Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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666 Postings, 5778 Tage havannaDie Aussage,

16.07.10 12:25
das eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine nur unter James Tanis zugestimmt wird, wurde ja von Chris Uma getroffen.

Für mich war das eher als Wahlkampfparole zu werten, um James Tanis entschieden im Wahlkampf zu unterstützen, daher lege ich diese Aussage nicht auf die Goldwage.
Waren doch Tanis und Uma seiner Zeit als Rebellen aktiv...

Nicht zu vergessen, auch die Mekamuis haben ein Interesse am wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg des Landes; deswegen haben sie ja auch damals zu den Waffen gegriffen...

Und ob sie sich einem Re-Opening verschließen, nur weil nun ein anderer, aber von den Bewohnern geschätzter Präsident Namens John Momis Präsident ist(der mit einem eindeutigen Wahlergebnis gewählt wurde)... wage ich ganz ehrlich zu bezweifeln, aber in die Personen kann man leider nicht hineinschauen...

Im Grunde sind die Bedenken von CCLS auf jeden Fall nicht von der Hand zu weisen!  

382 Postings, 6352 Tage centwatch@CCLSC

16.07.10 12:30
Hi CCLSC, Du schreibst:

"Solange DIESES Problem nicht gelöst wird, wird auch der Kurs gedrückt bleiben. Aber ok, auch ein 1.000 Meilen Marsch beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt und wir haben schon viele Schritte auf diesem Marsch zurückgelegt. "

Nichts für ungut, aber hier widerspreche ich vehement:

a) Der Kurs ist nicht gedrückt; es ist nur so, dass keine alte Sau in Australien Notiz vom Fortschritt in Bougainville nimmt und es deshalb schlicht ergreifend keine Nachfrage gibt. Schau Dir das doch mal auf Hotcopper an. Das Posting, das nekro zitiert hat, wurde genau 6!!! mal gelesen, und ich möchte wetten, dass die Hälfte auf das Konto von uns hier geht!

b) Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir nicht gleich die "perfekte Lösung" ala "No-Go-Zone ist mit Blumen geschückt, alle Waffen incl. Spielzeugwasserpistolen abgegeben" brauchen, damit der Kurs in Schwung kommt. Meines Erachtens passiert das genau ab dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem BOC die Einladung zu BCA-Verhandlungen bekannt gibt. Dann wird meines Erachtens auch Rio die Meldung rausgeben mit entsprechendem Medienecho. Dann beginnt die offizielle Spekulation. "Spekulation" deshalb, weil natürlich noch längst nicht alle Hürden ala BCA-Abschluß, komplette Entwaffnung, alle!! Versöhnungsfeiern abgeschlossen, Finanzierung!!! geklärt sind. Aber bei einem bin ich mir sicher, genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird BOC auf den Radarschirm der Investoren zurückkehren. Einige werden noch abwarten, aber die Mutigen wrerden reingehen. Wo dann der Kurs steht bei dem geringen Free-Float, wer weiss, aber vermutlich deutlich höher als zuletzt, dafür gehe ich jede Wette ein.  

915 Postings, 6356 Tage Carlchen03Kurssteigerung #3927

16.07.10 17:54
hi  Centwatch,

"..... auch Rio die Meldung rausgeben mit entsprechendem Medienecho"

Genau,  ich schätze, wenn RT die konkrete Meldung bringt, dass der Weg bereitet ist,  es tatsächlich los geht(!!!!!) und praktische Fortschrittsanzeigen von RT bzw BCL  kommen, dann erst werden die "großen Investoren" langsam einsteigen   und die "kleinen Spekulanten" in "größeren" Scharen kommen und sicherlich den Kurs treiben.
Alles andere (z.B. die Politiker in PNG, Verhandlungsinfos etc) werden "nur kleine Zuckungen" (bis 1-3Euro??? evtl!!!) des Kurses verursachen ;  weil kaum einer so wirklich das ganze Geschehen da unten beobachtet bzw an einen Erfolg glaubt.

Aber irgendwann (wann?????) werden wir "richtige" Kurse sehen(!!!).

..... nur meine persönliche, laienhafte Sichtweise ...

