Überrollt NIO bald Tesla?
Schade ist nur wenn man Mittags um 15 Uhr aufsteht und kurz mal schaut und im ersten Moment sich erschreckt wenn der große Topf kleiner ist:-)
Wenn nicht jetzt gut nachkaufen wann dann?
Super zum nachkaufen.
An alle investierten keine Panik
Dann am besten den Rücken zu diesem Forum kehren dann sind alle zufrieden...
Aktuell stecke ich jeden Euro darein, selbstverständlich dennoch im Streu.
Second, and likely related, the rate on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury bond has risen to 1.37%. That's still quite low by historical standards, but it hasn't been that high since early 2020.
Generally speaking, investors tend to reduce risk exposure when interest rates are rising. The fact that all three of these stocks (and most other EV stocks) have been bid up quite high in recent months by eager investors hoping to replicate the gains posted by Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) makes them prime sell candidates for investors aiming to reduce portfolio volatility now.
Third, and also related, Tesla has fallen quite a bit over the last few days. It's the category leader, so it's not surprising to see other electric-vehicle stocks falling as well.All that said, nothing about these external events changes the longer-term fundamentals of any of these companies. If you believed in them a month ago, and you plan to hold long-term, there's no urgent reason to sell.
nicht zuletzt weil Bitcoins fielen in die Musk Milliarden investiert hat
Wollte noch kurz Kicky bedanken für ihre informative Beiträge, das erspart mir persönlich viel Zeit , mich auf dem laufenden zu halten..
Bleibt Gesund!
This recent weakness in NIO is an opportunity — and the time to buy is now.
Rising rates fears are both overblown and ephemeral. ...The recent rising in interest rates — the 10-Year Treasury yield has pushed above 1.3%, from 1.1% at the start of the month — is something to watch closely. But its impact on the market is both ephemeral and overstated.
Rates are pushing higher right now because of huge fiscal and monetary stimulus. That inflationary force will continue for the foreseeable future. ...."
Link s.#562
aber da ist auch Fed Chair Powell
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said strong demand is driving Treasury bill yields close to zero.
“It’s a lot of demand for short-term,” said Powell. “There’s a lot of liquidity, and people want to store it” in Treasury bills.
Powell said Treasury instruments are the concern of the Treasury Department, and the Fed is more concerned about keeping its target fed funds rate in its targeted range of zero to 0.25%.
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said strong demand is driving Treasury bill yields close to zero.
“To the extent there is downward pressure on that because of, for example, the Treasury General Account shrinking in size, we have tools we can use to keep that rate in our intended policy range, and we will do that,” he said.
"...the WallStreetBets "incels" are back for round two and are trying to make lightning strike twice, by focusing on the two more popular shorts of the latest round of short squeezes. That said, we expect all the same mega-squeeze companies that ripped higher a month ago are all set to explode in the coming days..This means that just as hedge funds reloaded on their shorts expecting a rapid acceleration in the recent market correction... the reddit rippers are back and set to squeeze all those millions in newly layered shorts which are not being picked up in the latest data which is as of two weeks ago, or just as the short flush peaked and a new layer of shorting was starting.
And while one can only dream, it would be truly remarkable if - expecting that lightning will not strike twice - the likes of Melvin Capital doubled down on their GME shorts after suffering catastrophic losses on the same position.....
https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1364697548418605059 Melvin Capital right now after reshorting GME last week
bei Teamviewer haben sie das auch versucht, obwohl der Shortanteil extrem niedrig war
TOKYO/MIAMI (Reuters) - Global stocks jumped on Thursday after U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell reaffirmed interest rates would stay low for a long time, calming market fears that higher inflation might prompt the central bank to tighten monetary policy.
Falls es am Montag nochmal fallen sollte werd ich nochmal nachkaufen.
Aktuell knapp 800 stk im Depot.
Bis 1000 stk werde ich wohl aufbauen.
Ich verlasse mich momentan voll auf Nio und ein Drittel ist nur noch in Nio investiert.
Viel Erfolg an @alle
Denkt nach, das ist viel zu überkauft! Get out, das wird noch brutal fallen.
Aber Börse handelt eben auch die Zukunft. Von daher hoffe ich auf mittelfristig steigende Kurse.
Hoffe für euch, dass es Nio ist....
Aber ne Marktkorrektur ist unausweichlich
Wer Long ist muss hier wegschauen und auf bessere Zeiten hoffen.
Börse ist doch die größte verarsche. :)