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555 Postings, 6351 Tage BOCandorraDie Zeiten ändern sich...die Zeit wohl auch!

10.03.10 13:58


Die Zeiten ändern sich...die Zeit wohl auch!

Mehr dazu hier:


1334 Postings, 6354 Tage TraderevilNeue Steuergesetze auf PNG

10.03.10 18:32
der Bericht für angebliche Steuererleichterungen (oder 0 Kina Steuerzahlungen) eines  Grossprojektes ausgehandelt in zweijähriger Arbeit durch S.M.Somare und EM hier unter:

Seeking benefits: PNG Prime Minister Michael Somare

ExxonMobil denies PNG tax waiver

ExxonMobil has strongly denied reports that it will not pay income tax on earnings from the giant PNG LNG liquefied natural gas project under recent changes to Papua New Guinea’s tax law.

...Reports by Radio Australia and Radio New Zealand claimed former PNG treasurer Bart Philemon said a move to exempt investors in the $15 billion project from paying income tax set a bad precedent as it could deprive the country of revenue for future projects. He reportedly said big investors in future big projects would expect similar treatment.
(Grosse Investoren könnten in Zukunft ähnliche Möglichkeiten erhalten.!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Müsste doch eigentlich für Panguna auch erreicht werden können,oder zu abwegig???

According to the report on Radio New Zealand’s Web site, PNG’s Parliament last week exempt partners in the ExxonMobil-led PNG LNG venture from paying interest withholding tax and general ...

....Radio New Zealand reported PNG Prime Minister Michael Somare defended the exemptions, which had been negotiated over two years, saying they would help to bring in investors........  

15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroNEC approves five powers

11.03.10 02:05


CABINET last week approved the transfer of five symbolic powers to the Autonomous Bougainville Government, President James Tanis has announced.
The five symbolic powers are:
* Public holidays
* Home affairs including youth and social welfare,
* Time zones
* Sports and recreation and
* liquor.
This means that immediately after the transfer, Bougainville will now have its own time zone, public holidays and will run its own affairs on the other issues detailed above.
Deputy Prime Minister Dr Puka Temu announced the transfer last week and conferred the message to ABG President Tanis who then announced it to the people of Bougainville yesterday.
“I will comment on the NEC’s approval when I see the actual NEC decision on the transfer of the five powers to the ABG,” Mr Tanis said when briefing the BEC meeting recently. The ABG made its request recommending to the NEC to immediately transfer the five symbolic powers during the Joint Supervisory Body meeting held at Gaire village, outside of Port Moresby on February 12, 2009.” The other matters which have been resolved in the last JSB recently and are subjected to implementation.


15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroPanguna peace committee develops five-year........

12.03.10 06:07
.........district plan

By Gorethy Kenneth

THE Panguna District Reconciliation Steering Committee has developed a five-year reconciliation plan with a budget for more than 200 crisis-related conflict cases which are now well documented in a database.
The Bougainville Veterans Affairs office has completed an executive summary of the Bougainville Peace Building Report - a Division of Veterans Affairs project in collaboration with the AusAID Democratic Governance Program Transition Phase and this is where the recommendations had been instilled.
According to the report there are four phases to this strategy and the details are spelt out in Volume II: annexes of the Bougainville Peace Building Report. The report also details that ABG and the National Government have agreed to allocate funds to the Panguna case as a special and high priority one. The situation in Panguna is calm and the report states that;
* ME’EKAMUI Government is very responsive, supportive, and cooperative towards the peace and reconciliation process in their newly-established district,
* SINCE the signing of the Panguna Communiqué on August 30, 2007 the people of Panguna/Ioro Constituency, MDF and ex-combatants and the different factional groups and organisations are determined and committed towards maintaining stability and creating conducive peace building environment in their communities and that the,
* PANGUNA district administration has its own district reconciliation steering committee (PDRSC) which is responsible for addressing the conflict cases, internally and externally. The committee has identified and prioritised three impact cases.


15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroB'ville women encouraged to run for parliament

12.03.10 14:09

B'ville women encouraged to run for parliament

Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Leitama Taravaru, says more women should be engaged in election work on Bougainville.

Speaking at the official opening of a Gender and Election workshop in Buka, Mr Taravaru said he strongly believes more women should be administrators during election preparation and polling.

He said during past elections women had proven to be impartial and good workers.

The workshop, sponsored by Fiji-based UNIFEM, is encouraging more women to stand in the ABG general election this year.

New Dawn FM understands that many of the 50 participants are intending candidates.

The workshop also aims to raise media awareness of the issue of gender balance.


