Inside: Nokia

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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Nokia to publish first

10.04.08 12:38
quarter 2008 results on April 17, 2008

Corporate news announcement processed and transmitted by Hugin ASA. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Espoo, Finland - Nokia will publish its first quarter 2008 results on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at approximately 1 pm Helsinki time (CET+1). The press release will be available on the Nokia website immediately after publishing. Nokia's analyst conference call will begin at 3 pm Helsinki time. A webcast of the conference call will be available at Media representatives wishing to listen in may call + 1 706 634 5012, conference ID 42255731. Media Enquiries: Nokia Communications Tel. +358 7180 34900 Email: --- End of Message --- NOKIA P.O. Box 226
FIN-00045 NOKIA GROUP Espoo WKN: 870737; ISIN: FI0009000681; Index: DJ STOXX Large 200, DJ STOXX 50; Listed: Nordic list (Large Cap) in THE HELSINKI STOCK EXCHANGE;  

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Citigroup - Nokia neues Kursziel

10.04.08 16:54

New York ( AG) - Sherief Bakr, Analyst der Citigroup, stuft die Aktie von Nokia (ISIN FI0009000681/ WKN 870737) unverändert mit "buy" ein.

Nokia werde am 17. April die Ergebnisse zum abgelaufenen ersten Quartal vorlegen. Man erwarte den Gewinn je Aktie bei 0,39 EUR, wobei der Konsens sich bei 0,38 UR bewege. Ein höheres Absatzvolumen dürfte niedrigere durchschnittliche Verkaufspreise (geschätzt 80 EUR) kompensieren.

Nokia dürfte weitere Marktanteilsgewinne verbuchen und im zweiten Halbjahr eine Verbesserung im oberen Preissegment sehen. Allerdings würden im zweiten Quartal wichtige Produktneuheiten fehlen.

Ein schwächerer USD und eine mögliche wirtschaftliche Abschwächung in Europa würden Anlass geben die Gewinnerwartungen zurückzuschrauben. Die EPS-Schätzungen seien für 2008 und 2009 um 3% auf 1,75 EUR bzw. um 4% auf 1,81 EUR gesenkt worden. Das Kursziel reduziere sich von 32 auf 28 EUR, um eine konservativere Gewinnmultiple zu reflektieren.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bleiben die Analysten der Citigroup bei ihrer Kaufempfehlung für die Aktie von Nokia. (Analyse vom 10.04.08) (10.04.2008/ac/a/a)  

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Deutsche Bank - Nokia "buy"

10.04.08 16:55

Frankfurt ( AG) - Jussi Uskola, Analyst der Deutschen Bank, stuft die Aktie von Nokia (ISIN FI0009000681/ WKN 870737) unverändert mit "buy" ein und bestätigt das Kursziel von 27 EUR.

Es sei zu erwarten, dass Nokia am 17. April die Markterwartungen erfüllen werde. Nokia sollte dank seines breit angelegten Produktportfolios vor den derzeitigen Marktturbulenzen geschützt sein. Auf neu entstehenden Märkten sei ebenfalls mit einer soliden Entwicklung zu rechnen.

Im Hinblick auf das zweite Quartal sollte die Erwartungshaltung konservativ sein, da beim Produktangebot keine größere Auffrischung anstehe. Neuheiten würden erst im dritten Quartal auf den Markt kommen. Im Hinblick auf die Geschäftsentwicklung im zweiten Halbjahr sollte Nokia dann gut positioniert sein.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bleiben die Analysten der Deutschen Bank für die Aktie von Nokia bei ihrer Kaufempfehlung. (Analyse vom 10.04.08) (10.04.2008/ac/a/a)  

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27..................

10.04.08 16:56
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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Update!

11.04.08 15:20
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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Die geben nicht auf:

14.04.08 18:37

Société Générale - Nokia "sell"

13:08 14.04.08

Paris ( AG) - Andy Perkins und Vincent Rech, Analysten der Société Générale, bewerten die Aktie von Nokia (ISIN FI0009000681/ WKN 870737) unverändert mit "sell".

Nokia werde am 17. April die Ergebnisse des ersten Quartals veröffentlichen. Bei der Société Générale gehe man davon aus, dass der durchschnittliche Verkaufspreis und die Absatzzahlen unter den Markterwartungen liegen würden. Die Tatsache, dass Nokia keine Gewinnwarnung ausgegeben habe, lasse nach Ansicht der Société Générale darauf schließen, dass die Margenentwicklung im ersten Quartal stark gewesen sei. Zudem dürfte sich im Monat März eine bessere Absatzentwicklung im gesamten Nokia-Portfolio eingestellt habe als in den beiden Vormonaten. Mit der EPS-Prognose für das erste Quartal von 0,34 EUR bewege man sich dennoch unter der aktuellen Konsensschätzung von 0,38 EUR.