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroThe MOU documents were carried in a traditional ho

16.07.10 18:00

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekro28100%

16.07.10 18:10


28100% ist Katanga Mining,( eine im Bürgerkrieg geschlossene Mine im Kongo binnen 3 Jahren gestiegen nachdem man sich auf die Wiedereröffnung geeinigt hatte.Bevor es soweit war hatte auch kein Mensch daran geglaubt.;-))))))))))))))


450 Postings, 6352 Tage Longwilli#3930

16.07.10 18:30
Hallo nekro,

warum ist der Kurs danach wieder so heftig abgeschmiert?  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekro@Longwilli

16.07.10 18:55
tanga ist wieder die grösste Unruheprovinz im Kongo geworden mit Warlords etc. welche versuchen den Kuchen unter sich aufzuteilen.  

915 Postings, 6356 Tage Carlchen03#3930

16.07.10 19:23
Ende 2000 bzw Anfang 2001 (???)  war der BOC Kurs in ADR´s in München einige Tage bei  8 Pfennigen (umgerechnet ca 4 Euro-Cent).

Von diesem damaligen Kurs   rd  28.000 Prozent  hochgerechnet oben drauf, dann landen wir bei ca  11 Euro.

Immer noch mehr als das  rd  20fache  vom  heutigen Kursniveau  (50 Euro-Cent).  

3 Postings, 5194 Tage guzzikoenigLöschung

16.07.10 20:22

Zeitpunkt: 17.07.10 08:35
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Spam.



1528 Postings, 6352 Tage CCLSC@3934

16.07.10 23:08
Ich hätte dann auch gerne 10g von dem Zeug, dass du nimmst. Scheint gut zu sein! ;-)  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHAWelche Auswirkungen

17.07.10 08:20
hat das Projekt über den Bürgerkrieg in Bougainville ?

Meine Meinung :  Das neue Minenabkommen wird für die Bürger von Bougainville ERHEBLICH lukrativer als das bis 1989 gültige, das nur Port Moresby finanzierte.
Der Film könnte also das Thema Bougainville kurzfristig zusätzlich befördern. Langfristig erheblich wichtiger ist allerdings der Kupferpreis.

News Post-Courier
Friday 16th July, 2010

International film to tell crisis story


AN international film, to be auditioned in Bougainville, Port Moresby and Honiara is set for casting next week.
The film Mr Pip is based on a book by New Zealand author Lloyd Jones. The story is set in 1991, during the Bougainville conflict. Fourteen-year-old Matilda and her mother Dolores live in an isolated village in Bougainville. Matilda’s village has lost electricity, medicine and teachers but no-one has been killed. Mr Watts, the only white man among them, agrees to teach the kids. He reads the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Matilda imagines a world where the characters in the book, Pip, Joe and Estella, look like her and other villagers, but they are wearing Victorian clothes and living in homes which are bigger versions of village huts. She is a bit in love with Pip and writes his name on the beach. The PNG army think the village is hiding a rebel by the name of Pip. The misunderstanding escalates and Matilda’s mother and Mr Watts are killed. Matilda escapes and lives with her Australian based father until an unexpected inheritance from Mr Watts takes her to London and to Dicken’s real house in Rochester.
Emotions from her past almost overwhelm her until she discovers that Pip has helped her find her own voice and she begins to tell her own story.
The producers, directors and those in charge of auditions are now set to travel these areas next week, starting with Honiara. They are looking for the key roles of Matilda, a 12-14 year old girl and her mother and are asking people to help them by recommending suitable people, putting in touch with cultural groups where these people can be found. They want to find people from Bougainville.
Their travel dates are:
* July 20, travel to Honiara
* July 21 to 25, casting in and around Honiara
* July 26, travel to Gizo
* July 27 to 29, casting in Gizo
* July 30, casting in Choiseul
* July 31, casting in Choiseul
* August 1, travel to Honiara
* August 2, travel to Port Moresby
* August 3 to 5, casting with Nikki in Port Moresby
* August 6, travel to Buka
* August 7 to 8 (Saturday and Sunday) casting in Buka
* August 9 to 15, casting Teop/Arawa regions
* August 16, travel to Port Moresby
* August 17, travel to Sydney for break
* August 22, travel to Auckland
* August 23 to 24, meet with director and producer
* August 25, travel to Sydney for break
* August 30, travel to Horn Island, Torres Straight
* August 31 to September 4, casting in Torres Straight and,
* September 5, travel to Sydney.  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroWelche Auswirkungen........

17.07.10 09:07
......wird das für Montag angesagte Misstrauensvotum gegen PNG PM Michael Somare auf die Beziehungen zwischen PNG u. Bougainville haben?

