Öl aus Kohle - Neuer Milliardenmarkt!
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Eröffnet am: | 27.08.06 19:20 | von: Solarparc | Anzahl Beiträge: | 98 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 16.07.07 13:24 | von: Minespec | Leser gesamt: | 26.340 |
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Es gibt eine Methode, aus billiger & niederwertiger Kohle
Öl, Diesel und Gas zu produzieren. Die Umwandlung basiert
auf einem jahrzehnte alten Prozess, lohnte sich bisher aber
nicht, da der Ölpreis zu niedrig war.
Seit dem Ölboom überlegen China, USA und Europa, das
Kohleverflüssigungsverfahren einzuführen! Es gibt noch
Millarden von Tonnen niederwertiger Braunkohle, die
genutzt werden könnte, um Öl zu produzieren. Dieses
könnte noch mindestens 20 Jahre reichen! Die Ölkrise
wäre damit so gut wie erledigt ;-)
Nun ein interessantes Unternehmen, das genau über DIESE
Technik verfügt: GREEN FUEL
Green Fuel ist ein 100%iges Tochterunternehmen von Silverado Gold.
Der Chef, Anselmo, war bereits bei einer Anhörung vor dem Amerikanischen
Kongress. Bis September wird mit "exciting news" gerechnet!
"We continue our busy 2006 year and look forward to increasing our production and discovery into 2007 and beyond. Our gold mining operation is now focusing primarily on completing gold recovery, and we continue to move forward with our LRCWFuel project. Most of the 'behind-the-scenes' work with government authorities has been completed on the fuel project, and we anticipate a very exciting announcement either in August or September,' concluded Mr. Anselmo."
Sollte Green Fuel vom Amerikanischen Staat finanzielle Unterstützung
für den Bau einer Kohleverflüssigungs-Anlage erhalten, könnte der
Kurs explodieren! Sollten die Nachrichten negativ sein, bleibt Silverado
Gold immerhin noch das Goldabbaugebiet in Alaska ;-)
Zur Zeit redet und diskutiert alles über das Thema Öl, wo geht der Preis hin, wie stark wird die Nachfrage, vorrangig aus den USA und China, steigen und vor allem: wie lange werden die Reserven reichen ?
Zunehmend macht sich die Kohle als „Gegenpart“ zum Öl auf den Weg. Inzwischen sehen Merrill Lynch, BHP Billiton oder auch die International Coal Group. diesen fossilen Rohstoff Zukunftträchtiger als Öl. Ein offensichtlich simpler Grund führt zu dieser Einschätzung. Die Kohle reicht noch, wenn das Öl schon alle ist. Allein in den USA liegen Kohlereserven, die nach heutigem Stand, 200 Jahre reichen. Kein Energieträger, von Nordamerika bis nach China, sei so billig und in so großer Menge verfügbar, sagt Richard Price, Investmentbanker bei Westminster Securities in St. Louis und ehemaliger Vice President des größten US-Kohleproduzenten Peabody Energy, so Die Welt vom vergangenen Mittwoch.
Neben den USA sind in China die größten Kohlelagerstätten zu finden. Laut chinesischen Angaben belaufen sich diese auf über 1.000 Mrd. Tonnen.
Bereits Mitte Juni hatte Robin Batchelor in einem Interview mit der FAZ auf die Kohleverflüssigung verwiesen. Batchelor verwaltet u. a. den MLIIF World Energy Fund. In dem Gespräch verwies er darauf, dass er nun in Unternehmen investiert, die Kohle verflüssigen und dann Treibstoff herstellen. Keine neue Technik, aber erst ab einem Ölpreis von 35 Dollar je Fass rechnen sich diese Verfahren. Der Markt ist noch klein, doch das Potential gewaltig, so Batchelor.
Laut anderen Quellen rentiert sich die Kohleverflüssigung ab einem Ölpreis von etwa 40 USD pro Barrel. Dieser Preis ist nun schon seit 2 Jahren überschritten und wird wahrscheinlich auch nicht mehr erreicht werden, wobei dieses Risiko nie zur Gänze ausgeschlossen werden kann. Der Durchschnittspreis tendiert inzwischen bei 68 USD pro Barrel und macht damit die Kohleverflüssigung attraktiv. Das führte bereits dazu, dass die Tonne Kohle im März mit etwa 67 USD ein 10 Monatehoch erreicht hatte. Die jährliche Bedarfssteigerung wird bei 3 % geschätzt und damit doppelt so hoch wie bei Öl. Innerhalb der nächsten 10 bis 15 Jahre sollte sich der Kohlepreis mindestens verdoppeln, darin sind sich die drei o. g. einig.
