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Das Teil kommt nochmal,
Information in english
The Luxury TV-Shopping in People’s Republic of China :
A brand new business opportunity
Our company, Ante Time, is originally a TV production company which owns an international trading subsidiary.
We understand pictures’ codes in the People’s Republic of China and we have, through our experience, a good know how of the Luxury Industry’s demands and requirements.
Our partners in mainland China are media groups which have set, for more than two years, dedicated TV-Shopping channels and all the necessary logistic means (call centers, warehouses, delivery network …)
From now on, we are able, to provide our suppliers with:
1 –Remote Sales exploding in China
In 2006, we witnessed again a spectacular increase of Households consumption in China (+ 15.5 % in 2006 according to the Asian Wall Street Journal). This combined with the Chinese people immoderate appeal for prestigious presents, that bring “face”, as well as an extremely irregular distribution network through the territory, from one province to another, has been the ground for the beginning of Remote Sales companies, subsidiaries to big local Media groups.
In this way, our broadcaster/distributor, a Chinese media group (which owns 8 Satellite TV Channels), located in Hunan province, created more than two years ago, a dedicated TV-Shopping channel, as well as a call-centre, warehouses and a first-class delivery service.
Their turnover for this business meets a spectacular growth:
2006 Turnover : 400 millions RMB (or 40 millions €)
2007 Turnover (forecast) : 800 millions RMB (or 80 millions €)
2 – Genuine products availability: first weapon against counterfeiting
It would be wrong to think that the Chinese buying counterfeiting products is only a matter of taste or price. In provinces like Hunan, one may find counterfeited products shops in Luxury hotels whereas it is almost impossible to find the genuine items.
Please note that Chinese customers’ approach to TV-Shopping is way different than the western one. The matter here is to compensate for products’ unavailability. For instance, in 2006 on this channel were sold jewellery items up to 100,000 RMB per unit (10,000€)
Ante Time Production, co-produces a weekly show, dedicated to European luxury products sales (jewellery, watches, cosmetics, ready-to-wear, leatherwear…), lasting one hour (3 or 4 products per show) which title’s translation is “Great European Brands’ Palace”. This format broadcasted twice a week around 18h30 (best slot in China) is broadcasted several times anew at lesser audience slots.
We advertise for our show in other group-channels. Among them “Channel F” their movie channel, reinforce our impact.
3 – An “à la carte” distribution
We are aware of the importance that our suppliers bring to the coherence of their distribution network in China as well as the respect of their settled distribution deals.
Our partner’s TV-shopping channel broadcasts its shows and distributes its products in the following provinces:
It will broadcast, by the end of the year 2007, in 3 new regions.
Hence, we bring you at the moment the whole south-east part of China.
Also, we offer you a regional distribution “à la carte” with the possibility to exclude some provinces such as Guangdong or Shanghai where some may have already distribution deals.
5 - A brand new visibility coming along with a control of your brand image
TV-Shopping format in China can not be compared to western style. The rhythm there is much slower and the style is much more descriptive. In terms of TV production, much care is brought to the presentation’s quality
For instance, the presentation of an electronic device lasts for half-an-hour. For a luxury item (jewelry, watches, cosmetics, ready-to-wear, leatherwear…) the same presentation lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.
Our co-production agreements stipulate our control over the presentation “outside studio”.
On our side, we show to advantage your products in a European context, with a Chinese presentation team. We willingly use your “corporate” pictures because the qualitative aspect of European production is a matter of much interest for a Chinese audience. In this way production centre visits or manager interviews are, in China, an important sales asset.
und noch was
schau mal manche sagen Börse
da wird doch Gemauschelt und betrogen
und so wie das Teil in den Keller rauschte
das ist nicht normal
ja dann bin ich hier noch zuversichtlicher
als anderswo dass der Kurs hier wieder steigt
so Leute es geht Richtung Norden, wer kommt mit ?
auch für Wellenreiter sicherlich nicht uninteressant
Zug. 22 February 2008, Swiss Hawk AG’s portfolio company Motion network Holding Plc (“MNH”) announces that it is now accelerating the execution of its policy to implement local partnerships in Europe to create country platforms. Each country platform will be in charge of domestic advertising sales, local content production and e-commerce solutions. MNH has just concluded a deal with Spectrum Optim Moscow which is backed by Crossinvestbank, for the exploitation of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Georgia. Konstantin Vitkin (major Russian TV producer) and Andrei Alkema (Crossinvestbank partner) will run the business in Russia and will profit on the Eurasian Academy network to supply local content.
