Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
And therefore it is very important, that your read the complete talk with Zarena Kancheva, Viber’s Head of Marketing and PR for the CEE region in this source.
MM: Starting off right at the beginning, how does in-app programmatic differ to mobile web and desktop?
CC: “First of all, there is a lot more demand for desktop programmatic than for mobile and especially in-app. Viber only have in-app inventory and, as such, we encounter a lot of challenges from simply finding the right ad server and to finding the right demand.
“For some reason, it seems the advertisers are not yet fully comfortable or confident to spend on in-app. Demand is even scarcer when it comes to native ads, which Viber privileges. And we know that, despite the fact that it’s growing, native ads represent 20-25 percent of demand out there on a good day.”
I believe it is very important, that your read the complete talk with Cristina Constandache, chief advertising officer at Viber.
Dass der Kurs bei 802 YEN auf einem langjährigem Tief liegt ist ja einem Investor völlig egal.
Der will ja nur dass alles gut und alles toll ist.
About our quality messaging
Viber is committed to providing quality partners and delivering relevant business messages. That’s why we have created Green V.
Green V signifies that Viber has authenticated the brand and that users can update their subscription to the service at any point in time. Every Business Message sent includes a "Green V" to reassure users that they are never receiving any spam.
Rakuten Inc
„The company's consolidated operating income for 2018 is forecast to rise about 20% on the year to more than 170 billion yen, according to International Financial Reporting Standards, setting a record for the second consecutive year.“
In Dollar umgerechnet sind das bei 1 Yen = 0,0092 etwas mehr als 1,5 Milliarden US-Dollar Gewinn für Rakuten in 2018.
Amazon hat laut nachstehender Quelle in den einzelnen Quartalen des Jahres 2018 1,629 Milliarden plus 2,534 Milliarden plus 2,883 Milliarden plus 3,02 Milliarden = insgesamt 10,006 Milliarden in 2018 Gewinn gemacht.
Verglichen mit dem Konkurrenten Rakuten ist das ca. 6,6-mal so viel als dessen etwas mehr als 1,5 Milliarden Gewinn.
Aber auch dem gestrigen Rücksetzer um mehr als 5% beträgt die Markkapitalisierung von Amazon noch 795,176 Milliarden US-Dollar.
Bricht man davon ausgehend den Wert von Rakuten herunter, käme man auf eine Bewertung für Rakuten von 795,176 Milliarden US-Dollar geteilt durch 6,6 = 120,48 Milliarden.
Das ist aber mehr als 12-fache, was Rakuten gestern mit 9,872 Milliarden aufwies.
No harm from Amazon
Despite the growth of Amazon in Japan, e-commerce remains the most important factor in Rakuten's growth (the company is also active in telecom and finance): the branch saw its turnover rise 16.1 % and its profit 28.8 %.
Rakuten e-commerce' will hold the company's e-commerce activities in Japan, where Rakuten is market leader with a share of 27 % (or 25 billion euro) in 2017. Telecom activities will be grouped in 'Rakuten Mobile Network' and the financial branch in 'Rakuten Card'. A (so far nameless) entity will hold the company's foreign activities, consisting of Rakuten France (former Priceminister) as well as American companies Buy and Ebates and German Tradoria.
Leverage Nexmo APIs to broaden your reach to the 1B global Viber users today.
By Anthony Noto – Reporter, New York Business Journal
Jan 29, 2019, 8:57pm ESTJPMorgan and Goldman Sachs to lead Pinterest IPO
Pinterest has hired New York-based investment banks Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. to lead its initial public offering (IPO).
According to Reuters, San Francisco-based Pinterest could raise around $1.5 billion in the IPO, which is likely to come in the first six months of 2019.
Pinterest's trades on the secondary market valued the company at between $13 billion and $15 billion last year. Before that, it was valued at $12 billion on the heels of its recent fundraising round in 2017.
