Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket

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63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaMarket Positioning of Viber

24.11.18 09:18
Market Positioning of Viber

It’s crucial for new entrants to be prepared with a unique proposition. Viber obviously has the desirable position of already having over 1 billion consumer users.

Viber for Business position their new collaboration product as highly popular, high quality and low cost. The Viber for Business media pack include:

         •§20 messages are sent per person, per day
         •§30 minutes are spent on calls on Viber per person, per day
         •§Viber is opened 12 times per person, per day
         •§50% of Viber users share photos and videos daily
         •§30% of Viber users are sending stickers each day


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaLöschung

24.11.18 09:52

Zeitpunkt: 27.11.18 11:21
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaAusgwogene Darstellung

24.11.18 15:15
Rakuten Reports Record Third-Quarter Revenues, up 17.7% YoY

Operating income was weighed down by the company’s insurance business following numerous natural disasters in Japan.

Rakuten Inc., a Japanese e-commerce giant, has reported its consolidated financial report for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2019. The firm, which is the parent company of Rakuten Securities, reported a solid quarter, with third-quarter revenue at a record high.
For the third quarter of 2018, the company achieved record revenue of ¥278.2 billion ($2.45 billion). This is an increase of 17.7 percent when compared to the same period last year, which recorded revenue of ¥236.4 billion.

For the first nine months of 2018, Rakuten also reported strong revenue of ¥790.3 billion. This is up 16.8 percent year-on-year, as the same time period in 2017 had a revenue of ¥676.5 billion.


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaZusammarbeit von Rakuten TV und Lieferheld

24.11.18 16:00
Rakuten.tv und der bekannte Essenslieferdienst Lieferheld haben vor Kurzem eine Kooperation bekannt gegeben. Als Teil dieser Kooperation erhält jeder Essensbesteller bis zum 23. November ein Guthaben von 500 Rakuten Superpunkten RSP in sein Rakutenkonto gutgeschrieben. Die Rakuten Superpunkte entsprechen hierbei einem Wert von 5 Euro und können in der Online-Videothek von Rakuten.tv für das Leihen eines Films investiert werden.


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaEntwicklung bei Rakuten Kobo

24.11.18 18:15

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaDie Entwicklung der Fintech-Revenues von Rakuten

24.11.18 21:47

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaAnd in Q3/18 an increase again

24.11.18 22:09
Q3/18 = 107,445 Millions of Yen

und dann auf: Earnings Release for Q3 of FY2018 Financial Results


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaLöschung

26.11.18 21:24

Zeitpunkt: 27.11.18 13:35
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrecht: Text ohne Einverständnis des Urhebers veröffentlicht



63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaAmazon hat meines Erachtens mit seinen

26.11.18 22:12
Vernichtungsfeldzügen keine Chance gegen Firmen mit langfristigen und nachhaltigen Ansätzen wie die von Rakuten, die auf Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen eines Marktplatzkonzeptes setzen - vor allem in Asien nicht,  und vermutlich auch immer weniger in Europa.


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaLöschung

26.11.18 22:44

Zeitpunkt: 27.11.18 11:19
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



63057 Postings, 7224 Tage Libuda2018 Third Quarter Earnings Results Conference Q&A

27.11.18 08:55
1. Credit Suisse – Mr. Yoneshima

Q. About the cooperation with KDDI, could you share any details about how the collaboration came about, and why you chose KDDI? Will the extensive roaming agreement have any impact on the capex plans?

A. (Yamada)
Since receiving approval for our 4th generation mobile communications system (4G) special base station deployment plan, we have been working on building out our own network, but as offering nationwide coverage from the launch would prove difficult, we believed a roaming partner would be necessary. We contacted KDDI, and during the discussions both parties saw the merits in the agreement and decided to cooperate. As we had initially anticipated that some sort of roaming agreement would be necessary, there should not be any major impact on the original capex plans and business plans.

dort auf: Latest IR Materials – Download, dann auswählen: Q&A summary and supplement


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaDer Gewinn von Rakuten wäre 2018 noch

28.11.18 13:36
höher gewesen, wenn man nicht im früher hoch rentablen Bereich Rakuten Marketing sich einen Nasenstüber eingefangen hätte. Beim Herauswagen aus der Nische Affiliate in den Display-Bereich hat man durch  die Konkurrenz von Google, Facebook und Co. einen auf die Nase bekommen und will jetzt wieder näher an den Affiliate-Bereich heranrücken, wie die nachstehenden Ausführungen aus dem Conference Call zeigen.

"A. (Arima)
Since acquiring LinkShare, Rakuten Marketing has produced strong profits both in
Japan and overseas. Taking into consideration the slowing rate of growth in the affiliate
industry, we decided to search for revenue sources in fields other than affiliate, and
over the past few years have made acquisitions and expanded into display advertising
and other fields. However, with Google, Facebook and other players also active, these
fields are highly competitive, and we learned that it is very difficult to generate a profit.
This was particularly noticeable this year, where despite sales growing several times
compared to when we made the acquisitions, income has been decreasing. From this
fiscal year, we have reorganized the company to compete again in fields similar to
affiliate and are on the way to recovery, and are looking forward to next fiscal year."

Quelle: siehe vorangegangenes Posting  

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaJetzt auch einmal ein Verkauf

28.11.18 14:34
Jetzt auch einmal ein Verkauf - hier einer Dating-Agentur, die ca. 220 Millionen zum Umsatz beitrughttps://global.rakuten.com/corp/news/press/2018/1128_01.html?