Der Gesamtverband des deutschen Steinkohlebergbaus schrieb in einem Artikel zu Energierohstoffen: „Kaum jemand spricht heute hierzulande noch von der Kohleverflüssigung und Kohlevergasung“. Warum auch ? Die Programme wurden durch den Ölpreisverfall Mitte der 80iger Jahre durch die damalige Bundesregierung eingestampft. So ist die letzte Pilotanlage zur Kohleverflüssigung, die von der Deutschen Montan Technologie (DMT) seit den 70er Jahren im Technikumsmaßstab betrieben wurde (Produktionsleistung rund 200 kg/Tag), vor zwei Jahren, ähnlich wie die Kokerei Kaiserstuhl, hier abgebaut und nach China verkauft worden. Dort betreibt man bereits intensivste Forschungen und entwickelt immer neue Technologien zur Kohleverflüssigung.
Große Raffinierer wie Sinopec ziehen derzeit in diesem Bereich ein Projekt nach dem anderen auf. Hier beabsichtigt Chinas größter Bergbaukonzern, die Shenhua Group einzusteigen. Diese wiederum plant, auch mit Hilfe deutscher Experten, im mongolischen Majata den Bau einer Kohleverflüssigungsanlage, die jährlich aus rund 9,7 Mio. Tonnen Kohle rund 5 Mio. Tonnen Benzin, Kerosin, Diesel u. a. herstellen und im nächsten Jahr in Betrieb gehen soll. Sie basiert auf der Deutschen Montan Technologie. Die chinesische Regierung hält diese weltweit erste Industrieanlage zur direkten Kohlehydrierung mit einem Investitionvolumen von fast 3 Mrd. USD für bedeutsam im Rahmen der inländischen Energiestruktur.
Die China Oil News berichtete Anfang Februar, dass die Regierung plant, in den nächsten fünf bis zehn Jahren 15 Milliarden USD in den Bau von Anlagen zu investieren, mit denen jährlich 16 Mio. Tonnen Ölprodukte aus Kohle gewonnen werden können. Die Anlagen sollen in den kohlereichen Provinzen Shanxi, Shaanxi und Yunnan sowie der autonomen Region Innere Mongolei entstehen.
Nach den derzeitigen und in der Perspektive weiter steigenden Preisen für Öl- und Mineralölprodukte auf dem Weltmarkt, würde sich die Kohleverflüssigung nicht nur in China und Südafrika rentieren. Die Nachfrage nach Kohle wird entsprechend steigen, dass stellte der Gesamtverband des deutschen Steinkohlebergbaus fest.
Ein großer dieser Branche und vor allem mit langjähriger Erfahrung ist die Sasol (ursprünglich South African Synthetic Oil Ltd). Zu diesem Unternehmen erfahren sie demnächst mehr in unserer Analyse.
Quelle: EMFIS.COM, Autor: (il)
Und jetzt schaut sich ein Chartanalyst mal den Kurvenverlauf an:
Der Chartabschnitt in den roten Kästchen ähnelt sich sehr!
Zwischen 2001 und 2002 gab es bereits eine ähnliche Formation
wie aktuell! Nur diesmal scheint es eine GRÖßERE SACHE zu werden...
Es geht nicht ohne fundiertes Know-How bei dem was man macht, egal was man macht. Nur große Reden schwingen und schöne Pläne machen reicht nicht für den Erfolg.
ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg, trotzdem kommen von mir nur skeptische Grüße
Homepage: http://www.silverado.com/
Garry Anselmo, CEO of Silverado Green Fuel Inc., testified Thursday, May 4, 2006 before a crowded House committee hearing on behalf of Silverado Green Fuel’s Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (LRCWFuel) Project. This important hearing took place in the ornate Resources Committee room, where portraits of past Resource Committee chairmen looked down upon the assembly. Although representing different interests within the government, all members of this panel agreed with President Bush’s recent statement that America was addicted to oil, and that needed to change. They also acknowledged that America’s coal reserves are larger than the world’s oil or gas reserves. A major focus during the question and answer portion following the first panel’s presentations was the cost of imported oil, and what would be the projected cost of alternative fuel derived from America’s coal. Milt Copulos, President of the National Defense Council Foundation presented startling information as to the true cost of a gallon of gas, based upon what he referred to as “externalities” - or external costs that are not reflected in the price of an item. The Council has conducted extensive studies which divide these “externalities” into three categories: direct and indirect economic costs, oil supply disruption, and military expenditures. After analyzing these costs, the Council concluded that the “true” cost of a gallon of gas is currently an astounding $9.53. He stated that, although these hidden costs are not seen at the gas pump, they create an enormous drain on America’s economy. Copulos concluded by stating that coal is the answer to this tremendous economic problem, and referred to America as the “Saudi Arabia of coal.” He cited countries around the world that currently produce synthetic fuel from coal. He also reminded those at the hearing that the idea of using domestic coal to produce synthetic motor fuels is not new, referring to a 1942 House Committee hearing on the potential to produce gasoline, rubber and other products from coal, and a Senate hearing that same year on the production of synthetic liquid fuels from coal. Following a brief break to allow the first panel to exit, the second panel was sworn in.
