Harmony Gold
Harmonie sieht anders aus, aber die SA Minen sind sehr interessant, insbesondere Sibanye und Harmony! Ich werde diese Titel weiter beobachten, der richtige Zeitpunkt ist schwer zu treffen!
Nur meine Meinung, keine Kaufempfehlung.
also das 1zu5? was ist der unterschied zu "anderen"
na klar der Goldpreis muss über 1300 leiben, besser noch über 1320.
06 December 2017
Johannesburg, Wednesday 6 December 2017. Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (“Harmony” and/or “the Company”) wishes to advise that Harmony’s management will be attending the J.P. Morgan South Africa Opportunities Conference and HSBC Precious Metals Investor Conference 2017 today, during which the latest investor brief will be shared (available at https://www.harmony.co.za/investors/news-and-events/investor-brief).
The investor brief includes an update on Harmony’s existing debt facilities and the refinancing of the US$200 million committed bridging finance for the Moab Khotsong acquisition announced on 19 October 2017, of which up to US$100 million is expected to be refinanced from internal cash resources and approximately US$100 million will be refinanced through a private share placement or a rights issue.
For more details contact:
Lauren Fourie
Investor Relations Manager
+27 (0) 71 607 1498 (mobile)
J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited.
Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (Harmony), a world-class gold mining and exploration company, has operations and assets in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Harmony, which has more than 60 years’ experience in the industry, is the third largest gold producer in South Africa. Our assets include one open pit mine and several exploration tenements in PNG, as well as 9 underground mines and 1 open pit operation and several surface sources in South Africa. In addition, we own 50% of the significant Golpu project in a joint venture in PNG.
The company’s primary stock exchange listing is on the JSE with a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The bulk of our shareholders are in South Africa and the United States. Additional information on the company is available on the corporate website, www.harmony.co.za.
großer produzent, kgv ~7 auch leider gebeutelt vom goldkurs.
sollte diese aber wieder drehen, denke ich wird harmony überproportional etwas davon haben under kurs steigen.
lieg ich falsch?
warum willst du zb noch nicht einsteigen?
Gibt es irgendeine Anrechnung, wie z.B. bei US Aktien?
Oder heisst das: 20% seitens SA + 25% seitens D = 45% effektive Abgaben?