New Millennium Iron Corp. (NML: TSX-V)

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9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinNew Millennium Iron Corp. (NML: TSX-V)

23.09.11 20:24

nachdem das mit dem "Solar - Jahrtausend" leider ein wenig ins Stocken geraten ist, probieren wir es doch einfach mal mit dem "Jahrtausend des Eisenerzes":

big picture:

Das globale Wachstum, insbesondere in Ländern wie China, Indien & Brasilien scheint ungebremst. Auch aufstrebende Regionen wie Turkmenistan, Kasachstan, Türkei und der mittlere Osten benötigen (neben Energie & Wasser) auf Grund ihres Wachstums und des damit verbundenen Aufbaus der Infrastruktur hauptsächlich eines:   Eisenerz...

Nach einem kräftigen Einbruch in den Neunzigern des letzten Jahrtausends ist Eisenerz wieder 'en vogue'. Die hohe Nachfrage bedienen zur Zeit hauptsächlich die drei großen Minengesellschaften Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton & Vale. Seit jetzt bald 2 Jahren beginnt auch Fortescue mit dem Eisenerzabbau...

Die großen Minengesellschaften diktieren die Preise und die Stahl-Produzenten versuchen sich zu wehren, in dem sie selbst Eisenerz-Abbau betreiben bzw. sich in Junior - Minen-Gesellschaften & Explorern einkaufen oder langfristige Abnahmeverträge mit denselben unterschreiben.


im Detail:

NEW MILLENNIUM IRON CORP (Auszug aus der Homepage):

"Robert Martin first discovered the large iron ore deposit alongside  Howells River in Labrador, Canada, in the 1960s. In 2003, he started New  Millennium Capital Corp. (NML) and gathered together an experienced team with the shared vision  of developing the deposit into a world-class iron ore project. In 2006,  exploration by NML on an adjacent property at Lac Harris in Quebec indicated the vast  extent of the deposit, which was named the Millennium Iron Range."

Mittlererweile hat der indische Konzern Tata, der in England den Stahlproduzenten Corus-Steel gekauft hat und dessen Produktion weiter ausbaut quasi als Futter für denselben eine 60 % - ige Beteiligung an NML bzw. dessen Projekten unterschrieben bzw. in Aussicht gestellt.


Dieser Thread soll dazu dienen, die Chancen und die Risiken eines Investments in Eisenerz, insbesondere der an der TSX gelisteten NEW MILLENNIUM IRON CORP, besser zu erkennen.


allen Beteiligten viel Spaß beim Investieren, Lesen und Mitmachen!


9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinHallo geldistmeins...

23.09.11 20:40
schön, das Du hier vorbei schaust...

sieht ganz so aus, als könnte NewMiLlennium iron  ein erfolgreicheres Kapitel in meinem "Investment-Buch" werden, als es Solar Millennium war ;-))

warum das so ist?
sicher nicht zuletzt wegen der folgenden Presse-Mitteilung:  

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinRio Tinto to decide by 2013 on doubling...

23.09.11 21:22

und die spot-Markt-Preise steigen erst mal schier unbegrenzt...



"Last month, New Millennium Iron CEO Dean Journeaux  forecast that companies in the Labrador Trough might reach a production  rate of up to 150-million tons yearly over the next 10 to 15 years."


wie ich meine, passend zu NML, eine recht konservative Aussage, möchte doch der Nachbar Adriana Resources bereits 50 Mio Tonnen Erz / pellets pro Jahr nach China verschiffen...




9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinNML - Machbarkeitsstudie Anfang 2013

23.09.11 21:41

noch ein kurzes Wort vorneweg:

!! Dieser Thread / diese Postings verstehen sich nicht als Kaufempfehlung !!

Niemand,  der sich nicht mit Eisenerz im allgemeinen, mit kanadischen Werten /  Währungsrisiken / NML im besonderen beschäftigt hat, sollte hier  einsteigen...

Möglichkeiten, Geld zu verdienen & zu verlieren gibt es zur Zeit weltweit grade genug.


Jetzt aber wieder zur Sache:



Tata and New Millennium intend on completing a feasibility study into  the 22-million-ton-a-year taconite study in early 2013, with Tata to  make a final investment decision by April or May of that year.

One aspect that differentiates this iron-ore project from others in the  area is that New Millennium is planning to transport the ore from the  mine, north-east of Schefferville, to the port at Sept-Iles through a  slurry pipeline.

Journeaux said this had major cost benefits, estimating a $2/t cost to  transport the slurry through a pipeline, compared with a $10/$15/t price  tag for rail.

“This is the trend...companies in Mexico, Brazil and India, they’re all  building pipelines where they have fine material, because railroading  is just prohibitively expensive,” he commented.

At the port, New Millennium will then pelletize the iron-ore concentrate.

Under an agreement that Tata and New Millennium signed in March, the  Indian steel giant gets an 80% stake in the taconite project.

New Millennium can purchase 16% from Tata, for a price relative to the  equity component of the project’s financing, which Journeaux anticipates  will be about 30% of the total.

The junior also has the option to buy an additional 4% in the project,  but only if Tata brings in a third-party to assist with the financing.

If it did, New Millennium would effectively own 40% of the taconite project.

Journeaux, who cofounded New Millennium with Robert Martin in 2003, took over the CEO's seat this month, after Martin retired."






9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinzum besseren Verständnis...

24.09.11 23:30


... das selbe Interview aus mitte 07-11 auch nochmal auf Deutsch:


New Millennium habe ich erst  'spät' entdeckt  -  habe meine ersten NML's ca. Mitte 03.09 in ffm gekauft. Hatte damals u.a. ebenso BIM (Baffinland Iron - mittlererweile von arcelor mittal übernommen) & ADI (Nachbar von NML) im Bestand.