Im Hinblick auf das zweite Quartal rechne man infolge des Mangels an neuen Produkten (vor allem im Touchscreen-Bereich) mit Marktanteilsverlusten im High End-Segment. Für das gesamte Geschäftsjahr 2008 laute die EPS-Prognose der Société Générale auf 1,49 EUR (KGV: 14,1). Für 2009 erwarte man einen EPS-Rückgang auf 1,40 EUR (KGV: 14,9). Das Kursziel der Aktie sehe man nach wie vor bei 17,00 EUR.

Daher stufen die Analysten der Société Générale den Anteilschein von Nokia weiterhin mit "sell" ein. (Analyse vom 14.04.08) (14.04.2008/ac/a/a)  

45 Postings, 6017 Tage ugur2000Heute müsste die Nokia Aktie doch mal kommen

16.04.08 07:15
Ach diese Nokia Aktien hat mich seit 3 wochen den letzten Nerv gekosten. Heute müste er doch kommen gestern ist der gegen den Markt neutral geblieben. Da hilft nur beten.
Hoffe mal das die konsoliedierung abgeschlossen ist und langsam nach oben geht.  

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Das ist doch mal ne Ansage:

16.04.08 10:47

Raymond James - Nokia "strong buy"

08:45 16.04.08


St. Petersburg ( AG) - Die Analysten von Raymond James stufen die Aktie von Nokia (ISIN FI0009000681/ WKN 870737) unverändert mit "strong buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 50 USD gesehen. Nokia dominiere den westeuropäischen Handymarkt mit einem Anteil von über 40%. (16.04.2008/ac/a/u)

50,00 USD   =   31,5816 EUR

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Rt 21.05

16.04.08 10:50
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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Morgen kommen die

16.04.08 10:56
Zahlen und heute wird schon gekauft, sehr inressant!

10:20:58   20,87   10.000    Frankfurt

24466 Postings, 7310 Tage EinsamerSamariterMan deckt sich in der Regel immer vorher ein...

16.04.08 11:10
Bedenke, Networks ist in den aktuellen Zahlen "schon raus"...

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27ja schon

16.04.08 11:16
aber man war doch sonst immer so vorsichtig!!

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27oder nur weil man

16.04.08 11:17
eigentlich bei dem Kurs nichts verkehrt machen kann siehe Raymond James?

24466 Postings, 7310 Tage EinsamerSamariterBei Nokia ist das immer so und wird auch bleiben..

16.04.08 16:57
Kurz vor 12 Uhr morgen gibt es einen Peak und dann baumelt der Kurs entweder auf hohem oder tiefem Niveau weiter....

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Na dann

16.04.08 18:08
an alle für morgen alles gute!!
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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Gute Ausgangslage für morgen

16.04.08 22:20
Die Amerikaner schließen faßt bei  33,80 USD   = 21,1887 EUR!!
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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Wenn morgen alles glatt geht

16.04.08 22:22
und alle Daten stimmen könnten wir morgen einen Ausbruch schaffen!
Allerdings wären dazu so 15% nötig, aber dazu wäre Nokia fähig!!
Wir werden es erleben!!
Gute Nacht

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Einen hab ich noch!!

16.04.08 22:28
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13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Zahlen heute erst ab 13Uhr??

17.04.08 10:18
Sehe ich das richtig??

13396 Postings, 6436 Tage cv80....

17.04.08 11:44
Gleich geht's rund! Denke mindestens 7-8% Auschlag! pos. o. neg.


Bleibe mit meinen 1000St. voll dabei!

Denke dass wir im Laufe des Jahres die 30 EUR sehen.......

@koch: Wie kommst du auf 13:00 Uhr?  


13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Nokia-Zahlen

17.04.08 12:03
doch schon raus!

