Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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177 Postings, 6275 Tage joeboPräsidentenwahlen, ein Kommentar

22.01.10 20:26
nun, was machen die ESBC jetzt mit ihrem Präsidenten,

über die Jahre hat er mit seinen Kommentaren zu den Vorgänge auf Bougainville, die dann immer wieder zurückgezogen wurden,  dem Image der ESBC nur deutlichen (wenn es jemand dort gelesen hat - schweren) Schaden zugefügt, ist aber seines Zeichens "pr für professionells",

alle Kursprognosen und -kommentare völlig daneben,

die Squezze-Out-Theorie geplatzt, weil man erstens nicht zwischen Emmitenten und Vertriebspartnern unterscheiden konnte, und zweitens nicht gesehen hat, dass Banken (bei aller Vorsicht) "outstanding ADR´s" nicht gleichzeitig in den Bestand an Aktien gesetzt haben,

und die ADR-Käufer haben in der Regel besser performed haben als die ORG-Käufer,

also wenn ich ESBC-Mitgleid wäre,

ihr müsst wissen, was ihr tut ...,

man muss an die Story glauben, aber nicht an die ESBC,

damit möchte ich dennoch nicht vergessen, einigen ESBC-Mitgleidern hier für ihre Infos hier zu danken,

Gruß joebo  

1528 Postings, 6350 Tage CCLSC@joebo

22.01.10 21:34
Your point being?  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebowenn ich schon gefragt werde

23.01.10 20:36
recht einfach,

keine konkreten Kursprognosen, jeder kann sich überlegen, dass der Kurs anders aussieht, wenn BCL die Miene wirklich wieder aufmacht, ich hatte vor langer Zeit schon einmal darauf hingewiesen, sich mal die Kurse vergleichbarer Werte damals und heute anzusehen,

keine dubiosen Theorien auifstellen, warum  hier angeblich Kurse gedeckelt werden,

sich bei dem ADR-Programm mal etwas schlauer machen, was die Emmitenten betrifft,

die eigenen Mitglieder befragen, ob es Probleme beim Tausch wirklich gab, und dann nachrechnen,

die Liste könnte man auch noch verlängern,

ich möchte allerdings nicht in eure Vereinspolitik reinspielen, wer zulässt, dass sich ein Sprecher (ok. und gut)  zum Präsidenten wählen lässt, der muss wissen was er tut,

und ich hätte auch gerne, dass es in BCL inverstierte gibt, die sich von den Standpunkten eueres Präsidenten klarer distanzieren,

Gruß joebo  

1334 Postings, 6353 Tage Traderevil#3028

24.01.10 10:36

189 Postings, 6342 Tage oyooDer Schwanz und der Hund.

24.01.10 22:18
Der selbsternannte Präser des selbsternannten ESBC haben keinen Einfluß auf BOC oder den Kurs.
Das Prinzip Hoffnung funktioniert nicht bei einer stillgelegten Mine, die erst wenn die politischen Gegebenheiten auf der Reihe sind wieder in Betrieb genommen werden kann.
So wie es aussieht sind auch alle Verschwörungstheorien was den Umtausch der ADRs angeht nur heiße Luft gewesen.
Ganz was anderes wäre die konkrete Situation einer Entscheidung zur Wiederinbetriebnahme: Dann, und erst dann beginnt die Debatte um die Finanzierung, sprich Kapitalerhöhung, mit Folgen für die Altaktionäre. Ich wette auf ein wildes Kursfeuerwerk.
Das ist aber Musik von Morgen.
Traurigerweise kann es noch Jahre dauern bis es dazu kommt.
Man braucht sich ja nur die Bilder der Bevölkerung dort ansehen.  

222 Postings, 6196 Tage reinhold_tabrisUmtausch ADR`s bei Cortal Consors

25.01.10 13:23
Hier ie Antwort von CC betr. Steuerbefreiung meiner ADR`s, die ich seit 2004 halte.

" Gemäß BMF Rundschreiben vom 22.12.2009, Randziffer 68 (Seite 25) sind ADR Umtäusche in die unterliegenden Aktien erst ab dem 1.1.2010 als steuerneutral zu behandeln. Der Umtausch des ADR Bestandes (WKN 867948) von Ihnen in die die unterliegendn Aktien ( WKN 852652) wurden somit richtig als steuerwirksam verbucht, da der Umtausch des ADR Bestandes in die zugrundliegenden Aktien am 4.8.2009 verbucht wurde."  

