Plug Power - Brennstoffzellen
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Eröffnet am: | 13.06.13 16:14 | von: Alibabagold | Anzahl Beiträge: | 24.113 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 06.03.25 18:18 | von: Highländer49 | Leser gesamt: | 8.314.332 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 4.137 | |
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Walmart gibt auf ihrem Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting vom 17.02.2014
die Umrüstung der gesamten Gabelstaplerflotte auf Brennstoffzellen bekannt
und spricht von einer Flotte von momentan 2000 Stück (mehr als bisher bekannt...)
und erwähnt ein "Agreement"...
Das Video vom Meeting, ab ungefähr der 43. Minute geht's um fuel cells...
hat jemand eine Idee, warum man um diesen Vertrag (wenn er denn zwischen Walmart und Plug besteht) so ein Geheimnis macht? Warum sagt man nicht einfach was Sache ist. Wo liegt für die Unternehmen der Vorteil?
hat jemand eine Idee, warum man um diesen Vertrag (wenn er denn zwischen Walmart und Plug besteht) so ein Geheimnis macht? Warum sagt man nicht einfach was Sache ist. Wo liegt für die Unternehmen der Vorteil?
m.M.n. gibt es da mehrere Möglichkeiten evtl. ist noch nicht jedes Detail ausgehandelt oder man möchte es gemeinsam tun. Bei einem Player wie Wal Mart, notabene der grösste private Arbeitgeber der Welt, dauert das wohl auch eine Weile bis alles durch ist.
Ich für meinen Teil möchte nicht wissen wie viele Anwälte bei diesem Deal Geld verdienen :-)
Ich für meinen Teil möchte nicht wissen wie viele Anwälte bei diesem Deal Geld verdienen :-)
da wird eindeutig auf gute News gewartet bzw. wird gedruckt bis zum nächsten CC. vielleicht wollen da noch einige günstiger einsteigen, ansonsten kann ich mir den verlauf grad nicht erklären. oder was meint ihr?
typischer Tag für PLUG und seiner Trader. Im Intraday kanns hier schonmal zur Sache gehen. Im Endeffekt ist heut aber nichts passier und wir warten weiter auf den nächsten Deal ( der den Kurs dann hoffentlich nachhaltig über die 4$ bringt)
Was mich im Moment ein wenig stutzig macht, ist das es noch keine Ankündigung für den nächsten CC gab.
Plug kündigt die CC in der Regel ein paar Tage zuvor an. Da der Monat bald vorbei ist, frage ich mich,
ob sie diesen Monat keinen abhalten werden. Dies wäre das erstmal seit langem... und wen es so ist, wiso??
Plug kündigt die CC in der Regel ein paar Tage zuvor an. Da der Monat bald vorbei ist, frage ich mich,
ob sie diesen Monat keinen abhalten werden. Dies wäre das erstmal seit langem... und wen es so ist, wiso??
Das stimmt so nicht, in der Live-Version der Präsentation vom Januar war noch die Rede von einem Update im Februar. In der Schlussfassung die auch downloadbar ist/war, ist dieser Termin nicht mehr drin. Sondern nur noch der CC für den 13 März. Also keine Sorge es ist nach wie vor alles so wie es nach oder während dem Januar CC war.
Alle anderen Infos, wie die Ankündigung über die Multi-Site-Order werden als Ad-Hoc Meldungen veröffentlicht wie üblich.
Alle anderen Infos, wie die Ankündigung über die Multi-Site-Order werden als Ad-Hoc Meldungen veröffentlicht wie üblich.
keiner da??
Plug steigt um 8% und man liest keine Kommentare ??
Sind denn alle bei Ballard ??
Verwöhnte Bande :-)
Plug steigt um 8% und man liest keine Kommentare ??
Sind denn alle bei Ballard ??
Verwöhnte Bande :-)
LATHAM, NY – February 26, 2014 – Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) today confirmsthe company has received a multi-site GenKey purchase order from Walmart Stores,Inc. to roll out its hydrogen fuel cell solution to power electric lift truck fleetsat six North America distribution centers. The first of six sites will bedeployed by the second quarter of 2014.
Further purchase order terms for the multi-site order initiallyannounced on February 10, 2014 include:
· Total of 1,738GenDrive fuel cell units, to be deployedover two years
· GenFuel infrastructure constructionand hydrogen fuel supply
· Six-year GenCare service contract for each site
GenDrive hydrogen fuel cells have universal appeal in material handlingapplications because they can contribute to an increase in productivity.Workers spend less time fueling a forklift truck as compared to changing alead-acid battery, resulting in less downtime. GenDrive fuel cells also have no exhaust emissions so thatthey can be a component in implementing corporate environmental initiatives.
“We are pleased with the performance of the hydrogen fuel cells that wehave been operating and are excited to expand our program with Plug Power,”said Jeff Smith, Senior Director for Walmart Logistics.
