Kasachstan - Markt der Zukunft

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Eröffnet am:12.02.07 17:37von: skunk.worksAnzahl Beiträge:22
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5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKasachstan - Markt der Zukunft

12.02.07 17:37

neues Zertifikat der DB, die durch Zufall "unsere" Kaz A aufgenommen haben. KAZ ist mit Energien und Bodenschätzen im Kommen. Abhängig wohin der Pol Wind weht, wird KAZ eines der bedeutendsten Länder der Wet im Hinblick auf die Ressourcen und die zukünftige Bildung dr Gesamtbevölkerung (Zielsetzung).

Gleichzeitig vollführt der Präsident den pol Spagat und ist befreundet mit: RUS, CHINA, EU und den USA ..UND..erklärt sich als Firedliebendes Land und hat seine Armee prinzipiel einstampfen lassen.

Die jahrelang nicht beachtet Bodenschätze werden mit ausl. Hilfe und modernstem know-how verfolgt....
(vorab Depot KAZ bei skunk)
Ansonsten bald mehr Infos (wenn ich 5 min mehr Zeit habe...)

viel Glück !!!!


6257 Postings, 7067 Tage mecanowarum tust du keine WKN dabei ???

12.02.07 17:51


Angst frisst Gier  

6002 Postings, 7938 Tage tscheche109746 o. T.

12.02.07 17:56

6257 Postings, 7067 Tage mecanothx, tscheche

12.02.07 18:14


Angst frisst Gier  

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKazhakstan dabeisein Info

13.02.07 11:36

..und viel Glück bei Kazhakstan.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kasachstan Generel
(mit links zu Bevölkerung + Wirtscahftsstatistik)

immer gut..;-) CIA handbook:

Börse in Kazachstan
beachte ! Zeiten ! Abwicklung! Neugestaltung fonds
KASE_Shares 2,603.34 +2.67

Bank of KAZ
Wechselkur Kaz  Tenge:
          §Официальные (рыночные) курсы валют 13-02-2007
USD / KZT TOD 124.58 -0.41
EUR / KZT TOD 162.03 -0.57
RUB / KZT TOD 4.73 -0.01

KAZtelecom Info

Artikel generel:

Vision des Präsidenten Nazarbayev's Kaz 2030 !

und wie gewünscht die Liste der "Besten" aus Kaz:

ARAWAK ENERGY CORP.WKN: 347952   ISIN: CA0387431004   Symbol: ARWKF
KAZAKHTELEC.ADR1/3 KT1000 WKN: 922752   ISIN: US48666D2045
KAZKOMMERTSBK GDR S 2 WKN: 908377   ISIN: US48666E2028
PETROKAZAKHSTAN INC WKN: 460189   ISIN: CA71649P1027   Symbol: PKZ === Petrochina

das angesprochene Zertifikat
Kasachstan Top Select Zertifikat auf WKN: DB1KAZ   ISIN: DE000DB1KAZ7

Info: http://www.uptotrade.de/talk/showthread.php?t=1187

und natürlich sind wir nicht alleine:

"Financial Center Almaty und Deutsche Börse unterzeichnen Kooperationsvereinbarung
nächste Meldung
Die RFCA, Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of activities of the regional financial center of Almaty City und die Deutsche Börse haben in Frankfurt eine Kooperationsvereinbarung unterzeichnet.

Durch diese Vereinbarung sollen die Kapitalmärkte von Deutschland und Kasachstan gegenüber internationalen Investoren positioniert und gefördert werden. Die Partner haben zum Beispiel die Förderung von Dual-Listings an der Börse Frankfurt sowie die Durchführung gemeinsamer Researchprojekte vereinbart........"


und zum geniessen....folgender chart..  
Angehängte Grafik:

