem Zufluss von ca. 800 Millionen US-Dollar führen – eventuell auch mehr, wenn Overdrive nach dem Kauf für 410 Millionen in 2015 zwischenzeitlich aufgwertet worden sein sollte.
„The two sides did not provide a price tag for the Ohio-based property, which Rakuten purchased for $410 million in 2015 , but Rakuten said it would recognize about $365.6 million in profit from the sale in the first quarter of 2020.“
by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, 46 minutes ago
The Adomni platform has more than 160,000 digital screens available across U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Uber’s deal provides some of the same revenue-generating options as the one made last week by Lyft. Only this ride-share company acquired U.S.-based startup Halo Cars. The deal allows drivers to generate money through digital advertisements displayed on screens atop of their cars.
Halo Cars, founded in 2018, has operations in major U.S. cities, such as New York and Chicago.
Lyft said earlier this month that its active rider base in the fourth quarter grew to 22.9 million from 22.3 million the previous quarter, compared with Uber's total of global 111 million active platform users in the same period.
Halo’s website touts real-time tracking of ads through a dashboard that shows the number of pedestrians exposed to the ad, demographics reached, and more. Advertisers can make changes and publish live messages in seconds. A bi-weekly report provides details on the total impression reach segmented by zip code, average age, household income, and time.
February 1, 2020
Algorithmia, a Seattle-based company that focuses on getting machine learning models up and running in enterprise AI adoptions, has released its 2020 report on machine learning.
Polling almost 750 business leaders across all kinds of companies, the 2020 State of Enterprise Machine Learning report arrives at seven key findings and a general conclusion that predicts significant growth. “We will likely see a boom in the number of ML (machine learning) companies providing (deployment and maintenance) services.”
0.0071 EUR per delivered messageup to 48,000 messages per month
Viber messaging has a new, off-beat marketing format. New and cutting-edge technologies always works more efficiently — users tend to enjoy the novelty, unusual format and other nuances.
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