Lithiumstar AVZ Minerals eröffnet 68 % im Plus
Gratuliere allen, die den Gewinn schon mitgenommen haben. Die Richtung stimmt!
AVZ Minerals starts Manono environmental and social impact studies
Obviously Global X Lithium ETF are smart buying 17,000,000 AVZ NOW!
Obviously Global X Lithium ETF are smart buying 17,000,000 AVZ NOW! and counting with many price catalysts to come. They also have a preference for AVZ when we compare their purchases to PLS and have bought little of the brine stock AGY. I would think they realise that hard rock is the preferred lithium for battery makers with the move to lithium hydroxide. Global Lithium obviously see lithium sentiment turning around; we have reached the bottom and are on our way up! You can be too cute when you buy... Know one knows exactly for instance when AVZ's next catalysts will hit. All we know is that we expect them(have been given directives) short to medium term. Global Lithium Fund are not going to worry about a few pips in the 4's or 5's because they know that these catalysts can easily put a rocket under the SP so we could be at 10's very quickly. They also know that we have much greater potential to bag than producers(PLS) with many more price catalysts to come. I myself have bought more in this range because I will not be saying to myself, if only! AVZ Short to Medium Term Price Catalysts: -new Chairman(chosen-waiting on start date) -AVZ expected to increase 5-10% stake in company from Comminiere increasing significantly AVZ's bottom line.(waiting for Government to finalise) -full completion of metallurgicals confirming AVZ's superior product of high grade with the least deleterious elements which could give the green light to potential funders/offtakers.(due imminently) (old and new potential deposits just do not have the battery grade specs of AVZ's product!) -funding of project -5 year tax holiday -DFS Q1 -beginning mine construction AIMO
AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX: AVZ) requests that a trading halt be placed on the Company’s securities effective immediately, pending the release of an announcement in relation to an equity placement to a strategic investor.
The Company requests the securities remain in a trading halt until the earlier of an announcement to the market or the commencement of trade on Tuesday, 12th November 2019.
The Company is not aware of any reason why the trading halt should not be granted.
Das wird den Kurs zunächst etwas runter ziehen (kommt halt auf den Rabatt an).
Mal sehen was bei rum kommt, hauptsache da unten wird weitergeschafft und die Zeitline in etwa gehalten. Alles Andere wird sich ergeben.
In 14 Tagen 43.192.354.00 Aktien! Wahnsinn.
Ich erwarte am Dienstag eine größere Ansage.
Yibin tiani als neuer Investor... da ist halt beteiligt...
AVZ introduces Yibin Tianyi Lithium as a Strategic Investor
Australia's AVZ Minerals in lithium offtake talks, gets Chinese investment
Ich hoffe allerdings, das man von Seiten des MM eine Wahl mit dem neuen strategischen Investor gehabt hat und nicht, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, genötigt war, so zu handeln....