323 Postings, 6745 Tage stockpowerist das nicht eine euro-anleihe? o. T.

13.02.07 11:41

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKAZ Oil report

13.02.07 13:02

"Abstract: Kazakhstan has made substantial progress in its economic transition, and faces a potentially bright future thanks to its oil wealth. The challenge is to increase the country's competitiveness, and expand the benefits of growth, while avoiding the economic and social risks typically associated with oil wealth. The overarching theme of the report is how to exploit the strengths of the Kazakhstan economy in the new oil environment, while avoiding the pitfalls that oil income typically brings. The report provides benchmarks for key aspects of competitiveness in Kazakhstan vis a vis Ukraine, Russia, and the eight most recent members of the EU rather than with other rich countries. This is for two reasons: 1) Kazakhstan's strategic objectives are to level with the European Union (EU) over the long run in terms of living and production standards, and levels of productivity and income; and, 2) although oil and gas already represents a large portion of exports, it does not mean the direct impact of oil in Kazakhstan is as large as in, say, Saudi Arabia or Venezuela...."


5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksInestment übersicht + Aussicht in Kazakhstan

13.02.07 13:09

Experience of the past few years shows that Kazakhstan’s efforts to ensure continuous economic growth and macroeconomic stability were quite successful. For six years in a row the country has experienced a significant growth in its real GDP: year 2000 - 9.8%, year 2001 – 13.5%, year 2002 – 9,8%, year 2003 – 9.3%, year 2004 – 9.3%, 2005 – 8.4%, 2006F – 8.2, 2007F – 8.2%. All the economic achievements of the first decade of Kazakhstan’s independence were made possible owing to large-scale political and economic reforms and healthy investment climate.

As an emerging market Kazakhstan is facing many challenges, therefore the Government of Kazakhstan is currently taking steps towards further improvement of the investment climate on the domestic market. In its investment policy Kazakhstan adheres to the principles of stability and predictability; transparent legal norms; protection of investors’ legal rights; equal conditions for foreign and local investors; sanctity of contracts; encouraging direct investments to the priority sectors of the economy. In this regard the Government of Kazakhstan tries to take measures after prior consultations and exchange of views with foreign investors, particularly, within the framework of the Foreign Investors’ Council (FIC) set up under the President of Kazakhstan in June 1998.

President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and Jean Lemierre, President of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are co-chairmen of FIC meetings which are held twice a year. Well-known companies such as Ernst and Young, Baker and McKenzie, ABN AMRO Bank, TotalFinaElf, ChevronTexaco, BG, Koch Holding, Mitsubishi Corporation, Samsung, Deutsche Bank, LNM Group, the Euro-Asian Industrial Association sit in FIC.

The issue of creating favourable conditions for the attraction of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has been vital for the newly independent country. Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Of Foreign Investments” in 1994 was conditioned by the need to attract foreign capital into the country’s economy. At that time the first contracts were concluded, mainly, in the field of mineral resources development, which offered privileges and guarantees to foreign investors.

The aim of the Law “Of State Support of Direct Investments” which was introduced in 1997 was to attract foreign investments to less attractive sectors of the economy.

The adjustment of economic, particularly, investment priorities, and also the necessity of the improvement of the legislative acts regulating investment activities brought about the need of amending the existing investment laws and preparing the new draft of the Investment Law in 2001 which was passed in early 2003. The new Law summarises the previous experience and improves the means of state support for investments as well as the guarantees for the protection of investors’ legal rights.

Since 1993, Kazakhstan has attracted more than US$ 40 bln. of foreign direct investment – the highest per capita indicator in the former Eastern Bloc. Plus Kazakhstan enjoys high level of internal investment (up to 70 bln USD). The share of enterprises involved in producing crude oil and natural gas accounts for half of the total volume of investments, and among the regions the main bulk of investments go to the Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions.

The Government of Kazakhstan is alive to the problems which still remain in the economy and tries to further improve the investment climate and business environment in the country.

One of its priorities is the task to ensure proper and levelled implementation of market economic legislation and investment laws at the local, grass-roots, level.

Next priority is the diversification and modernization, the growth of value added and high-tech component in the economy, so that it becomes self-sustained and non-oil dependent.

In order to level out the disproportions in the country’s economy the new “Innovative Industrial Development Strategy till 2015” has been adopted in 2003 and the state investment policy is directed at promoting investments into the following, less attractive fields, which are declared as priority:

- agriculture;

- manufacturing sector;

- industrial infrastructure;

- social, cultural and tourism infrastructure;

- infrastructure of the new capital Astana.