Die im nachstehenden Text gelieferten Daten zum Umsatz von Ant Financial (8,9 Milliarden) kann man mit den Fintech-Umsätzen von Rakuten vergleichen.
APRIL 18, 2018
Explainer: Ant Financial's $150 billion valuation, and the big recent bump-up
Kane Wu, Julie Zhu
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Ant Financial’s rapid climb to become the world’s biggest super unicorn valued by some investors at around $150 billion showcases investor enthusiasm for the biggest Chinese tech companies and also how quickly valuations can shift.
Analysts at Barclays estimate that online payments accounted for 55 per cent of Ant’s $8.9 billion revenue last year, but they expect that to fall to one-third by 2021 as the company focuses on encouraging its 600 million customers to use more of its other, higher-margin services.
The time series shows the revenue of the Rakuten Group's fintech sector as of the second quarter of 2018. In the most recently reported quarter the Tokyo-based e-commerce company's consolidated internet finance sales value amounted to approximately 105 billion Japanese yen. This revenue was generated through Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank, Rakuten Securities as well as Rakuten e-money "Edy".
Geht man von den Fintech-Umsätzen der beiden Unternehmen aus, könnte man daraus eine Bewertung des Fintech-Bereichs von Rakuten von 50 Milliarden US-Dollar ableiten. Aber das komplette Unternehmen Rakuten, von dem der Fintech-Breich nur einer von vier der zukünfitigen Bereiche sein wird, wird insgesamt noch nicht einmal mit 10 Milliarden US-Dollar bewertet.
Japan’s top mobile payments solution
In just two years, the Rakuten Pay app has firmly established its position as Japan’s top mobile payments solution. Research conducted by Rakuten through Intage in 2018 revealed that Rakuten Pay not only has the most users, but also enjoys the highest customer satisfaction rating and the most attractive incentives among payment apps.
The app takes advantage of Rakuten’s ubiquitous ID system in Japan, connecting seamlessly to the Rakuten Ecosystem: Users need only to log in with their Rakuten ID and select a payment card. Shoppers can elect to pay using Rakuten Super Points instead of a credit card, and can even earn points back on purchases.
Adding to the app’s success is the large number of stores that accept it. Currently over 1.2 million locations are part of Rakuten’s payment network, from Rakuten Pay to Rakuten Edy, Rakuten Point Card and Rakuten Card affiliate stores.
Public Libraries Achieve Record-Breaking Ebook and Audiobook Usage in 2018
January 8, 2019
Readers using libraries to engage with digital books and authors in record numbers
CLEVELAND – January 8, 2019 – Rakuten OverDrive, the leading digital reading platform for over 43,000 libraries and schools worldwide, reported that 2018 public library spending and usage of ebooks, audiobooks and magazines reached record levels. Libraries served over 274 million digital books to card holders in the past 12 months, a 22% increase over the previous year which is the highest growth rate since 2015.
If you didn’t already know CarouPay allows you to purchase items on the marketplace with your debit/credit card or DBS PayLah! without having to leave the app.
Dass mit der Zeit der Zahlungsdienst mehr wert sein kann als der ursprüngliche E-Commerce haben wir bei Ebay und Paypal ja schon einmal erlebt.
Indonesia-based Go-Jek, the motorbike taxis on-demand company that competes with Uber and Grab, has confirmed that it has raised upwards of $550 million in new funding. It also hinted that it may expand to other parts of Southeast Asia for the first time.
The company’s valuation was not disclosed, but we reported earlier than it values Go-Jek at $1.3 billion post-money.
The money was provided by new investors KKR, Warburg Pincus, Farallon Capital and Capital Group Private Markets. Existing investors Sequoia India, Northstar Group, DST Global, NSI Ventures, Rakuten Ventures and Formation Group also took part.
Zeitpunkt: 07.02.19 09:45
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Werbung
Zeitpunkt: 07.02.19 09:45
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Werbung
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