140 Postings, 6350 Tage pezz88Umtausch...

25.01.10 14:37

@reinhold: Das ist ja der Hammer...

Hier meine Antwort von CC:

Der Umtausch der WKN 867948, Bougainville ADR in die unterliegenden Aktien WKN 852652, welcher am 07.01.2010 verbucht wurde, wurde steuerneutral verbucht.  

Bloß gut, dass das bei mir so lange gedauert hat :-)


450 Postings, 6350 Tage LongwilliADR-Umtausch

25.01.10 15:17
Hallo reinhold_tabris,

das BMF Rundschreiben vom 22.12.2009 definiert auch die in 2009 getauschten BOU-ADR als abgeltungssteuerneutral. Das entscheidet nicht deine Bank, sondern das BMF. Und das BMF-Schreiben dazu ist zwar für Nichtjuristen zu dem Geltungsbeginn nicht ganz eindeutig formuliert, aber dennoch nach eben solch einer fachkundigen juristischen Prüfung von und für Volljuristen eindeutig. Eine Anfrage deinerseits bei deinem zuständigen Finanzamt wird deine letzten Zweifel, und die deiner Bank, ausräumen.

Übrigens, einen Hinweis auf Regressansprüche deinerseits gegen deine Bank bewegt hier Berge.

Viel Erfolg,
Longwilli (ja, ich bin auch immer noch da...)  

1334 Postings, 6353 Tage TraderevilASX Syndrom...

27.01.10 08:49
heute wieder zurück auf den Punkt genau  0,600 mit  2292 Stk. ??????Für mich ein aufälliger Chartverlauf seit Sept. 2009,es  sieht stark nach Automated Trading aus.Warum aber dieses offensichtliche  Interesse?  

382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchWelches Interesse?

27.01.10 09:04
...sorry, von welchem Interesse sprichst Du? 2.292 Stück?

Unter dem Strich interessiert sich bislang keine alte Sau für den Wert in Australien - bis auf eine Ausnahme, nämlich demjenigen, der sich die 500k gekrallt hat. Der Rest ist schlicht ergreifend erratisch und ohne Trend.

Ich bleibe bei meiner Meinung, bis BOC nicht mit der Meldung rauskommt "Das BCA und damit die Weideraufnahme wird offziell neu verhandelt" passiert in meinen Augen mit dem Kurs schlicht ergreifend gar nichts.

Das heißt, wir brauchen weiterhin den Abschluß der letzten Versönhungsfeiern, die darauf anschließenden Landowner-Wahlen, ohne die ein JSB-Meeting mit Beschlussfassung BCA-Verhandlungen nicht möglich ist. Den Infos von Nekro zu folge könnte das alles im Februar noch der Fall sein, der Vergangenheit nach zu urteilen könnte es aber auch ein paar Wochen länger dauern. Aber die Richtung stimmt. Werde mal in den nächsten Tagen wieder mit PC telefonieren.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroProject initiated to create income opportunities

27.01.10 12:00


WOMEN from Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are now proud owners of three roadside markets.
The markets were opened at the weekend and will enable them to sell their vegetables to earn extra income.
The markets are located at Halia. Eltupan and Tandreki in Haku.
They are projects started by Bougainville Regional Member Fidelis Semoso.
Mr Semoso has been aiming to deliver basic infrastructure to the people.
He said the markets would bring services closer to the people and would create economic opportunities for the women.
“The opening of these markets sets an example of the essential services that the government must give to its people. It sets the pace for community foundation and wealth and will promote the government to raise money,” he said.
He said knowledge was the “catalyst” for development and people must make use of resources to make money. North Bougainville MP and Minister for Higher Education Michael Ogio has challenged the people to look after these markets in order for Bougainville to move forward in terms of capacity development.
He said this was one way of creating peace, unity and development.
“Enough is enough. Let’s move forward,” said Mr Ogio.
Construction of more markets is underway.
The markets in central and north Bougainville are nearing completion. More markets will be built in the south soon.
Mr Semoso is funding the markets while Mr Ogio will install water tanks at all the markets so that mothers will wash their produce.
“Hygiene is recommended to be important and that is why we will place water tanks in the markets,” said Mr Ogio.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroMiningministerium

27.01.10 12:18
Laut einer mail von L.D. soll nach dem plötzlichen Tod von Miningminister Dr Pisi (L.D.'s Neffe)  im Dez. jetzt Präsident Tanis das Miningministerium bis zum Abschluss der Wahlen im Juni übernehmen.  

