Quest rare minerals
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Without question end users in the face of severe interim supply shortages must try to engineer around rare earth inputs. What the end-users must grasp is that the shortages are a frustrating but temporary problem, provided projects outside of China get developed expeditiously. Steps by China that ease the perceived pain by making the more widely used rare earths such as cerium, lanthanum and yttrium available through specific export quotas of a use it or lose it nature would help in this regard. From a rare earth junior valuation perspective this would be a positive development, because it could result in somewhat higher Chinese domestic prices for these rare earths, which sophisticated analysts who know to use the domestic price in their models would read as a boost for the juniors.
Quest shareholders will be pleased to note that the JP Morgan analysts include Strange Lake in their list of future supply contenders, albeit with the warning that they do not think anybody but Lynas and Molycorp will ever deliver any supply because of the lack of rare earth experience. On the other hand they suggest Avalon's Nechalacho and Quest's Strange Lake will be in production by 2015, while relegating Great Western's Steenkampskraal and Hoidas Lake to "post-2015".
The JP Morgan analysts continue to avoid dealing with the fact that apart from europium Molycorp has virtually no heavy rare earths in its supply portfolio. Also, was anybody else puzzled by Great Western's announcement that it had hired somebody with meteorological experience to help with SKK?”
dass so wenige auf Quest bisher aufmerksam geworden sind...ich habe mich hier mal bei 3,80 Euro bedient in den vergangenen Wochen...die haben ausserdem genug Cash, um eine Sommerflaute zu ueberstehen....
Die Gesellschaft kann eines der ganz wenigen primären Vorkommen der heiß begehrten Schweren Seltenen Erden ihr Eigen nennen. Experten bescheinigen dem Projekt absolutes Weltklasseformat. Und auch der Vorstand erwartet, dass sein Unternehmen in nur wenigen Jahren eine ganz große Rolle am Seltene-Erden-Markt spielen wird. Besonderer Pluspunkt außerdem zur Konkurrenz: die voraussichtlich enorm niedrigen Förderkosten.
Bin jetzt auch dabei! Meiner Meinung nach eine super Chance! Man bedenke nur wie gefragt seltene Erden schon jetzt sind und dass der Bedarf in den nächsten Jahren mit Sicherheit nicht abnehmen wird. Wenn man sich die Zahlen anschaut schaut das ja auch schon sehr vielversprechend aus. Der Verlust ist in Q2 um über 700% gesunken! Jetzt ist die Chance sich billig einzukaufen und in 2-3 Jahren saftige Gewinne rauszuholen! Also wer ein Geld auf der Seite hat hier gibt es was zu holen ;-)
Der Kurs ist ja vom hoch bei 8$ ganz schön zurückgekommen.
Schätze wir werden noch in diesem Jahr ein neues hoch für die SE sehen, da China bereits angekündigt hat die SE für eigene Herstellung von Gütern zu verwenden und die Exportquoten nicht wieder zu erhöhen.
was mit hochgejubelten Rohstoffsegmenten passiert, wenn der Euphorienebel verzogen ist....totaler Absturz.
Wer hätte vor 1.-2 Jahren mal gedacht, dass es Quest für bald 1 Euro gibt??
•Bulk of engineering work has been completed
•Quest is examining potential refinements to the Strange Lake Project to:
•further reduce project risk
•lower capital costs
•lower operating costs
•allow for an earlier mine commissioning date
"Quest is the only runner up that should be re-evaluated based on its upcoming PFS."
"Quest Rare Minerals Signs a Letter of Intent for Sale of 100% of Strange Lake's Expected Zirconia Production"
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - July 9, 2013) - Quest Rare Minerals Ltd. (TSX:QRM) (NYSE MKT:QRM) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding Letter of Intent ("LOI") with TAM Ceramics Group of NY, LLC ("TAM"), a leading U.S.-based marketer and manufacturer of zirconia chemical products. The LOI specifies that TAM will agree to purchase from Quest up to 24,000 tonnes of zirconia annually which Quest expects to mine from its Strange Lake deposit, and that Quest will deal exclusively with TAM for the sale of this quantity of product. This constitutes 100% of Quest's anticipated annual zirconia production from Strange Lake.
The LOI also provides that TAM will coordinate with Quest to develop markets for zirconia.
The purchase and sale of zirconia contemplated by the LOI is subject to the execution of a definitive agreement between Quest and TAM which will include, among other things, the price of all zirconia to be sold and other material terms and conditions of the transaction. Quest and TAM have agreed to negotiate the definitive agreement in good faith, with a view to executing it as soon as possible, but in any event no later than December 31, 2014. The LOI provides that the definitive agreement will have an initial term of five years, with five possible renewal terms of five years each, for a total potential contract term of 30 years, covering the anticipated minimum 30-year production life for the Strange Lake deposit.
"The signing of our first off-take LOI, in this case for all of our byproduct zirconia, is a major milestone in the development of the Strange Lake deposit," said Peter Cashin, Quest's President and Chief Executive Officer. "We believe that Strange Lake is a world-class asset that has the potential to produce a substantial quantity of strategic materials that will be attractive to customers around the globe. The LOI is the result of our continuing marketing efforts to engage customers with whom we intend to develop lasting business relationships. We view TAM's involvement with our Strange Lake project as a significant vote of confidence in the considerable progress we have made in precipitating chemical-grade zirconia product at our pilot plant. The LOI will allow us to develop a partnership with a company that has many years of zirconium marketing and manufacturing experience."
"TAM is excited about the opportunity to partner with Quest to commercialize significant quantities of zirconium-based materials, such as zirconium chemical products and high-purity zirconia, into the global market," said George Bilkey, TAM's President. "These zirconium-based derived materials are an excellent complement to TAM's 80-year global zircon and zirconia business. We very much look forward to working with the Quest team."