During his testimony, Anselmo pointed out that roughly one half of the coal reserves in the United States are relatively inexpensive sub-bituminous or lignite. He informed the committee that Low-Rank Coal researchers around the world have spent the past 40 years investigating virtually every coal drying technology conceived. In his testimony, he stated: “Of all the low-rank coal-drying technologies assessed, hydrothermal treatment is the only process that produces a liquid fuel with the inherent benefits of liquid handling, transportation, and storage. This treatment is an advanced technology that features a process of moderate temperature and pressure and non-evaporative drying that irreversibly removes much of the moisture from low rank coal. Low Rank Coal Water Fuel – or LRCWFuel, is a non-hazardous, easily transportable liquid fuel.” Anselmo also cited a research project supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation where test quantities of LRCWFuel were produced from Alaska’s Beluga coal in a pilot plant and burned in a test boiler. According to the results of that study, the Beluga LRCWFuel proved to be an excellent fuel with extremely low emissions. Following the testimony from the second panel, the Chairman began his round of questioning by asking Mr. Anselmo about the price of LRCWFuel. Anselmo told him that the price of a barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) of LRCWFuel varies between $10 and $15 depending on the source of the coal. Anselmo went on to state, regarding energy price comparisons, “We are talking about the difference between $10 or $15 LRCWFuel as opposed to the current market price of $70 for a barrel of oil.” The committee recognized the tremendous economic advantage that LRCWFuel (at $15 per BOE) would provide as a low-cost, high-quality feedstock for gasification and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Thus, LRCWFuel would serve as an ideal candidate in that process for downstream production into ultra-clean synthetic gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. Commercialization of Silverado’s hydrothermal treatment process is an outstanding opportunity to make America energy self-sufficient, especially since half of America’s coal reserves are considered to be “low-rank.” Anselmo obviously enjoyed appearing before the committee as evidenced by the light-hearted moments between he and Chairman Gibbons during the question and answer period. Following dismissal of the panel, Mr. Anselmo remained for several minutes, speaking with Congressional staff and other interested parties who attended the hearing. He was congratulated on his testimony by the senior committee staff members, and publicly thanked them for inviting him to testify before Congress:
“I am deeply grateful for the interest these Members of Congress have shown by asking me to come before them to tell them about Silverado Green Fuel’s Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel process. I was especially encouraged by the focus both panels of witnesses had on domestic energy security and providing the United States military with an alternative, secure source of fuel with which to operate. We have been working for the past few years on educating the public and government officials about LRCWFuel. I believe our invitation to testify before this committee is in itself a testimony to the great success we have had over the last two years in that education process. After witnessing the genuine enthusiasm for our coal-to-liquid fuel by Congressmen and their aides, I am even more excited about our project and the momentum we have created.” Anselmo concluded his remarks by stating, “On another matter, we are in the final preparations stage prior to signing the Memorandum of Understanding for our commercial demonstration and research facility. I believe we will be able to make a joint announcement in the very near future regarding the construction of America’s first Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Production Facility.” To learn more about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., visit us online at http://www.silverado.com or contact Bob Dynes, Investor relations, toll free at 1-800-665-4646. SILVERADO GREEN FUEL INC. |
enorm profitieren, sondern auch von seinen Gold Projekten.
Ich hoffe, dass Green Fuel erfolgreich
wird und ich hoffe noch mehr, dass der
Goldabbau im Winter diesen Jahres noch
erfolgreicher wird ;-) Der September
wird es zeigen! Wer ist schon dabei?
wir kurz vor einem entscheidenden Punkt
im Leben von Silverado stehen. In einigen
Tagen kann sich herausstellen, dass Silverado
mehr ist, als nur ein Goldunternehmen. Vielleicht
ist die Tochter Green Fuel die Lösung für Amerikas Ölproblem :-)
Nicht mehr lange und wir wissen es ;-)
Danke Solarparc, für Deine Eingaben.
Bin selber "Long" investiert, da der Wert viel (Kurs-) Phantasie beinhaltet und dieses an der Börse nicht unerheblich sei.
