Polymet Mining WKN 870808 - 300 bis 400% möglich
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“I feel good that we had a good hearing,” he said. “This was one of the best fact-finding meetings we’ve had in a long time.”
Carlson acknowledged that environmental advocates are disappointed with his decision. But, he added, his bill would have done less to restrict a proposed copper and nickel mine than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s draft environmental impact statement that some say could not stand up in court.
Das hört sich doch gut!
das kann nicht wahr sein...ist klar das einige die Geduld verlieren.......
Und hier die komplette Beurteilung von denen es wohl zur Zeit noch die letzten Punkte abzuarbeiten gibt:
Generell leider nichts neues, aber doch sehr Interessant. Ich hoffe es gibt bald wieder positive news.
Gutes Händchen und viel Glück allen
Warum mir das hier einfällt? Nur so eine lose Assoziation...
Friday, June 25 2010
HOYT LAKES, MINNESOTA--(Marketwire - June 25, 2010) - PolyMet Mining Corp.(TSX:POM)(NYSE Amex:PLM) ("PolyMet" or the "Company") announced today that the state and federal government agencies responsible for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) reviewing PolyMet's copper-nickel-precious metals project will complete the EIS process by preparing a supplemental draft EIS that incorporates the proposed US Forest Service (USFS) land exchange and expands government agency cooperation.
The USFS will join the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as a federal co-lead agency through the completion of the EIS process. In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will join the effort as a cooperating agency. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) remains the state co-lead agency.
The supplemental draft EIS will:
Define and analyze a specific project alternative as it is expected to be built
Fully incorporate the proposed land exchange with the USFS into a consolidated EIS process
Reflect applicable comments received on the Draft EIS from the public and government agencies including appropriate recommendations from EPA
Integrate key project improvements, modifications, alternatives, and mitigation measures to minimize environmental impacts
LaTisha Gietzen, Vice President of Public, Government and Environmental Affairs, stated: "We are pleased the US Forest Service and the EPA are more formally involved in the EIS process. The agencies are actively engaged in planning an effective and efficient path forward to completion of environmental review."
The PolyMet project comprises the Erie Plant and the nearby NorthMet copper-nickel-precious metals ore-body, located near Hoyt Lakes in the established mining district of the Mesabi Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota.
PolyMet began the environmental review process in 2004. The analysis is contained in more than 100 technical studies totaling approximately 14,000 pages that were the basis for the draft EIS. The milestones achieved to date are shown in the diagram below.
To view diagram please click on the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/Diagram1.pdf
In November 2009 the DNR and the USACE published the draft EIS reviewing PolyMet's project, followed by a 90-day public comment period. The agencies received more than 3,700 separate submissions, including comments by the EPA and other government agencies. At the same time as the draft EIS was being prepared and was on public notice, PolyMet was working on a land exchange with the USFS, which holds certain surface rights at the NorthMet mine site.
The supplemental draft EIS will build upon the existing draft EIS by incorporating appropriate comments received on the draft EIS, include project improvements and roll in the USFS land exchange. The following diagram illustrates how the environmental review process will move forward.
To view diagram please click on the following link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/Diagram2.pdf
PolyMet anticipates that the lead agencies will establish the timeline for publication of the supplemental draft EIS when they have agreed on all the details of the project. Once the supplemental draft EIS is completed, it will be made available for public review prior to preparation of the final EIS. Completion of the final EIS and a subsequent Adequacy Decision by the DNR and Record of Decision by the federal agencies are necessary before the land exchange can occur and various permits required to construct and operate the project can be issued.
Joe Scipioni, President and CEO of PolyMet, said: "The government agencies involved have put a great deal of effort into developing this plan that incorporates and consolidates the land exchange into the EIS process, considers the EPA's recommendations, and strengthens the partnership among state and federal agencies. The supplemental draft EIS will streamline the process moving forward and provide clarity as to the specific project that we plan to build."
He continued, "The supplemental draft EIS will describe a project that can be built in a way that not only creates the much-needed jobs but also protects our environment and natural resources."
See DNR news release: http://news.dnr.state.mn.us/index.php/2010/06/24/...oject/#more-43684
USACE news release: http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/docs/regulatory/...et%20release-070.pdf
Ich denke wir haben den Boden erreicht und es geht wieder in die richtige Richtung, ich werde heute mein EK mal ordentlich reduzieren.
Keine Kaufempfehlung,...
viele kleine "Meldungen" zum Wert, welche recht interessant erscheinen....
da fallen von Analysten Kursziele von 5$....das sind über 300% von hier...
ich denke, falls endlich die Genehmigung kommt dann ist das nicht utopisch...
Problem wird wohl nur werden, wenn im November glaube ich, ein andere ÖKO-Governeur gewählt wird !
Hier ist ein schöner Faktenthread mit einigen Interessanten und aktuellen Informationen.
Senator Oberstar spricht sich hier für eine schnelle Genehmigung aus:
2--- Hauptaktionär will alle Aktien und kauft enorm dazu !
3---(das wohl naheliegendste-----DIE DOFFE GENEHMIGUNG IST IN GREIFBARER NÄHE !!!!!!!! )
wenn man überlegt, wo die Aktie stand als der Thread eröffnet wurde, dann sehen wir, welches Potenzial die Aktie bis zum Jahresende hat !!
also ich bin guter Dinge und werde nochmals zulegen, wenn die Meldung kommt....egal zu welchem Preis !
Grüße und weiter News oder Diskussionen beitragen...danke
Danke für die Vorlagen!
und jeden Tag 7-10% im Plus !!
interessant und leider wohl Produktion erst wohl Anfang 2012 !
Thank you for your email. It has been a very long process for PolyMet working through the environmental process. I believe that it is taking longer than expected because PolyMet is the first company in the state of Minnesota to try to permit a non-ferrous mine.
We expect the cooperating agencies to make a statement in the next several weeks that will clarify the process and the time line, moving forward. Once we receive the necessary permits it will be approximately 12 months from construction to production.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions and feel free to contact me at (845) 742-8153.
ich hoffe das dieses Jahr wenigstens noch die Genehmigung kommt....
heute versucht der Kurs die 2,1$ zu durchbrechen. wo man letztens abgeprallt sind...jetzt schon 2,11 $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neues HOCH der letzten Wochen und Monate...