Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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703 Postings, 6178 Tage Tom0001# 2446

23.07.09 22:51
" PS:Mal auf Bloomberg checken wer dort vom BCL Management seit dem 26.6. als BOC Aktionär geführt wird ;-))) "

Hab keinen Zugriff auf Bloomberg. Kannst Du uns verraten wer der neue Aktionär ist?


286 Postings, 7040 Tage bergfex58Warnung vor Onlineform TheNational

24.07.09 06:20
Seit ca 1 Woche wird vor dem Öffnen der Seiten von TheNational wegen Malware zumindest auf meinem Rechner gewarnt.  Habt ihr das Problem auch oder liegt es an meinem Virenschutz (Kaspersky).  

177 Postings, 6274 Tage joebo@bergfex58

24.07.09 09:20
das liegt nicht an Deinem Virenschutzprogramm, ist mit anderen AntiVir-Programmen das gleiche,

es ist eine Meldung von Google, vermutlich hast Du ´mal (evtl. auch unbewußt) eine Google-Toolbar o. ä. in den Browser integriert,

nimm ´mal einen anderen Browser, das sollte dann ohne die Warnung sein,

ob und ggf. wie ernst diese Warnung allerdings zu nehmen ist, kann ich auch nicht sagen,

Gruß joebo  

286 Postings, 7040 Tage bergfex58@joebo

24.07.09 09:34
Es ist das gleiche mit dem IE  

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchHandel mit ADR in D ist per heute eingestellt...

24.07.09 09:44
....damit ist auch dem ganzen ADR-Spuk ein Ende bereitet.

Mal schauen, sollten viele tauschen, wird es spannend für die Depotbanken. Sollten sie nicht brav jedes ADr mit einer Originalaktie hinterlegt haben, müssen sie ihre short-position eindecken. Viel Spaß dabei!  

177 Postings, 6274 Tage joebo@bergfex58

24.07.09 09:46
bei mir macht es - der allerdings nur selten benutzte - IE ohne die Meldung,

Gruß joebo  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroNew law will put owners in win-win situation

24.07.09 10:57

THE newly-proposed Bill before Parliament to amend the Mining Act 1992 and Oil and Gas Act 1998 is to allow landowners to enter a “win-win” deal with the State and resource developers.
This was pointed out by North Fly MP Boka Kondra during his speech at the opening of the national forum on restoration of property rights of natural resource with landowners in Goroka yesterday.
He said section six of the Mining Act 1992 and section six of the Oil and Gas Act 1998 allowed for the landowners to own what was above the land and not beyond six feet, in the old imperial measurement, beneath.
He said they aimed to repeal this act to give landowners greater opportunity and rights to own what was further below that depth.
Mr Kondra said when he first tabled the Bill in Parliament, Western province Governor Bob Danaya moved the motion and was seconded by Central Bougainville MP Jim Mirintoro, who were resource owners.
He said the current law required for the landowners to have only a 2.5% share and to be called “landowners”.
The new law, if passed, would allow them to be landowners as well as resource owners, he said.
“Western province has been getting only 2.5% from the activities of Ok Tedi mine, and is called K2.50 bush,” Mr Kondra said.
“Bougainville fought because it has been getting 0.025% from the Bougainville Copper.
“Let us change the law to save the future for the future generation.
“I want the new law to say that the land and resources belong to the landowners, local level and provincial governments.”
Mr Kondra said the money from resource developments should be left with the landowners to spend instead of being parked with the Mineral Resource Development Corporation and Mineral Resources Authority.
“I appeal to all Papua New Guineans and MPs to support the bill to amend the Acts to give economic independence to PNG,” he said.
“We got political independence, not economic independence.
“The new law will get the people out of poverty.”  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroESBC News

24.07.09 15:08

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAn earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck

25.07.09 11:49
off Papua New Guinea's island of Bougainville on Saturday.

Genau zum Beginn der Feier zum 3 Jahrestag von Ona's Tod???????? ;-))

The US Geological Survey says the tremor, which struck at 11.42am local time was about 80 km west of Arawa city at a depth of 65 km.

A spokesperson for Papua New Guinea's national earthquakes centre says the centre has not received any reports of damage.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroDaily Gross Short Sales reported for 21-Jul-2009

26.07.09 12:51
Am 21 u. 22.7 wurden an der ASX jeweils 1 Leerverkauf von 10K  BOC  Shares gemeldet.