“This agreement is a tripling of Walmart’s commitment toPlug Power’s fuel cells, and is encouraging because it comes from a companywith so much experience using our product.” said Andy Marsh, CEO at PlugPower. “This is a milestone for Plug Power andits ongoing business relationship with Walmart. Plug Power’s GenDrive productshave a positive impact on the productivity of our customer’s operations. Wehave proven to be a trusted partner and are confident that GenKey will enhanceWalmart’s material handling operations.”
Walmart currently has 535 GenDrive fuel cell units inoperation at sustainable refrigerated distribution centers, including two sitesin Canada and one in the United States. Specifically, Walmart’s Balzac, Canada,fresh food distribution center is the most energy-efficient distribution facilityof its kind in North America. Additionally, the Walmart Washington Courthousedistribution center in Ohio was the launching point of the GenFuel business.
AboutPlug Power Inc.
Thearchitects of modern fuel cell technology, Plug Power is revolutionizing theindustry with cost-effective power solutions that increase productivity, loweroperating costs and reduce carbon footprints. Long-standing relationships withindustry leaders, including Walmart, Sysco, Procter & Gamble, and MercedesBenz, forged the path for Plug Power’s innovative GenKey hydrogen and fuel cellsystem solutions. With more than 4,500 GenDrive units deployed to materialhandling customers, accumulating over 20 million hours of runtime, Plug Powermanufactures tomorrow’s incumbent power solutions today. Additional informationabout Plug Power is available at
LATHAM, NY – February 26, 2014 – Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) today confirmsthe company has received a multi-site GenKey purchase order from Walmart Stores,Inc. to roll out its hydrogen fuel cell solution to power electric lift truck fleetsat six North America distribution centers. The first of six sites will bedeployed by the second quarter of 2014.
Further purchase order terms for the multi-site order initiallyannounced on February 10, 2014 include:
· Total of 1,738GenDrive fuel cell units, to be deployedover two years
· GenFuel infrastructure constructionand hydrogen fuel supply
· Six-year GenCare service contract for each site
GenDrive hydrogen fuel cells have universal appeal in material handlingapplications because they can contribute to an increase in productivity.Workers spend less time fueling a forklift truck as compared to changing alead-acid battery, resulting in less downtime. GenDrive fuel cells also have no exhaust emissions so thatthey can be a component in implementing corporate environmental initiatives.
“We are pleased with the performance of the hydrogen fuel cells that wehave been operating and are excited to expand our program with Plug Power,”said Jeff Smith, Senior Director for Walmart Logistics.
“This agreement is a tripling of Walmart’s commitment toPlug Power’s fuel cells, and is encouraging because it comes from a companywith so much experience using our product.” said Andy Marsh, CEO at PlugPower. “This is a milestone for Plug Power andits ongoing business relationship with Walmart. Plug Power’s GenDrive productshave a positive impact on the productivity of our customer’s operations. Wehave proven to be a trusted partner and are confident that GenKey will enhanceWalmart’s material handling operations.”
Walmart currently has 535 GenDrive fuel cell units inoperation at sustainable refrigerated distribution centers, including two sitesin Canada and one in the United States. Specifically, Walmart’s Balzac, Canada,fresh food distribution center is the most energy-efficient distribution facilityof its kind in North America. Additionally, the Walmart Washington Courthousedistribution center in Ohio was the launching point of the GenFuel business.
AboutPlug Power Inc.
Thearchitects of modern fuel cell technology, Plug Power is revolutionizing theindustry with cost-effective power solutions that increase productivity, loweroperating costs and reduce carbon footprints. Long-standing relationships withindustry leaders, including Walmart, Sysco, Procter & Gamble, and MercedesBenz, forged the path for Plug Power’s innovative GenKey hydrogen and fuel cellsystem solutions. With more than 4,500 GenDrive units deployed to materialhandling customers, accumulating over 20 million hours of runtime, Plug Powermanufactures tomorrow’s incumbent power solutions today. Additional informationabout Plug Power is available at
LATHAM, NY – February 26, 2014 – Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) today confirmsthe company has received a multi-site GenKey purchase order from Walmart Stores,Inc. to roll out its hydrogen fuel cell solution to power electric lift truck fleetsat six North America distribution centers. The first of six sites will bedeployed by the second quarter of 2014.
Further purchase order terms for the multi-site order initiallyannounced on February 10, 2014 include:
· Total of 1,738GenDrive fuel cell units, to be deployedover two years
· GenFuel infrastructure constructionand hydrogen fuel supply
· Six-year GenCare service contract for each site
GenDrive hydrogen fuel cells have universal appeal in material handlingapplications because they can contribute to an increase in productivity.Workers spend less time fueling a forklift truck as compared to changing alead-acid battery, resulting in less downtime. GenDrive fuel cells also have no exhaust emissions so thatthey can be a component in implementing corporate environmental initiatives.
“We are pleased with the performance of the hydrogen fuel cells that wehave been operating and are excited to expand our program with Plug Power,”said Jeff Smith, Senior Director for Walmart Logistics.
