Neuer Cannabis Wert
Vielleicht hat CGB vor, AEB zu übernehmen - und vielleicht bekomen wir AEB-Aktionäre einen kleinen Ausgleich dafür...
Ich hoffe, AEB hat auch was davon?
Vielleicht werden wir ja doch übernommen,
aber mit den Algen wirds ja nichts mehr.
Sorry, aber Du wirst hier wahrscheinlich das Licht ausmachen müssen, oder wie denkt Ihr anderen darüber. Hab ne Menge Investiert und kann aus den Aktien jetzt für Silvester Konfetti machen.
Auch toll.
Schöne Grüße an alle Inv.
Die produktiven Parts der GEsellschaft werden versilbert um damit die Verbindlichkeiten zu decken. Damit sitzen wir auf einer leeren Hülle mit sehr viel Verlustvortrag.
Soweit ich das richtig sehe, haben wir unsere Kohle verbrannt.
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
Level 40, Central park
152-158 St George’s Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Market Update
Affinity Energy and Health Limited (AEB or Company) is pleased to provide the following update on
operational and corporate developments within the Company.
AEB is nearing completion of its planned corporate and operational restructure (subject to any necessary
shareholder, regulatory and ASX approvals). The Company is currently liaising with ASX with respect to an
acceptable path forward to allow for re-quotation on the Australian Stock Exchange.
The proposed restructure will allow for continued exploitation of the Company's algae intellectual
property through various licensing and partnering arrangements whilst at the same time removing the debt
burden of the existing operational facility. AEB will also continue with its medicinal cannabis developments
through the Australian licence application, the granted Malta licence and various strategic relationships
currently in place.
The Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Terry Gardiner as Non-Executive Director. Mr
Gardiner has more than 20 years’ experience in the capital markets and provides corporate advisory
services to listed companies in Australia and oversesas. Mr Gardiner is an Executive Director of Barclay
Wells Limited, a boutique stockbrocking firm with offices in Perth and Melbourne.
Mr Gardiner is Non-Executive Director of Roto-Gro International Limited and was an integral contributor
to Roto-Gro’s successful IPO and continues to be a valuable adviser on Roto-Gro’s strategies. AEB
welcomes Mr Gardiner’s relevant industry experience to the board of the Company.
Mr Gardiner is also Non-Executive Director of ASX listed Australian mineral resource explorers Galan
Lithium Limited and Cazaly Resources Limited.
We are also pleased to announce the appointment of Jessica Rodrigues as Company Secretary of the
Mr Josh Puckridge has retired as Non-Executive Director and Company Secretary of AEB to pursue other
interests. The Company thanks Mr Puckridge for his contributions and wish him success in his future
For, and on behalf of, the board of directors,
Qing Xu
Non-Executive Director
Affinity Energy and Health Limited
Bleibt Gesund, denn Gesundheit kann man nicht kaufen. Und helft mit aller Kraft das es unserer Erde wieder besser geht.
Und bringt endlich das Feuer unter Kontrolle.
Das wäre mein größter Wunsch für diese Jahr.
Hat irgendjemand von euch Informationen zu denen?