Obwohl ich pers. Somare für einen alten korrupten Abzocker halte (siehe z.B. die "Moti Affäre") so wäre es im Sinne der Kontinuität für uns BOC Aktionäre doch wünschenswert dass er im Amt bleibt,zumindest so lange bis das neue BCA Agreement ausgehandelt ist.;-))))))))))))))

PM will be asked to step down

Ministers to remain in Govt but want new NA leadership

By Simon Eroro

Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare will be asked to step down as leader of the National Alliance Party and ultimately as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea on Monday.
Government insiders and at least two senior government ministers yesterday told Post-Courier that the question will be put to Sir Michael when the Parliamentary caucus of the NA meet on Monday, a day before the Parliament starts its July session.
The Government insiders and the two ministers said the main focus for that discussion is to press for changes to the leadership of the NA Party to avert a possible vote-of-no-confidence and remain in government until 2012.
The senior ministers said this meeting was very crucial because the pressure is on for party leader and Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare to step down but if the changes are not accepted by the Chief, then the formation of a new Government is imminent.
The key members of the Government said the talk within NA is “not to pull the house down but to rearrange” the leadership and remain in power.
“However, if the situation does not go satisfactorily, then whatever we are planning will take effect to give the Opposition the numbers to topple the Government,” one of the senior ministers said.
Deputy Prime Minister and NA Deputy Leader (Southern) Sir Puka Temu, when contacted by Post-Courier last night confirmed that the Papuan block was intact and they were not going anywhere but will promote and protect the NA Party by using the party institutional processes to discuss the leadership issue.
He said the party has a clear legal process to change the leadership and part of this process is the parliamentary caucus which will discuss this mater on Monday amongst other matters.
“Papua New Guinea must demonstrate adherence to democratic processes, part of which includes smooth transition during change of Government on the floor of Parliament or at the polls as allowed for by the Constitution,” Dr Temu said.
The Opposition yesterday welcomed the bold and decisive move by the Papuan and Highlands block and confirmed their negotiations with the two groups were in advanced and mature stages. The Post-Courier has been told that the NA deputy leader Highlands and Minister for Civil Aviation, Transport and Works Don Polye was leading his group while Sir Puka was leading his group to the opposition, when the Monday meeting fails.
Leader of the Opposition Sir Mekere Morauta and his deputy Bart Philemon described the two leaders as real leaders, who are selfless and have put the country’s interests ahead of self and sectional short-term gains to make tough political decisions.
“The decision by the two regional groups frees them from being perceived as supporters of some of the scandalous acts the Prime Minister is alleged to have committed,” Mr Philemon said.  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHAMehr Schulen wegen Investments

17.07.10 09:18
Die kürzlich veröffentlichte Rohstoff Map für PNG incl. Bougainville führt zu weiterem Interesse an der ganzen Region. Das ist auch positiv für die weitere Bewertung der BOC und es zeigt, welchem Druck die Bougainville Regierung ausgesetzt ist.
Zur Erinnerung : Bis 1989 hatte Arawa das beste Krankenhaus der ganzen Region. Der Anteil an Studenten war sehr hoch. Das Lebensniveau war Platz 1 in PNG. Sollte der jetzige Boom in PNG dazu führen, dass Bougainville weiter abgehängt wird, wird der Unmut der Benachteiligten sich gegen die Schuldigen richten. Eine spannende Situation