15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroExploring ASX "Short Selling"

12.03.10 16:05

kann man die täglichen Shortpositionen an der ASX bis  zum 04/07/2001 12:27 zurückverfolgen.

Obwohl bei Inkrafttretung der ASX Rule 19.5 weit über 10% = mehr als 40 Mill BCL Aktien leerverkauft waren...

....geht anscheinend niemand mehr an der ASX eine "approved net Short Sale positions" ein.

unter dem 02-Nov-2007 findet man eine "Non-approved net Short Sale positions" von 3870 St,

welche also über dem Limit von den zum shorten erlaubten 40,106,250   Shares liegen sollte,oder?  

177 Postings, 6276 Tage joebo@MindTheGap @Der Analyst

14.03.10 19:48
auch eine zweite, sehr deutliche und konkrete Beschwerde bei der ComDirect hatte keinen Erfolg, leere Phrasen als Antwort,

zu der berechneten MWSt:
ich habe in 2009 getauscht und keine MWSt bezahlt, die Auskunft war, dass die MWSt nur für einen Tausch ab 2010 anfalle, die dann aber auch als nicht abgeltungssteuerpflichtig eingestuft würden,
gebe ich hier ´mal so weiter, mit aller Vorsicht,

sei es darum, wird die ComDirect halt ein paar Kunden verlieren, ein Bankwechsel ist ja zum Glück heute kein Problem mehr,

in dem Zusammenhang eine Frage @all,

hat jemand eine Online-Bank, die einen Umtausch in 2009 nachträglich geändert hat, also auf abgeltungssteuerfrei (nachträglich) gestellt hat,
könnte den ComDirect-Kunden - und damit auch mir  - eine Menge Recherche und rumtelefonieren ersparen,  
ansonsten würde ich versuchen herauszufinden, wer das so macht, und dann ggf. hier posten,

Gruß joebo  

703 Postings, 6180 Tage Tom0001# 3207 joebo

14.03.10 22:43
Sparkasse Passau hat meinen Umtausch von 2009 in 2010 storniert und neu gebucht. Vermerk auf der Bestätigung "Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Ausbuchung der ADRs ab 2010 keine steuerrelevante Veräußerung mehr darstellt". Allerdings hatte ich bereits 2009 zum Umtauschauftrag auf steuerneutrale Buchung bestanden. Ging dann einige Male hin und her, von wegen "das geht nicht" aber mit dem BMF Schreiben vom Dezember 2009 haben sie es dann doch kapiert. Mußt mal versuchen einen in der Revisionsabteilung aufzugabeln - als ich den eingeschaltet hab, gings ganz schnell. Scheinbar möchte keiner der Sachbearbeiter Ärger mit der inneren Revision -zumindest hatte ich den Eindruck.

Gruß Tom  

915 Postings, 6355 Tage Carlchen03Umtausch

14.03.10 23:17
bei der IngDiba ging es für mich ja sehr schnell (wenn ich andere hier mitlese).
Ca Mitte 2009  -#2643- wurden meine ADR´s bei der IngDiba innerhalb von 2-3 Wochen umgebucht -getauscht-
mit dem Vermerk, dass die "alten Kaufdaten übernommen wurden und es steuerneutral sei".

So gesehen, hatte ich dort wohl Glück gehabt. Es war auch mein einzigster ADR-Posten noch, den ich hatte.
Später kamen halt noch die ca 3,6 EuroCent Gebühren pro Stück,
Mehrwertsteuer -glaube ich- fehlten.  

15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroPanguna reconciliation continues

15.03.10 09:24


THE Panguna District Reconciliation Steering Committee (PDRSC) has developed a district five-year reconciliation plan with a budget for more than 200 crisis related cases which are well documented on their database.
The Bougainville Veterans Affairs office has completed an executive summary of the Bougainville Peace Building report - a division of veterans affairs project in collaboration with AusAID’s democratic governance program transition phase and this was where the recommendations have been instilled.
According to the report, there are four phases to this strategy and the details are spelt out in volume II: annexes of the Bougainville Peace Building Report. The report also details that ABG and the National Government have agreed to facilitate funding to the Panguna cases as a special and priority case. generally, the situation in Panguna is quiet and calm at this stage, according to the report and details are that:
n Me’ekamui Government are responsive, supportive, cooperative towards peace and reconciliation process in their newly established district
n Since the signing of the Panguna Communiqué on August 30, 2007, the people of Panguna/Ioro Constituency, MDF and ex-combatants and the different factional groups and organisations are determined and committed towards maintaining stability and creating conducive peace building environment in their communities
n Panguna district administration has its own district reconciliation steering committee (PDRSC) which is responsible for addressing the conflict cases, internally and externally. At the time of the drafting of this report, the PDRSC has identified and prioritised three impact cases.

