Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroMomis on BRDC Deal

28.06.10 13:11

Wurde auch so langsam Zeit das Gemauschel der Kabui Aera zu beerdigen ;-))))))))

By Aloysius Laukai

ABG President JOHN MOMIS today issued a press statement concerning the much talked about BRDC and Invincible deals on Bougainville.
After taking office two weeks ago and after studying documents presented to him concerning the Master Exploration and Development Agreement between the ABG and the Bougainville Resources Development Corporation(BRDC), MR. MOMIS said that he was not satisfied that the arrangements are in the best interest of the people of Bougainville.
He said that he was concerned that the agreement contravenes significant provisions of the Bougainville Constitution and provisions of parts of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the PNG Constitution that implements it.
He said in essence, this agreement and its corresponding legislation bind the hand of the Bougainville Government when it needs to urgently grow the economy and move towards fiscal self reliance.
MR. MOMIS said that based on the documents provided to him it seems that BRDC is a company owned by four other companies or entities.
2. Bougainville Veterans Holdings (NINE PERCENT SHARES)
3. Bougainville Pioneers Corporation LTD(EIGHT PERCENT)
4. Invincible (the majority shareholder with SEVENTY PERCENT Shares.
He said that the agreement in its substantive clauses deal with exploration for and exploitation of mineral resources covering the whole of Bougainville.
The agreement also calls for investments in other areas of economic activities including, a Gold Melt assay facility, Bio-diesel, Fishing, Cattle production and other possible proposals including a tourism project.
PRESIDENT MOMIS said that he was to review various advice which indicates that there might be adverse legal and constitutional aspects to the actions of the Bougainville Executive Council in approving the Agreement and the Bougainville Parliament in passing the Bougainville Resources Development Corporation (AROB) Limited (KABUI MODEL authorization act 2008.
He said that the people of Bougainville will be kept informed of progress being made as his government is also committed to transparency AND Awareness.


1334 Postings, 6355 Tage TraderevilZerberus alle Achtung!!

28.06.10 13:58
Ich bin begeistert: ............Diskussion ausgeschlossen: Adi..., Der_Pennystockz..., Fortun..., The Goldm.....

Ein realer Zerberus
der griechische Höllenhund, Pförtner der Unterwelt, sein Biss verursachte den sofortigen Tod......


11 Postings, 5213 Tage GutsssLöschung

28.06.10 14:08

Zeitpunkt: 28.06.10 14:13
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



666 Postings, 5778 Tage havannadem Ausschluss verschiedener..

28.06.10 16:07
Personen aus diesem Thread kann ich nur zustimmen!
Dieser Thread wurde für Leute angelegt, die sich für diesen Wert interessieren,
Informationen zu diesem Unternehmen bzw. zur aktuellen Lage haben möchten!

Es steht jedem frei einen eigene Thread zu eröffnen, wenn er/sie vom allgemeinen Interesse seiner Meinung überzeugt ist.

Noch einen sonnigen Tag ;-)  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroOver to you guys and ladies.......;-))))))))))

29.06.10 02:16

By Aloysius Laukai

To Bougainvilleans outside of Bougainville the office of the ABG President put out notice of vacancies that are available.
There are eight positions and applications can be made to the ACTING Chief of Staff PETER SOHIA at the President's office.
Applications will close at 4pm this Friday July 2nd.

New Dawn FM can assist anyone out there who wants to try these positions.
Please just email us on our primate email with your expression of Interest and provide in PDF forms your Cvs.
Positions are as follows,
1 Chief of staff
2 First Secretary
3 Media Director
4 Research Officer
5 Protocol Officer
6 Personal Assistant
7 Official Driver
8 Official Security Guard

Over to you guys and ladies.......

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHA@nekro

29.06.10 07:07

Die Frage

"oder kann mir Jemand erklären, warum die ADR Aktionäre nicht einfach die Originalaktien

für ihre registrierten ADR Stücke bekamen ? "  

bezieht sich auf den letzten Satz der Bank of New York Mellon Pressenotiz vom 24.10.2010 :

The Bank of New York Mellon will mail a notice to ADR holders with instructions to surrender their ADR certificates for cancellation in order to receive payment of these proceeds. .