Für mich ist New Millennium ein klarer, geradliniger Aufsteiger - ein politisch gewünschter, fairer & korrekter Arbeitgeber mit der Chance für den Hauptaktionär Tata / Corus die dann neu gebauten eigenen Werke in England zu vorhersehbaren & berechenbaren Kosten mit pellets aus der eigenen Mine zu versorgen.

Für mich ist New Millennium bei den jetzigen Preisen - vielleicht gehen diese sogar noch ein wenig nach unten - die absolute Kaufgelegenheit. Hätte im Juli nie gedacht, dass wir diese Regionen nochmal wiedersehen. Leider habe ich durch meine Verluste im Solar-Bereich nur begrenzt  freies Trading Kapital zur Verfügung.

Habe im Laufe der Zeit viele Info`s zu Kanada, Nunavut, iron ore sowie dem Handel in Toronto gesammelt:

Es lohnt sich mit den entsprechenden Stückzahlen immer, in Toronto an der TSX zu handeln: die 80 oder 100 €, die der Kauf oder Verkauf kosten sind umgelegt meist weniger als 1 can Cent.

Die meist weitaus höhere Liquidität an der TSX verhilft trotz der hohen Kosten zu meist deutlich höherem Gewinn.

Risiko - und gleichzeitig Chance ist dabei der Handel im Can$ : 2009&2010 konnte ich hier zusätzlich richtig gute Währungs-Gewinne machen...

Unter der Prämisse, dass die Weltwirtschaft weiterhin wächst, und die erforderlichen Genehmigungen erteilt werden, werden die Eisenerzvorkommen im Labrador Trough bis ca. 2016 überwiegend erschlossen / abbaubereit sein.

Spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt besteht das große Risiko des Preisverfalls durch Überangebot (wie wir es bereits aus den Sektoren Seehandelsschiffahrt & solar kennen).

Es gibt Roadmaps mit teils detaillierten & exakt definierten Zahlen & Zeitpunkten.

Ab ca. 2020 soll die Region für den weltweiten Tourismus geöffnet werden. Kreuzfahrtschiffe kommen bereits jetzt zu Besuch.

anbei noch allgemeine links zum Thema: 

& Bilder auf






9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinlink richtig...

25.09.11 00:23
ohne Leerzeichen:

auf der 2. Verlinkung Hinweise zur Entstehung der autonomen RegionNunavut,  den ca. 30 - 40.000 Bewohnern der Region, die nicht nur (meist unqualifizierte) Arbeitnehmer sind, sondern oft auch große Anteile an den jeweiligen Gesellschaften und oder Schürfrechten halten.
Ebenso gehören Unterstämmen z.B. Teile der Schienenanlage mit den Zügen (ich glaube für den symbolischen 1$ 200? von ioc bekommen... & voll verantwortlich für Betrieb und Unterhalt -blödes Spiel...!!)

viel Spass beim stöbern...  

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerininnuit im Wandel der Zeit...

25.09.11 00:39


Inuit zwischen Tradition und Zukunft Nunavut - Kanadas ferner Nordosten

Am 1. April 1999 veränderte sich die Landkarte Kanadas: Ganz  im Nordosten entstand das Nunavut Territory als ein von Inuit selbst  verwaltetes Gebiet: sechsmal so groß wie Deutschland, mit nur 31.000  Einwohnern. 80 Prozent sind Inuit - Nunavut heißt "unser Land" in ihrer  Sprache.


Stand: 08.04.2009


Zwei junge Mädchen in traditioneller Kleiden im kandadischen Territorium Nunavut | picture-alliance/dpa

Zwischen den weit verstreuten Ortschaften, in denen die Inuit erst  Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts sesshaft wurden, gibt es keine Straßen. Sie  sind nur per Flugzeug oder - im Sommer - per Schiff zu erreichen. Die  Generation der Mittfünfziger hat in ihrem Leben eine beispiellose  Entwicklung erlebt: Nach einer Kindheit in der Wildnis besuchten sie die  ersten Schulen in der Arktis - und verstanden anfangs kein Wort, weil  sie kein Englisch konnten.



Spagat zwischen Tradition und Moderne


Heute leben die Inuit in Nunavut wie im Süden Kanadas mit Internet  und Satellitenfernsehen. Gleichzeitig liegt der Lebensstandard weit  unter dem kanadischen Durchschnitt, weil es kaum Arbeit gibt und eine  bedrückende Wohnungsnot herrscht. Nicht wenige Menschen sind auf die  Jagd angewiesen, um ihre Ernährung zu sichern, doch bald soll der  Bergbau Arbeit und Wohlstand in den hohen Norden bringen. Die Inuit  leben in einem ständigen Spagat zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Sie  versuchen, unterstützt von ihrer Regierung, Kultur und Werte eines  Volkes, das Jahrtausende lang durch die Arktis zog, in das sesshafte  Leben einer modernen nordamerikanischen Gesellschaft mitzunehmen.


9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinHintergründe...

25.09.11 00:42
Released | August 24, 2011 | Print this article

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. President Cathy Towtongie today said she welcomed Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s announcement of a three-year pilot project to create a partnership to enhance the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines. The partnership, which comes with $830,000 in funding, includes the Government of Nunavut, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, and the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines.

“Mining is, and will continue to be, a critical part of the Nunavut economy. Federal investment in the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines will help ensure Nunavummiut are heard on issues which concern us, such as ensuring there is adequate funding of environmental reviews for mining projects,” said Towtongie.

Wen es interessiert:
Auf dieser Seite gibt es noch viele weitere Hintergründe zum Land und Bewohnern...  