Now education needs to change its focus

Oseah Philemon

Applications from foreign investors are “flooding in”. And they’re asking the Department of Lands and Physical Planning for land to set up their business in Papua New Guinea, says PNG’s Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu.
Temu who is also the Minister for Mining and Lands and Physical Planning in the Somare-led government said that with Papua New Guinea now seen by investors as a safe destination for investment, investors are sending volumes of applications to the department asking for land to set up their businesses.
“China is coming in a big way. It is very important…it is a big player globally and they are becoming very innovative.”
Temu said investors are interested in land for a whole range of businesses including mining exploration.
With the help of the European Union, PNG has now been mapped out and investors can see where mining deposits are located. The mapping process will be concluded next year.
“So with that technology, we know we still have an enormous potential in mining.
“Exploration is not small money, it is big money and with the MRA (Mineral Resources Authority), we are moving the applications very, very quickly,” said Temu.
Investors particularly from China, Malaysia and Europe are also looking for land for agriculture.
“They are looking at how Papua New Guinea can grow rice, not small plots…they are looking for 100,000 hectares to make Papua New Guinea a food bowl because the global rice production is going down and PNG is recognised as having the land to become a major rice producing country in the world.
“And so our challenge is how do we get 100,000 hectares,” he said.
Temu said under the recent amendments to the land laws, customary landowners can now register their land and then lease it out to businesses.
But the challenge for the government is to turn to traditional landowners to release their land for this purpose.
Under the new changes, the security of titles for traditional land is as good as State lease and that is what investors want—security of titles, he said.
“We have Indonesians and Malaysians coming in and saying we want 100,000 hectares to make PNG a rice producing country,” he said.
One area that has been identified is in the Kairuku area below the Golilala mountains and around the Vanapa area—not far from the capital Port Moresby, and in the Central Province where a lot of land is available.
In the past, rice was grown in the Bereina area of the Central Province.
Temu said there is also a lot of interest in oil palm development as well. And the government has identified “corridors” in the country for agricultural development.
As the government of Papua New Guinea focuses on bringing in more investors, it is also focusing its attention on manpower development to ensure the nation’s human resources are developed to take on the new challenges ahead.
Recently, Temu told a University of Technology graduation in Lae that the government will expand national high schools and integrate them with universities in Papua New Guinea.

Propelling PNG into the future
This will be done as one of the numerous strategies under the country’s Vision 2050, aimed at propelling PNG into the future.
Temu said under the strategic development plan, state universities will be expanded while the government will support private universities and other tertiary institutions.
The government has also approved the establishment of an industrial technology and development institute, as well as a PNG Open University to coordinate flexible learning programmes of four state-run universities—University of Papua New Guinea, University of Technology, Goroka University and Vudal University.
Temu told Unitech staff, graduating students and visitors that a white paper in higher education has urged PNG to reduce its dependency on foreign expertise and take control of its own future by increasing citizen participation, management and control in important areas of the economy, government and community affairs.
However, he said according to the National Development Strategy 2010-2030, PNG will require around 265,000 graduates from tertiary institutions between 2010 and 2030.
The current capacity of the six universities—four government-run and two church-run put together—is about 7,000 per year which is well below the requirement, Temu said.
Existing tertiary institutions are not able to produce all of the manpower required by the industries.
Temu said PNG currently spends some 780 million kina to hire foreign consultants to address the shortfall in the workforce.
He also told the Unitech graduands that it is time some of them started thinking about going to work in the rural areas instead of seeking employment only in the cities and towns.
“I believe it is now time for higher education institutions like Unitech to start preparing our young, educated and creative minds to seek wealth creation opportunities in our rural areas, instead of looking for jobs in our towns and cities,” Temu said.
He went further to say: “In this regard, I propose that Unitech and other higher education institutions in PNG cultivate and encourage the mentality of “university education for innovation, entrepreneurship and self-employment” instead of the current mentality of “university education for a well-paid job.
“This is the kind of paradigm shift we want to see in our higher education system when we implement PNG Vision 2050,” Temu said.  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroOur PLA will stand by our President......

17.07.10 09:31
.........and give him the support that he needs to get back Bougainville on its feet again and hopefully become another United Arab Emirate of the Pacific. PLA has accommodated the people of Bougainville through the BCA review process.

Thank you again. If you want to contact me I am on phone



11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHAUnd Uran

17.07.10 10:00
soll auch noch in PNG liegen. Das ganze Gebiet scheint ein Rohstoff Eldorado zu sein :

Wenn die abgebrochene Exploration in den anderen 7 Gebieten der BOC und die Tiefenbohrungen durchgeführt werden, zeigt sich erst der wahre Wert der BOC.  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroThere is a lot of misinformation,

18.07.10 17:14
misunderstanding and confusion on the whole business of BCL's stance concerning the extraction and sale of scrap metals as well as the PLO's view or position on people from outside collecting and selling scrap metal from the mine operation including from the port of Loloho.

These comments further confuse just exactly where BCL as company, the PLO and ABG stand on the matter. There is also the commonly held view of Bougainvilleans who are not from Panguna that because people from all areas fought, suffered and lost lives over the mine everyone has some claim to the assets in Panguna. There is no dispute regarding the ownership of land in Panguna and PLO's claim to traditional rights to the land but it does not necessarily follow that assets left by BCL belong exclusively to the landowners. IN fact there is strong and prevailing view and claim that all company assets belong to everybody on Bougainville from Buin to Buka and from Kieta to Kereiaka as well as from the islands of Matsungan to the outer isles of Mortlocks.