“This agreement is a tripling of Walmart’s commitment toPlug Power’s fuel cells, and is encouraging because it comes from a companywith so much experience using our product.” said Andy Marsh, CEO at PlugPower. “This is a milestone for Plug Power andits ongoing business relationship with Walmart. Plug Power’s GenDrive productshave a positive impact on the productivity of our customer’s operations. Wehave proven to be a trusted partner and are confident that GenKey will enhanceWalmart’s material handling operations.”
Walmart currently has 535 GenDrive fuel cell units inoperation at sustainable refrigerated distribution centers, including two sitesin Canada and one in the United States. Specifically, Walmart’s Balzac, Canada,fresh food distribution center is the most energy-efficient distribution facilityof its kind in North America. Additionally, the Walmart Washington Courthousedistribution center in Ohio was the launching point of the GenFuel business.
AboutPlug Power Inc.
Thearchitects of modern fuel cell technology, Plug Power is revolutionizing theindustry with cost-effective power solutions that increase productivity, loweroperating costs and reduce carbon footprints. Long-standing relationships withindustry leaders, including Walmart, Sysco, Procter & Gamble, and MercedesBenz, forged the path for Plug Power’s innovative GenKey hydrogen and fuel cellsystem solutions. With more than 4,500 GenDrive units deployed to materialhandling customers, accumulating over 20 million hours of runtime, Plug Powermanufactures tomorrow’s incumbent power solutions today. Additional informationabout Plug Power is available at
LATHAM, NY – February 26, 2014 – Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) today confirmsthe company has received a multi-site GenKey purchase order from Walmart Stores,Inc. to roll out its hydrogen fuel cell solution to power electric lift truck fleetsat six North America distribution centers. The first of six sites will bedeployed by the second quarter of 2014.
Further purchase order terms for the multi-site order initiallyannounced on February 10, 2014 include:
· Total of 1,738GenDrive fuel cell units, to be deployedover two years
· GenFuel infrastructure constructionand hydrogen fuel supply
· Six-year GenCare service contract for each site
GenDrive hydrogen fuel cells have universal appeal in material handlingapplications because they can contribute to an increase in productivity.Workers spend less time fueling a forklift truck as compared to changing alead-acid battery, resulting in less downtime. GenDrive fuel cells also have no exhaust emissions so thatthey can be a component in implementing corporate environmental initiatives.
“We are pleased with the performance of the hydrogen fuel cells that wehave been operating and are excited to expand our program with Plug Power,”said Jeff Smith, Senior Director for Walmart Logistics.
“This agreement is a tripling of Walmart’s commitment toPlug Power’s fuel cells, and is encouraging because it comes from a companywith so much experience using our product.” said Andy Marsh, CEO at PlugPower. “This is a milestone for Plug Power andits ongoing business relationship with Walmart. Plug Power’s GenDrive productshave a positive impact on the productivity of our customer’s operations. Wehave proven to be a trusted partner and are confident that GenKey will enhanceWalmart’s material handling operations.”
Walmart currently has 535 GenDrive fuel cell units inoperation at sustainable refrigerated distribution centers, including two sitesin Canada and one in the United States. Specifically, Walmart’s Balzac, Canada,fresh food distribution center is the most energy-efficient distribution facilityof its kind in North America. Additionally, the Walmart Washington Courthousedistribution center in Ohio was the launching point of the GenFuel business.
AboutPlug Power Inc.
Thearchitects of modern fuel cell technology, Plug Power is revolutionizing theindustry with cost-effective power solutions that increase productivity, loweroperating costs and reduce carbon footprints. Long-standing relationships withindustry leaders, including Walmart, Sysco, Procter & Gamble, and MercedesBenz, forged the path for Plug Power’s innovative GenKey hydrogen and fuel cellsystem solutions. With more than 4,500 GenDrive units deployed to materialhandling customers, accumulating over 20 million hours of runtime, Plug Powermanufactures tomorrow’s incumbent power solutions today. Additional informationabout Plug Power is available at
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gleich nochmal den ballard bericht lesen.
wurden da nicht noch mehr folgeorder für plug erwähnt ?
lohnt sich doch sich durch die seiten zu quälen ;)
wurden da nicht noch mehr folgeorder für plug erwähnt ?
lohnt sich doch sich durch die seiten zu quälen ;)
ich diese Aktie vor einiger Zeit für 0,30 Euro gekauft habe. (5000 Stück)
Und Heute nochmal 5000 Stück für 3,20 Euro
Warum hatte ich früher nicht mehr Mut?
Und Heute nochmal 5000 Stück für 3,20 Euro
Warum hatte ich früher nicht mehr Mut?
Hatte das leider schon früher erwartet.
Die nächsten 2 Wochen kommt noch News Auftrag
mit Amazon.
Bald sehen wir dir 8 - 9 $.
Die nächsten 2 Wochen kommt noch News Auftrag
mit Amazon.
Bald sehen wir dir 8 - 9 $.
kommt auch noch was? interessant? das habe ich noch nicht gehört, weißt du da mehr? verkauft ihr eigentlich oder wartet ihr noch ab?