Nicht viel auf den 1 Blick,doch bei einem Tages VOL  von 32 u. 34K ist das eine Quote von rd. 30% ;-)))))))))

ASX     Company Name                      Product/      Total Shares   Reported Gross   Reported Gross    Daily Change         Issued       % of issued capital
Code                                      Class         Sold           Short Sales (a)  Short Sales       in security          Capital (b)  reported as short
                                                                                       (%) of Turnover   price (%)    

Daily Gross Short Sales reported for 21-Jul-2009
BOC     BOUGAINVILLE COPPER LIMITED       FPO 1K              34,243            10,000            29.20          -1.96  
Daily Gross Short Sales reported for 22-Jul-2009
BOC     BOUGAINVILLE COPPER LIMITED       FPO 1K              32,750            10,000            30.53           5.00  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAuffassung des BMF

27.07.09 05:10

#11882 von Plutokrat    26.07.09 19:17:55    Beitrag Nr.: 37.648.693
Generell muss eine Auffassung des BMF nicht das letzte Wort sein, auch wenn man die Angelegenheit möglicherweise gerichtlich durchfechten muss.
Als Anleger kann man bestreiten, dass hier eine Veräußerung vorliegt, auch einen Umtausch kann man bestreiten.

Wir haben es mit einem völlig anderen Sachverhalt zu tun, als wen Intel eine Silicon Valley-Klitsche übernimmt und die Aktionäre der Klitsche Intel-Aktien anstelle der Klitschen-Aktien erhalten - bei uns geht es bei ADRs und Originalen um dieselbe Gesellschaft Bougainville Copper.

Für ADRs sind Originale bei australischen Banken hinterlegt, mit dem ADR-Kauf erwirbt man u. a. das Recht auf Auslieferung der Originale. Im Gegensatz zu Wandelanleihen, Optionsscheinen oder Optionen, die auch das Recht zum Bezug von Aktien gewähren, haben ADR-Besitzer bereits Aktionärsrechte, z. B. das Recht auf Dividende. Bei Kapitalerhöhungen können ADR-Besitzer auch manchmal teilnehmen, manchmal gibt es Zahlungen aus den Erlösen verkaufter Bezugsrechte. Möglicherweise können ADR-Besitzer auch auf Hauptversammlungen Stimmrechte ausüben.
Ein ADR ist der Originalaktie daher deutlich ähnlicher als eine Wandelanleihe oder Option.

Die Aus- oder Einlieferung der den ADRs zugrunde liegenden Originalaktien würde ich am Ehesten mit der Aus- oder Einlieferung von effektiven Aktien, also Papierurkunden aus oder in ein Depot vergleichen, und das sollte steuerlich irrelevant sein.

Gemäß 2008er Rechtslage soll auch ein Gattungswechsel von Aktien steuerlich irrelevant sein, also z. B. die Umwandlung von Vorzugs- in Stamm- oder Inhaber- in Namensaktien.

Man sollte meiner Meinung nach nicht vorauseilend vor dem Finanzamt kapitulieren.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBeitrag auf dem JSB Meeting

27.07.09 10:19
From the following, comes the following mistruth.

"Bougainville fought because it has been getting 0.025% from the Bougainville Copper."

For the years 1972-1989 in total, the cash disbursements were as follows. (From audited Company reports)

to PNG Government (K Million)
Income tax                                                                                         582
Dividends on the shares that were gifted to the PNG government    166
Withholding tax on those dividends                                                     96
PAYE tax                                                                                             120
Customs Duty                                                                                     104
Misc                                                                                                       10
          TOTAL                                                                                      1078 or 61.45%

To NSP Government
Royalties (95%)                                                                                    61
taxes                                                                                                    12
resource fund                                                                                         2
total                                                                                                      75    OR   4.27%

To Landowners
Royalties (5%)                                                                                        3
Occupation  and Compensation                                                            21
                                                                                                             24   or 1.36%

Investors (non government, including CRA)
                                                                                                             577 or 32.9%

(and numerous citizens of PNG)

Those dividends were spread over approximately 325 million shares. (the non government shareholding, which means an effective dividend return of of around K1.8 per share for the investors spread over 17 years - hardly anthing to write home about.

If Kondras claim was true then the average annual return to landowners would have been only K26,000 total per year. (roughly).   I don't think so. The difference between the "Local" total of 5.4% (NSP & LO) and his stated 0.025% is some 200 fold.

The above figures do beg the point. If the ABG were to get its **(& together and get drawdown on not only mining, but finance, taxation, infrastructure and so on, it could then take the lions share of the 66% or so, that was previously predominantly going to the national government (and the NSPG).   If one looks at BCL's own recent estimates (conservative) on the value of the remaining Panguna pit ore body, which was, as I recall around USD 36 Billion or around K75Bn, That is as much as $k50Bn staying in Bougainville. (Just don't put it anywhere near Tonu). And that is apart from all of the reconstruction, employment etc etc. Staying on Bougainville?? Top tier investment portfolio, would be smarter, or even establishing Bougainville as a "real" finance centre (not like NMs lies...)