15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroGet your free BOC analysis here

15.03.10 20:56

15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroTanis concerned about B'ville election violence

17.03.10 05:05


With two weeks left to the issuing of writs for the second Autonomous Bougainville Government elections, election-related violence has begun to occur.

At the weekend, supporters and employees of a senior ABG Minister physically assaulted a senior Administration officer and intending candidate, resulting in the man being admitted to Buka Hospital with serious wounds.

He is now recovering at home.

ABG President James Tanis condemned the attack and said that such action by Ministerial staff was shameful and should not occur again.

He said such actions will not help the Minister as the victim might win on sympathy votes.

Mr Tanis says he is also concerned at how the people of Bougainville will stay united and work together after the election is over.

He said that as a bridge builder he is not worried about who wins the election, but only that leaders will work together after the election.

He challenged the women of Bougainville to continue to work together after the election.

Mr Tanis said in the last twelve months he had done a lot of travelling to try and bring peace and reconciliation throughout Bougainville and with the leaders of PNG.

He said that he wants to see his bridge building efforts strengthened after the election.


11664 Postings, 6355 Tage 1ALPHAKeine Unabhängigkeit

17.03.10 06:09

Dieses Menschen verachtende Verhalten - Anders Denkende im Wahlkampf zusammenzuschlagen - führt dazu, dass JEDER Investor es sich gründlich überlegt, ob er in Bougainville sein hart verdientes Geld anlegt.

Dieses gefährdet die Unabhängigkeit von Bougainville wegen fehlender Steuereinnahmen.

Es ist gut, dass ABG President James Tanis den Angriff klar verurteilt hat - aber es ist auch so, dass ich jetzt noch intensiver den Wahlkampf beobachte.
Um es ganz deutlich zu sagen  : In meiner Entscheidung steht es, ob ich in das Bergwerk BOC Copper investiere oder in Firmen, die Kupfer und andere Metalle durch neue Techniken wie Wiedergewinnung oder z.B. aus Manganknollen gewinnen.  

1334 Postings, 6354 Tage Traderevil@ #3213

17.03.10 07:46
......Um es ganz deutlich zu sagen  : In meiner Entscheidung steht es, ob ich in das Bergwerk BOC Copper investiere oder in Firmen, die Kupfer und andere Metalle durch neue Techniken wie Wiedergewinnung oder z.B. aus Manganknollen gewinnen......

Dir ist aber schon klar das das eine Entscheidung mit entweder mittelfristigen oder aber (Gewinnung von Manganknollen  aus der Tiefsee durch Firmen und Techniken die es noch gar nicht gibt ) optimistisch gesehen, sehr langfristigen  mindestens > 5Jahre  Horizont  ist.  :-))  

382 Postings, 6351 Tage centwatchGeschäftsbericht 2009 ist online

17.03.10 09:33

382 Postings, 6351 Tage centwatchEntscheidende Passagen aus GB

17.03.10 09:50
Hört sich gut an, im Prinzip ist dies die Bestätigung der Infos, die wir bereits zusammengetragen haben. Was wir brauchen ist Tanis als wiedergewählter Präsident und den Abschluß der Wahlen der Landowner, dann kann mit den BCA-Verhandlungen offziell begonnen werden. L.D. war sogar noch etwas optimistischer, denn er meinte, die Verhandlungen könnten sogar noch vor den wahlen beginnen.

Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA)

Although a formal review of the BCA has not started
there is ongoing dialogue between the National
Government and Bougainville Government about the
future of the Panguna ore body and government
responsibility for mining. There is increasing
acknowledgement among stakeholders that
Bougainville’s economic future needs mining if it is to be
able to fund even basic services from its own resources.
If the Panguna mine is to reopen the Bougainville Copper
Agreement and related legislation need to be amended
to accommodate changed circumstances and provide
certainty for all concerned. There is also general
agreement that negotiations are needed even if there is
not yet agreement on the agenda and process.
Landowners’ representation at any negotiations is critical
but there is still work to be done on landowner
reconciliation and the formation of a united landowner
representative body. The process is underway to hold
elections among landowners to form a new combined
landowner group that will provide a united voice at the
negotiating table. Those elections are due to take place
in early 2010. Another important event in the lead up to
formal negotiations is the election of a new President of
Bougainville for a 5 year term. This will be a crucial
election for the company because the next 5 years is the
period in which the mine should be reopened to take
advantage of the resurgence in mineral commodity prices
and demand. The company will need the support of the
new President and the cabinet as well as landowners.
Funding and sovereign risk assurance for the project will
require a united effort. There will need to be a fair and
stable mining regime that gives investors the confidence
needed to commit to a project that will cost in the order
of US$3 billion.