Es kracht


13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Nokia Q1 2008 net sales of EUR 12.7 billion,

17.04.08 12:06
reported EPS of EUR 0.32 (EUR 0.38 excl special items)

Profitability strong for the quarter – operating profit up 39% year on year, excluding special items
NOKIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER 2008* EUR million Q1/2008* Q1/2007** Change
Net sales 12 660 9 856 28%
Devices & Services 9 263 8 163 13%
Nokia Siemens Networks 3 401 1 697
Operating profit 1 531 1 272 20%
Devices & Services 1 883 1 252 50%
Nokia Siemens Networks*** -74 78
Group Common Functions -278 -58
Operating margin (%) 12.1 12.9
Devices & Services (%) 20.3 15.3
Nokia Siemens Networks (%)*** -2.2 4.6
Net profit 1 222 979 25%
Diluted*** 0.32 0.25 28%

*As of April 1, 2007, Nokia results include those of Nokia Siemens Networks on a fully consolidated basis. Nokia Siemens Networks, a company jointly owned by Nokia and Siemens, is comprised of the former Nokia Networks and Siemens' carrier-related operations for fixed and mobile networks. Accordingly, the results of Nokia Group and Nokia Siemens Networks for the first quarter 2008 are not directly comparable to results for the first quarter 2007. Nokia's first quarter 2007 included the former Nokia Networks business group only.

As of January 1, 2008, our three mobile device business groups, Mobile Phones, Multimedia and Enterprise Solutions, and the supporting horizontal groups were replaced by an integrated business segment, Devices & Services. Prior period results for Nokia and its reportable segments have been regrouped for comparability purposes according to the new reportable segments (on an unaudited basis). Link to regrouped 2007 financials:

*Q1 2008 special items:
- EUR 217 million loss due to transfer of Finnish pension liabilities (impacting Common Group Functions)
- EUR 81 million facilities impairment and other charges related to closure of the Bochum site in Germany (impacting Devices & Services operating profit)
- EUR 65 million gain due to transfer of Finnish pension liabilities (impacting Nokia Siemens Networks operating profit)
- EUR 100 million restructuring charge (impacting Nokia Siemens Networks operating profit)
- Excluding the net impact of these special items, diluted EPS was EUR 0.38

**Q1 2007 special items:
- EUR 32 million restructuring charges (impacting Devices & Services operating profit)
- EUR 25 million charge related to restructuring of a subsidiary company (impacting Devices & Services operating profit)
- EUR 12 million charge for Nokia Siemens Networks related incremental costs expensed during the first quarter (impacting Networks operating profit)
- Excluding the impact of these special items, diluted EPS was EUR 0.26.

*** Important note to Nokia Siemens Networks Q1 2008 operating profit and Nokia EPS, both including and excluding special items: In addition to the 'special items' listed above, Nokia Siemens Networks reported operating profit also included EUR 120 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks.

   * Nokia net sales of EUR 12.7 billion, up 28% year on year (up 35% at constant currency).
   * Nokia diluted EPS of EUR 0.38, growing 46% from Q1 2007, excluding special items.
   * Nokia operating margin of 14.7%, up year on year from 13.6% in Q1 2007, down sequentially from 15.9% in Q4 2007, excluding special items.
   * Nokia Devices & Services operating margin of 21.2%, up year on year from 16.0%, down sequentially from 22.8% in Q4 2007, excluding special items.
   * Nokia operating cash flow of EUR 0.8 billion.
   * Nokia device volumes of 115.5 million units, up 27% year on year and down 13% sequentially.
   * Estimated industry device volumes of 295 million units, up 17% year on year and down 12% sequentially.
   * Nokia estimated device market share of 39%, up from 36% in Q1 2007 and down from 40% in Q4 2007.
   * Nokia device ASP of EUR 79, down from EUR 83 in Q4 2007. (Device ASP excludes net sales from Services & Software)
   * Nokia Siemens Networks operating margin was -1.1%, excluding special items, and was a positive 2.4%, excluding special items and purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks.


"Nokia had strong profitability in the first quarter, with both operating profit and EPS up significantly year on year. The overall device market developed as expected, with the greatest demand in emerging markets, where our position is very strong. The competitiveness of our product portfolio is reflected in our market share and we target market share gains in the second quarter. The portfolio is renewed on a continuous basis. While we will not have major new products shipping in the second quarter, we expect a number of new products to be shipping, and to have a positive impact on our results, in the second half of 2008."