As I have said before, and the numbers that Lawrence Daveona posted a while back tend to reinforce, the issue would not be where the "landowners" would resettle to - they could have their choice of penthouses in Q1 on the gold coast...

Also, if you look at the shareholding ( per the annual report ) most of the shares have now been acquired by Institutional investors (banks etc).  The top 20 shareholders account for 95.51% of the shares, leaving only 18 milion shares out of the total 401 million, owned by "others" (including the European shareholders...). The people that have "put and kept the money in the investment" will be the first to be "paid" for their  trust and persistence. The other issue is that, as I recall, Peter Taylor (of BCL) has indicated that a "restart" estimate would be in the order of 3 Billion. IN the current economic times, that will be hard to raise. It will be harder to raise, when investors see disproportionate greed from landowners,  a lack of guarantee of law and order, and the various other basics that one would reasonably expect. The arguing point for increased local revenue, would have been stronger in better economic times, but then everyone was too busy, dicking around with Invincible (who seem to have dropped of the face of the planet) and their partners in "Crime", BDRC.

Ah, hindsight is so crystal clear, at times...  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroKupfer 5637 USD/T ((+2,49%)

27.07.09 11:54
BOC arbeitet schon profitabel bei 1,5 USD/lbs

Copper July 27,05:51
Bid/Ask 2.5410 - 2.5456
Change +0.0494  +1.98%
Low/High 2.4916 - 2.5505  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroDas kann doch nicht so schwer sein ;-)))))))))))))

28.07.09 05:23
Ein Click sollte genügen u. man hat (nein,man könnte) die Terms & Conditions zu den BOC ADRs auf dem Schirm haben.

Doch kein mir bekanntes Geldinstitut hat das bis jetzt geschafft.

Sogar bei JPM, schliesslich einer der ADR Emittenten,tut man sich schwer.;-)))

Nach Rückfrage dann diese Antwort von JPM

I am in the process of retrieving this information for you. Will forward it to you once retrieved.



Fast als ob die Geschäftsbedingungen zu den ADRs geheim wären??????

Jeder ADR Besitzer, ob Tausch oder -unwillig, sollte sich mal von seinem Institut diese T & C zusenden lassen.

Hier sieht es ganz so aus als ob man beim AU/ USA crossen etlicher Shares verlustig ging,vielleicht über dem Bermudadreieck das ganze ADR Programm, ;-))))))))

Beim lesen von könnte so manchem ein Licht aufgehen.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBOC AU 62,5 (+8,6%)

28.07.09 08:09
0,36 €  ;-))))))))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroNGO reaches out to community for change

28.07.09 08:29


A LOCAL non-governmental organisation has gone out to the community to enrich their lives.
“This is actually the first time an NGO has come to the No Go Zone to conduct a course.”
These were the words from Mekamui William Muntah when a local NGO, Osi Tanata Incorporated, recently conducted two courses on “Community Development Facilitation” (CDF) in Central Bougainville alone, one for the Catholic Women in central which was conducted in the Tunuru Catholic mission, and in Parakake village, Mekamui controlled area of Panguna.
The courses conducted were aimed at training people to be facilitators in their own communities.
According to Osi Tanata course facilitator Tunuru Cosmas Piri, the course was to equip youths, women and men to understand development, and the process involved in bringing in change to their communities.
Course participant Julie Tulasoi from Koromira parish said it was about time women realised their importance in the community.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroGrins................

28.07.09 18:06
.........JPM von heute

I am unable to retrieve the terms and conditions in electronic format.  This is one of the older programs we have, and unfortunately, the only way for you to review the terms and conditions will be to view an ADR certificate at our office.  

To answer your other questions, as long as there is liquidity in the market, we can sell the underlying shares, the only reason why we will not be able to sell the shares is if there is no market for them.

In this case where there is no market for the underlying shares, the deposited shares will remain in our safekeeping account at our local custodian, until there is a market for them and they can be liquidated, or are deemed as valueless securities.

The deposits of shares or the withdrawal of shares must be in whole share amounts, we cannot process any instructions (deposits/issuances; withdrawals/cancellations for denominations of less than 1 whole share quantity (no fractional units).

I hope this information helps.

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.



Habe jetzt mal nach einer Photocopy per Fax angefragt ;-)))))))))))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBOC USA 0,60 USD (+13,21%)

28.07.09 18:26
0,42 € :-)))))))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroDemnächst..........

