Hier liegt was in der Luft
Ruf mal die Hotline von flatex an, die können Dir da bestimmt weiterhelfen, oder vielleicht hat ja einer der hier zahlreichen Lesern eine Antwort dazu.
lg, Hummel
kannst du mir den aktuellen kurs nennen? will das mal über die sparkasse versuchen!
BID 0,0025 / ASK 0,0026
Wichtig, über Deine Sparkasse musst Du evtl. nach Stückzahl Gebühren zahlen bei Order in USA, das kann extrem teuer werden !!
Besser Du füllst bei Deinem Online-Broker ein Zusatzformular aus, indem Du Dir über die Risiken dieser Handelsklasse im Klaren bist. (kann man sich meisten ausdrucken lassen, unterschreiben und es an eine Hotline faxen)
auf spannende News die in den nächsten 48 Stunden erwartet werden.
Gruß, Hummel
For some reason, it also sounded quite business-like in the back-ground, when I had called previously that wasn't the case.
Quelle: http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=41389092
also das heißt, Wochenende geniessen, und wir werden sehen was dann kommt ;)
Gruß, Hummel und ein schönes Wochenende (falls nichts Neues kommt)
BID zieht leicht an und eine Fake-Wall at 0,0029
Greez, Hummel
BID 0,0024 / ASK 0.0025
Zu ihrer Person:
Kendra Todd (born April 6, 1978) was hired by Donald Trump on national television at the conclusion of Season 3 of NBC's "The Apprentice" live at New York University on May 19, 2005. She was the first female candidate, and the youngest, to be hired on the US Apprentice. She is currently the spokesperson for Guard Dog ID comprehensive theft identity services.
Hoch spekulativ jedoch auch sehr vielversprechend.
Keine Kaufempfehlung, diesen Schritt müsst ihr alle selbst tätigen.
Obwohl man hier auf NEWS sehentlich wartet hält sich der Kurs relativ stabil im Mitte 20er Bereich (0,0026 Schlußkurs gestern), das lässt auf starke Hände auf Investorenseite schließen.
Viel Erfolg und danke für das Reinstellen der Info,
Mal sehen wo uns der Kurs um 15:30 Uhr hinschickt, bin sehr gespannt!
Viel Erfolg und auf baldige hoch aktivität in diesem Thread
** Very Good News **
Yesterday I sent the following email to Kendra Todd through her website:
Thank you Ms. Todd. I look forward to reading your book.
I do have a question, and in the course of legal disclosure, you may not be able to answer, but here goes. Back on June 17, a company called 'Guard Dog,' an identity theft protection company, issued a press release stating basically that you have signed up with them to be their 'featured spokesperson in the company’s ID theft protection and prevention marketing blitz beginning early summer of 2009.'
Since it is now September, it is safe to say we are no longer in the early stages of summer. My only question is, is this agreement still in place, and the marketing 'blitz' simply delayed?
I appreciate any input you can provide.
Disclosure: I am a Guard Dog shareholder looking for verification that my money is invested in a company that can be trusted.
Best regards,
And this was the reply I received today:
Ms. Todd has legal limitations on what she can answer for you, however we will confirm that Kendra does have an existing agreement with Guard Dog and as a previous victim of Identity theft, spokesperson and shareholder, she strongly believes in the service and future success of Guard Dog.
Kendra is very excited to begin the "Marketing Blitz" once the technical upgrades are completed! She personally receives constant updates on the progress and has the understanding that we will be able to begin the marketing campaign in the near future. Because of the legal obligation to limit what correspondence regarding Guard Dog ID, please refer all of your future questions to Investor Relations (775) 544 7396
Hope this helps!
Customer Relations
Kendra Todd Companies
Gruß, Hummel
so, und jetzt hopp hopp Richtung Norden
9/16/09 conversation/update with CEO James Watson
- Guard Dog Internal system/infrastructure work “99% completed.”
- Real Estate co. Agreement & marketing blitz will be given the green light once the system has been 100% completed & approved by the various vendor/parties.
- Kendra Todd will be featured / involved in most, if not all, of the major company initiatives/programs.
- There will be several very strong co. announcements (PR’s) once the system is completed/validated/approved. They are lined up & none sound like fluff. Some sounded very high profile. No specific time-period stated.
- Company funding is not publicly disclosed; however, Watson did emphasize that the company itself has a positive revenue flow.
- No plans to change the share structure.