Vielleicht waren dabei produzierte Enttäuschungen negativ für das Eco-System?

Bei einem Umasatzmultiple von etwas mehr als 2, würde dann eine halbe Milliarde in die Kasse fließen.

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaRakuten auf dem Zukunftspfad

28.11.18 14:47
AI Facial Payment Collaboration with Rakuten Pay

Seamless authentication is a method where users are authenticated without having to provide any credentials. While the concept itself is nothing new, recent developments in machine learning, image recognition etc. has made it more viable than before, and it is something Rakuten Institute of Technology is exploring actively. The ultimate form of this is using biometrics, such as voice, fingerprints or facial recognition to identify a user, as this enables access without the need of anything else than your own body.

In a step towards this, we started a pilot project called Secure Facial Payment together with Rakuten Pay, Rakuten’s payment solution business. The system allows users to simply use their face and a PIN number to safely pay for items in stores, without the need for cash, cards, phone or anything else


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaRakuten Rakuma bereits 2017 mit starken Zahlen

28.11.18 17:05
Rakuma-Fril GMS reaches $1.3bln U.S. in 2017

by Tariq Ahmed Saeedi
27 Feb 2018

Japan’s biggest e-retailer Rakuten Inc., recorded a 2.7 times jump in the combined gross merchandise sales (GMS) of its two consumer-to-consumer marketplaces in the fourth quarter ended Dec. 31, 2017, over the corresponding period a year earlier.


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage Libudazu 2740: Über Rakuma vom Conference Call

28.11.18 18:06
Q. You mentioned that C2C businesses are building momentum, but in which areas are you seeing the momentum and what are the reasons behind it?

A. (Kono)
The C2C businesses are maintaining their strong performance across the board. Since last year, we have made a number of changes to the businesses, including the brand change and the introduction of commission fee. In February this year, we integrated Rakuma and Fril, and in June, we introduced the 3.5% commission fee. Even after the introduction of the commission fee, we have been able to maintain the growth rate and I feel we are getting closer to the top player. Going forward, we will focus on service cross-use within the Rakuten Group. We want to increase the cross-use by promoting the acquisition of new users from other group services and guiding C2C customers to other group services.

dort auf: Latest IR Materials – Download, dann auswählen: Q&A summary and supplement


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaSome numbers of Rakutma competitor Mercari

28.11.18 18:30
Some numbers of competitor Mercari:

396.774B JPY

Share price of today = 2,784.00JPY


Price to Sales Ratio =  9.0433



63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaCareem exapndiert weiter und Rakuten gehört

28.11.18 23:08
zu den Eignern von Careem

Acquires Hyderabad-based Transportation App Commut

Dubai, UAE-based ride-hailing app Careem has acquired Commut, a Hyderabad-based mass transportation app, marking its entry into India, announced the company on Monday.
Careem did not disclose the size of the deal, which it said would accelerate Careem’s expansion into mass transportation through the addition of bus services across the 100 cities it operates in.


63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaKorrekutr von Zahlen in 2738

29.11.18 09:18
„Matchmaking for marriage
And that’s where O-net comes in. One of the nation’s largest matchmaking services, O-net has 46,000 members, all of whom are very serious about getting hitched. Unlike many online dating services, O-net imposes significant hurdles for membership – including the need to submit proof of any marriage history, or lack thereof. Membership is not cheap, either. Members pay as much as 106,000 yen for the privilege of joining this broad network of people who, they can be confident, are as serious about marriage as themselves.“


Das sind 4,876 Milliarden Yen bzw bei mit 1 Yen = 0,0089 USD umgerechnet = ca. 43 Millionen US-Dollar. Insofern muss ich meine gestrigen Zahleninterpretationen des nachstehenden Textes korrigieren

„Impact on business performance
The impact of sale of O-net shares on FY2018 Q4 consolidated results of the Company will be about JPY 25 billion.“  


Und zwar interpretiere ich das jetzt so, dass bei dem Verkauf von O-net, das einen Jahresumsatz von ca. 5 Milliarden Yen (ungefär 50 Millionen Dollar) hat, der Verkaufserlös about JPY 25 billion über dem Buchwert lag, was in Q4 zu einer Gewinnerhöhung um ca. 222 Millionen Dollar führen wird (about JPY 25 billion mal 0,0089).

Der für mich zunächst nicht nachvollziehbare Verkauf wrid durch die Mitgliederzahl von nur 46.000 bei allerdings saftigen Gebühren verständlich, denn von einer so kleinen Mitgliederzahl gehen nur geringe positive Wirkungen auf das Eco-System von Rakuten aus.

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaWarum RakutenViber immer gefährlicher für Facebook

29.11.18 13:26

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaEine Meinung zu meiner Aussage in 2745

29.11.18 14:10

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaAus meiner Sicht eine Indiz für eine positive

29.11.18 16:00

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaAcorns ist eine der Fintech-Beteiligungen Rakutens

29.11.18 18:27

63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaLöschung

30.11.18 08:23

Zeitpunkt: 30.11.18 12:19
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Werbung



63057 Postings, 7224 Tage LibudaValue of Internet-Banking

30.11.18 14:58
with a net-income of $ 221.7 million?

The banking results in the last four aquarters was 5,858 million JPY+5,949 million JPY+6,475 million JPY+6,629 million JPY = 24,911 million JPY = $ 221.7 million (1 JPY = $ 0.089)

Latest IR Materials Third Quarter 2018
presentation material  

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