Die Anschriften der Empfänger der effektiven Stücke sind danach vorhanden und ihnen wird jetzt mitgeteilt, dass sie 0,323€ pro Aktie bekommen. Genauso hätte man sie auch vorher anschreiben können, um ihnen mitzuteilen, dass sie die "hinterlegten" effektiven Stücke bekommen. Man stelle sich die Wirkung dieses Anschreibens auf sich selbst vor, wenn der Kurs der BOC Aktie noch höher wäre und man demnächst - Postlaufzeit 2 / 4 Wochen - die freundliche Mitteilung erhält, "Deine BOC Aktie habe ich verkauft - aber du kriegst 0,323€ pro Aktie.....


15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroNew ABG Ministers

29.06.10 15:56


New ABG Ministers

ABG Ministers


555 Postings, 6352 Tage BOCandorraDas Foto,

29.06.10 19:54

auf dem auch die anderen Gesichter erkennbar sind, ist auf zu betrachten!


52 Postings, 5968 Tage mike0575Bougainville's new ray of Hope

29.06.10 20:06

Nichts wirklich Neues für uns. Interessant ist aber die Einschätzung welche Schritte von Seiten der Landowner noch nötig sind, bevor diese auch komplett eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine unterstützen.


All that remains are the villages from Kupe valley and the upper tailings villages. Following all these tailings, the Panguna Landowners Association supports the re-opening of the mine as well.  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroAustralia seeks compromise over mining tax

30.06.10 11:43

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroBougainville Investment Corporation (BIC).

30.06.10 11:46

New Bougainville President plans probe of Bougainville Investment Corporation
Posted at 08:35 on 30 June, 2010 UTC

The newly elected President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis, says he’s planning an inquiry into a controversial local investment arrangement by Canadian company, Invincible Resources.

In 2008, Invincible was given a 70 percent shareholding in the agency set up to advance the province’s economic development, Bogenvil Resource Development Corporation.

The BRDC, which aims to foster development in sectors such as mining, farming and fishing, has since been changed to Bougainville Investment Corporation (BIC).

It was planned that Invincible’s majority stake in BIC would eventually be sold down, with the hope that Bougainvilleans will take majority control.

But the New Dawn news publication reports that Mr Momis has rejected outright the Invincible deal, describing it as void.

The new president says that he is sufficiently concerned that he is seeking cabinet approval for a full scale review into BIC.

He says it is not only illegal but impracticable for any government to attempt to make a contract that purports to tie the government’s hands as to future policy.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekro100 Days Move

30.06.10 13:24

300610 100 DAYS MOVE
By Aloysius Laukai

The Bougainville Executive Council yesterday approved priority tasks that the ABG under CHIEF JOHN MOMIS intends to undertake in the next ONE HUNDRED DAYS.
The tasks approved under the umbrella of good governance highlighted the council’s desire for a unified and economical Bougainville.
The tasks included continuous awareness on weapons disposal, awareness on the Bougainville constitution, awareness on ABG’s policies and consultation meetings with faction and community leaders.
On the economic aspect the MOMIS government plans to establish an “economic recovery plan” for Bougainville.
The plan would include among others, the continuous Panguna Mine Consultations with the relevant stake holders with the view of re-opening the mine, consultations with landowners of the Manetai Limestone mine and Bougainville Fishing Venture.
Existing plans on Economic Development would also be revisited in the process.
President Chief Momis also said that his government would encourage the involvement of credible foreign investors on joint venture partnership with Bougainvilleans.
To achieve these goals, the Bougainville Executive Council has agreed to appoint a permanent chief administrator to drive the implementation of these tasks within the next one hundred days.
MR. MOMIS said that candidates for the chief Administrator’s position will be selected in consultation with the National Government after an independent Human Resources Organization assesses the applicants.
Meanwhile a revised budget is now being done to accommodate the tasks within the next one hundred days.