The argument over who has more claims or rights over scrap in Panguna has become and issue because in the gathering, wheeling, dealing and selling the assets the Panguna landowners have been passive onlookers. The arguments by the landowners is a territorial issue, an issue about infringement and trespassing. It is not a rights issue.

IF the first ABG together with BCL had up with a better understanding and policy to deal with the dealers etc there would not be all these arguments that have pitted the landowners against others. The approach by Komeri as a landowner company has been the first real attempt to give PLO a real and meaningful participation in this business. It is an arrangement that has involved IPA, BCL, ABG, the PLO, ex-combatant reps and other state authorities such as IRC, Customs as well as Foreign Affairs and Labour & Employment Departments.

The scrap metal business is always bound to be messy because a lot of it is business trying to sell crap after the assets were destroyed. The best example that shows this out is, many people think there is a lot of money to be made. The fact is that it is a lot of hard work involving blood, sweat and tears, it is  a highly risky business, when moneys earned is divided there is very little to show for all the effort and risk that goes into the business.

The sooner it's all taken out, the better!

1528 Postings, 6352 Tage CCLSCNekro....

19.07.10 09:30
... von wem stammt dieser Beitrag? Lawrence?  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHAHat das Auswirkungen

19.07.10 09:57
auf BOC, wenn Sir  Michael Somare nicht wiedergewählt wird  ?
Ich glaube nicht. Eher gehe ich davon aus, dass die zukünftigen Rohstofferträge in PNG so dramatisch hoch sind, dass die 2. Politiker Garde schon jetzt ihre Position an den Fleischtöpfen der Steuereinnahmen sichern will. Es geht jetzt eben um mehr, als nur die Verteilung von Entwicklungshilfe. Es geht um die Erträge eines der zukünftigen Weltrohstoffzentren.

Could this be the end for Michael Somare?

AAP IS REPORTING that Michael Somare is facing a party leadership challenge tomorrow – and that he will not contest it.

Rival bids by Transport Minister Don Polye and Deputy Prime Minister Puka Temu to lead the ruling National Alliance are being discussed at a party meeting today, and Mr Somare's spokeswoman says he is unlikely to fight them.

"He's the one who's introduced democracy to PNG so I think he'll go with what other members of his party want," the spokeswoman said.

"He's not putting up a particular person at this stage. He'll just support the party."

For most of this year the Opposition, headed by Mekere Morauta, has been running a campaign urging disgruntled parliamentarians to leave a government marred by numerous allegations of corruption and mismanagement.

Earlier this month, the Opposition began counting numbers for a vote of no confidence in the government that's expected to be launched when Parliament resumes tomorrow.

Sir Michael, 74, has often indicated this will be his last term in office, and his spokeswoman said he was planning to retire at the next elections in 2012.

"He's just been in politics for too long ... 42 years," she said.

Spotter: Colin Huggins  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroHat das Auswirkungen

19.07.10 10:17
Zweifelsohne hat John Momis schon seit Mitte der 80 er einen exzellenten Draht zu Michael Somare.

Bei der Einweihungsfeier von Momis als Bougainviller Präsident sagte Somare wörtlich:

" Mr President whenever you need help you don't have to come to Port Moresby, You just pick up your phone and call me"

He promised K5,000,000.00 for the upgrading and sealing the highway from North to South . As we figured out he was talking money that is not budgetted for and we want him to be as our PM for the rest of the two years to find the money he has promised.

Inwieweit dieses Versprechen mehr als nur heisse Luft ist lässt sich nicht beurteilen.Fakt ist dass K 5 Mill (1,25 Mill €) niemals ausreichen um eine ca. 200 Km Strasse von Buin to Buka zu reparieren,geschweige denn zu bauen.Auch gab Somare schon vor 3 Jahren in Buka das Versprechen an Kabui ab die von PNG an BCL gehaltenen 80 Mill. Shares ans ABG zu transferieren.Passiert ist bisher:NICHTS

Käme es zu einem Wechsel bei dem Puka Temu,der aktuelle Miningminister,Bougainviller (durch Heirat)  u. grosser BCL Freund Michael Somare als PM ablöst,so könnte ich mir durchaus vorstellen dass das dem BCA Review Prozess noch zusätzlichen Drive gibt.

