Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
Rakuten Mobile has also signed 4,500 contracts with property owners for access to deploy these radios, with an additional 6,500 contracts in process, he said. “We’re very confident that we have validated the model of our technologies. Coverage we’re increasing daily and it’s going to get better as time progresses.”
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November 8, 2019
F5 Networks has partnered with Rakuten Mobile to support the company’s October launch of the world’s first fully virtualised, cloud-native mobile network and its future deployment of 5G.
The carrier will leverage F5’s network functions virtualisation (NFV) capabilities to optimise its new mobile network and accelerate its path to 5G services in 2020.
Rakuten Mobile is collaborating with F5 to scale and evolve their cloud-native network design architecture to increase scalability and flexibility without sacrificing control.
F5’s NFV capabilities and offerings enabled Rakuten Mobile to simplify and optimise service orchestration; ensure application availability, performance, and security; have unmatched freedom and agility in deployment of services and; enable a higher throughput, low-latency network and allow predictable scaling for services.
Rakuten Mobile virtualised architecture is expected to disrupt the telecom industry landscape not only in Japan but also the rest of the world.
“After years of preparing for 5G, we’re seeing progress as service providers like Rakuten begin to implement the infrastructure to make its promise a reality,” said Yuichi Gonda, regional VP at F5 Networks Japan.
Tareq Amin, Rakuten Mobile’s CTO, said their vision is to build a network that innovates at the speed of software and scales at the speed of cloud.
From 10 million Rakuten Cards to 11 million Rakuten Cards: 8 months needed
From 11 million Rakuten Cards to 12 million Rakuten Cards: 8 months needed
From 12 million Rakuten Cards to 13 million Rakuten Cards: 9 months needed
From 13 million Rakuten Cards to 14 million Rakuten Cards: 8 months needed
From 14 million Rakuten Cards to 15 million Rakuten Cards: 9 months needed
From 15 million Rakuten Cards to 16 million Rakuten Cards: 7 months needed
From 16 million Rakuten Cards to 17 million Rakuten Cards: 7 months needed
From 17 million Rakuten Cards to 18 million Rakuten Cards: 6 months needed
https://global.rakuten.com/corp/investors/ Latest IR Materials Third Quarter 2019 Download Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
5.0 million bank accounts: May/15
5.5 million bank accounts: Jul/16
6.0 million bank accounts: Aug 17
6.5 million bank accounts: May 18
7.0 million bank accounts: Dec 18
7.5 million bank accounts: May 19
8.0 million bank accounts: Oct 19
https://global.rakuten.com/corp/investors/ Latest IR Materials Third Quarter 2019 Download Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
Das wird mit weniger positiven Berichten in der immer noch von der Japan AG dominierten Presse honoriert, das gilt auch für Bewertungen von Analysten und die Japan AG bestimmt auch nach wie vor im erheblichen Umfang, welche Wertpapiere in Fonds landen.
Daher ist bei Rakuten Geduld gefragt und die Aktie vor allem ein Langfristinvestment - auch wenn es zwischendurch in den nächsten Monaten einmal steil nach oben gehen könnte, wenn die reale Entwicklung bei der Etablierung als vierter Voll-Telco von interessierten Adressen nicht mehr in die Mülltonne gekippt werden kann, wie das momentan noch geschieht.
And so far, out of everybody, almost 98% of all the free supporter program are daily consuming, using the network. And I think it really sets a good picture of what we could expect in the future, and we would love to see data consumption increase in our network, obviously, once we go commercial launch."
Quelle: siehe 4252
Rakuten Marketing international managing director, Anthony Capano commented: “Marketers must remember that ‘shopper profiles’ change at this time of year – instead of buying for themselves, people are buying for others.
“For brands this means engaging audiences outside of the traditional customer base, often through new tactics and channels.”
He added: “Now more than ever it’s important for brands and advertisers to connect online with offline to make the most seamless shopping experience for consumers.
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“This new research by Rakuten Marketing aims to give marketers the best relevant, up-to-date information so that they can create effective and efficient strategies this gift-giving season.”
That's another big story I will share with you today. We officially became the world's largest virtual radio access RAN vendor. We provided this together with Altiostar, solved very, very complex technical problems. This is in 2018 in June. People said, we cannot do this. It is now fully operational, carrying massive amount of traffic in the network, fully resilient, fully redundant. We are extremely happy about the structure and the strategy for the radio access.
23 September, 2019
The Kobo sister company Rakuten Viber launched a new storytelling feature on Monday. It's called Shorts by Viber, and it will feature over 50 original, free stories told entirely through text messages that are revealed one line at a time, and are delivered via the Viber chat app.
“We are excited to introduce readers to a new form of storytelling. Shorts by Viber will offer an entirely new perspective to on-the-go readers to consume content at their optimal convenience,” says Rakuten Viber Sr. Director of Growth, Nadav Melnick. “This will captivate audiences and immerse them in Shorts pertaining to horror, thriller, humor, romance, among others. It’s the next step in enhancing our users’ messaging experience.”
At launch, Shorts by Viber will support Viber Originals, which are a one-of-a-kind original stories from our team of writers, and licensed partner content, including stories from one of the largest eBooks retailers in the world, Rakuten Kobo, and their self-publishing platform Kobo Writing Life.
Shorts are available for US Viber users on iOS and Android through the Viber app.