450 Postings, 6352 Tage LongwilliÜberraschungen kommen immer überraschend

30.06.10 17:19
Momis geht unerwartet zielstrebig vor, was das Thema "reopening Panguna with BCL" angeht. Das habe ich dem alten Knaben nicht zugetraut. Das ist unbedingt eine sehr positive Entwicklung. Lassen wir uns überraschen, was dabei heraus kommt.  

382 Postings, 6352 Tage centwatchMomis....

30.06.10 17:36
.....das muss man ihm lassen: bislang gibt er wirklich Gas und belehrt allen Zweiflern eines Besseren.

Wenn er in Bougainville irgendwas vorwärts bringen will, braucht er Panguna und das möglichst schnell. Und dann muss er das Thema Landeigner möglichst schnell zur Chefsache machen, damit die letzte Hürde auf dme Weg zur BCA-Verhandlung schnell aus dem Weg geräumt wird.

Wie gesagt, vor 5 Jahren trat Kabui mit "Never mining in Bougainville an", jetzt nimmt Momis sogar in der Öffentlichkeit kein Blatt mehr vor den Mund. Das wird schon...  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroChinese hunger for copper drives global demand

01.07.10 02:54

Chinas Kupfer Monatsimport immer noch auf der Höhe von 1,5 x die BCL Jahresproduktionen

Chinese import data for unwrought copper and copper products in May 2010 were steady, putting immediate fears of a Chinese slowdown to rest. The refined copper element was 9.2% lower month-on-month at 279,690t (17% lower year-on-year).

Consensus estimates had expected imports to be slightly higher, but the month-on-month or year-on-year fall was not as bad as we expected.

Indeed, in the first five months of 2010, China imported more than 1.9 Mt of unwrought copper and copper products, 8% higher than the same period in 2009 and 65% and 46% up on 2008 and 2007, respectively.

Refined copper imports in this five-month period were 1.34 Mt, down 4% from 2009, but much higher than in previous years.

So, even though the trend is down in the past three months (on a month-on-month basis) imports clearly remain very high compared with any time during or before the recession.

Falling Shanghai warehouse stocks paint a different picture, dipping from a high of 189,441t in early May to 139,332t in the week ending 11 June.

This implies that real consumption is strong and soaking up these stocks and by extension it accounts for the lion’s share of China’s copper imports.

There is also the reduced level of copper scrap supply to consider. Semi-fabricators short on scrap have had to turn to refined copper as a substitute, which also partly explains why China’s refined copper imports have been so high over the past 18 months.

China’s copper scrap imports in May were down 14% month-on-month; however over the first five months of 2010 they were up 14.5%, to 1.67 Mt, from the same period in 2009. While we expect some slowdown in China’s copper consumption in Q3, we believe Chinese demand for copper will continue to support the price.

Short term outlook on Copper

Copper’s short-term fundamentals are perhaps a little less certain than they have been recently, but that should not detract from the fact that over the longer-term China’s need for copper is going to continue to be the driving factor behind global demand and, hence, prices.

We continue to expect a prolonged deficit in the market in the mid-term. Falling exchange stocks, rising demand and a manageable estimated surplus this year will support prices, but we expect the floor to inch lower in the coming months due to the summer slowdown.

Courtesy: VM Group research for Fortis Bank Nederland - Metals Monthly June 2010 - Fortis/VM Group


15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroAusAID supports ABG

02.07.10 08:19


AUSTRALIA’S AusAID program supports the Autonomous Bougainville Government in a big way despite being denied tangible development in the region.
They spend more than K50 million a year in the region, especially to consolidate the peace process, implement its autonomy arrangements, improve essential service delivery and promote economic growth.
They also look after the law and justice sector program including HIV/AIDS, education, transport, health, democratic governance and other volunteer and scholarship programs in Bougainville.
Two months ago, Regional MP Fidelis Semoso accused donor agencies of not bringing tangible developments to the region.
During the induction of the newly elected MPs, the AusAID boss in Buka, Edwina Betts, told MPs that AusAID had about eight advisers in the region with multi-million dollar programs they had in the region.
“AusAID supports the Autonomous Bougainville Government to consolidate the peace process, implement its autonomy arrangements, improve essential service delivery and promote economic growth,” Ms Betts said.
“Support to Bougainville is delivered through a range of mechanisms including nationally-based sector programs in health, education, law and justice and infrastructure (about $14 million a year) and sub-national program, which includes the multi-donor Governance and Implementation Fund (about $3 million a year) and eight advisers to strengthen ABG’s capacity in key areas including policy, procurement, HR, planning, budget expenditure, taxation and legislative drafting.”