I fear that once the Grand Chief goes, there will be a power struggle in PNG from the young politicians. There will be anarchysm and un-stable Government.

To me the vote of no confident will not succeed because I am confident that the NGI is still intact as well as Momase and one other coordition partners.

If the grand chief step down that's another story.  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroPuka Temu (#3911)

19.07.10 10:50
The Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) will soon be reviewed in accordance
with the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the National Executive Council Decision of November 2006.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mining Dr. Puka Temu made this announcement
recently during the launch of the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management (DMPGM).
Dr. Temu also announced that the department’s number one priority under its corporate plan is the reviewing of the Mining Act 1992 and the Mining (Safety) Act Chapter 195A and the Mineral Policy.
“With the current favourable political scenario between the Autonomous
Bougainville and the national Government, the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) will soon be reviewed in accordance with the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the NEC decision of November 2006,” he said.
He also added that given the sensitivity of the issue the national government will ensure a transparent process is maintained with the engagement of an independent facilitator and that there is landowner participation. “In so doing, we hope to install confidence in our people on Bougainville and to have the decisions emanating from the
review to be fair and justifiable to all affected parties.
“DMPGM has prioritized the review of the BCA under its strategic plan and will spearhead the BCA review under the JSB process in consultation with the National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs and all other relevant government agencies,”  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekro"a special call to President John Momis".........

19.07.10 17:27 delegate some tasks (particularly weapons disposal and peace and reconciliation program) to James Tanis

Aufruf an President John Momis das Waffenniederlegungs-Friedens- u. Versöhnungsprogramm an James Tanis zu delegieren ;-)))

190710 change attitude
By Aloysius Laukai
Meanwhile, Lawyer Joel Minsipi Nawa is also calling on all Bougainvilleans to change our own mentality to commit ourselves for the future progress of Bougainville.
He says that all winning candidates in the election as well as all loosing candidates must work together, put their differences aside and work together for Bougainville’s good.
He says all loosing candidates are also leaders of Bougainville as reflected by the number of Voters who voted for them.
MR. Minsipi says that the winning candidates have a duty (in the best interest of Bougainville) to delegate some tasks to loosing candidates so that they work together in harmony to move Bougainville forward to be a powerful State in the Pacific and in the world.

The Bougainville Lawyer made a special call President John Momis to delegate some tasks (particularly weapons disposal and peace and reconciliation program) to James Tanis and other leaders from Mekamui so that Weapons disposal is done quickly as possible with the aim of making Bougainville weapons- free before Referendum is held in 5 years time.

He said that this also requires special sacrifices from the Churches, women, individuals in order for us to achieve the Bougainville wishes.


11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHASir Puka Temu

20.07.10 06:56
along with Forestry Minister Beldan Namah, Culture Minister Charles Abel and Attorney-General Ano Pala, publicly announced they were joining the Opposition.

News :

It will be at least a week before any vote of no confidence into the Papua New Guinea Government can be held.

Following the defection last night of four Ministers from the Government of Sir Michael Somare the Opposition is expected to try and lodge a motion of no confidence when Parliament resumes this afternoon.

Last night, the then Deputy Prime Minister, Sir Puka Temu, along with Forestry Minister Beldan Namah, Culture Minister Charles Abel and Attorney-General Ano Pala, publicly announced they were joining the Opposition.

Mr Namah is reported in PNG’s National newspaper as describing the tense political rumblings as an all-out war.

The Opposition says it has at least 54 of the 109 MPs on its side willing to topple the Government, but the Government is also claiming it has enough membersto defeat a vote.

A vote of no confidence cannot be held until a week after the motion is tabled.

The position taken by the Speaker, Jeffery Nape, will be critical.

Mr Nape is a member of the National Alliance, and there predictions he may not allow a vote of no confidence to be moved or may accept an adjournment of Parliament to neutralise attempts to overthrow the Government.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHATemu, Namah, Abel walk out

20.07.10 07:12

Temu, Namah, Abel walk out

DEPUTY Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu walked out of government yesterday, and has been offered the alternate prime ministership in a possible vote of no-confidence, The National reports.

Sir Puka walked out with Forest Minister Belden Namah and Culture and Tourism Minister Charles Abel, declaring they were fed up with too much power concentrated in the hands of the Somares.

Their group camped at the March Girls Resort outside Port Moresby. They were joined by the opposition.