Investors carrying out projects in the priority sectors of the economy enjoy a number of privileges stipulated by the state support for investments, particularly, privileges in taxation and customs tariffs.

In general, the measures, which are being taken within the framework of the investment policy, allow Kazakhstan to be one of the leaders on the CIS space on such indicators as the political stability, currency stability and investment climate, volume of FDIs per capita, integration to the world economy, development of securities market legislation, price stability etc.

Investment ratings of Kazakhstan

(extracts from “Moody’s”, “Standard & Poor’s” and “Fitch Ratings”)

On 19th September 2002 Kazakhstan became the first country in the Commonwealth of Independent States to reach an investment grade status. “Moody's”, a credit rating agency, upgraded the republic, which possesses huge oil and gas reserves, by two notches to Baa3 - the same rating as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The agency said the upgrade reflected a surge in foreign direct investment and export growth, driven mainly by oil and non-ferrous metals. In November 2004 the Moody`s has further upgraded the rating to Ba1/NP (Positive) saying that Kazakhstan is well-placed for a period of solid economic growth, based on foreign direct investment in the energy sector and increased pipeline export capacity, combined with tight fiscal and monetary policy and strong banking system regulation and supervision.

In May 2004 the international rating agency “Standard & Poor’s” has upgraded long-term local and foreign currency ratings to BBB/BBB-, short-term foreign currency rating raised to A-3 with “stable” outlook.

“Fitch Ratings”, the international rating agency, has upgraded Kazakhstan's long-term foreign currency rating to 'BBB-' from 'BB+'. The short-term foreign currency rating has been further upgraded to 'F3' from 'B' and the Long-term local currency rating upgraded to 'BBB' from 'BBB-'. The Outlook on the Long-term ratings is stable.

In January 2005 the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has upgraded Kazakhstan’s country export risks rating, moving it from the 5th to the 4th group of risks. The previous update from the 6th to the 5th group was made by OECD in January 2004.

The improvement in Kazakhstan's creditworthiness is underpinned by the development of its oil and gas sector and the spill-over of high oil prices. The economy is on track to record its fifth consecutive year of GDP growth above 9% and the authorities continue to manage oil revenues prudently. Although social spending has increased, the consolidated general government fiscal position (including the National Fund) remains in surplus and the bulk of the oil windfall is being saved in the National Fund.

Despite efforts to encourage economic diversification, and a relatively strong performance by the non-oil sector in recent years, the fast growth of the hydrocarbons sector has ensured that it continues to dominate the economy. As such, Kazakhstan remains exposed to a sharp fall in oil prices. However, this is not an event that Fitch currently judges as likely over the near term and, even if an unexpected oil price adjustment did occur, the economy and the country's public finances are in a stronger position to cope with this sort of pressure now than at any time in the past.

Over the next 10 years oil output is set to rise to around 3.5 million bpd from just over 1 million bpd, higher than current production levels in Norway and only slightly below output in Iran and Mexico. Natural gas production is also set to rise sharply. Against this background the current account is likely to record rising surpluses from 2008 onwards, the assets of the National Fund should continue to mount and the government's net creditor position should strengthen further.


5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksHalbleiterproduktion in KAZ

13.02.07 13:10

ThyssenKrupp: Auftrag für Silizium-Metallwerk in Kasachstan

ESSEN (Dow Jones)--Die ThyssenKrupp Services AG hat einen Auftrag zur Lieferung von Anlagen und technischen Ausrüstungen für ein neues Silizium-Metallwerk in Kasachstan erhalten. Das Auftragsvolumen betrage über 60 Mio EUR, gab das Düsseldorfer Unternehmen am Dienstag bekannt. Die Lieferungen erfolgten noch in diesem Jahr, die Inbetriebnahme der Anlagen sei für 2008 geplant.