15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroEx-crisis fighters lose out on oil tanker export..

02.07.10 08:41


Source: Post-Courier

Ex-crisis fighters lose out on oil tanker export cash


THE ex-combatants and youths involved helping the oil tankers visiting Bougainville claim this is their fast means of getting money for school fees and other financial needs because they have been neglected by authorities and the government.
Panguna Landowner Association executive Lawrence Daveona (picture) in an interview advised those engaged in these illegal deals are numbering 50 from all over Bougainville and would have expected a payout of about K30,000 to K50,000 if the oil tanker UBT FJORD was not intercepted, arrested and stopped in the PNG waters.
Mr Daveona had a meeting with those involved, advising them of the consequences they might face but his message went unheard. These locals have been identified, and the international partners engaged in these illegal deals. They said they got into the oil shipment and sales business thinking that from the money received from the sale of oil, they would get their wages paid which amounted to between K30,000 and K50,000. The stopping of this oil shipment has deprived them of a chance to earn some money to help them with their families’ daily needs.
They told Mr Daveona that they were not benefiting from any services from the Autonomous Bougainville Government nor were they finding any easy means to get financial assistance and that is why they resorted to scrap metal and heavy fuel oil sales.
“I told them that because they hated BCL, the PNG Government and the Panguna landowners their leaders have convinced them one way or the other to forget these authorities and go about their business operations, taking the easy way out,” Mr Daveona said.
“Another important truth that we must learn to accept is that BCL and the National Government, whether you and me like it or not, have the sole rights over any of the assets of the Panguna mine that are situated on the BCL leases.
“No-one on Bougainville or any foreigner overseas has any right whatsoever to connive with our people here and remove any of these assets without first consulting BCL and the National Government,” he said.
“Yes, in Bougainville and in particular in Arawa, Kieta and Panguna and I can say this to any other parts of Bougainville, despite the law being there, there is no order. A lot of you, our young people, are saying that because you fought and many died during the crisis, you can do whatever you please and that the law does not matter.
“This is an illusion. We must change our way of thinking and doing things if we want to progress Bougainville towards what you fought for, that is, an independent Bougainville.
“We do not have much time left before the ‘Referendum on Independence’ in 2015 and we cannot do it the way you carry on doing things here,” Mr Daveona said.  

666 Postings, 5778 Tage havannaInteressantes zur Kupfernachfrage...

02.07.10 13:03
aktuelle Kupfernachfrage Chinas: 5,5 Mio Tonnen
soll sich in den nächsten Jahren auf 10,0 Mio Tonnen steigern
und im Jahr 2023 soll die Kupfernachfrage Chinas bei 33 Mio Tonnen liegen.(allein China!!!!)

Aktuell werden auf unserem Erdenrund jährlich 17 Mio Tonne Kupfer gefördert.

Joachim Berlenbach Fondsmanager und gelernter Geologe
Quelle: Focus Money Ausgabe Nr. 26  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHAIrgendwie schade

02.07.10 16:12

703 Postings, 6181 Tage Tom0001Partner für Hochbau, Rohstoffe, Bergbau gesucht:

03.07.10 07:16

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHABilder + mehr

03.07.10 08:12
nichts Neues - nur Bestätigung der Erwartung.
Das Problem bleibt aber die fragile Weltwirtschaft auf Basis von Neuverschuldung.  