A notice is expected to be given for a vote of no-confidence when parliament sits today.

In a day of dramatic political development, a National Alliance party caucus meeting scheduled for yesterday afternoon at the PNG Institute of Public Affairs did not go ahead as planned.

Learning of Sir Puka’s walkout, Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare met with his NA members and, later, the leaders of his coalition government.

He is expected to sack the three ministers and announce a cabinet reshuffle today.

Last night, the Somare camp at IPA claimed they had more than 60 MPs to starve off a challenge, while the March Girls camp said they were building enough numbers to successfully overthrow the prime minister.

Sir Puka, with the two ministers’ backing, also has the support from the opposition led by Sir Mekere Morauta, Sir Julius Chan and Bart Philemon, the Eastern bloc led by Chimbu Governor John Garia and the middle group led by Jamie Maxtone-Graham.

Namah, who is the power broker, has declared an all-out war to go in and form the next government by today.

Sir Puka declared that the move was to form a new government as of today and accepted the leaders’ support for his candidacy.

“I have accepted support to be candidate for the prime minister’s post; I accept it honourably and with solemnest,” he said.

“The reason why I moved out is because I believe this is the right thing to do in the current situation where the chief and his son control enormous level of policy decision and resources.

“I don’t think it is right to congregate power in the hands of two family members. Power must be shared, and that is why I took this bold step.”

Sir Puka said his group decided to join the call by the opposition and the people to hold hands together and change the government.

He said this was the right step, knowing full well the risks involved.

He assured the business sector that he would continue to give priority to the LNG project to ensure it crosses the line.

Sir Temu gave credit to Sir Michael for bringing the country from independence until now, but said the prime minister’s mind was not as sharp as before.

“I believe this is the time for the Grand Chief to step aside.”

He said with a young crop of leaders behind him, he believed what PNG needed right now was good, dedicated, honest and transparent leadership.

“If the government has the numbers, and we don’t have them, let it be so,” Sir Puka added.  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHAPM to reshuffle cabinet

20.07.10 07:25

PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare will replace the three ministers who walked out of his government today, when he announces a reshuffle of his cabinet.
Works, Transport and Civil Aviation Minister Don Polye was most likely to be appointed deputy prime minister.
The prime minister was expected to announce the reshuffle yesterday afternoon, but decided to defer it to today.
Insiders said because the political situation was very fluid, the prime minister was holding off a reshuffle and announcing a new deputy prime minister for “a few more hours”.
Sir Michael, who is leader of NA, told more than 50 supporters and coalition partners in front of the PNGIPA Hall that the party constitution was very clear that the three ministers – Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu, Forest Minister Belden Namah and Culture and Tourism Minister Charles Abel – moved out on their own accord.
“According to party systems, the three ministers have made their intentions known and, virtually, sacked themselves.”
Sir Michael, in a move to keep the NA party intact, also touched on the leadership issue that was now confronting the party, saying his time as leader of the party was nearing an end.
He said the constitution was explicit that no party leader could lead NA after two terms at the helm, claming that he would not be seeking re-election.
The prime minister said the party leadership issue would be brought up at the NA party convention in Minj, Western  Highlands, next month.
Some of the 32 NA members present included Attorney-General Ano Pala, Works Minister Don Polye, Education Minister James Marape, Internal Security Minister Sani Rambi, Public Enterprises Minister Arthur Somare, Wapenamanda MP Miki Kaeok, Tambul-Nebilyer MP Benjamin Poponawa, Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Abal, Planning Minister Paul Tiensten, East New Britain Governor Leo Dion, Labour Minister Mark Maipakai, East Sepik Governor Peter Wararu, Communication Minister Patrick Tammur and Bougainville MP Fidelis Semoso.
Party officials said the NA faction and its partners had a combined 62 MPs intact and would remain together to stop moves to remove the government.
Sir Michael was speaking to coalition partners who were all present to give their support including United Resource Party (URP) leaders William Duma and Southern Highlands Governor Anderson Agiru, Pangu’s Andrew Kumbakor and Francis Marus, People’s Action Party’s Gabriel Kapris, Ben Semri and Tony Aimo, People’s National Congress leader Peter O’Neill and the People’s Party led by Enga Governor Peter Ipatas.
National Party’s Joe Mek Teine, who was earlier with the March Girls camp, was also seen outside the IPA Hall last night.  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHADie politische

20.07.10 07:32
Situation in der nächsten Woche wird spannend.  

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