Hierbei handelt es sich nicht um eine Kaufempfehlung.
Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko.
Das Risiko ist schon nicht gering bei Silverado,
die Chancen sind aber auch nicht schlecht ;-)
Der Kurs ist im Moment ziemlich weit unten. Die Fantasie der nächsten Monate ist wohl noch nicht im Kurs enthalten. Silverado hat anscheinend genug Cash (7 Mio) für die nächsten big Investitionen und wie es aussieht, wurde SLGLF in den letzten Wochen durch Short Seller nach unten gedrückt.
SLGLF: Short Interest UP 4287.8% to 267.6K in Aug 2006 According to new short interest data from OTCBB.com, short interest for Silverado Gold Mines Ltd (OTCBB: SLGLF) INCREASED 4287.8% to 267,569 shares for the month ended mid-August, 2006. Based on SLGLF's 20-day average daily share volume of 2,051,480, it would require approximately 1 day(s) of buying to cover this short interest.
THURSDAY , AUGUST 24, 2006 05:25 PM
http://www.otcbb.com/asp/Info_Center.asp (unter Knobias Headlines)
Die Chancen für einen Rebound sind also nicht schlecht, oder? ;-)
Ziel ist für sie ein Kurs von 0,050 Dollar!
Wenn sie diesen Kurs nicht erreichen, dann
wird es teuer für sie! -Und gut für uns ;-)
Also hoffen wir, dass es ihnen nicht gelingt,
den Kurs unter die 0,06 Dollar-Marke zu drücken!
Würde der Kurs diese Woche steigen, müsste einige
Shorties zu höheren Preisen covern, als sie wollten!
Dann würde der Kurs automatisch explodieren!
Dann noch ein paar gute News von SLGLF und wir stehen
wohl ruckzuck wieder bei 0,150 Dollar (+150%)!
Speziell zu Silverado und Green Fuel gibt´s hier Infos:
Sehr geringer Umsatz. Der Kurs steht immer
noch bei nur 0,062 Dollar! Das sollte sich
diese Woche hoffentlich noch ändern ;-)
17:14:40 0,0620 1600
17:13:20 0,0620 2500
16:16:39 0,0610 1000
16:16:10 0,0610 100000
16:12:06 0,0610 20000
16:00:10 0,0610 5000
15:50:13 0,0610 25000
15:49:22 0,0610 5000
15:49:15 0,0610 25000
15:37:35 0,0610 500
15:35:19 0,0610 10000
15:31:28 0,0700 5500
15:30:26 0,0610 40000
15:30:23 0,0610 0
15:30:23 0,0610 18000
Over the last 40 years researchers around the world have investigated virtually every subbituminous coal (SBC) drying technology ever proposed. Of all the SBC drying technologies assessed, the most promising is hydrothermal treatment (HT), sometimes called hot water drying. HT is particularly effective for producing Silverado’s concentrated Green Fuel suitable for many liquid fuel applications. Production of Silverado’s Green Fuel with its inherent environmental, transportation and utilization benefits also eliminates the stability problems that have plagued all other SBC drying processes designed to produce a dried SBC that can be safely handled and transported.
HT is an advanced technology, featuring moderate temperature/pressure, non-evaporative drying, which irreversibly removes much of the inherent moisture from SBC. HT upgrading allows fuels derived from SBC to be produced with solids content rivaling those obtained from bituminous coal-water fuels without the uses of costly additives. Silverado’s Green Fuel is a non-hazardous, non-toxic, easily transportable quasi-liquid fuel that avoids all the stability problems of dust generation and spontaneous combustion associated with SBC.
Silverado’s Green Fuel is produced by treating a slurry of pulverized SBC at moderate temperatures, up to 300oC, and the corresponding saturated steam pressure in water, hence the name hydrothermal treatment. HT is similar in many respects to pressure cooking, and the Green Fuel retains all of the desirable combustion characteristics of SBC. Sufficient residence time at reaction conditions is provided in a laminar-flow reactor to ensure that the interior of the largest particle reaches the desired temperature. Upon heating, some water expands out of the coal due to differences in thermal expansion between coal and water. Loosely bound carboxyl groups on SBCs are also released as CO2, expelling additional water from the coal. Some volatile matter, waxy materials in the SBCs, being hydrophobic (water hating), are retained in the micro-pores of the SBC in the pressurized aqueous environment, giving a unique uniform wax distribution, which seals most of the micro-pores and minimizes water re-absorption. By retaining most of the volatile matter, the high reactivity SBC, as well as most of the energy value, is preserved.