28.07.09 19:15
........wieder Kurse wie vor der Einstellung des ADR Programms ;-)))))

Wenn es sich bewahrheiten sollte dass ein Grossteil der (angeblich) gecrossten Original BOC nur ausgeliehen u. nie transferiert wurden,gleichzeitig aber von den Ami-Banken als ADRs unters Volk gebracht wurden,so steht hier ein Mega Squeeze-out bevor.Dass die ASX dass Shortselling bei BOC auf 10% der Aktien begrenzen will,(40 Millionen) lässt wohl nur den Schluss zu dass es sich um eine vieeeel grössere Anzahl handeln muss.

Kann gut sein dass die ASX hinter der Einstellung des ADR Programms steht weil dadurch rule 19.5 verletzt wird,ohne dass BOC in der Liste der geshorteten Aktien gross in Erscheinung tritt.;-))))))))


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroASX RT 0,65 (+4%) 0,3788 €

29.07.09 04:34

BOC Sellers
Price Quantity Sell

0.650 14,000  
0.700 5,500
0.720 5,000  
0.830 1,785  
3.500 100,000  
4.800 166,000  

794 Postings, 5945 Tage upholmDas Orderbuch....

29.07.09 07:37
.... ist wirklich dünn besetzt, wollen wir mal hoffen das es so bleibt, dann könnte deine Vermutung mit der Rally aufgehen. Wäre mir wirklich recht!!!  

1528 Postings, 6349 Tage CCLSCDas Orderbuch ...

29.07.09 10:04
... ist kurstechnisch aber auch leider auf der BID-Seite nicht gerade prall. ;)


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAnzahl ADRs bei JPM

29.07.09 10:46
Currently, JPMorgan has approximately 4.3 mil ADRs issued and outstanding.

This is a multi-unsponsored ADR program, all of the other Depositaries (BNY-Mellon, Deutsche Bank and Citibank have ADRs outstanding as well.

I can possibly send you a scanned copy of a certificate specimen, however, it will be difficult to read since there are perforations throughout the document.



15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroRural focussed development plan launched

29.07.09 10:53

By Aloysius Laukai

The Autonomous Bougainville Government has launched a corporate plan with a strong emphasis on making sure that service delivery reaches the people in the rural areas.

Launching the plan, ABG Vice President Ezekiel Massat praised the Bougainville Administration for coming up with a workable corporate plan to guide development programs on  Bougainville.

He said that the plan was prepared by the Planning Office with support from UNDP and AusAID and was built on a strategic action plan approved by the BEC some years back.

Mr Massat said it was not easy developing such a plan given the limited capacity the Bougainvilleadministration has been working under over the years.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTrauma help for Bougainville ex-combatants

29.07.09 10:54

By Aloysius Laukai

The member for Peit Constituency in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Lawrence Bele, says all ex combatants must be rehabilitated and reconciled if Bougainville is to see lasting peace and normalcy.

Mr Bele made the remarks at a ceremony to announce that 41 ex-combatants from the Peits constituency will attend a trauma counselling workshop at the Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre at Chabai.

He said he has been trying to find ways to rehabilitate ex combatants to fit into the community as good citizens after the ten year conflict.

He said another batch of ex- combatants will attend a similar course towards the end of August.

Mr Bele said after these courses, further training will be held in the constituency to include mothers and the rest of the community.

The one week training is funded by the United Nations Development Program.

The ceremony was witnessed by the Minister for Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal, Robert Hamal, Acting Chief Administrator, Patrick Koles, and representatives of UNDP and AusAID.

Representatives of AusAID program on Bougainville, Edwina and Roslyn Kenneth told the ceremony that AusAID will continue to support the work of building peace in the province.

They congratulated the member for Peit, Lawrence Belleh, Sister Lorraine from the Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre and UNDP for developing counselling training for the Peit ex-Combatants.

They also thanked the ex-combatants for agreeing to attend the one-week program.

They said that in any post conflict situation, prior to carrying out development projects, rehabilitation, healing and counselling must be undertaken first.

They said that they were confident that the counselling organised by Sister Lorraine will help re-integrate the former combatants into their communities.

UNDP supports three programs in its efforts after the Bougainville conflict.

At the same ceremony, the UNDP Program Officer on Bougainville, Wesly Kenneth, also announced UNDP support for three programs to assist the ABG to establish lasting peace and normalcy: Good Governance, Peace & Reconciliation, and Economic Revival.

Mr Kenneth said UNDP sees trauma as one of the impediments that, if not addressed, will prolong the peace process.

He said UNDP has completed some trauma workshops in Arawa and is piloting a program geared towards ex-combatants throughout the entire region.

He said trauma cases were similar throughout Central, South and North Bougainville and must be tackled head on.  

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