   * Nokia expects industry mobile device volumes in the second quarter 2008 to be up slightly sequentially, similar to the market growth in the second quarter 2007, compared to the first quarter 2007.
   * We expect Nokia's mobile device market share in the second quarter 2008 to increase sequentially.
   * Nokia continues to expect industry mobile device volumes in 2008 to grow approximately 10% from the approximately 1.14 billion units Nokia estimates for 2007.
   * Nokia expects the mobile device market to decline in value in Euro terms in 2008, compared to 2007. The change from our previous estimate of value growth for this market primarily reflects the negative impact of the recently weakened US dollar, the general economic slowdown in the US, and possibly going forward some economic slowdown in Europe.
   * Nokia continues to expect some decline in industry ASPs in 2008, primarily reflecting the increasing impact of the emerging markets and competitive factors in general.
   * Nokia continues to target an increase in its market share in mobile devices in 2008.
   * Nokia expects the mobile and fixed infrastructure and related services market to be flat in Euro terms in 2008, compared to 2007. The change from the previous estimate of "very slight growth" for this market primarily reflects the negative impact of the recently weakened US dollar.
   * Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks target for Nokia Siemens Networks market share to remain constant in 2008, compared to 2007.
   * Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks cost synergy target for Nokia Siemens Networks is to achieve substantially all of the EUR 2.0 billion of targeted annual cost synergies by the end of 2008, as previously announced.


(Comparisons are given to the first quarter 2007 results, unless otherwise indicated.)

As of April 1, 2007, Nokia results include those of Nokia Siemens Networks on a fully consolidated basis. Nokia Siemens Networks, a company jointly owned by Nokia and Siemens, is comprised of the former Nokia Networks and Siemens' carrier-related operations for fixed and mobile networks. Accordingly, the results of Nokia Group and Nokia Siemens Networks for the first quarter 2008 are not directly comparable to results for the first quarter 2007. Nokia's first quarter 2007 included the former Nokia Networks business group only.

As of January 1, 2008, our three mobile device business groups, Mobile Phones, Multimedia and Enterprise Solutions, and the supporting horizontal groups were replaced by an integrated business segment, Devices & Services. Prior period results for Nokia and its reportable segments have been regrouped for comparability purposes according to the new reportable segments (on an unaudited basis). Devices & Services has three business units, Devices, Services & Software and Markets, supported by a Corporate Development Office. Link to regrouped 2007 financials:
Nokia Group

Nokia's first quarter 2008 net sales increased 28% to EUR 12.7 billion, compared with EUR 9.9 billion in the first quarter 2007. At constant currency, group net sales would have increased 35%.

Nokia's first quarter 2008 operating profit grew 20% to EUR 1.5 billion (including the EUR 333 million net negative impact of special items), compared with EUR 1.3 billion in the first quarter 2007 (including a EUR 69 million negative impact of special items). The special items for the first quarter 2008 included a EUR 217 million loss due to transfer of Finnish pension liabilities (impacting Common Group Functions), a EUR 65 million gain due to transfer of Finnish pension liabilities (impacting Nokia Siemens Networks operating profit) and a EUR 100 million restructuring charge in Nokia Siemens Networks (impacting Nokia Siemens Networks operating profit). The special items for the first quarter 2008 also included a EUR 81 million facilities impairment and other charges related to the closure of the Bochum site in Germany (impacting Devices & Services operating profit), which did not include any of the people related costs of EUR 200 million already disclosed. The remaining charges are expected to be recorded during the subsequent periods in 2008. Nokia's first quarter 2008 operating margin was 12.1% (12.9%), including the EUR 333 million net negative impact of the special items. Excluding the special items, Nokia's first quarter 2008 operating margin was 14.7% (13.6%).

Operating cash flow for the first quarter 2008 was EUR 0.8 billion, compared with EUR 1.6 billion for the first quarter 2007, and total combined cash and other liquid assets were EUR 10.4 billion on March 31, 2008, compared with EUR 11.8 billion at December 31, 2007. As of March 31, 2008, our net debt-equity ratio (gearing) was -53%, compared with -61% at December 31, 2007.
Devices & Services

In the first quarter 2008, the total mobile device volume of our Devices & Services group reached 115.5 million units, representing 27% year on year growth and a 13% sequential decrease. The overall industry volume for the same period reached an estimated 295 million units, representing 17% year on year growth and a 12% sequential decrease.

Converged device industry volumes increased to an estimated 33.3 million units, compared with an estimated 23.5 million units in the first quarter 2007. Our own converged device volumes rose to 14.6 million units, compared with 11.8 million units in the first quarter 2007. We shipped close to 10 million Nokia Nseries and almost 2 million Nokia Eseries devices during the first quarter 2008.