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinratification - 292 pdf Seiten Innuit-Mitbestimmung

25.09.11 00:58

ca. 15%  aller in der Region befindlichen Betreiber gehören den Innuits:

wichtige Antworten / Hintergründe auf viele Fragen findet ihr auf den folgenden Seiten.

z.B. Land & Wasserrechte, Durchfahrtsrechte, Schürfrechte

sowie Entscheidungsbefugnisse:

hier kommt kein Minenbetreiber (bzw. die es werden wollen) drum herum:

Seite 112:

"PART 2:

12.2.1 A Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) shall be established as an institution of
public government. Responsibility for the operation of NIRB shall vest in the
members of NIRB.
12.2.2 The primary functions of NIRB shall be:
(a) to screen project proposals in order to determine whether or not a review is
(b) to gauge and define the extent of the regional impacts of a project, such
definition to be taken into account by the Minister in making his or her
determination as to the regional interest;
(c) to review the ecosystemic and socio-economic impacts of project proposals;
(d) to determine, on the basis of its review, whether project proposals should
proceed, and if so, under what terms and conditions, and then report its"...

ohne Nirb's ok geht hier gar nix...




9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinBesuch vor Ort...

01.10.11 23:02

Analysts' Site Visit


On September 12-13, 2011, a group of analysts and brokers from several  leading investment firms visited NML’s major project area in  Schefferville, Québec. The group was given a comprehensive update of progress on the DSO and  Taconite projects and on NML’s exploration project activity, followed by  a guided helicopter tour of the various work sites.  The following institutions  were represented:

  • Credit Suisse Cormark Securities Inc.
  • Dundee Securities Haywood Securities Inc.
  • Jennings Capital Inc. MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier Inc.
  • Mackie Research Paradigm Capital
  • Raymond James Ltd. Scotia Capital



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2011-10-01-analyst_helicopter.jpg (verkleinert auf 78%) vergrößern

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinEs geht voran !!

01.10.11 23:27


" DSO Construction Update


NML and Tata Steel are developing a 4.0 Mtpy direct shipping ore  (DSO) project through the formation of a joint venture company called  Tata Steel Minerals Canada Ltd.

The DSO Project is under construction  with first production expected during the third quarter of 2012.

All of  the output will be consumed by Tata Steel’s operations in Europe. On September 8, 2011, NML's Board of Directors visited the DSO Project  site to review the construction progress and formally mark the  commencement of site activities."


Grundsteinlegung gemeinsam mit Tata's Management und Robert Martin (Ex-Ceo, Entdecker der Lagerstätten in den 60-ern und Gründer von NML) sowie Aufbau der Modul - Küche am Timmins Camp:


Der erste Schritt zur Generierung eines konstanten cash flow mit Hilfe dessen dann der Bau der folgenden  Anlagen  leichter  fallen sollte - und:

nicht vergessen  -  Tata übernimmt 70% der Investitionen   : -))


Tata kauft zu Marktpreisen...     

Marktpreis auf dem spot Markt z.Zt. (aus dem Ärmel - also unverbindlich) ca. 170 US $ / t .



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9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinDSO - Projekt - Was ist das?

01.10.11 23:52

Zitat aus dem Stockworld- Artikel  post # 5

"Allerdings dürfte noch viel Wasser den Fluss hinunter fließen, bevor man  sich darüber Gedanken machen muss. New Millennium und Tata, das 27% an  dem kanadischen Unternehmen besitzt, wollen erst im nächsten Jahr  überhaupt mit der Produktion auf ihrem DSO-Projekt (Direct Shipping Ore)  in der Nähe von Schefferville beginnen.

Geplant ist zunächst eine Produktion von 4,2 Mio. Tonnen pro Jahr zu  erreichen, aber Journeaux glaubt, dass man den Ausstoß um eine  zusätzliche Million Tonnen erhöhen kann, wenn man die Anlagen  entsprechend aufrüstet.

Für das 22 Mio. Tonnen pro Jahr Takonit-Projekt wollen Tata und New  Millennium Anfang 2013 eine Machbarkeitsstudie vorlegen. Im April oder  Mai dieses Jahres wird Tata dann eine abschließende  Investitionsentscheidung treffen."


Die 8 Direct Shipping Ore Lagerstätten wurden in der Vergangenheit bereits von IOC erkundet und abgebaut; Minen-Infrastruktur wie Zufahrtswege / Strassen, Eisenbahnanbindung ist zumeist vorhanden. Das an der Oberfläche befindliche Erz kann ohne weitere Aufbereitung direkt zum Hafen & verschifft werden.







9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinPRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY of the DSO project

02.10.11 00:07

Hintergrund für Interessierte:  der 176 pdf Seiten umfassende technische Report aus April 2009

praktisch; die meiste Arbeit hatte damals schon die IOC (mit ihrem stellvertr. Chef Robert Martin unternommen) bevor dann die weiteren Arbeiten wegen des in 90-er Jahren stark gefallenen Erzpreises eingestellt wurden...


" Exploration, Sampling and Assaying

In order to keep its claims in good standing, NML conducted reconnaissance programs in 2005,
2006 and 2007 that consisted mainly of mapping, with limited collection of grab samples.

However, during the summer of 2008, NML undertook an exploration program involving the
drilling of 140 holes to evaluate the mining potential of several deposits which had been
explored in detail by Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOCC).

NML carried out detailed investigations on ten of the 21 deposits that occur in DSO 2, 3 and 4 areas.


Mineral Resource Estimates
SGS Geostat has prepared a technical report which describes the mineral resource estimation for
the 8 distinct following deposits:
Goodwood, Timmins 7, Timmins 4, Timmins 3, Fleming 7, Ferriman 4, Kivivic 3, and Kivivic 5.
Goodwood and Ferriman 4 are located in the province of Quebec while the other deposits are
located in Newfoundland & Labrador (NL).
The procedure used to estimate the mineral resources is very similar for all deposits.
The mineral resources were estimated strictly from drill holes. While all the deposits were drilled
by IOCC in the past, NML could not recover, from public sources, all of the drill hole data from
that time. As a result, some deposits have IOCC drill holes and some do not. However, all 8
deposits considered for the pre-feasibility study were drilled by NML in 2008


viel Spass beim Lesen - wie ich finde, überwiegend hochinteressant - aber die Geschmäcker sind ja dann auch unterschiedlich - Gott sei Dank  ; -)))


9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinAuch hier wird auf breiter Front nachgekauft...