Nach Fertigstellung des Werkes wird ThyssenKrupp Services außerdem exclusiv die weltweite Vermarktung der gesamten Produktion Silizium-Metalls von rund 25.000 Tonnen im Jahr übernehmen. Silizium Metall ist eine wesentliche Komponente zur Herstellung von Aluminiumgusslegierungen und wird zudem bei der Silikon- und Halbleiter-Produktion eingesetzt.

Webseite: http://www.thyssenkrupp.com


5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKAZ ratings....

13.02.07 13:14

List of Ratings in CIS


Sovereign & Sovereign-supported Entities
Development Bank of Kazakhstan BBB/ Stable/A-3 BBB/Stable/A-3
Republic of Kazakhstan BBB/ Stable/A-3 BBB+/Stable/A-2 kzAAA
PetroKazakhstan Inc. Rating withdrawn
Intergas Central Asia BB/ Stable/-- BB/Stable/--
Kazakhstan Temir Zholy BB+/ Stable/-- BB+/Stable/-- kzAA-
KEGOC BB+/ Stable/-- BB+/Stable/--
Kazakhtelecom BB/ Stable/-- BB/Stable/--
JSC Kazzheldortrans BB+/ Stable/-- BB+/Stable/-- kzAA-
Kazpost BB+/ Stable/-- --/--/-- kzAA-
KazTransGas BB/ Stable/-- BB/Stable/--
KazTransOil BB+/ Stable/-- BB+/Stable/--
ATF Bank B+/ Positive/B B+/Positive/B
Bank Lariba B/ Stable/B B/Stable/B
Bank TuranAlem BB/ Positive/B BB/Positive/B
Eurasian Development Bank BBB+/ Stable/A-2 BBB+/Stable/A-2 kzAAA ruAAA
KazInvestBank B/ Stable/B B/Stable/B kzBB+
Kazkommertsbank BB+/ Stable/B BB+/Stable/B
Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan BB+/ Stable/B BB+/Stable/B
Nurbank B/ Stable/C B/Stable/C
Temirbank B+/ Stable/B B+/Stable/B kzBBB+
Tsesna Bank B-/ Stable/C B-/Stable/C
Insurance Companies
Eurasia B+/ Stable/-- B+/Stable/-- kzBBB
Investment Companies & Other Financial Institutions
Kazakh Agrarian Credit Corp. BBB-/ Stable/A-3 BBB-/Stable/A-3 kzAA
BTA Ipoteka BB-/ Stable/B BB-/Stable/B kzBBB+
Kazakh State-Owned Accumulation Pension Fund GNPF Rating withdrawn Rating withdrawn
Mortgage Guarantee Fund of Kazakhstan BB/ Positive/-- --/--/-- kzA+
Structured Finance
Kazkommerts DPR Co. 2005A AAA
Kazkommerts DPR Co. 2005В BBB
Kazkommerts DPR Co. 2006A AAA
Kazkommerts DPR Co. 2006B AAA


5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKAZ statistik Info

13.02.07 13:17
Operative statistical information



5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksUS industrie schaut nach KAZAKHSTAN

13.02.07 13:23
Kazakhstan continues to have Central Asia’s most successful economy, in some ways, the most dynamic in the Former Soviet Union. Over 100 U.S. firms are active in this country, through subsidiaries, joint ventures, or representative offices, or as contractors. While the overwhelming majority are found in the energy sector, there are a number of service sector firms (e.g. a dozen or so international law firms, the Big Four accounting firms, Citibank and American Express Bank), as well as telecom, consumer goods and others.

U.S. exports to Kazakhstan reached USD 240 million in 2004, compared to USD 168 million in 2003, but are still down considerably from 2002, when they exceeded USD 600 million. The large total for U.S. exports in 2002 mostly consisted of Boeing aircraft and satellite defense equipment, which contributed to this large figure. As Kazakhstan’s economy continues its expansion, U.S. companies will find growing markets for their goods and services across many sectors. The opportunities are described in greater detail in Chapter 4 of this year’s CCG. They include the following sectors:

   * Oil and Gas
   * Electrical Power Systems
   * Telecommunications Equipment
   * Medical Equipment and Supplies (including Dental)
   * Pollution Control Equipment
   * Agriculture Machinery and Equipment
   * Food Processing and Packaging
   * Architecture/Construction/Engineering Services
   * Mining Industry Equipment


5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKAZ Wirtschaft wächst schneller als China's

13.02.07 13:26
The Borat Effect? - Kazakh Bonds Soar, Kazakhstan’s Economy Growing Faster Than China

Kazakhstans fast oil-fueled growth has forced banks to go abroad for funds according to this Bloomberg article.

