Nordex Akte X
Das etwas nicht im Haken ist, ist hier doch offensichtlich. Warum das Teil von fast jedem erdenklichem Analyst runtergeredet wird, trotz politische Lage und Aussichten der EEs und dann auch noch langsam runter geht, ist mir ein Rätsel.
Theoretisch sollte es genau andersrum sein.
Aber gegen den Analysten ist kein Kraut gewachsen.
Wind Auf Nordexler
Papandreous Kabinett segnet Sparpläne ab
Parlament spricht Papandreou Vertrauen aus
Kampf um Sparpaket, Teil 2: Nachdem Giorgios Papandreou Dienstagnacht die Vertrauensabstimmung gewonnen hat, hat sein Kabinett am Mittwochabend die Sparpläne bis 2015 gebilligt. Ende Juni muss das Parlament mitziehen - sonst ist Griechenland pleite.
Way Wind and Nordex USA Announce New Venture in Nebraska
June 21, 2011 3:00 AM EDT
* Potential for 120 MW wind farm in 2013
* Project planned for 48 Nordex N100/2500 wind turbines
CHICAGO, June 21, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Way Wind LLC has entered into a joint venture with Nordex USA, Inc. (Frankfurt: NDX1) for the co-development and later construction of a wind farm in Wayne County, Nebraska.
The project was initiated in 2008 when Way Wind began securing land rights and performing wind studies. The company sought a partnership with Nordex to advance the project and increase the chances of success. The partnership has also allowed the project's planned size to expand from 99 MW to 120 MW. "Once we had confirmed the wind resource, we knew that we would benefit by joining forces with the professionals at Nordex," commented Wes Slaymaker, one of the partners. "We identified the Nordex N100/2500 as an ideal fit for the site. It has a long operating history and unbeatable track record."
Nordex entered the joint venture, drawn by the combination of excellent wind, available transmission lines and welcoming landowners and local community. The partnership has now moved forward with additional wind studies and will soon begin environmental and other surveys to support an upcoming application for approval for the project from the Nebraska Power Review Board.
"Nordex assists wind project developers from an early stage with both technical expertise and financing," explained Joseph Fonio, Vice President of Project Development for Nordex. "Our experience in strategic partnering and our resources improve the potential of promising projects like Way Wind."
"We know it's important to support our customers," said Ralf Sigrist, President and CEO of Nordex USA, Inc. "Nordex has added value to developers in Europe through such partnerships for 10 years, and we are happy to expand our offering to our US customers."
In addition to temporary construction jobs, a wind farm would eventually create several long-term jobs. The community has been very welcoming of the proposed wind farm. "Such a project would be a big economic boost to a small community," notes Dan Jaeger, a resident of Wayne County. "Any time you can create jobs, it's a great thing. Farming is booming now, but one day that will come to an end. If you can have some stable income from a wind farm, it's a real help."
The project is planned to use 48 of the Nordex N100/2500 turbines which the company would supply from its recently completed production facility in Jonesboro, Arkansas. This 2.5 MW wind turbine is a utility scale product known for its high yields. Part of the company's Gamma Generation, it benefits from 11 years of operating history, proven reliability and more than 1,500 machines placed on the grid worldwide.
Nordex has both completed and current installations in several states, including Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Maryland, Iowa, Idaho and Colorado. The Arkansas facility will fill all future orders, shipping turbines to wind farms around the country. For more information, please see
About Nordex
As one of the leading technological providers of turbines in the megawatt class, Nordex benefits from the global trend to larger wind turbines. The company's product range includes some of the largest serial wind turbines in the world - the Gamma Generation (N80/2500, N90/2500, N100/2500, and N117/2400). Nordex is one of the few wind turbine producers with more than 25 years of experience, now operating in 18 countries and employing over 2,600 people worldwide, including more than 200 in the United States. There are currently more than 4,400 Nordex wind turbines rotating in 38 countries with a total rated output of more than 6,500 Megawatts. The company's global headquarters is located in Hamburg, Germany, with US headquarters in Chicago.
The Nordex USA logo is available at
CONTACT: Press Contacts:
Nordex SE - International media contact
Ralf Peters
Corporate Communications + Investor Relations
phone: +49 (40) 30030-1522
cell: +49 (173) 5239719
Nordex USA, Inc. - US media contact
Naomi Rutter
Communications - North America
phone: +1 (312) 386-4111
cell: +1 (312) 718-2968
Source: Nordex USA
Projektsumme: 250 Mio Dollar (175 Mio Euro)
Parkgröße: 120 MW (Größter Windpark Nebraskas von urspr. 99 auf 120 MW erhöht)
Anlagen: 48 Anlagen des Typ Nordex N100/2500 (Weltweit 1.500 installierte Anlagen)
Größe: 32,4 Km²
Haushalte die mit Strom beliefert werden: 47.000
Quality offensive by the German wind energy industry
The German Government and State of Bremen are involved in the establishment of a new scientific testing facility in Bremerhaven
The expansion of wind energy is an important political and commercial aspect of Germany’s strategy for the future. For this reason the establishment of a nacelle test stand for wind turbines is being jointly funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the State of Bremen, and the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD). Fraunhofer IWES in Bremerhaven is responsible for the planning, construction, and operation of this test stand.
The Dynamic Nacelle Laboratory (DyNaLab) will start up in 2014 and will be the first nacelle test facility in Germany for testing drive powers up to 10 megawatts. The facility will cover an area of about 2000 square meters and will enable state-of-the-art nacelles with drive powers from 2 to 7.5 megawatts to be tested. The carrying out of tests in the laboratory and on the wind turbine under near-real conditions will promote the development of efficient and reliable wind turbines.
This will spur on the expansion of wind energy in Germany and safeguard our international market share in the longer term. The “Made in Germany” label will hold even more promise for German manufacturers if the quality and functional reliability of their products stand out and if this can be demonstrated in tests.
“The nacelle test stand will be another milestone in the professionalization and industrialization of the wind energy industry” assures Institute Director Prof. Andreas Reuter. The technical reliability of a nacelle, which can weigh up to 400 metric tons, largely determines the overall availability of a wind turbine to the grid.
The drive train is the core component of a nacelle and is the high-load link between the flow-mechanical energy conversion by the rotor system and the electromechanical energy conversion on the grid side. Meaningful field tests will give manufacturers opportunities to optimize and further develop drive trains, generators, converters, and control concepts. It may also encourage the use of new materials for electromechanical engineering.
The technical specifications of the nacelle test stand have already been defined. In the short term, the testing of the integration of wind turbines into grids will bring major benefits. In the medium term the plan is to also develop and validate test and certification methods which the Fraunhofer IWES wants to realize on the new test stand in collaboration with its partners.
“We plan to move a large part of the necessary certification testing into the laboratory”, says Dr. Jan Wenske, Head of DyNaLab and Head of the Drive Train group at Fraunhofer IWES. This will enable the processes to be noticeably accelerated.
Britta Rollert | Quelle: Fraunhofer-Institut
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Wind Auf Nordexler, das wird schon!
Vielleicht kann das ja einer der netten Herren dort erlären, keine Scheu, fragen kostet nix!
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