Laut Lyft-Gründer Logan Green wird das Unternehmen in rund zwei Jahren, genauer im vierten Quartal 2021, auf Basis des bereinigten EBITDA erstmals profitabel sein. Das sagte er am Dienstag bei einer Konferenz des "Wall Street Journal". Eine positive Überraschung, denn Analysten hatten bisher damit gerechnet, dass Lyft die Gewinnschwelle erst ein Jahr später erreichen wird. Es ist zudem auch das erste Mal, dass das Unternehmen eine derartige Prognose abgibt. Man gehe damit auf eine wichtige Frage ein, die viele Investoren beschäftige, so Green. Auch Mitgründer John Zimmer zeigte sich laut "CNBC" zuversichtlich: "Wir haben mehr als drei Milliarden Dollar auf der Bank, wir haben einen klaren Weg hin zur Profitabilität und unser Team schlägt sich gut".
Glovo – die Lieferapp für alles.
Geht es nach Gründer und CEO Oscar Pierre, dann wird die von seinem Unternehmen entwickelte Liefer-App bald alles sein, was der Großstädter benötigt, um sich wirklich alles nach Hause liefern zu lassen. Das spanische Unternehmen Glovo wächst rasant und hat ehrgeizige Pläne. Das Angebot kann inzwischen in 75 Städten genutzt werden.
Dabei ist Glovo kein weiterer Klon bekannter Essenslieferanten. Die Kunden können über die App auch Toilettenpapier, ein Kleidungsstück bei Zara oder Schmerzmittel aus der Apotheke bestellen. Zu einem regelrechten Schub hat die Integration von Ketten wie McDonald’s und KFC in der App geführt.. Denn in seinem Heimatland Spanien arbeitet der Dienst bereits profitabel und ist heute der größte Lebensmittellieferdienst mit rund einer Million Bestellungen pro Monat.
Das Angebot soll aber weiter wachsen. Gerade wurde in Madrid der erste „Dark Store“ eröffnet. Die dort vorgehaltenen 700 Artikel können binnen 20 Minuten an die Haustür geliefert werden. Schon bald will er auch, ähnlich wie Deliveroo, erste „Dark Kitchens“ eröffnen. Also eigene Restaurants für den Lieferdienst betreiben, die nicht von Kunden besucht werden können.
Jun/18. 1030
Sept/18: 1053
Dec/18: 1074
Mar/19: 1095
Jun/19: 1113
Sept/19: 1132
https://global.rakuten.com/corp/investors/ Latest IR Materials Third Quarter 2019 Download Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
Consolidated Results for the nine months ended September 30, 2019
(January 1 – September 30, 2019)
(Yen amounts are rounded to the nearest million)
(1) Consolidated Operating Results
(%, YoY)
Income before
income tax
Net income
Millions of yen % Millions of yen % Millions of yen % Millions of yen %
Nine months ended
September 30, 2019
905,781 14.6 112,967 (15.4) (2,059) - (14,754) -
Nine months ended
September 30, 2018
790,330 16.8 133,544 11.1 129,298 16.7 107,716 48.5
https://global.rakuten.com/corp/investors/ Latest IR Materials Third Quarter 2019 Download Earnings release, presentation material and supplement
The core business is doing very well. The revenue was JPY 319 billion and Global GTV, JPY 4.8 trillion, which was 27.1% increase year-on-year. Very good numbers. Domestic EC, GMS, this was before the consumption tax was raised, but it was 18.4% increase year-on-year. Rakuten card shopping GTV was 28.9% increase year-on-year.
November 6, 2019
Barcelona-based on-demand delivery startup Glovo is beefing up its engineering capacity by opening a second tech hub, its first in Poland — with an initial plan to hire 40 additional engineers and have a total of 50 tech and product experts working predominantly out of its Warsaw office.
Glovo says it expects the Polish engineering hub to make up half of its technology capacity in time. It will have a main focus on developing user-facing features for its marketplace product and for partners operating on the platform, it adds.
It also has plans for further expansion of the facility down the line — and an overarching roadmap for its business of a 300-strong engineering team to support building out its on-demand service offering.
Poland is one of its existing markets in Europe. (Albeit Pizza Portal offers various types of fast food for delivery, not just pizza.)
In all, Glovo operates in more than 20 countries at this stage, though its densest markets of operation remain its home market of Spain and also Italy.
In Poland it operates in just eight cities — so the Pizza Portal acquisition looks intended to beef up its footprint there, with the latter slated as the largest food-service platform in the market — even as Glovo doubles down on expanding its engineering capacity by tapping up local tech talent.
Cash from Operations (Millions USD) 933.7 651.0 262.7 1,438.1 1,328.5 1,764.8
Phoenix Business Journal
2 hours ago
Lyft chose Phoenix for its first driver center because it’s a good location near the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and the metro area is a focus market for the company, Kusari said.
“Phoenix continues to be one of the fastest-growing markets for Lyft,” she said.
The company plans to open similar driver centers in other large metro areas, including Denver, Austin, Chicago, New York and California cities.
The driver center has 50 employees with open positions available for senior community operations associates and vehicle tech roles. More positions are expected to be added, as well as possible extended hours, as the demand for the center grows, Kusari said.
Based on 5 analysts offering recommendations for lyft in the last 3 months.
Analyst Firms Making Recommendations
Just as important: for the second quarter in a row, Lyft burned less cash than in the prior year—$50 million in the third quarter versus $53 million in the same quarter a year earlier.
The major cause of the cash burn appears to be capital expenditures on things like computing equipment, autonomous vehicle equipment, and scooters—which it rents to riders in certain U.S. cities. That has jumped significantly between this year and last year while Lyft said it generated cash from its operations in the past two quarters.
In other words, if Lyft pulls back on investments such as scooters and autonomous vehicle research, it could generate cash overall in the not-so-far future, or at least burn a lot less of it.
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