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K+S-Aktie: Mosaic lässt hoffen
Daneben dürfte man bei K+S die Aussichten für das laufende erste Quartal mit Freude vernommen haben. Bei den Kaliabsätzen rechnet Mosaic für das erste Quartal firmenintern mit einer Verkaufsmenge von 2,3 bis 2,7 Millionen Tonnen. Dies würde im Vergleich zum entsprechenden Vorjahreswert von 2,0 Tonnen mindestens einen Anstieg von 15 Prozent bedeuten. Allerdings geht man bei Mosaic von einem weiteren Preisrutsch bei Kali im Vergleich zum Vorquartal auf 245 bis 275 US-Dollar aus. Für den weiteren Jahresverlauf rechnet Mosaic-Chef Jim Prokopanko jedoch mit einer Erholung der Kalipreise.
Damit verdichten sich die Anzeichen, dass uns in diesem Jahr nach einer Erholung der nachgefragten Mengen bei Kaliprodukten allmählich auch eine Preiserholung erwarten sollte. Für die K+S-Aktie würde dies bedeuten, dass der Turnaround weiter befeuert wird.
Dec 29, 2013
Bitte locker bleiben. Ist das Posting ohne eine Überschrift mit etwa 42 Grossbuchstaben nicht interessant genug?
Company's capex in 2013 was RUB 32.6bn, out of which RUB 12.4bn went into the potash segment, RUB 10.4bn into AZOT segment, and RUB 8.6bn into phosphates. In 2013 sales of AZOT fertilisers were RUB 100bn (up by 8.2%), sales of composite phosphate fertilisers was RUB 58.3bn (down by 4.1%).
"Instead of shipping 100-car, 120-car trains, they are limited to 50-car trains," Mr Prokopanko said, adding that "trains are getting stuck in the snow".
"If there's transportation problems, you can be sure that we are going to see considerably more upside price pressure on the potash that is available in-country."
Republikaner und Demokraten einigen sich
So wurde der mögliche Schuldenstreit in den USA, der Ende Februar hätte erneut eskalieren können, heute durch eine überraschende Abstimmung im US-Repräsentantenhaus frühzeitig beendet. Das von den Republikaner dominierte Repräsentantenhaus stimmte für ein Gesetz, das der US-Regierung Spielraum bis März 2015 (!) gibt. Hintergrund dieser schnellen Einigung sind die im November anstehenden Kongresswahlen. Damit hat die Börse ein mögliches Problemthema weniger.
ICL to partner with Allana in Ethiopian potash mine
TEL AVIV Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:20am EST
Feb 13 (Reuters) - Israel Chemicals (ICL) said on Thursday it would partner with Canada's Allana Potash to develop a potash mine in Ethiopia in a deal which includes ICL taking a stake in Allana.
The feasibility study for the Danakhil project in the Dallol region of northeast Ethiopia indicates it will produce about one million tonnes of potash annually within five years.
The alliance comprises an investment by ICL of $23 million in units of Allana shares and warrants at 43 cents per unit.
Following its initial investment, ICL will hold 16 percent of Allana's regular shares and it may increase its holding in Allana to 37 percent upon its exercise of warrants that are part of the units.
Proceeds of the investment will be used by Allana to develop the Danakhil mine project.
The alliance also includes an agreement in which ICL, the world's sixth-largest potash producer, will purchase and market the output of the mine. It will provide technical assistance to Allana as well.
The partnership is in line with ICL's strategy to broaden its sources of raw materials while reducing its production costs and focusing on growth-generating emerging markets which it believes will drive significant growth over the next decade.
ChemChina - China National Chemical Corporation
13/01/2014 | Press release
·Changsha, Lehigh Institute’s Lop Nor project wins national prize
distributed by noodls on 14/01/2014 14:47
Da gehts um neue Kapazitäten in China für SOP
China is a large agricultural country, raising 20 percent of the world's population with 9 percent of arable land. Therefore, it's important to improve unit yield. According to statistics, fertilizer contributes 50 percent to increases in grain yield. China is the second biggest potash consumer in the world, and about 23.3 million hectares of its arable land lacks potassium, forcing it to import more than 6 million tons of potassium every year. The world's potash resources and potash market are monopolized by a few foreign companies, so the domestic potash supply has been held over a barrel for a long time, directly endangering China's food security.
ChemChina's Changsha and Lehigh institutes joined hands with SDIC Xinjiang Luobupo Potash Co to carry out research on potassium sulphate production using brine from Lop Nor's magnesium sulfate-containing salt lake. They successfully came up with a new process and technology to produce potassium sulphate. They developed technologies for brine exploitation, salt pan mineral collection, and key transportation and processing equipment. Special research was also carried out to recover kainite and develop transportation technology and equipment to solve problems in the massive mining and processing of the potash resources at Lop Nor. The biggest potassium sulphate production unit has been built in the west of the Lop Nor hinterland, marking a great achievement in China's potassium sulphate technology development. The technology can save 1.9 tons of fresh water per ton of product, or 2.3 million tons of fresh water a year, playing a significant role in the water-strapped area, according to Huang Junwei, director of the Lehigh Institute.
- See more at: http://www.noodls.com/viewNoodl/21620987/...-win#sthash.0j16zOUt.dpuf
December 22, 2008
The first phase of the project which has an annual capacity of 1.2 million tons was put into operation on Dec.18, 2008. The second phase with an annual capacity of 1.7 million tons has been launched and will be operational in 2012.
Migao’s business is significantly impacted by the Chinese potash market. Migao doesn’t expect to see further significant potash price declines as the potash prices have bottomed in many markets around world according to the latest market analysis report. However, Migao is unable to predict the market price trend accurately.
- See more at: http://investorintel.com/potash-phosphate-news/...thash.7hhfIRFi.dpuf
Der Markt wird schließlich Hinweise auf ein bullisches Wiederaufleben geben. Heute wurde ein bullisches Muster erkannt. Basierend auf diesem Muster, in Reaktion auf eine entstehende Hausse des Marktes, entwickelte das System neue Konfirmations- und Kurslimitlevels. Das Signal deutet auf BAR BEIBEHALTEN, aber die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer bullischen Konfirmation, die das Signal in KAUFEN verändern wird, ist sehr hoch. Das verzögerte Tages-Modul ist eingeschaltet. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, die Preis-Aktion auf Tages-Basis zu verfolgen, um maximal von der frühen Phase einer Hausse zu profitieren.