1334 Postings, 6353 Tage TraderevilASX Syndrom...

27.01.10 19:17
aber genau das ist doch der Punkt,Stückzahlmäßig vernachlässigbar geringer Umsatz,von daher also kein Grund einer aktiven Preisgestaltung und  dennoch das wiederholte einpendeln auf die genaue Stelle hinter dem Komma.Das habe ich bei noch keiner anderen Aktie so ausgeprägt erlebt.  

1528 Postings, 6350 Tage CCLSC@Trader

27.01.10 20:07
Ich glaube auch, dass du da etwas hineininterpretierst, was de facto nicht gegeben ist. Da steuert keiner eine unbedeutende 60c Marke.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBougainville Mining Division

28.01.10 10:39
PLA issues will now be addressed through the new Bougainville Mining Division as set up by MRA.
This is good as the President will progress the work of BCA review more faster.
I will be meeting with the new Chief of Bougainville Mining Division today at 4.00 pm at Crown Plaza and his name is Mr Steven Burein. The election of new PLA executive is now being arranged through this office.

The next JSB meeting will be in New Ireland Province in February.

I will resent my previous emails that contained my last report.

Again it is nice talking to you after 6 week's break.



15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroADR Tausch

29.01.10 15:30
Beim Tausch von in D gehaltenen ADRs werden die erhaltenen Aktien je nach Bank mit Lagerstelle D (Clearstream), USA oder Australien eingebucht.

Da sollte man schon bei seiner Bank auf eine EU Lagerstelle bestehen ;-)))  

11664 Postings, 6354 Tage 1ALPHAGestern - Heute - Morgen

29.01.10 20:13
auf die kreative Energie einiger Neu Amsterdammer Banksters ist doch immer wieder Verlass.

Für die geschichtlich unbeleckten :  In den 30'ern wurden Aktionäre nicht nur durch Kursverluste vermögenslos, sondern auch, weil sie Aktien auf Bank Lagerstellen hatten, die selbst bankrott gingen.

Der Hinweis von nekro wg. der BOC Lagerstelle ist dehalb ernst zu nehmen.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroMusingku the mystery man

31.01.10 12:54

DEAR EDITOR – Melanesia has produced the world’s greatest Mystery Man of all time.

Noah Musingku should be recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the greatest Mystery Man of all time.

My reasons are as follows:

Before 1998 Musingku was a known street-beggar in Port Moresby.

Then in 1998 something strange happened such that everyone rushed and gave Musingku all their monies.

Everyone from grassroots up to the Prime Minister rushed and threw their monies on him without any questions whatsoever.

In 1999 Musingku was seen in Australia buying real estate properties in Kempsey, Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane and donating them to local churches and NGOs.

In October 1999 he was placed under House Arrest and in early 2000 Musingku was briefly imprisoned in a North Queensland jail.

Then on 23rd March 2000 PNG newspapers carried front-page reports titled “The Mystery Man is back” and showed the picture of the man wearing a Pandanus hat.

In August 2002 PNG newspapers reported that Bank of PNG and Police had raided Musingku’s Reserve Bank which he established in Down Town Port Moresby.

In early 2003 we read that Musingku had signed an agreement with Solomon Islands Government and set up a bank called RAONK Money Centre at Ritalaven, Honiara.

In 2004 we read that Musingku had crowned Francis Ona as King of Meekamui under a concept called Royal Twin Kingdoms.

In late November 2004 we read on ABC World News telecast that Musingku had died.

It also appeared on the QTV and his followers mourned for two months. In late January 2005 PNG newspapers reported that Musingku had launched a bank in Tonu and slaughtered some 70 pigs for the occasion.

In May 2005 ABG TV crew referred to Musingku as the King of Money Scams.