Figure 1 is an artist's rendition of what occurs during HT. Following HT, the system pressure is reduced and excess water is removed, leaving Silverado’s Green Fuel. The excess water is reused in the continued production of our Green Fuel.
Even after HT, SBCs retain some of their oxygen functionality and are still somewhat hydrophilic, or water loving. Therefore, they have a much lower tendency than their bituminous coal-water fuel counterparts to settle rapidly. Some SBC produced fuels have shown almost no settling tendencies even when stored for months. For SBC produced fuels that do settle over time, the tendency is to produce a soft pack suspension that can be re-suspended by stirring. As opposed to some of their bituminous counterparts, no SBC produced fuels created to date, regardless of particle size distribution, have shown any tendency towards dilatent (tending to solidify), shear thickening, behavior. Consequently, the higher the shearing force applied, the lower the viscosity, which accounts for their ease of atomization. Therefore, generally no costly stability enhancing or viscosity reducing additives are used with SBC produced fuel. Instead, stirring and/or agitation are used to maintain a constant feed in storage and feed tanks. Typically the only additive recommended for Silverado’s Green Fuel is a biocide to prevent biological growth in fuel that is to be stored for some period of time before use.
The technical feasibility of HWD has been demonstrated in pilot plants in Australia, Japan, and the US. These pilot plants have operated for thousands of hours with SBCs from around the world. As a general rule, the increases in energy content or density for SBC produced fuels versus coal water slurries prepared from untreated coals are around 30% for subbituminous coals, about 50% for lignites, and well over 100% for brown coals, peat, and biomass. What remains to be done for commercialization is production and end-use testing in a demonstration-scale facility to establish commercial production costs, establish derating values in an oil-designed boiler, and to produce thousand tonne quantities of Silverado’s Green Fuel for potential end-users to test in their own facilities or independent laboratories.
Silverado’s Green Fuel Combustion
Since most of the SBCs volatile matter is retained in the coal particle in the form of waxy material, the high reactivity and rapid carbon burnout of subbituminous coals, in comparison to bituminous coals, is maintained. In addition, SBCs, even after HT remain non-agglomerating, Figure 2. In all reported combustion tests fuels produced from SBC burned significantly better than bituminous coal-water fuels (CWFs). Fuels produced from SBC ignited more rapidly and gave higher carbon burn out, typically over 99%, when compared with commercial bituminous CWFs. Tests in the Allison coal-fired turbine, using a fuel produced from subbituminous coal from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming, demonstrated the superiority of fuels produced from SBCs over a commercial bituminous CWF. The best carbon burnout obtained with the micronized bituminous coal-water fuel under optimum operating conditions was slightly over 97%, whereas the fuel produced from SBC, which had an average particle diameter three times larger, gave carbon burnout of over 99%, under all operating conditions, Figure
During HT, alkali cations (positively charged ions) associated with the coal particles are released and dissolved in the water. Alkalis, particularly sodium, are the principal cause of severe boiler tube fouling. With their removal as part of the HT process, fuels produced from SBCs are inherently less fouling than their parent raw coal, and in some cases reduce the fouling to levels considered allowable in industry for high sodium coals that have little market value without hydrothermal treatment.
Test quantities of fuels derived from SBCs were produced from Alaska's Beluga coal, following HT and tested in a combustion test facility. The Beluga fuel produced from SBC proved to be an excellent fuel with less than 4% ash and only 0.07% sulfur. It had a low fuel ratio (ratio of fixed carbon to volatile matter), with a volatile matter content close to the level of the raw Beluga coal. Carbon burnout was excellent at over 99.8%. Gaseous emissions were monitored during the test and indicated a very low level of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the flue gas. Ash deposition was minimal, consisting of a fine white powder easily removed by normal soot blowing operations.
Advanced applications in boilers designed for oil, combustion turbines, and/or diesel engines have placed new demands on the fuel's combustion characteristics due to greatly shortened residence times allowable for combustion. In these cases, the inherent higher reactivity of LRC versus bituminous CWF, makes them a superior fuel.
For more information click to: http://www.silverado.com/fuelprocess.htm
THURSDAY , AUGUST 31, 2006 08:42 AM
Dallas, Texas, Aug 31, 2006 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- StockGuru Pre-Market Updates for Thursday include Wits Basin Precious Minerals Inc., (OTCBB:WITM), IVMD Inc, (OTCBB:IVME), TrackPower, Inc. (OTCBB:TPWR), Superior Oil and Gas Company (OTCBB: SIOR),Silverado Gold Mines ( OTCBB: SLGLF) , and TriMedia Entertainment Group Inc. (OTCBB: TMEG). StockGuru Pre-Market Updates feature companies with significant moves in either volume or price in the past two trading sessions. In our update we analyze recent news about the companies featured and detail the movement in the stock.