11664 Postings, 6356 Tage 1ALPHADie Sicht der Minengegner

03.07.10 09:27
über die Krise gilt auch heute :
In fact this war started off over a killing, murder of one of our own Bougainville women, a nurse. She was murdered by non- Bougainvilleans, plantation workers. I remember when this nurse was fighting for her life at Arawa hospital—they had life supporting equipment to help her breathing. I walked up into the jungles around Panguna and met with Francis Ona. He had already knocked down the pylons and he was up in the jungles (in 1989). I knew the death of that nurse was going to have an immense bearing on how Francis and the boys who were with him were going to take up the fight. The moment the woman was pronounced dead, I got word from Francis Ona saying; “I’m no longer listening to you. I’m no longer going to be listening to the Provincial Government and also the National Government. This war is now going to become a war for independence. We cannot allow people outside of Bougainville coming and murdering and butchering our own women and making people of Bougainville feel as if they are strangers in their own homeland.” That was the word I got from Francis Ona. So this (the death of a woman) acted as a catalyst to start off this war, to start off the real aggression of Francis and the boys, who were militants at that time, turning into Rambos. Then they became BRAs later on, and the fight took on from there.

über die Toten
I have no actual numbers. A rough estimate of the total deaths is between 15,000 to 20,000 men, women and children. It is important that truth be told. Truths have to be revealed. And our society supports that sort of an approach. That’s why we have our reconciliations and this is why reconciliations have been the number one priorities for the people of Bougainville, to able to free yourself of what was bugging you inside, to  pour it out—share it out and let some kind of justice be done. In some cases, we’ve had reconciliations involving probably 20 men and women being killed in one spot. In some places, we’ve had reconciliations for 10 people; 6 people; 4 people and we’ve been able to sort all that out because of the process of reconciling.

über die Leidtragenden der Krise :
As the war went on for quite sometime you could see young mothers now becoming widows, kids becoming orphans, their fathers killed in the battles. Or the deaths from preventable diseases because of no medicine, or perhaps a mother dying from birth complications (which could have been solved in theatre or hospital). The more the  numbers began to increase, it began to dawn on us that we are going to have a problem here. It really struck home when peace was brought about. The whole war ended and we were able to make comparisons of people in the care centre and those of us who were in the jungle and were now able to see who had died, and who was alive. Yes, we have a problem on our hands of our own making and we have to do something to make sure widows must be helped; and orphans must be helped. It’s reflected in our constitution. We decided that the political leadership just cannot leave it to the extended or immediate families to handle.

Bei aller Logik, die für den Bergbau in Bougainville spricht - Krankenhäuser, Schulen, Brücken, Straßen, Arbeitsplätze, etwas Wohlstand für Alle,... kann es langfristig friedlichen Bergbau mit seinen Vorteilen für Alle Beteiligten ( Staat Bougainville, Landowner, Aktionäre,...) nur geben, wenn keine Gruppe benachteiligt wird.

Da zahlreiche Landowner inzwischen selbst Aktionäre der BOC sind, liegt hier eine große Chance für dauerhaft friedlichen Bergbau - aber auch ein großes Risiko - zum Beispiel im Falle einer Kapitalerhöhung, die von Landownern nicht mitgetragen werden könnte und die damit nahezu zwangsläufig wieder zur Schließung führen würde.

Die Entscheider über die angedachte Kapitalerhöhung müssen sich bewußt sein, dass  BOC Aktionäre aus ehemaligen Fraktionen nicht bereit sind, ihre BOC Beteiligung anzusprechen. Ob diese Problematik durch die Weltbank oder anders gelöst wird, bleibt abzuwarten.  

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroDear Lawrence:

03.07.10 14:34

15640 Postings, 6356 Tage nekroClaims women will be a force in Bougainville......

05.07.10 05:18
........politics in five years

Posted at 23:20 on 04 July, 2010 UTC

An activist in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, says in another five years women there will be a major political force.

Hona Holan, who’s with the Bougainville Women’s Federation, came fourth in the race for the North Bougainville Women’s seat in the May elections.

Women had been expected to perform well in open seats while a former Cabinet Minister, Madeleine Toroansi, contested the presidency.

But they all fared poorly.

Ms Holan says another five years is needed to raise awareness about the importance of getting more women elected

“What women leaders are doing now is going around, giving awareness to the women, that women should support women, yeah educating the village women because sometimes they get controlled by the men. I think that is why we didn’t see any women elected when standing for the single seats and the president.”
News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand

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