   Fidelity International, Deka Investment GmbH and Payden & Rygel are going to the former Soviet state of Kazakhstan for some of the highest yields on bank bonds with an investment-grade credit rating.The bonds pay an average yield of 3.05 percentage points more than U.S. Treasuries with similar maturities, compared with 1.8 percentage points for companies worldwide that have comparable rankings, according to data compiled by Merrill Lynch & Co.


   Banks including Kazkommertsbank, the country’s biggest financial institution, and TuranAlem, the second largest, are selling bonds to international investors because they need funds to increase lending in an economy that’s growing faster than China’s.

Increased sales have pushed down yields (see chart) but based on the credit ratings of the issuing banks, they are still a bargain.  
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1812 Postings, 6760 Tage loupluKAZ Basket von DB

13.02.07 13:40

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKAZAKHSTAN Aktien in US/GB

13.02.07 17:05

noch ein bisschen Kasakhstan zum handel in den USA und London...
viel Glück

ATF Bank -                   Reg. S -- 046820106

Bank Turanalem -              Reg. S -- 065396103

Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan -    Reg. S -- 46627J104

Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan - Reg. S HSBK 46627J302

KazakhGold Group - Reg. S KZG 48667H105
Kazakhtelecom§                KZHXY 48666D204

Kazkommertsbank - Reg. S KKB 48666E608

KazMunaiGas' EP' - Reg. S KMG 48666V204

ShalkiyaZinc - Reg. S SKZ 819267204

Temirbank - Reg. S -- 87971S209

Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium & Magnesium (UKTM)-Reg. S -- 91732Q106  

65 Postings, 6445 Tage Fortuna 95Ausgewählte Aktien

13.02.07 17:15
Viel Glück

Главная Рейтинг Каталог Регистрация Форум Логин    

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Категория: Банки и финансы
Время: 13.02.07 22:00  TOP20 накрутчиков Рейтинг порталов
и холдингов
  Следующие 25 >>    

  Казахстан Все страны
# Название Хосты Польз. Хиты Хосты Польз. Хиты
1 Казкоммерцбанк
2082 2592 14978 2545 3138 17322
2 bta.kz - БанкТуранАлем (БТА, BTA)
1140 1345 8046 1537 1789 10084
3 www.БУХГАЛТЕР.kz
1112 1185 10084 1268 1355 10901
4 Казахстанская фондовая биржа (KASE)
1042 1312 7441 1487 1808 10010
5 Комитет финансового контроля и госзакупок
798 847 3676 912 975 4226
6 Финансовый рынок Республики Казахстан
759 792 3515 2406 2487 6811
7 Народный Банк Казахстана
438 487 2663 599 663 3350
8 banker.kz
241 286 990 302 351 1128
9 АО "Темiрбанк"
216 239 1957 263 289 2181
10 НПФ УларУмит
124 133 488 143 152 604
11 aim.kz - Альянс Инвестмент Менеджмент
124 130 597 153 160 735
12 WebMoney в Казахстане
123 126 446 143 151 493
13 Investfunds.Kz
112 121 1050 180 192 1364
14 Сентрас Секьюритиз
99 108 555 139 151 709
15 Bank Caspian, АО "БАНК "КАСПИЙСКИЙ"
95 100 494 136 144 697
16 Мир финансов Казахстана
88 91 227 161 165 446
17 tas.kz - ТуранАлем Секьюритис
83 87 595 107 111 703
18 АО "Цеснабанк"
77 78 459 103 104 537
19 Cbonds - рынок облигаций стран СНГ
74 85 453 2598 3195 28223
20 Cardholder
72 72 198 452 455 699
21 Электронная Торговая Площадка
59 62 412 94 99 590
22 Investment Fund of Kazakhstan
52 59 194 92 99 271
23 eTrade.kz - Интернет трейдинг
28 30 72 40 42 99
24 АО "Финансовая Компания "REAL-INVEST.kz"
27 28 52 36 37 69
25 Forex в Казахстане
27 27 154 46 47 212