Silverado Gold Mines ( OTCBB: SLGLF) - Wednesday's shares closed down 1.64% with a price of $0.06. The volume was at 2,904,533. Gold recovery and processing operations at the Nolan Gold Mine, located North of Fairbanks, Alaska are nearing completion. To date over $1,000,000 of large jewelry grade gold and collector's nuggets have been recovered and polished for sale. These nuggets are among the finest the area has yielded. In addition to the jewelry grade gold mentioned above, Silverado is currently making preparation to extract the 3/16" and smaller gold from concentrates. Once this gold is extracted, the company will polish it to further enhance its value. While this extra treatment requires more work than smelting, the value of the end product is 20% higher than the untreated gold.
We continue our busy 2006 year and look forward to increasing our production and discovery into 2007 and beyond. Our gold mining operation is now focusing primarily on completing gold recovery, and we continue to move forward with our LRCWFuel project. Most of the 'behind-the-scenes' work with government authorities has been completed on the fuel project, and we anticipate a very exciting announcement either in August or September," concluded Mr. Anselmo.
For a quote and the latest news on this company, please visit: http://www.stockguru.com/profiles/SLGLF.php .
Quelle: www.otcbb.com
Symbol SLGLF eingeben
Klicke auf Knobias Headlines (oben rechts)
July 31 (Bloomberg) - Coal, the hard, black byproduct of fossilized plants used as fuel since China's Western Han dynasty 2000 years ago, may overtake oil as the best performing energy investment.
That, at least, is the emerging consensus from a diversity of speculators, investors and giant corporations including Wilbur Ross, the billionaire bankruptcy specialist, BHP Billiton Plc, the world's largest mining company, and Merrill Lynch & Co., the third-largest U.S. securities firm.
Because ``coal is the cheapest, most abundant energy source,'' from North America to China, ``the surge in oil has encouraged people to plan new coal-fueled power plants and to start using conversion technologies such as coal-to-diesel,'' said Richard Price, an investment banker at Westminster Securities in St. Louis.
Coal is poised to top its recent highs because of record oil and natural-gas prices, said Francisco Blanch, chief commodity analyst at Merrill Lynch & Co. in London. In Europe, coal was $62.55 a ton last week and reached a 10-month high of $66.83 in March, broker ICAP said. Prices paid by U.S. utilities will climb 5 percent in the next year and double by 2021, said Price, a former vice president at Peabody Energy Corp., the largest U.S. coal producer.
Converting coal into liquid fuel or natural gas becomes economical when oil remains above $40 a barrel, said Stephen Leer, chief executive officer of Arch Coal Inc., the second- largest U.S. producer.
Oil more than doubled since January 2004, reaching a record $78.40 a barrel on July 14 and averaging $68 in New York this year. It hasn't traded below $40 since June 2004 and will fall 19 percent next year to $60, according to the median forecast of 19 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.
Coal Turnaround
Ross, the 68-year-old chairman of International Coal Group Inc., is convinced the search for a cheaper alternative to oil and natural gas will enable coal to outperform oil. ``We certainly bet on that,'' Ross said in a telephone interview from Paris.
- 3 - ``The argument against it is not an economic one,'' he said. ``It's about the environment and emissions.'' Ross, who was worth about $1 billion last year, according to Forbes magazine, made much of his fortune transforming troubled companies into money makers. He founded Ashland, Kentucky-based International Coal in 2004 after acquiring mines from bankrupt producers.
Coal in the U.S. is forecast by analysts to recover from a drop this year caused mainly by a mild winter. Prices in Wyoming's Powder River Basin, the largest U.S. producing region, have fallen from a record $21.50 a ton at the end of last year to $11.50, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, while the eastern coal benchmark has declined 15 percent to $49 a ton.
Acquiring Reserves
For the U.S. and China, the world's biggest energy users, coal offers the chance of reducing their reliance on Middle East oil that has tripled in cost since 2002. The U.S. has enough coal to last almost two centuries and today imports two-thirds of the oil it uses.
Coal producers are acquiring reserves after the U.S. government estimated demand will increase by 3 percent a year, almost twice the rate for oil. St. Louis-based Peabody Energy on July 5 offered A$1.83 billion ($1.4 billion) for Excel Coal Ltd., Australia's third-biggest coal producer.