The following chart sets out our mobile device volumes for the periods indicated, as well as the year on year and sequential growth rates, by geographic area.
NOKIA MOBILE DEVICE VOLUME BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA (million units) Q1 2008 Q1 2007 YoY Change (%) Q4 2007 QoQ Change (%)
Europe 25.7 23.9 7.5 37.2 -30.9
Middle East & Africa 20.2 15.7 28.7 23.6 -14.4
China 21.0 15.7 33.8 20.2 4.0
Asia-Pacific 34.1 23.7 43.9 34.0 0.3
North America 2.6 4.8 -45.8 5.1 -49.0
Latin America 11.9 7.3 63.0 13.4 -11.2
Total 115.5 91.1 26.8 133.5 -13.5

Based on our preliminary market estimate, Nokia's market share for the first quarter 2008 was 39%, compared with 36% in the first quarter 2007 and 40% in the fourth quarter 2007. Our year on year market share increase was driven primarily by our strong position in the fastest growing markets globally and by strong share gains in Latin America, Asia-Pacific, China and to a lesser extent in Europe. Our market share decreased significantly year on year in North America. Our market share in Middle East & Africa was approximately at the same level year on year. We had strong sequential market share gains in Latin America. Our market share decreased significantly sequentially in Middle East & Africa and North America and to a lesser extent in Europe and Asia-Pacific. Our market share in China was approximately at the same level sequentially.

Our device average selling price (ASP) in the first quarter 2008 was EUR 79, down from EUR 89 in the first quarter 2007 and down from EUR 83 in the fourth quarter 2007. The lower year on year ASP was primarily due to a higher proportion of lower priced products and to a lesser extent the negative impact of the weaker US dollar. The sequential ASP decrease was primarily due to a higher proportion of lower priced products, a mix shift to lower ASP regions and to a lesser extent the negative impact of the weaker US dollar. Starting from the first quarter 2008, our device ASP excludes net sales from our Services & Software business. Prior periods have been reclassified for comparability purposes.

First quarter 2008 Devices & Services net sales grew 13% to EUR 9.3 billion, compared with EUR 8.2 billion in the first quarter 2007. Strong overall volume growth was partially offset by a significant ASP decrease, driven primarily by a higher proportion of lower priced products and to a lesser extent the negative impact of the weaker US dollar on net sales in the first quarter 2008, compared to the first quarter 2007.

Net sales year on year growth was strongest in Latin America, followed by Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, China and Europe. Net sales were down significantly in North America year on year. Of our total Devices & Services net sales, Services & Software net sales were EUR 84 million in the first quarter 2008.

Devices & Services gross profit grew 33% to EUR 3.6 billion, compared with EUR 2.7 billion in the first quarter 2007, with a gross margin of 38.5% (32.8%). Devices & Services operating profit grew 50% to EUR 1.9 billion (including the negative impact of the EUR 81 million special item), compared with EUR 1.3 billion in the first quarter 2007 (including the negative impact of the EUR 57 million special item), with an operating margin of 20.3% (15.3%). First quarter 2008 operating profit included a EUR 81 million facilities impairment and other charges related to the closure of the Bochum site in Germany. First quarter 2007 operating profit included charges of EUR 57 million primarily related to restructuring. The 50% year on year increase in operating profit for the first quarter 2008 was driven primarily by an improved gross margin, compared to the first quarter 2007. The gross margin improvement was primarily due to newer and more profitable devices shipping in volumes. Excluding the special items, Device & Services first quarter 2008 operating margin was 21.2% (16.0%).
Nokia Siemens Networks

First quarter 2008 net sales were EUR 3.4 billion. The first quarter 2008 results of Nokia Siemens Networks are not directly comparable to the first quarter of 2007 as it included the former Nokia Networks business group only. However, net sales were down 26% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. This primarily reflects a normal seasonally lower first quarter, compared to a strong fourth quarter 2007.

The following chart sets out Nokia Siemens Networks net sales for the periods indicated by geographic area.
Europe 1 212 2 045 -40.8
Middle East & Africa 448 540 -17.0
China 269 492 -45.3
Asia-Pacific 944 838 12.7
North America 192 243 -21.1
Latin America 336 424 -20.7
Total 3 401 4 582 -25.8

Nokia Siemens Networks had a first quarter operating loss of EUR 74 million, with an operating margin of -2.2% (including the net negative impact of EUR 35 million in special items). The reported first quarter 2008 operating loss included a EUR 65 million gain due to the transfer of Finnish pension liabilities and a restructuring charge of EUR 100 million. The operating margin for the first quarter 2008, excluding these special items, was -1.1%, down from the comparable fourth quarter 2007 operating margin of 1.4%. The operating profit in the first quarter 2008 also included EUR 120 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks. First quarter 2008 operating margin was a positive 2.4%, excluding both the special items and the purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks, down from the comparable fourth quarter 2007 operating margin of 4.3%. Operationally, the main factor for the sequential decline in the operating margin in the first quarter 2008 was the lower sequential net sales, driving higher operating expenses as a percent of net sales. Nokia Siemens Networks continued to be on track to deliver the targeted annual EUR 2 billion cost synergy target as previously announced.