04.10.11 22:30

Wie man sieht, gibt es genügend Menschen, die bei diesen Kursen unbedingt zuschlagen, selbst wenn es noch ein Stück runtergehen sollte (irgenwann oder demnächst)...

Ich bin begeistert !!!  

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinOn the Path to Production...

10.10.11 23:39


Die Unternehmenspräsentation "September 2011" ist abrufbar:


 Lagerstätten, Übersicht Aktienstruktur & JV, Bevölkerung, Eisenbahn, weiter Exploration, Roadmap...

viel Spaß beim Lesen der 84 englischen pdf - Seiten...

- Gaertnerin -


Lese - Beispiel:

Angehängte Grafik:
2011-10-06-corporate_presentation_-....png (verkleinert auf 46%) vergrößern

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinund es hat mal wieder geklappt:

12.10.11 21:44

dieser Thread läuft unter  "Börse", nicht unter Hot Stocks; Zeichen dafür, dass ich diese Aktie als quasi  erwachsen ansehe (gut... ein Anstieg von ca:. 50% in wenigen Tagen - (mit Ansage) erinnert schon noch an ein junges Böckchen ; -)).  

Nichts desto trotz gibt es hier -wie ich finde- nichts zu spekulieren - nein, es gibt Fakten (s.o.) ...

Das Unternehmen sieht dies offenbar genauso und hat ein Listing

weg von der TSX Venture Exchange hin zur TSX Stock Exchange angestrebt - und auch unter der Bedingung noch zuerfüllender Auflagen - erhalten:

New Millennium Iron Corp. Obtains Conditional Listing Approval on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Not for Distribution to US newswire services or dissemination in the United States
CALGARY, Alberta, Canada (Marketwire – October 11, 2011) – New Millennium Iron Corp. (“NML” or the
“Corporation”) (TSX Venture: NML) announced today that it has obtained conditional approval to list its common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), which will trade under the current trading symbol “NML.” The listing is subject to the Corporation fulfilling certain customary requirements of the TSX in accordance with the terms of its conditional approval letter dated October 6, 2011.

The Corporation is proceeding to satisfy these requirements and upon obtaining final approval, the Corporation will issue a further press release indicating when its common shares will commence trading on the TSX.
Dean Journeaux, President and CEO of NML, said, “We are pleased to be closer to our goal of a TSX listing, which will increase the visibility of NML and its projects in the investment community. We look forward to benefiting from the wide range of investors and greater access to capital provided by the TSX platform.                (latest press releases...)

So hätten sich manche dass auch von unserem Solar Jahrtausend erwünscht.......

Transparenz, klar definierte Aussagen und dadurch bedingt ein deutlich höheres Vertrauen und dadurch bedingt einen deutlich höheren Kurs -

Na ja, was ich von Eisenerz als auch CSP halte, konntet ihr ja in meinen bisherigen Postings lesen -

i am a believer... immer noch:

CSP ist noch längst nicht tot; und der run auf Eisenerz ist zwar fortgeschritten, aber noch lange nicht auf seinem Höhepunkt...


einen schönen Abend



9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinCanada: Plan Nord – What Every Miner Should.

15.10.11 22:34
Click to ask the author from Fasken Martineau a question

Canada: Plan Nord – What Every Miner Should Know

22 September 2011



" ...

The Plan


The Plan is an ambitious project for the development of the North and will hinge on creating partnerships with local communities and sustainable development. The Plan calls for a development project that is integrated socially, economically and environmentally that will be implemented over a long period of time. Its title "Building Northern Quebec Together – The Project of a Generation" accurately reflects the Government's will to implement the project.


One of the strengths of the plan is its breadth of its social acceptance. Before announcing the Plan the government engaged in a consultation process that allowed broad consensus to be achieved among the various stakeholders. The ability of projects to succeed under the Plan will depend on the strength of the consensus reached at the time the Plan was designed and the ability for that consensus to be maintained over time.


The mining industry which will be the driving force behind the Plan's implementation must properly appreciate the Plan's underlying guidelines and principles. Therefore, it is important to understand: (i) the social context and the measures that have been provided for partnering with local communities; (ii) the measures to develop economic potential, especially in the mining sector; (iii) the infrastructure that the government intends to build within the territory; (iv) the financial framework and in particular the Fonds du Plan Nord; (v) the environmental approach based on sustainable development; and (vi) the responsibilities of the proposed Société du Plan Nord.

... "



9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinNeuigkeiten...

25.10.11 22:03
Beindruckend, hier wird ernst gemacht:

Bohren in Nordkanada bis wetterbedingt ca. Ende November und dann wieder ab März 2012. Start der Pilotanlage ca. Ende November 2011...



" New Millennium Iron Corp. Announces Initial Drill Core Analysis Results from Its Lac Ritchie Taconite Property
Provides Update on its Drilling at Other Taconite Anomalies and Bulk Sampling Program

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2011) -


New Millennium Iron Corp. ("NML" or the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:NML) announced today the initial drill core assay results from its 100% owned Lac Ritchie property and provides an update on its 2011 drilling program for taconite anomalies as well as the processing of KéMag bulk samples for the Taconite Project Feasibility Study. Initial assay results received to date represent 6 out of 40 holes drilled during the summer of 2011. NML is integrating the drill core analysis results into a geological block model for resource determination and classification by SGS Geostat Ltd, Blainville Québec. Two drills have now moved south to drill the Labrador taconite anomalies owned 100% by NML.

Dean Journeaux, President and CEO of NML, said, "We are very pleased with the results so far The drilled area covers a huge 31.5 square kilometer area with an average depth of 50 meters. The setting is very favourable as the mineralized area is covered with shallow overburden and will require minimum stripping. It gently dips around 8º towards the north-east. These results are prospective for the discovery of another major taconite deposit. Now that our two major projects are being advanced, we are increasingly focused on demonstrating the potential of our very large but to date lightly explored, mineralized trend."