``A lot of the future energy requirements globally will have to be satisfied by coal,'' said Michael Schroder, head of resources at Old Mutual Asset Management in Cape Town, which manages the equivalent of $55 billion, including shares in mining companies BHP Billiton and Anglo American Plc. ``Coal seems to be on the agenda of lots of countries.''
Using more coal is part of President George W. Bush's initiative to make the U.S. less dependent on imports. U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in May authorized the Air Force, which burned 3.2 billion gallons of jet fuel last year, all refined from crude oil, to begin testing 100,000 gallons of a similar fuel derived from natural gas and coal.
Peabody Energy says it needs government-backed loans to build coal-to-liquids plants near its deposits in Montana and Illinois. The plants may cost as much as $4 billion apiece, said Arch Coal's Leer.
South Africa's Sasol Ltd., which developed coal-to-liquids technology to reduce the nation's reliance on oil, has won the endorsement of the airline industry for a jet fuel mix half derived from coal, and has sought approval for a 100 percent coal-based variety. The technology has helped turn Sasol into Africa's most profitable company and biggest by market value.
Energy Independence
Illinois, Indiana, Montana, Alabama, Colorado, Wyoming and Pennsylvania provided incentives and tax breaks to encourage construction of almost two dozen coal plants to use more local reserves. The plants use technology that reduces pollution.
``The U.S. seems set on working toward energy independence and coal is by far the most
economical option,'' said John Piccard, a senior analyst at Jersey City,
New Jersey-based Lord
- 4 -
Abbett & Co., which holds a 2.3 percent stake in coal producer Massey Energy Co. ``Once the infrastructure for conversion gets built, coal will become an alternative to oil.''
China, which has tripled oil imports in the last five years, has enough coal for a hundred years.
Royal Dutch Shell Group Plc, Europe's second-largest oil company, and Sasol are investing in plants in China with domestic coal companies.
Power plants also may boost their use of coal. The U.S. will build plants that increase coal's share of fuel used to generate electricity to 57 percent from 50 percent today, the U.S. Energy Department said.
Undervalued Coal
Investors value coal reserves at a fraction of oil deposits. Peabody Energy's reserves are worth 7 cents per million British thermal units, a measure of energy content, based on the company's market capitalization. At today's share price, Exxon Mobil Corp.'s oil deposits are worth $3.16 a million British thermal units. That gap may narrow, raising the value of coal relative to oil, as more plants are built that allow coal to compete with oil, Piccard said.
Peabody Energy shares have risen 12 percent this year, while Exxon Mobil has gained 19 percent. Consol Energy Inc. shares have risen 17 percent. Arch Coal Inc. has fallen 13 percent, while Ross's International Coal has lost 32 percent.
``Too much of a discount is being paid for coal equities at the moment given their inherent energy value and long-term ability to provide growing returns,'' said Kevin Bambrough, who helps manage C$3.8 billion at Sprott Asset Management Inc. in Toronto. Coal producers over the next decade are more likely to generate ``superior returns over oil companies,'' he said.
Pirate Capital, Carl Icahn
Pirate Capital LLC, a Connecticut hedge fund headed by former Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
investment banker Tom Hudson, this month said it bought an $89 million stake in James River Coal Co., which has mines in Kentucky and Indiana. Pirate Capital is betting the shares will rebound from their 44 percent decline in 2006. Hudson didn't respond to calls seeking comment.
Billionaire financier Carl Icahn, 70, acquired a 2.7 percent stake in Pittsburgh-based Consol during the first quarter. Icahn couldn't be reached for comment. Global coal prices are likely to rise during the next year as consumers switch to coal from oil, Merrill's Blanch said in a July 17 interview.
``Coal demand continues to set records in the U.S. and globally,'' Greg Boyce, Peabody's chief executive offer, said July 21 after the company posted a 61 percent gain in second- quarter profit.
``The long-term estimate of global coal use continues to strengthen.''
The recent slump in coal has depressed shares of producers. The Bloomberg U.S. Coal Index of eight companies has fallen 34 percent since rising to a record of 810.55 on May 11.
``That kind of a meltdown creates a lot of buying opportunities,'' said James Rollyson, a coal analyst at Raymond James Financial Inc. in Houston. ``It's a short-term weakness because coal is the fuel of choice going forward.''
Mal sehen wohin die Reise geht.
ob Silverado mit Green Fuel
an dem Kohleboom teilhaben
wird oder nicht ;-)
Im September will Anselmo die BIG Nachricht verkünden!
Die Erwartungen steigen jeden Tag :-)
Wenn ja, dann gibt es wohl bald ein paar neue Millionäre ;-)
wenn nicht, dann hoffen wir auf gute Goldnews...