   * On January 28, 2008, Nokia and Trolltech ASA announced that they had entered into an agreement that Nokia will make a public voluntary tender offer to acquire Trolltech, a company headquartered in Oslo, Norway and publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Trolltech is a recognized software provider with world-class software development platforms and frameworks. The tender offer has commenced and completion of the acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals.
   * We launched a technology concept called "Morph", jointly developed by Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge, UK. The concept shows how future mobile devices might benefit from nanotechnology research to be flexible and environmentally intuitive, sensing and reacting to the needs of users as well as objects around them.
   * Nokia and UC Berkeley researchers tested technology for gathering traffic information from mobile devices in cars as an alternative to networks of sensors on the highways. One hundred cars equipped with the GPS-enabled Nokia N95 traveled a 10-mile stretch of highway near San Francisco to show how real-time information could be collected from the GPS feed to predict traffic flows and holdups, while preserving the privacy of the devices' owners.
   * We opened a satellite design studio in Rio de Janeiro, reflecting the increasing impact Latin American style and culture are expected to have on the future design of mobile devices and services.
   * We launched the 2008 Nokia Mobile Filmmaking Awards to support Pangea Day. Through 'Share on Ovi' consumers can upload, vote and share content for the Pangea Day broadcast on May 10, 2008.


   * At the Mobile World Congress 2008, we unveiled a new line up of converged devices and Internet services. The Nokia N96, Nokia N78, Nokia 6210 Navigator and Nokia 6220 classic all feature different location based and multimedia experiences, from pedestrian navigation to geotagging and movie viewing to video and photo sharing.
   * Nokia and Google announced a cooperation to integrate Google's popular search engine with the Nokia Search application. The integration will begin in select markets with the Nokia N96, Nokia N78, Nokia 6210 Navigator and Nokia 6220 classic.

Services & Software

   * At the Mobile World Congress 2008, we announced the next step towards our Ovi Internet service environment by introducing 'Nokia Maps 2.0' and 'Share on Ovi', a personal media sharing community that makes it easy to upload, manage and share personal media.
   * We continued to expand the Nokia Music Store's geographical reach, opening online stores in Germany and Finland.
   * Orange and Nokia signed a memorandum of understanding in order to partner on value-added services such as location based services, maps, mobile advertising and gaming.
   * We launched the N-Gage First Access Program, which allows consumers to try all N-Gage games for free from any one of the tens of millions of compatible Nokia devices in the market. They can then download and buy games with a mobile device or PC.

Nokia Siemens Networks

   * In February, Nokia Siemens Networks acquired Apertio, a leading provider of open real-time subscriber data platforms and applications. The Apertio platform was a key component of a major subscriber management deal signed with T-Mobile Germany in March.
   * Nokia Siemens Networks services capabilities and global reach were influential in winning a number of deals, including a pan-India contract for single Interactive Voice Response for Bharti Airtel; a large turnkey network expansion, including managed services, with Hutchison Telecom Indonesia; and a major consulting and systems integration DVB-H deal with Global Mediacom in Indonesia.
   * At the Mobile World Congress 2008, Nokia Siemens Networks launched its LTE solution for radio and core networks, including the new Flexi Multimode Base Station.
   * Nokia Siemens Networks signed a first customer deal, with Vodacom Tanzania, for the Village Connection solution, which brings mobile connectivity to customers in rural and suburban communities in new growth markets.
   * Nokia Siemens Networks continued to win strategic contracts in important markets, including a frame agreement to cover future network expansion with Megafon in Russia; key reference deals for its all-IP Internet High Speed Packet Access architecture solution, with T2 Slovenia and Stelera Wireless in the US; and an agreement with BSNL in India to expand broadband access to 25 000 villages.

For more information on the operating highlights mentioned above, please refer to related press announcements, which can be accessed at the following link: and

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27L&S

17.04.08 12:08
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nokia.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

13 Postings, 6151 Tage ascha191Zahlen

17.04.08 12:12
Jetzt hab ich dann aber bald lange genug zugeschaut! :(  

13215 Postings, 6656 Tage Koch27Satz mit X

17.04.08 12:16
der war wohl nix!

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