The World Bank initiative aimed at helping Bougainville
develop capacity to manage its mining sector continues
and there is a good chance the transfer of mining
powers to Bougainville will occur this year. That is an
important step because as matters currently stand there
is an expectation of transition but no certainty. Hopefully
the new Bougainville mining regime will be largely
consistent with the National model to assist with a
smooth transition from old regime to the new. The BCA
is National Government legislation and needs to be
accommodated in any new mining regime for
Bougainville. Although I believe it is important to take the
time to get the new mining regime right it is also
necessary for all parties to drive the process as hard as
possible so the current promising signs for improved
world economic growth are not missed. It is remarkable
that the global outlook for mineral resources has
rebound so quickly from the gloom I reported last year.
What has happened illustrates just how susceptible the
industry is to outside forces. Bougainville does not have
the luxury of choosing economic cycles and needs to
take the opportunities as they arise.
The improved world economic demand for minerals has
put the company’s largest shareholder, Rio Tinto Limited,
which is part of the Rio Tinto Group of Companies (Rio
Tinto), into a new growth phase. A recent senior
management change at Rio Tinto has resulted in Andrew
Harding being appointed head of the global copper
portfolio. Andrew knows PNG and in my talks with him
he has recognised the opportunity at BCL and its vision
to reopen the Panguna mine in a manner consistent with
the Bougainville Peace Agreement. This endorsement is
very welcome and is encouraging given management’s
enthusiasm to study a mine restart once the peace
process has been resolved. Rio Tinto will be of great
assistance to BCL in providing world class technical
expertise and mine development experience.

Visit to Buka

An important step to a closer engagement between the
Bougainville Government and BCL occurred last year
when the President of Bougainville issued a formal
invitation to the company to send a representative to
Bougainville. The company accepted the invitation and
the Company Secretary undertook a two-day courtesy
visit during which he met the President, Ministers and
senior administrators. The meetings were cordial and
resulted in broad agreement on a range of subjects the
Government and the company need to jointly explore.
The company looks forward to further positive dialogue
with the incoming President and Cabinet.

Year Ahead

I look forward to working with the incoming President
and Cabinet of the Autonomous Bougainville
Government. I hope the election process runs smoothly
and allows everyone to go on with the important task of
rebuilding Bougainville.
By the time the President is elected the mine area
landowners should have formed a new landowner
association and elected their representatives. Once both
these matters are finalised negotiations with the
company over the future of the Panguna ore body can
start formally.
There has been no further technical work carried out
since the “order of magnitude” study and the
exploration study I detailed last year. The next step, a prefeasibility
study on reopening the mine, is a very
expensive exercise that won’t be started until there is
greater certainty that the Government and landowners
support redevelopment. I hope that during the year
certainty will come and the Board will approve the next
phase of restart studies. The vision to return to active
exploration and profitable mining remains but requires
strong support from local stakeholders. The Board and
management team are committed to the vision.
BCL is continuing to support the work of the Bougainville
Copper Foundation. This is an independent, “not for
profit”, company that has been funded by BCL since its
inception. This year, as in previous years, the Foundation
has funded scholarships for more than 100 Bougainville
students. It also undertakes “special projects” on a needs
basis with the emphasis being on education, peace and
good governance. The Foundation is proud of its
achievements and those of its former scholars who are
contributing to the development of Bougainville.
It is pleasing that the global economic slowdown appears
to be over and that the mineral sector is making a rapid
and they strong recovery. This should be a year of great
opportunity for BCL and Bougainville; the company is
ready to move forward.  

555 Postings, 6351 Tage BOCandorraGeschäftsbericht 2009

17.03.10 11:34

Soeben wurde Bougainville Copper's Geschäftsbericht 2009 veröffentlicht!

Er ist ab sofort als PDF auf der Homepage der ESBC einsehbar:


15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroLJD

17.03.10 13:53
.......stellt sich zur Wahl als Chairman des Landownersbody.

Once again, my best wishes to you for success in getting elected as Chairman.


15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroVielleicht...........