Klickt einfach auf "View Slide Show"
Hier werden die verschiedenen Prozesse der "coal-to-liquid"
Verfahren anschaulich erklärt! Interessant: Die Verfahren
wurden wirklich schon alle vor vielen Jahrzehnten entwickelt!
Sie scheinen also wirklich zu funktionieren, haben sich bisher
nur leider aus finanziellen Gründen noch nicht gelohnt! Durch
die Ölverknappung und den hohen Ölpreis dürfte sich das aber
geändert haben! Kohle könnte die Ölreserven für bis zu 100 Jahre sichern!
Vor allem Seite 13 dürfte für Silverado Aktionäre interessant sein ;-)
Der US-Präsident will sein Land aus strategischen Gründen von ölfördernden Ländern unabhängig machen - und singt plötzlich das Loblied auf die Alternativen Energien.
Washington - Am Labor Day, dem im 19. Jahrhundert bewusst vom europäischen 1. Mai abgesetzten amerikanischen Tag der Arbeit, hat Präsident George W. Bush alternative Energien in den Mittelpunkt seiner Ansprache gerückt. Die Verringerung der Abhängigkeit von Ölförderstaaten, "die uns nicht mögen" - Bush nannte keine Namen - soll vor allem durch neue Technologien erreicht werden. Erwähnung fanden Brennstoffzellen, Biodiesel und die Kernkraft. Konkrete Vorhaben nannte der Präsident nicht. (..)
--> Zumindest gibt es in den USA schon mal eine Neuausrichtung, HIN zu neuen Energiequellen! Das gab´s bisher noch nie, weil die Ölindustrie in den USA zu viel Macht hat! Aber vielleicht positioniert sich ja auch die Ölindustrie an neuen Verfahren der Energiegewinnung. Einige Ölunternehmen haben bereits massiv in Solar- und Windkraft investiert. Wieso also nicht auch in Coal-to-Liquid Verfahren? Die Zukunft wird´s zeigen!
Im Moment sieht´s wohl eher danach aus, dass Greenfuel NOCH nicht so erfolgreich wird, wie wir uns das erhofft haben, ist aber nur so ein Gefühl ;-) Vielleicht irre ich mich ;-) Der Kurs ist aber schon ziemlich weit unten! Vielleicht reichen auch schon ein paar Goldnews aus, um den Kurs anzuheben ;-)
Bin gespannt auf die nächsten Tage! Vielleicht gibt´s schon diese oder nächste Woche Nachrichten von Anselmo...
Coal Technology (updated July 21, 2006 )
Coal-to-Liquids Project Financing - John Warzel, vice president government affairs at Syntoleum Corporation, recently told Coal Outlook that despite $2.7 million in loan guarantees that have been promised to promote coal-to-liquids (CTL) plants under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT2005), his and some other CTL projects will use private financing. Mr. Warzel felt that operational delays in the loan guarantee program and some of the language in EPACT2005 puts limits on loan guarantees that make private financing a better alternative (Coal Outlook, July 17, pp 1, 12, 13). Even though loan guarantees are very helpful because CTL projects are new and untested in this country, some of the technologies companies are planning to use may not qualify for Federal loan guarantees. Oklahoma-based Syntroleum is contracted to deliver 100,000 gallons of synthesized liquid fuel for testing in U.S. military turbines. Warzel stated that success in endeavors like that will make it easier to fund CTL projects.
Sherry Tucker of Colorado-based Rentech Corporation noted that even though loan guarantees must be repaid, a major benefit is that having them makes it much easier to get financing for the remaining capital needed, and at better rates. Rentech is converting a natural gas-fed ammonia plant to a clean liquid fuels plant based on coal gasification. Ms Tucker said Rentech will move ahead whether or not it wins loan guarantees. Rentech also has projects in development that use natural gas to develop liquid fuels and other products in Colorado, Mississippi, and Wyoming (Coal Outlook, July 17, p 12; and Correction, July 24, p 6).
CTL Private initiative - An agreement between Peabody Energy and Rentech is seen by investment analysts as a positive advance toward developing the CTL industry in the United States. On July 18, the largest U.S. coal producer and Denver-based Rentech revealed their agreement jointly to develop two CTL projects to produce diesel and jet fuel. Because CTL technology is untested in the U.S. on a commercial scale, the companies will spend the next year on feasibility plans. According to Hunt Ramsbottom, Rentech president and CEO, fuels from CTL technology can be produced and finished for $36 to $42 per barrel (Coal Trader, July 24, pp 3-4). The CTL plants will be located near Peabody coal reserves in Montana and the Midwest.
Auch DAS hier ist SEHR interessant!!!
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