Lac Ritchie Taconite Property

The exploration drilling was completed at the Lac Ritchie property after drilling 40 holes for a total of 3,808 m. The holes were drilled on seven sections spaced 1 km apart. Three to seven holes, approximately spaced 500 m apart, were drilled on each section line (Refer to Figure 1). The drill core samples, half cores in average 6 meters long, are being sent on a regular basis to Midland Research Center Laboratory at Nashwauk, Minnesota, USA (which laboratory is independent from NML) for analysis and testing. The core is assayed for Total Iron and the magnetite concentrate is produced using the Davis Tube and given as Davis Tube Weight Recovery percent (DTWR %). The magnetite concentrate is analyzed for iron and silica. Some selected samples will be assayed for other elements.

Attached Table 1 provides the test analysis and assay results for each of the stratigraphic layers for the available drill core assays. One section line (13) with four drill holes showing the stratigraphic layers with average test and assay values is given in Figure 2. Test and assay results received to date indicate that the top stratigraphic layer (LC) is the minable unit. Thickness varies between 0 to 87 m, and averages 50 m. This unit shows an average assay results as follows, based on the analysis received to date with DTWR cutoff above 16%.
samples/meters Total Fe% DTWR% DT Concentrate Fe% DT Concentrate SiO2%
61/361 31.41 30.18 67.98 4.20

Table 2 provides the list of all drill holes with thicknesses of respective LC layers.

Drilling in Perault Lake (Anomaly N4) and Anomaly N1 and N2 Areas

The drilling has started in both these areas (Figure 3), using one drill in each location during the third week of October. Nine holes for a total of 900 m will be drilled at N1 and N2 area. At the Perault Lake area, 49 holes for a total of 3,500 m are proposed and the drilling will be carried out in two phases. The present program is expected to continue till the end of November, 2011, weather permitting. Drilling is expected to resume in March 2012 to complete the remaining holes.

KéMag Bulk Sampling

The collected bulk sample from KéMag Deposit has been crushed and blended to the specifications based on the pre-feasibility study mining plan. The total blended sample amounts to 51 tonnes representing seven minable stratigraphic units. Twenty tonnes of the sample were sent to Studien Gesellschaft für Eisenerz-Aufbereitung (SGA), Germany, for conducting pilot scale tests. Pilot plant testing for the flowsheet validation is expected to start in November, 2011.


9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerin- scheinbar ohne Belang . . .

02.11.11 20:33
...  ein Inder geht, der andere kommt ...

Die Wirklichkeit sieht mal wieder anders aus  :-)

Ein sicherlich guter Manager weicht einem Anderen -
Einem mit deulich mehr Gewicht und Überblick.   Mr. Biswas (Tata Steel Gruppe) liegt nicht nur in der Hierarchie deutlich über N.K. Misra (Mitglied im Board Tata Steel Europe), er ist zusätzlich maßgeblich beteiligt am JV - Unternehmen Tata / NML.

So verstärkt der Wechsel im Direktorium deutlich die Schlagkraft des Unternehmens  im Umgang mit Behörden, Auftragnehmern, Investoren, Mitarbeitern und Innuits.

- nur meine Meinung // keine Kaufempfehlung -


9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerines gibt nur eine Richtung hier an der TSX ...

08.11.11 23:23

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinCanada: Plan Nord II - es boomt gewaltig -

12.11.11 22:27

englisch - sprachige Ergänzung, aus der gleichen Quelle wie Post # 17



"  ...

One of the underlying principles of the Plan Nord is to ensure that local and regional communities are the main beneficiaries of wealth that is generated from the development of the territory. Contrary to other jurisdictions there is no black box.

The Québec territory that lies north of the 49th parallel is sparsely populated: 124,550 people inhabit a territory of close to 1.2 million km². That said, the Aboriginal population in the area is growing; nearly 45% of the population is under 25 years of age. The government intends to adapt its programs to reflect the demographic reality of the north by prioritizing access to education, employee training, housing, as well as social, cultural and health services. To do so, the government intends to maintain strong relationships with the First Nations and Inuit that are founded on mutual respect and partnership. The Plan's first five-year plan (2011-2016) has over $382 million earmarked for social housing and other social projects in the territory.

From the time of its inception, the First Nations of Northern Québec and the Inuit have been considered important stakeholders in Plan Nord. They participated in discussion tables so that their views and concerns relating to economic and social development and consideration of their culture and traditions where taken into account in the development of the Plan.

It is important to note that a large portion of the Plan Nord territory is governed by treaties and modern agreements between the Government of Québec and Aboriginal communities that have been concluded over the last 30 years. Additional agreements respecting governance were reached in 2011, and others are being discussed.5

Contrary to other Canadian jurisdictions, a contractual framework has been established between Québec and its Aboriginal communities that is adapted to 21st century realities. The Aboriginal communities' support for Plan Nord is based on compliance with those agreements. Mining companies that seek to develop projects in Northern Québec must forge relationships early on in the process and reach agreements with the Aboriginal communities. For example, the agreements entered into between Xstrata Nickel and the Inuit in 1998, between New Millenium and the Naskapi Nation in 2010, and the recent long-term collaboration agreement reached in late 2010 between Goldcorp and the Cree Nation are precedents that bode well for the future.
Measures for Developing Economic Potential

Plan Nord establishes measures for developing the economic potential of the territory, with a particular emphasis on the forestry, wildlife, tourism and bio-food sectors.

Northern fruits such as wineberries and cloudberries are all fine and well, but their potential to create wealth is negligible compared to that of the mining sector. It is expected that mineral development will be the core economic activity in the territory.