In early 2006 reporter Steve Marshall referred to Musingku as the ‘Most Wanted Man in the Pacific’.

In November 2006 we read that Musingku was killed by a rebel group in a dawn attack.

His followers again mourned for two weeks until he gave a surprising talk on radio thanking his clients and investors for their faith, trust and confidence in him.

The list goes on and on and includes issues like Fijian mercenaries, bank cheques, school fee payments, mysterious plane landings, private currency, No Go Zone, and so on.

Oh yes just one more, recently we heard that Musingku’s bank was paying out U-Vistract clients online through the commercial banks.

One of his street clients in Port Moresby could not control his tears when he showed me his BSP inward credit advice.

Rumours now abound that this weekend on 31st January Musingku will be formally crowned as the new King and Head of State of Bougainville.

He has now secured for himself the support of all cultural groups and clans on Bougainville including Meekamui and ABG to say the least.

His support base in the region and around the world has mysteriously grown too big.

VIPs from around the world are expected to witness his crowning.

His followers argue that Musingku will save the world from economic slavery.

His critics describe Musingku as a torn in the flesh. Let’s wait and see what the Mystery Man is up to.

Will the Most Wanted Man become the Most Desired Man of all time?

Or will this be just another ‘torn in the flesh’ of our friendly Pacific governments and banking fraternity?

David K.J. Solomon

Port Moresby, PNG

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro

01.02.10 03:57
Bougainville Copper Limited

2009 is seen as the most promising year in two decades for preparatory work leading to a possible re-commencement of operations at the Panguna minesite, owned and previously operated by Bougainville Copper Limited.

With copper reserves estimated at almost 3 million tonnes and gold production in the range of 400,000 ounces per annum, Panguna remains as potentially one of the world's largest producers of both metals. Unexplored neighbouring tenements are also very prospective, and will be explored when a moratorium on exploration is lifted.

Present market values for both copper and gold are significantly higher than at the time of mine closure in 1990, the political situation on the island has stabilised, and there is considerable appetite for development being expressed by the people of Bougainville . BCL is seen by many as the preferred operator of a re-started mine, and holds a very large bank of mine data. A comprehensive Order of Magnitude study was commissioned by BCL in 2008 (See separate item), and in January 2009, an invitation was issued by the incoming President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Mr James Tanis for BCL management representatives to visit the island.

The Board has operated a comprehensive rolling plan with the vision of returning to active exploration and profitable mining in PNG. The main focus is on gaining resolution of a taxation issue, commencing the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review, preparation in the event the exploration moratorium is lifted, communication with stakeholders, and the completion of environmental studies and a mine asset stock take.

It is expected that the Bougainville Copper Agreement re-negotiations will be actively pursued in 2009 and make significant progress. If the main stakeholders are to gain mutual economic benefit from Bougainville 's mineral potential a proper framework needs to be put in place. Variations in copper and gold prices indicate that opportunities need to be taken up without undue delay

During the year more work will be undertaken evaluating the findings of the Order of Magnitude study, and preparing for the possible lifting of the moratorium on new exploration and mining. It is intended to identify targets within the company licences and how best to manage an exploration program. That may involve entering into an exploration agreement with others. Work will also continue to ensure that the extensive mine database the company holds is able to be utilised quickly and effectively if a return to mining at Panguna is agreed.

The PNG Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) is now in operation, to act as a statutory authority managing and regulating the industry. BCL works closely with MRA, and expects that the Authority will play an active and guiding role in facilitating the Bougainville Copper Agreement re-negotiation.

A communications plan has been developed. Now that circumstances on Bougainville have changed and exploration and mining are being openly debated, the company wishes to publicly project its position on key issues affecting it.

An important component in achieving the vision will be an environmental plan that is not only based on best practice but also meets the expectations of the local community. Work will continue to identify the key issues and solutions. Access to the mine site and surrounding areas of previous operations will be welcomed, to assist the environmental assessment and future planning. The company has made known to both the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government of Papua New Guinea its willingness to conduct safety and environmental audits on the island as soon as access can be facilitated.

Existing mine assets have not until now been accessible to the company, and to understand the present value of these assets and the extent to which they may be used for future mining and exploration, access to the mine site is needed. For this BCL welcomes the support expressed by local landowners and will continue to work alongside them, and give practical assistance to the processes of reconciliation and social stability. BCL welcomes the growing consensus of landowner support for resumed exploration and mining, expressed in regular dialogue with landowner leaders.

Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) is owned 53.58% by Rio Tinto Limited . The Papua New Guinea Government owns 19.06% while public shareholders hold the remaining 27.36% of the share capital. Since the previous withdrawal of employees from the island, a small management team has operated in Port Moresby . This team is incorporated into Rio Tinto Minerals (PNG) Limited ( RTM ), a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto Limited. BCL has a management service agreement with Rio Tinto . RTM performs this agreement on behalf of Rio Tinto .  

1334 Postings, 6353 Tage Traderevilreopening Panguna..........

01.02.10 10:09
......ohne eine Hauptrolle dabei von RT in allen Bereichen wie >Planung-Durchsetzung-Finanzierung ect.< ist glaube ich  nicht denkbar,desshalb habe ich mal zwischen den hinter uns liegenden Feiertagen folgende e-mail  an RT geschickt und darauf eine in Teilen  interessante  Antwort erhalten.

Sehr geehrter Herr Shannon,

....................auf Ihrer Homepage unter:

The way we work - our global code of business conduct
erläutern Sie wie und wann Sie international tätig sind.Wie würden Sie unter diesen Gesichtspunkten die aktuelle Lage in Bougainville Panguna für ein reopening einstufen.Gibt es für Sie als major shareholder überhaupt zur Zeit Bestrebungen ein reopening der Mine zu erwägen?.................
Ich wäre für eine Antwort sehr dankbar.
Viele Grüße und ein frohes neues Jahr 2010                                                                                                                                                                                
die Antwort darauf lautet:

Dear Mr ..........

Happy New Year to you and thanks for your email.

Rio Tinto is the majority shareholder of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) (53.58 per cent), but BCL has a separate Board and a separate listing on the Australian Stock Exchange. BCL has stated its vision is to return to exploration and mining on Bougainville but has also said a condition is the support of landowners and the Government. A review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement in the next two years will give the parties an opportunity to discuss all the relevant issues associated with fulfilling the vision.

The mine site is still a ‘no go zone' and not accessible to BCL. Discussions between BCL, the National and Bougainville Governments and landowners are taking place regarding future options for Bougainville. It is too early to form a view on the way these options may develop. However the World Bank has offered to assist the Bougainville Government to develop capacity in the mining sector over the next two years.

Kind regards

David Ovington

Investor Relations Executive

To: Shannon, Mark (RTHQ)
Sent: Wed Dec 30 16:29:01 2009
Subject: major shareholder Bougainville Copper Panguna Mine

Ich denke der Weg ist klar erkennbar aber man hält sich öffentlich  doch sehr bedeckt.Aufgefallen dabei  ist mir die Aussage zu der No-go Zone und das Zeitfenster.;-D  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroThe adventures of President Tanis . . .

01.02.10 11:38


ABOVE: Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis and delegates on their way back from the mountainous Kongara Constituency in Kieta, Central Bougainville during one of his constituency visits recently was stopped short by the fast flowing current of the flooded Laluai River. As if the hard hitting rain, slippery track, cold and tough terrain was not enough, President Tanis and his delegates including his Minster for Peace, Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal Robert Hamal Sawa, Kongara MP and Minister for Agriculture Dominic Itta and wife Lady Tanis spent more than two hours trying to get across the flooded Laluai River. Quick thinking action and expert skills from local man Minister Itta came to the rescue when he waded across, collected bush vines, tied it and the delegates used it by holding and crossing. With no roads and no bridges, Kongara is certainly a place for the “survival of the fittest”. Pictured is President Tanis holding onto the tied vines and wading across the Laluai River.
LEFT: President Tanis and his delegates following the footsteps of the people of Kongara walking on a “nature” bridge across the Pinkasio River. This is the only bridge the people of Kongara rely on to cross the river. Trackers climb onto the tree which has fallen and made a perfect bridge over the fast flowing river. With no road and bridge, this is the way the Kongara people have been living since their ancestors.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroOgio funds projects

02.02.10 07:41

ELEVEN major projects totalling K4 million will soon be disbursed to
the people of North Bougainville.
The money will come from the K10 million District Services Improvement
Projects (DSIP) for North Bougainville, the MP and Higher Education
Minister Michael Ogio said.
A joint district planning (JDP) and DSIP meeting was held last Tuesday
in Buka where the release of the projects was announced by Mr Ogio.
The occasion was witnessed by several Autonomous Bougainville
Government MPs and the Council of Elder leaders.
The DSIP meeting was chaired by Mr Ogio.