MNH is the majority shareholder with a 75% shareholding in the new partnership entity and will supply 90% of programmes subtitled in Russian. MNH’s corporate bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, will organize the pulling of cash on profits as long as the accounting systems remain different from the international ones.
Spectrum expects to reach 0.2% of market share by the end of 2009. The advertising market has surged in the last decade, reaching $6 billion and representing a 32 percent increase from last year. There are a variety of big companies on the market with unlimited advertising budgets, but limited advertising opportunities. They include alcohol, tobacco, and beer companies that for the most part can’t advertise on TV and have practically taken over the market for outdoor advertising. Everyone else has to compete for the remaining space, which keeps prices high.” By some measures, Russia is, in fact, the world's fastest-growing advertising market.
Today MNH is in talks with potential major partners in most areas of Europe and are reviewing technical details such as subtitles, percentage stakes, etc.
“We thought it could have taken much longer to attract local partners; today our problem is the selection of a partner among all interested institutions ready to go with us” said Julie Guetta head of business development at MNTV France.
About Motion Network Holding Plc
Motion Network Holding Plc (“MNH”) operates in the sector of communication and provides B2C and B2B services in the area of Television, IPTV, Internet, media content production and post production, software and retail. MNH operating services cover mostly Europe, Far East and the US. MNH’s wholly owned Luxembourg subsidiary Motion Network TV (“MNTV”) is the main group company that operates as a pan European film and music dedicated TV channel. For further information visit
About Swiss Hawk AG
Swiss Hawk AG is building an alternative asset investment company focused on the environmental technology sector. The company pursues an aggressive investment policy based on actively investing and trading mainly in late stage pre-IPO and IPOs with high-growth potential and planned short term exit. Swiss Hawk is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market.
denke so um 11Uhr wird hier bei MHN die Welt ganz anders ausschauen.
Press Release
Motion Network Holding implements country partnership agreement with Spectrum Optim Moscow backed by Crossinvestbank
Zug. 22 February 2008, Swiss Hawk AG’s portfolio company Motion network Holding Plc (“MNH”) announces that it is now accelerating the execution of its policy to implement local partnerships in Europe to create country platforms. Each country platform will be in charge of domestic advertising sales, local content production and e-commerce solutions. MNH has just concluded a deal with Spectrum Optim Moscow which is backed by Crossinvestbank, for the exploitation of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Georgia. Konstantin Vitkin (major Russian TV producer) and Andrei Alkema (Crossinvestbank partner) will run the business in Russia and will profit on the Eurasian Academy network to supply local content.
MNH is the majority shareholder with a 75% shareholding in the new partnership entity and will supply 90% of programmes subtitled in Russian. MNH’s corporate bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, will organize the pulling of cash on profits as long as the accounting systems remain different from the international ones.
Spectrum expects to reach 0.2% of market share by the end of 2009. The advertising market has surged in the last decade, reaching $6 billion and representing a 32 percent increase from last year. There are a variety of big companies on the market with unlimited advertising budgets, but limited advertising opportunities. They include alcohol, tobacco, and beer companies that for the most part can’t advertise on TV and have practically taken over the market for outdoor advertising. Everyone else has to compete for the remaining space, which keeps prices high.” By some measures, Russia is, in fact, the world's fastest-growing advertising market.
Today MNH is in talks with potential major partners in most areas of Europe and are reviewing technical details such as subtitles, percentage stakes, etc.
“We thought it could have taken much longer to attract local partners; today our problem is the selection of a partner among all interested institutions ready to go with us” said Julie Guetta head of business development at MNTV France.