Last revision: 05.08.03
Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Neo Lab's
All rights reserved.     Alexander Uskov


5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.works@fortuna

14.02.07 09:17
Возлюбленный Fortuna прекрасный день и большое счастье

я не знаю нужно ли писать здесь по-русски рационально

тем не менее

большое счастье


// Allerdings bin ich nicht mehr so fit um Dir -top- das 'mal in 2 Sekunden zu überstetzen, dennoch reicht's um in Almaty am Eisstadion ein Bier zu bestellen....
die KASE Seiten gibt's auch in Englisch...///

PS Gruss an Sascha Uskov

trotzdem : KAZHAKSTAN !!!! ;-)

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKazakhstan +++

14.02.07 17:17

BMB MUNAI INC. .  -1,3%







Kazhakstan CIA update page: 12.12.2006

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKazakhstan Info

15.02.07 09:46

guter Artikel, mit links zu newsagencys, etc

viel Glück


Angehängte Grafik:

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKazakhstan +++

15.02.07 20:15
..und ABN Amro zieht mit seinem Zertifkat nach...



viel Glück  

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKAZ -CITIC - Nations Energy

23.02.07 17:40
New York -

Reports that Citic Group, China's Hong Kong-based overseas investment arm, is in talks to buy Nations Energy, a closely held Canadian oil company whose main asset is a field in Kazakhstan, is further evidence that Beijing is learning to play the global mergers and acquisitions game.

If completed, the $2.2 billion deal would be China's third-largest overseas oil acquisition. It follows news that China Mobile Communications (nyse: CHL - news - people ), the largest of the four state-run telecom companies in China, is the most likely acquirer of Millicom International Cellular (nasdaq: MICC - news - people ), a Nasdaq-listed company that provides mobile telephony in emerging economies that put itself up for sale at the start of the year.

That bid, valued at $5 billion, if it goes through, would be China's most expensive foreign takeover, topping China National Petroleum's $4 billion acquisition last year of PetroKazakhstan (nyse: PKZ - news - people ), which, like Nations Energy, owns oil fields in the central Asian country.  

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksKazakhs get loan to save Aral Sea

10.04.07 07:13

Kazakhs get loan to save Aral Sea
By Natalya Antelava
BBC News, Aral Sea

Aral, Ifas
The sea's retreat spells disaster for local people
The Kazakhstan government has secured a multi-million dollar loan from the World Bank to help save the Aral Sea.

The money will be used to implement the second stage of a project aimed at saving the northern part of the sea.

The United Nations has said the disappearance of the Aral is the worst man-made environmental disaster.

But this new project could mean that at least part of the Aral - once the world's fourth largest inland body of water - will be saved.

It is an ambitious project aimed at reversing one of the world's worst environmental disasters.

As a result, the sea that many predicted could never return is already filling the desert.

The story of the Aral dates back to the 1970s, when the Soviet government diverted two main rivers feeding the Aral to irrigate cotton fields in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Map of Kazakhstan showing Aral Sea
Starved of water, the sea began to shrink.

The desert spread, changing the climate, destroying the economy and the ecosystem, eradicating species and forcing thousands of people to leave the area.

By the 1990s only a quarter of the Aral Sea was left, but recently using a $68m loan from the World Bank, the Kazakh government built a dam that split the sea into two parts.

It did not solve the problem entirely. On the Uzbek side of the border, the southern part of the sea is still shrinking, but here in Kazakhstan officials say 40% of the sea has already returned.

Now using the new $126m loan from the World Bank, they plan to build a second dam which they hope will bring the water back to the deserted port of Heralsk.

Communities in the area are already feeling the impact. The fishermen are back in their boats, the clouds and the rain have returned and many across this impoverished region say the future no longer looks hopeless.  

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