Measures to develop the economic potential of this vast territory will be set out in five-year plans and financed in large part by the Fonds du Plan Nord that is described below.

The mining industry – driving economic development

Since 2000, mineral exploration expenses in Québec rose an average of 65% annually, peaking at $441 million 2008.6 The Plan Nord territory has seen unprecedented mineral exploration work: in 2008, more than 50% of mineral exploration expenses in Québec were spent in the Plan territory, and over 78% of mining claims were granted in Northern Québec.7 In 2009, 50% of all investment in mineral exploration and mining, ($958 million) was made in the Plan territory.8

This exploration work resulted in what observers have qualified as a new mining camp in the James Bay (Eeyou Istchee) Region, and the discovery of major iron deposits in Nunavik and the Labrador Trough.

The Plan Nord document identifies 11 mine development projects throughout the Plan Nord territory totalling more than $8.4 billion in investment and generating upwards of 11,000 jobs during the construction phase, followed by 4,000 permanent jobs during the operational phase. The following is a list of major projects in the territory that have been announced:

In the James Bay James (Eeyou Istchee) Region:

    Goldcorp Inc.'s Eleonore Project: a gold mine development requiring an investment of over $1.4 billion was announced last February and should create 1,000 jobs during the construction phase and 600 permanent jobs over the 25 years of the anticipated life of the mine. The project is located about 350 km north of Matagami, and 100 km east of Wemindji.
    Stornoway Diamond's Renard Project is slated to become Québec's first diamond mine. Its completion will require an investment of $450 million and will create 300 permanent jobs.
    Strateco's Matoush Project, a uranium mine that is in the advanced exploration stage.

On the North Shore and in the Labrador Trough:

    On May 20, ArcelorMittal announced that it would be investing $2.1 billion to expand its mining complex in Mont-Wright and its Port Cartier plant, thereby increasing its iron ore production from 19 to 24 million tonnes by 2013. This investment will generate 8,000 jobs during the construction phase and 800 jobs during the operational phase.
    On March 6, New Millenium and Tata Steel announced that they have reached a framework agreement to develop the LabMag (located in Newfoundland and Labrador) and KeMag iron minerals deposits. Completion of the KéMag project will require an investment of $4 billion and will create 750 permanent jobs.
    Yara, a Norwegian company, and Investissement Québec are investigating the development an apatite deposit in Sept-Îles.

In Nunavik

    Xstrata Nickel has announced that it will be expanding its Raglan Mine by investing $530 million to develop an additional deposit and modernizing the related infrastructure in order to increase its nickel concentrate production from 26,000 to 32,000 tonnes per year by 2014.
    On August 30, Jilin Jien Nickel Industry announced an additional investment of $400 million to develop a nickel deposit located near the Inuit community of Kangiqsujuaq. The total investment will be increased to $800 million and will result in 270 permanent jobs when production starts in 2012.
    Adriana Resources, in partnership with China's WISCO, is contemplating an investment of over $10 billion to operate the Lac Otelnuk project in Nunavik, between Shefferville and Kuujjuaq. The project will require more than $10 billion in investment, and the construction and infrastructure needed to extract and ship the minerals (including an 815 km railroad connecting the site to the Sept-Îles port). This will be the largest mining project in Canadian history.



Paving the way for development over a vast territory poses considerable challenges in terms of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure. With respect to transportation infrastructure, the Plan Nord proposes an approach put forward in the 2009 in the Québec Mineral Strategy.

It proposes an integrated development approach for infrastructure and will entrust the Société du Plan Nord with coordinating public investments in the territory based on the following principles: (i) priority will be given to development projects that are defining; and (ii) the contribution of private partners to the financing of public infrastructure that is built initially for its benefit. A formula for equitable cost sharing between private partners, users and the government will be established for major projects. This approach will allow the infrastructure network to be built as the territory develops. In addition, it will result in a smaller environmental footprint and meet the government's financial framework.

However, until such time as the projects are completed and the partnership agreements are signed, the government intends to consolidate its existing infrastructure network. The Plan's first five-year plan provides for infrastructure investment of $1.193 billion between 2011 and 2016. The following is a list of major public road infrastructure projects in the territory that have been announced:

In the James Bay (Eeyou Istchee) Region: $279 million will be used to extend Route 167 to Mont Otish, which will facilitate the completion of the Stornoway, Strateco, Abitex, Western Troy and Eastmain Resources projects.

On the North Shore near the Labrador Trough: the government intends to repair Route 389 between Baie-Comeau and Fermont to facilitate the development of resources in the region of Fermont, Lac Bloom, Mont Wright and Fire Lake ($201.5 million over 5 years for a project that will ultimately total $415.5 million) and the extension of Route 138 from Natashquan to Blanc Sablon ($251 million).

In Nunavik: $57 million will be devoted to studies on creating a land link, most likely a railway, connecting Kuujjuaq and Shefferville. In addition to opening up Nunavik, an additional objective is to create a north-south access route to the Labrador Trough that would facilitate exploration and development of the territory's mining potential as well as the hydroelectric development of the Caniapiscau River (1,600 MW).

In addition, $112 million will be directed to repairing infrastructure at airports currently serving the area.

Finally, as further evidence of the government's long-term view, Québec will allocate $33 million over the next five years to conduct feasibility studies for a deep water port in Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik combined with a land link to Radisson to facilitate a Northwest Passage to international maritime traffic.


Under Plan Nord, the Government of Québec has committed to developing 3,500 MW of additional energy at an estimated cost of $25 billion to meet the needs of northern communities and industrial projects. Mining companies that are active in the territory and whose projects will be connected to the Hydro-Québec power grid have reached or are negotiating connection agreements. For other mining projects, as part of its mandate Hydro-Québec will develop and operate hydroelectric projects that are not connected to its grid to respond to the energy needs of specific industrial projects. There is no indication as to how these projects will be financed.