About Motion Network Holding Plc
Motion Network Holding Plc (“MNH”) operates in the sector of communication and provides B2C and B2B services in the area of Television, IPTV, Internet, media content production and post production, software and retail. MNH operating services cover mostly Europe, Far East and the US. MNH’s wholly owned Luxembourg subsidiary Motion Network TV (“MNTV”) is the main group company that operates as a pan European film and music dedicated TV channel. For further information visit
About Swiss Hawk AG
Motion Network Holding implementiert Länderpartnerschaftsvereinbarung mit Spectrum Optim Moscau, gestützt von Crossinvestbank
ZUG, 22. Februar 2008. Motion Network Holding Plc (“MNH”), ein Portfoliounternehmen der Swiss Hawk AG, gibt bekannt, dass es die Durchführung seiner Zielsetzung beschleunigt, lokale Partnerschaften in Europa zum Aufbau von Länderplattformen einzurichten. Jede Länderplattform wird für Inlandswerbeverkäufe, für die Produktion von lokalen Inhalten sowie E-Commerce-Lösungen zuständig sein. Erst kürzlich hat MNH einen Vertrag mit Spectrum Optim Moskau über den Verkauf in Russland, Weißrussland, Kasachstan und Georgien abgeschlossen, der von der Crossinvestbank gestützt wird. Konstantin Vitkin (großer russischer TV-Produzent) und Andrej Alkema (Crossinvestbank-Partner) betreiben das Geschäft in Russland und werden vom Netzwerk der Eurasischen Akademie profitieren, die lokale Inhalte bereitstellt.
Mit 75% der Anteile ist MNH Hauptaktionär in der neuen Partnerschaftseinheit und stellt 90% der Programme, die russisch untertitelt werden. Solange die Buchhaltungssysteme sich noch von den internationalen unterscheiden, organisiert die Unternehmensbank von MNH, die Royal Bank of Scotland, den Barbezug aus den Profiten.
Spectrum erwartet, bis Ende 2009 einen Marktanteil von 0,2% zu erreichen. Der Werbemarkt ist im letzten Jahrzehnt stark in die Höhe gegangen und hat einen Umsatz von $6 Mill. erreicht, das ist ein Zuwachs von 32 Prozent gegenüber dem letzten Jahr. Es gibt eine Reihe von großen Konzernen mit unbegrenzten Werbeetats, aber eingeschränkten Werbemöglichkeiten auf dem Markt. Dazu zählen Alkohol-, Tabak- und Bierunternehmen, die zum größten Teil nicht im Fernsehen werben dürfen und den Markt für Außenwerbung praktisch ganz übernommen haben. Alle übrigen müssen um den verbleibenden Werberaum konkurrieren, weshalb die Preise hoch bleiben. In mancher Hinsicht ist Russland tatsächlich der am schnellsten wachsende Werbemarkt der Welt.
MNH führt inzwischen Gespräche mit potentiellen großen Partnern in den meisten europäischen Regionen und prüft technische Details, z. B. Untertitel, Prozentanteile etc.
„Wir haben angenommen, es könnte weit länger dauern, bis wir örtliche Partner gewonnen hätten; heute ist unser Problem, aus all den Institutionen, die bereit sind, mit uns zu arbeiten, einen Partner auszuwählen”, sagte Julie Guetta, Leiterin der Geschäftsentwicklung von MNTV Frankreich.
Über Motion Network Holding Plc
Motion Network Holding Plc (“MNH”) arbeitet im Bereich Kommunikation und liefert B2C- und B2B-Dienstleistungen im Bereich Fernsehen, IPTV, Internet, Produktion von Medieninhalten sowie Postproduktion, Software und Einzelhandel. Die Dienstleistungen von MNH decken den größten Teil von Europa, dem Fernen Osten und den USA ab. Die Luxemburger Tochtergesellschaft Motion Network TV (“MNTV”), vollständig im Besitz von MNH, ist das Hauptgruppenunternehmen, das als pan-europäischer TV-Sender mit Schwerpunkt auf Film und Musik operiert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Über Swiss Hawk AG
Die Swiss Hawk AG baut ein Alternativanlage-Investitionsunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Sektor Umwelttechnik auf. Das Unternehmen verfolgt eine aggressive Investitionspolitik auf der Basis von aktiven Investitionen und Handel hauptsächlich mit „late stage pre-IPOs“ und IPOs mit hohem Wachstumspotential und geplantem kurzfristigem Exit. Swiss Hawk ist am Open Market der Frankfurter Aktienbörse notiert.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie:
Mr Christophe K. Kourdouly
MD MNH/Antetime
Tel: +33 1 72 100 213 /214