The projects to be implemented are:
* RURAL electrification at the cost of K1 million
* TWO police vehicles: K223, 554
* POLICE housing: K367,000
* FIVE Administration vehicles: K600,000
* FEEDER roads: K1,325,000
* SCHOOL fee assistance for North Bougainville: K500,000
* BUKA ring road: K500,000
* WATER tanks: K1 milliion
* COMPLETED projects: K1 million
This is from the first K4 million.

The second K4 million will include a K500,000 vessel for the Carterets
Islanders which is being purchased.

K1 million out of that money will be used to install the submarine
cable for the Buka Passage to Kokopau and Sohano under rural
K900,000 will be used to build feeder roads in Tinputz, Kunua, Suir and Selau.

The remaining K1.4 million will be used by Mr Ogio on community
projects that he will select.

The final K2 million will go towards the costs of health, water tanks,
aid posts, classrooms, dinghies, school fee subsidy and medical
Mr Ogio said the K10 million would fund all the projects and this will
gather the region through its economic development.

A submission of two impact projects including feeder roads and rural
electrification projects will be completed within the two months that
they are expecteted to be completed and submitted to Mr Ogio.

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroMagnitude 6.2 - BOUGAINVILLE REGION,

02.02.10 07:43
2010 February 01 22:28:17 UTC

Earthquake Details
Magnitude 6.2
Date-Time Monday, February 01, 2010 at 22:28:17 UTC
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 at 08:28:17 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location 6.102°S, 154.424°E
Depth 33 km (20.5 miles) set by location program
Distances 125 km (80 miles) W of Arawa, Bougainville, PNG
235 km (145 miles) SE of Taron, New Ireland, PNG
885 km (550 miles) ENE of PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea
2370 km (1470 miles) N of BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 4.8 km (3.0 miles); depth fixed by location program
Parameters NST=169, Nph=169, Dmin=>999 km, Rmss=1.06 sec, Gp= 36°,
M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7

Event ID us2010seb6

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo"Mekamui backs Momis for Bougainville presidency"

02.02.10 12:50
Posted at 01:45 on 02 February, 2010 UTC

Part of the militant Mekamui group in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville is supporting a former governor, John Momis, in his bid for the presidency of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

The province is to hold elections in April and May.

The Post Courier newspaper says members of Mekamui met Mr Momis last week and expressed concern at the current administration’s failure to work with the various factions in the province.

The Mekamui group says the government should pursue good governance initiatives and revisit the peace process, particularly issues of weapons disposal and law and order.

The paper quotes the faction as saying Mr Momis is the true leader chosen by God to steer the government.

They say they are ready to work with him and that his election will lead to roadblocks on the main island being removed.

Mr Momis ran second in the poll in 2005 behind the late Joseph Kabui.

On that occasion elements of the Mekamui had campaigned against Mr Momis, who later became the PNG Ambassador to Beijing.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroThe politics on the ground is different

02.02.10 13:07
Der wichtigste Teil in der Meldung #3049 ist wohl "Part of the militant Mekamui group"

These are the facts;
> 1. Mekamui is a splinter faction of BRA.
> 2. There are different factions of Mekamui. There is a Mekamui faction
> that is based in Panguna led by Commander Moses Pipiro and they have a
> Mekamui Government of Unity under the charmanship of Mr Philip Miriori,
> (You have met Philip during our Peace Package Negotiations). There are
> other Mekamui factions in Buka, Buin and again those with Noah Misingku.
> The Panguna Mekamui Government of Unity is more aligned to President
> Tanis.
> 3. President Tanis is BRA or rather was part of BRA and he is with BRA
> Commander Ismael Toroama. Ismael has got strong links with PLA through our
> business arrangement on scrap metal operations.
> There is really no cause for concern and Momis' standing for elections
> will be addressed through our relationship.
> Cheers

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