The real estate agreement (and initial marketing campaigns) would already have been in effect if the systems upgrades were completed earlier. This has been the hold up. James said they’re 99% through the upgrade, they’re “working extremely hard” on it, and expect to conclude the remaining 1% shortly (“shortly” is my word; he said something to that effect). In anycase, it was a non-specified period of time.
Once the upgrades are completed, the real estate company will verify it, which is the final step for approving the Agreement & launching Guard Dog into their employee benefits package.
Additionally, the completed upgrades will also signal the start of the marketing blitz. This blitz will be multi-faceted, and will expand over (a short period of) time to include:
- Web campaigns to drive internet traffic
- Customer awareness contests (as managed by a large 3rd party)
- “Affiliate Summits,” at which Guard Dog will be physically present (booth, talks, etc.) to drive partnership & branding opportunities
- Online malls (BSP, NSD, etc.)
- Radio & TV/cable spots featuring Kendra Todd
- Watson: “People will be able to see these various marketing campaigns & their effect should be somewhat self-evident to those paying attention.”
- Kendra Todd’s likeness will be on 80-90% of all marketing material.
Watson said Guard Dog will be continually adding features to their website. For example, they’re looking at doing an “animated version” (video?) of a Kendra Todd testimony.
On the subject of releasing PR’s, Watson reiterated he will not release any fluff PR’s, but there has been a LOT going on behind the scenes that he will be able to announce soon, once the system upgrade process is concluded. Much of what will be PR’d will also be able to be authenticated through various channels, ie the general public will see Guard Dog’s (read Kendra’s) presence in a variety of places/settings.
In terms of communication - providing updates to shareholders outside of PR’s - Watson said he intends to start a shareholder newsletter or automated email, once some of the more immediate (priority) tasks are completed.
My Take-Aways
Watson came across as a CEO whose head is in the game - engaged in his business - who has a vision of where he wants to take it, is knowledgeable about the current “state-of-the-business” & what the prioritized next steps are to drive subscription levels (revenue) & branding. That’s my real, honest-to-God take. This is not to say I know him to be a 40-60 hour-a-week GRDO man; I don’t. He has other businesses as well, and I’m sure they claim his attn. too. However, if the key hold-up has been technical in nature, and he’s not someone with a technical/systems programming background, there’s only so much he can do himself to move that ball forward – at least for the past few months.
I say this just as a counterpoint to the at-times uncontested claims that Watson isn’t engaged & isn’t as aware of the market opportunity for this business as he could be. I found him to be expressly aware of the what the market opportunities are here – especially with leveraging Kendra Todd’s existing professional branding & media presence to launch Guard Dog ID into a “recognized name” category. I have no doubt whatsoever after this conversation about his intention to, as much as possible, join KT & GRDO at the hip, and leverage the trust-factor she has built with a national audience into branding GRDO to drive high volume subscriptions, via large Corporate accounts (such as the nat’l real estate co.) & individual/retail subscribers.
Finally, I do think we’re looking at sequential non-fluff PR’s in the near future (hopefully very near, but I don’t know) with a steady flow thereafter as (or if) the business is increasingly able to fund larger & higher-profile campaigns.
Possible con: Watson did say he had no plans/intentions to make any change to the share structure, but he would not want to lock that into stone for an extended period of time as it could potentially handcuff him if a very “large entity” wanted to partner with GRDO at some point down the road. Likewise, depending how the business ramps up, he would might also consider a share buyback advantageous. So, I did not hear any equivocation in his saying he doesn’t plan to increase the A/S, but he’s not willing to lock himself into that position for a long period of time for the reasons stated.
Bottomline: I think we'll be seeing some fantastic news being released soon. VERY PLEASED with that conversation with Watson.
Gruß, Hummel
Schlusskurs über 0,003 ?
Volumen zieht heftig an
Viel Erfolg, Hummel
hier fängst es gerade an richtig Spaß zu machen, sollte sich die Gedult auszahlen ;) ?
10 minutes to go
0,0032 aktueller Kurs und seid dem Ersten Beitrag hier schon mal ein nettes Plus
Viel Erfog den Eingestiegenden,
Spaß zu machen :-))
Last Price (USD) $ 0.0035
Change 0.0007 (25.93%)
Bid 0.0032
Ask 0.0034
Volume 14,616,697
Day's Range 0.0026 - 0.0034
Es ist klar ersichtlich das sich hier etwas entwickelt! Das Volumen spricht für sich im vergleich zu den letzt beiden Tag.
Also nichts für ungut aber ich glaube das könnte die Aktie meines Lebens werden ;-)