The financial framework of Plan Nord was announced in the 2011 budget speech and some additional elements are set out in the Plan Nord and in legislation currently before the National Assembly.

Above and beyond the investments allocated to infrastructure under the Plan Nord's first five-year plan (2011-2016), two budgetary measures are of interest to the mining industry and are worth mentioning: the establishment of the Fonds du Plan Nord and Investissement Québec's equity participation in mining projects over the next five years.

Creation of the Fonds du Plan Nord

Completion of Plan Nord over a 25-year period will require continued government support to develop infrastructure and funding that is permanent, predictable and reliable both for the government and stakeholders.

Borrowing a concept put forward by the mining sector, the recent budget announced the creation of the Fonds du Plan Nord (the "Fund") a fund dedicated exclusively to the implementation of Plan Nord.

The purpose of Fund is to allow the government to act as economic activities develop within the territory by ensuring that funds will be available to finance opportunities as they arise.

The Fund will be funded by a portion of the tax revenues generated from economic activities carried out in Northern Québec. These tax revenues will result from new mining projects, new Hydro-Québec projects and public infrastructure projects.

Contributions that will be required from private and public partners to fund infrastructure built for their own use will also serve as a source of revenue for the Fund.

Details as to how the Fund will operate are set out in Bill 10. Fundamentally, the government will set aside a portion of the revenues it receives from the development of natural resources up to an annual maximum of $75 million generated from income taxes, $75 million from corporate taxes and $20 million from public utility taxes in the Fund. Hydro-Québec will also contribute $10 million annually.

In its 2011 budget, the government indicated that it plans to transfer more than $2.1 billion in tax revenues over the next 25 years to the Fund. Of that amount, $683 million will be directed towards financing the infrastructure of the Plan Nord's first five-year plan (2011-2016).

Bill 10 also sets out stringent requirements for the Fund: amounts debited from the Fund so as to contribute to strategic infrastructure or services must be approved by way of an Order-in-Council adopted on the joint recommendation of the Minister who proposes the infrastructure or services and the Minister of Finance, after consulting with the Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife. To ensure the transparent management of the Fund, the Order-in-Council must be tabled before the Québec National Assembly.

The implementation of the projects financed by the Fund will be carried out by the new agency created to coordinate public investments in strategic infrastructure and telecommunications discussed below – the Société du Plan Nord.

Investissement Québec earmarks $500 million for equity participations

Québec's Minister of Finance announced that $500 million would be made available to Investissement Québec to be used for equity participation in high-benefit projects leading to the development of the Plan Nord territory.

The program is flexible as to the nature of this equity participation, which can take on the form of joint ventures, capital stock, convertible debentures and other types of interests. The exact form will be determined based on the risks involved, the anticipated return, and the parties' desired degree of involvement.

Investissement Québec's flexibility will be subject to oversight and government approval of equity interests exceeding 30% of a project's cost, business takeovers, or an equity interest of exceeding $50 million.

Environmental Protection

Sustainable development and environmental protection are at the core of the Plan Nord:

the territory is particularly sensitive, and the north's ecosystems are complex due to the vastness of the territory and the dynamics of the changing climate. As a result, environmental protection is a guiding principle of decisions made at each analytical phase and project milestone.

Certificates of Authorization

Mining projects will be carried out in compliance with Québec's environmental legislation and regulations after rigorous social and environmental assessment conducted by agencies created under the JBNQA or, further south, by the Bureau d'audience publique sur l'environnement ("BAPE").

A complex, multi-step process that will vary from project to project must be completed before obtaining the Certificates of Authorization needed to carry out mining projects.

In the James Bay (Eeyou Istchee) region, projects will be subject to a two-step process: COMEV, a tri-partite body (Cree, Québec and Canada), will first determine whether the scope of the environmental and social assessment procedure and COMEX, a body consisting of representatives of the Cree and the Government of Québec, will proceed with the examination process.

In Nunavik, the evaluation and assessment of projects proceeds through an impact assessment process carried out by the Kativik Environmental Quality Commission.

On the North Shore and on lands not covered by agreements, projects are examined under the general environmental protection regime of the BAPE.

Projects may also be subject to the environmental assessment process of the federal government.


Protected areas

One of the Plan Nord's objectives is to prohibit all industrial projects on 50% of the territory and to create a network of protected areas covering at least 12% of the Plan Nord territory by 2015. To achieve this goal, the government has initiated public consultations that will be end on October 12, 2011. Individuals and groups are welcome to participate on-line, submit a brief or attend the public sessions that will be held in the three regions of Plan Nord territory, as well as in Montréal and Québec City.
Société du Plan Nord

Completing such a complex and ambitious project on a vast territory will require a high degree of coordination. As a result, the Société du Plan Nord is to be created, whose incorporating statute is currently being examined by the National Assembly. The intended purpose of the Société du Plan Nord is to contribute to the integrated and coherent development of the area in keeping with the 5-year plans prepared by the government. To that end, the Société will be required to establish a strategic plan that will, along with its annual capital and operational plan, be subject to government approval. Once all these authorizations have been obtained, the Société may use the funds granted to it to contribute financially or otherwise to the projects mentioned in its strategic plan and engage in infrastructure development and operation.

Other than the approvals mentioned above, the Société will be largely autonomous since a majority of its 15 directors will be independent of the government and its President and Chief Executive Officer will be appointed on recommendation of the Board of Directors.

It will be interesting to follow the Bill's progress when the National Assembly reconvenes on September 20.


The Plan Nord is a societal project that will shape Québec for generations to come; its many challenges are ambitious and visionary, certainly a worthy test of Quebeckers spirit and determination. The Plan Nord will be a source of pride as great as the James Bay hydroelectric project was in the 1970s.

Quebeckers have been waiting impatiently for the Plan Nord. The speed with which it was put into motion – the successive announcement of projects, the promotion of the plan abroad, agreements with Aboriginals, the introduction of legislation required to implement the Plan and the conclusion of a road construction partnership agreement – all within a short three-month period confirms that the government is serious about this initiative.