17.03.10 15:20
.........sehen wir ja mit Tanis/Daweona im Juni das Wiedereröffnungs-Dreamteam am Start ;-)))))))))))  

1334 Postings, 6354 Tage TraderevilGeschäftsbericht 2009

17.03.10 20:47
so positive Äußerungen stimmen doch sehr hoffnungsvoll :

Chairman’s Statement & Year in Review

....das die Vision, die Rückkehr zur aktiven
Exploration und Bergbau profitabel bleibt, erfordert aber
starke Unterstützung von lokalen Akteuren.
Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Bougainville.
Es ist erfreulich, wenn die weltweite Konjunkturschwäche vorbei sein wird
erfährt  der Mineral-Sektor  eine rasche
und starke Erholung. Dies wird ein Jahr der großen
Gelegenheit für BCL und Bougainville; das Unternehmen ist
bereit, um voranzukommen.
Peter R. Taylor
Chairman und Managing Director.
10. Februar 2010


189 Postings, 6343 Tage oyooTja ...

17.03.10 23:40
Beim grossen Streit in der Führungsspitze des ESBC wurde ja verlautet das die interessierten Leser mit Veröffentlichung des Geschäftsberichts 2009 schon sehen werden das der Präsident unter den 20 größten Shareholdern von BOC zu finden sein wird.
Gut, ich hab ihn dort nicht gefunden.

Und auch der ehemals zweite Mann taucht dort nicht auf.

Was mir wurscht sein kann, nix für ungut.
Aber der Kurs ...  

15640 Postings, 6355 Tage nekroB"ville gets ready for polls, census

18.03.10 05:31

THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) is doing all it can to keep the people informed of two major events – the 2010 National Population and Housing Census and the ARB General Election.
ARB census coordinator Joseph Jeraha said the provincial administration had been very helpful in raising public awareness on the difference between the census and the coming general election.
Radio Bougainville has already produced announcements for the census to be aired everyday.
Mr Jeraha said the radio had also made public announcements to help people understand the differences between a census and an election.
The main difference is, in an election, only eligible voters participate while in a census every living person is counted.
However, since not all households have a radio, Mr Jeraha said he was hoping to receive assistance in the form of information, education and communication (IEC) material from the National Statistical Office headquarters and partner with organised groups and public institutions to help keep the people of  Bougainville fully-informed of the two major events.
“We are constantly informing district administrators to help people understand the events through public announcements, and making census and election an issue of discussion in their families and communities.
“Individuals at the district level have already been identified to undergo the training as master trainers to carry out the listing exercise.
“The results of this year’s census will be more accurate in Bougainville because we will have access to every little place in the region.
“That was not the case in the year 2000 where districts like Panguna and Bana became inaccessible under its No Go Zone declaration,” Mr Jeraha said.
He said some local level government (LLG) areas were inaccessible by road after bridges were washed away in the recent floods.
The areas are, however, still accessible by sea.
The national census will be conducted from July 11-17.

84 Postings, 6351 Tage MindTheGapADR Umtausch 2009 steuerliche Behandlung

18.03.10 09:54
Hallo zusammen,

wir hatten ja gelegentlich die Frage der unterschiedlichen steuerlichen Behandlung des ADR-Umtauschs in 2009 bei verschiedenen Depotführenden Banken diskutiert (Neutralität bzw. Behandlung als Verkauf ADR, Kauf Originale). Nach meinem letzten Kenntnisstand ist es nun so, dass mal als Kunde einer Bank, die den Tausch in 2009 als Verkauf ADRs bzw. Kauf Originale ausgeführt hat, bei der endgültigen Veräußerung dieser Stücke in die steuerliche Veranlagung gehen kann, d.h. durch Vorlage der entsprechenden Historie (Kaufbeleg, Umtauschbeleg, Verkaufsbeleg) muss das Finanzamt eventuell einbehaltene Abgeltungssteuer wieder zurückerstatten (Sofern Kauf der ADRs vor 1.1.2009 erfolgt ist). Insofern ist der oft zitierte Abschnitt aus dem BMF Schreiben vom 22.12.09 nmV so zu deuten, dass grundsätzlich von einer Steuerneutralität auszugehen ist, dass den Banken allerdings die Freiheit gelassen wird, in 2009 erfolgten Tausch auch als Verkauf/Kauf zu verbuchen. Ich interpretiere das als Zugständnis an die Banken-IT, da man ansonsten in diesem und in anderen Fällen die gesamte Buchungshistorie des Jahres 2009 für jeden Kunden zu einem sehr späten Zeitpunkt hätte anpassen müssen.

Any Coments?  

177 Postings, 6276 Tage joebo@MindTheGap

18.03.10 10:47
genau so ist es,
besser hätte man das nicht formulieren können,

Gruß joebo  

7974 Postings, 6805 Tage louisanerKeine Ahnung

18.03.10 11:56
...ob euch Posting 3 weiterhilft.

Falls doch nehme ich gerne ein Dutzend grüne.

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