Hexagon Comp wird H2 verteilen !
Das gilt für HexC und HexP gleichermaßen, da H2-Ausbau von der EU und D proklamiert wurde!
Am 14. September, 08:00 Uhr MESZ, laden wir Kunden, Aktionäre, Analysten, Medien und andere Interessengruppen zu einer einstündigen Präsentation und Diskussion über die Möglichkeiten des Schwerlasttransports in Europa ein.
Verbil,igen werde ich nicht mehr. Es fehlt scheinbar ein richtig großer Partner
und ein Langzeitauftrag.
Vor allem Purus macht scheinbar alles richtig aber irgendetwas stinkt hier.
The oldest and dirtiest trucks will be replaced by the cleanest and newest,says Lynn Lyon,Sustainable Transportation Executive for U.S. Gain.Costs for purchasing, installing, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure needed to re-fuel the new trucks also will be paid by the federal government.
Held on September 23d at the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, OH.The Appalachian Hydrogen Transportation Conference will feature on site reception at the SARTA bus center, home to the largest hydrogen bus fleet in the US (Ballard Power Buses).
Roughly 350,000 heavy duty trucks are sold in North America annually, with 97% diesel-powered !!!
Lynn Lyon predicts within 20 years 50% of heavy-duty trucks will run on alternative fuels including battery electric, fuel cell hydrogen, hybrid electric, renewable natural gas and renewable diesel.
Wenn die H2-Testprojekte in die Praxis übernommen werden, dann werden die Umsätze steigen, und mit ihnen auch die Kurse. Hier brauchts einen langen Atem und Durchhaltevermögen. Wer das nicht hat ist fehl am Platz.
Nicht verwunderlich in diesem weltweiten Umfeld.
Hexagon Agility, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, has received orders from a major heavy-duty fleet in North America for renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems. The orders represent an estimated value of USD 27.1 million (approx. NOK 288 million).
“We commend our customer for its ongoing commitment to further its emission reduction targets through the use of renewable natural gas,” said Seung Baik, President of Hexagon Agility. “In 2021, 64% of all on-road fuel used in the United States for natural gas vehicles was RNG, delivering carbon negative results nationwide. With the recent USD 0.50 per gallon federal Alternative Fuel Tax Credit extension, our government has affirmed its commitment to supporting RNG for years to come.”
About the market
RNG results in the greatest reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of any clean energy solution available today in the transport sector. In addition, RNG is supported by vast infrastructure in North America, allowing for immediate deployment of this cost effective and commercially available technology. Research shows that RNG derived from agricultural waste can offer more than 200% improvement in well-to-wheel emission reductions compared to diesel, and is the only carbon-negative fuel available.
In the U.S., the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law in August aims to bring down costs and boost energy supply, cutting inflation and substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Of the total USD 739 billion package, USD 369 billion is earmarked for “Energy Security and Climate Change” which would put the U.S. on a path to a roughly 40% emissions reduction by 2030. Tens of billions of dollars will go toward supporting renewable energy development, including tax credits and grants for clean fuels and clean commercial vehicles, including heavy-duty vehicles such as transit buses and garbage trucks.
Deliveries of the fuel systems are scheduled to start Q1 2023.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
Die unbeliebte Firma die ich kenne und sowas habe ich im Depot
Europa muss da nachziehen. Mittelfristig wird Europa bei Energie diversifizieren. Dass da einiges los ist im Markt zeigt der neuerliche Zukauf von BP plc durchaus, story
BP to buy RNG firm (Achaea Energy) in huge $4.1B deal