The mining sector will undoubtedly be the driving force behind Plan Nord. As such, it is expected that the Plan will develop as opportunities arise in this industry.

That said, we note the following:

    The success of the Plan and the development of the mining projects on the territory will depend on whether permits can be issued within reasonable and foreseeable timeframes.

At the moment, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks lacks the resources to diligently examine the projects that have been submitted for review.

One solution may be imposing a service fee for analyzing and examining major projects in the Plan Nord territory.
    Plan Nord does not discuss the cost of connecting to Hydro-Québec's main grid and the funding of power plants dedicated to certain projects. Because of the vast distances, the cost of connecting will be greater for some projects than the cost of road access, a fact that could, in some cases, compromise certain projects.

Clearly, Hydro-Québec's tariff model is not adapted to Northern Québec's vast stretches of land. Since Hydro-Québec has neither the mission nor the mandate to provide electricity at a discount, government stakeholders should try to find a formula that will help mining projects fund their connection to Hydro-Québec's main grid by bringing costs to more acceptable levels.
    Finally, Bill No. 14 amending the Mining Act is the source of some concern in the mining industry. The recommendations presented by the Québec Federation of Chambers of Commerce in its brief tabled before the parliamentary committee should be considered.

A copy of that brief is available at

To view map of Area Covered by Plan Nord please scroll down to the end of the original article here.


1. Bill 27, An Act respecting the Société du Plan Nord, introduced June 8, 2011; Bill 10, Act respecting mainly the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 17 March 2011 and the enactment of the Act to establish the Northern Plan Fund, Introduced May 11, passed June 8, 2011 and assented to June 13, 2011.

2. On May 27, 2011, the Government of Québec and the Cree Nation signed a framework agreement on governance of the Eeyou-Istchee-James Bay territory. On June 12, 2011, a memorandum of understanding was entered into with the Conseil des Innus de Pessamit to create a general framework for a special negotiation process for various cases.

3. Execution of financing agreements between the government and Stornoway Diamond Corporation respecting the latter's contribution to the construction and maintenance costs of the extension of Route 167.

4. For more information on the Bill, see the Fasken Martineau – Global Mining Bulletin – June 3, 2011 – "Here We Go Again – Amendments to the Québec Mining Act", Jean M. Gagné and Charles Kazaz

5. James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) 1975; Northeastern Quebec Agreement, 1978; and the Agreement concerning a new relationship between the Government of Canada and the Cree of Eeyou Istchee (known as the "Paix des Braves"), 2002.

6. La filière de l'Industrie minérale du Québec, E&B DATA, 2010.

7. Preparing for the Future of Québec's Mineral Sector – Québec Mineral Strategy, p. 14, Government of Québec, 2009.

8. Plan Nord – Building Northern Québec Together – The Project of a Generation, p. 58, Government of Québec, 2011.


9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinplan du Nord - im Detail -

12.11.11 23:01

18 pdf Seiten Englisch incl. Kartenmaterial der Region (doppelte Größe Frankreichs)

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Granted that the Plan Nord is still in its preliminary stages, the government initiative represents a strong commitment by the provincial government to work in direct collaboration with the private sector to render accessible Québec’s vast reserves of untapped natural resources. The sheer scope and size of the Plan Nord has led to comparisons being made between it and what Québec’s development of Manicouagan and James Bay were to the 1960s and 1970s.68 Thus, the Plan Nord is likely to ultimately offer investment opportunities that may be of interest to both Canadian and foreign investors looking to make a strategic acquisition, develop a new project or secure rights to certain resources for many years to come.



9237 Postings, 4964 Tage GaertnerinNaskapi News

12.11.11 23:51
&#x14C7;&#x1505;&#x1472;&#x1431; &#x144E;&#x1438;&#x148B;&#x14A7;&#x1405;&#x14D0; | Naskapi News

A History of Mining in the Labrador Trough
Posted on August 31, 2011 by Benjamin Jancewicz
Comments (0)


The “core” of the Canadian Shield consists of three Archean (pre-2300 my) “provinces” or proto-continents, of which the largest is the Superior province; it extends from the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border in the west to western Labrador in the east, and from Lake Huron in the south almost to the northern extremity of Québec. Around

New Millenium and Tata Steel are planning production with the use of a slurry pipeline to transport product to the coast. They appear to be hedging their bets and negotiating for use of the rail line as well.

9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinfehlender link

12.11.11 23:53

 A History of Mining in the Labrador Trough  


The “core” of the Canadian Shield  consists of three Archean (pre-2300 my) “provinces” or  proto-continents, of which the largest is the Superior province; it  extends from the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border in the west to western  Labrador in the east, and from Lake Huron in the south almost to the  northern extremity of Québec. Around



9237 Postings, 4964 Tage Gaertnerinklar gesagt: fallende Kurse = steigende Chancen...

26.11.11 20:08
zwar gehen die Werte für die iron ore Produzenten / -Explorer gerade nach unten - auf Grund sinkender Eisenerzpreise & der momentan lauteren bearishen Töne.

Meine Meinung:

Wer für sich vom weiteren globalen Wachstum und vom damit verbundenen weiteren Hunger nach Eisenerz überzeugt ist, für den erhöht sich momentan die Rendite des bestehenden oder beabsichtigten Investments:

sinkende Einstandskosten bei weiterhin mittelfristig steigender Nachfrage können zu gestaffelten Käufen (nicht ins fallende Messer greifen) genutzt werden.

Bedingt durch den Hauptaktionär Tata und die damit verbundene Seriosität & Finanzkraft gehe ich von einem relativ sicheren Invest aus ...  : - )))

Mutige werden hier sicherlich bereits innerhalb einer kurzen Zeitspanne mit wieder 2-stelligen Zuwächsen belohnt werden...

- gaertnerin -  

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