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154 Postings, 6587 Tage Jones2Immer mehr positive Berichte :

28.05.08 20:22

The Coal To Liquid Debate Part I
by BWK ~ May 20, 2008
During a trip to D.C., I talked with a group of people in the field of energy research. I heard some of the “inside baseball” information on one major DOD program that will convert large amounts of U.S. coal into synthetic liquid fuel. This will be a government-industry partnership, with the U.S. Air Force as the lead agency.

In essence, the Air Force is offering a pilot site for a coal-to-liquid (CTL) project at a base in Montana. This will be the first of many such CTL facilities around the nation. The idea is that funding will come from the private sector, not the Air Force or any other government source.

The Air Force will sweeten the pot, however, by guaranteeing that it will purchase the fuel that comes out of the CTL plants. Eventually, much of the Air Force fleet will fly on a mixture of CTL fuel and traditional petroleum-based fuel. For the past two years or so, the Air Force has been qualifying its planes to fly on synthetic fuels. Just recently, a B-1B “Lancer” bomber went supersonic over New Mexico on a mix of synthetic fuel. So synthetic fuels work.

The Wagon Train Is Forming Up

Some of the synthetic fuels information has made it into various trade press publications. But the major media have pretty much ignored the synthetic fuels development. Even on Wall Street, this program is under the radar screens. I guess the people on Wall Street are too busy counting up their losses from subprime mortgages. But the wagon train is forming up on the trail to synthetic fuels. Things are going to start happening, and soon.

The idea is to jump-start a large U.S. military-industrial CTL program that will eventually serve the rest of the economy. The CTL projects will cost over $5 billion each, based on preliminary estimates. In other words, each CTL refinery will cost about as much as an aircraft carrier, and use about as much steel and equipment.

This ambitious CTL project will have major implications for the future of the coal-mining industry, as well as many companies in the engineering, construction and capital equipment sectors. It made me glad to have the likes of CONSOL Energy (CNX: NYSE) and Foundation Coal Holdings (FCL: NYSE) in the portfolio. I already have some other ideas for additional investment opportunities in this sector. So keep your Outstanding Investments subscription current.

Future Liquid Fuel Supplies — We’re Running out of Time

CTL will surely generate controversy. I cannot begin to describe the visceral opposition to CTL projects from the usual suspects. The NIMBYs, the environmental lobbyists the “global warming” activists and many others will all fight against CTL with tooth and nail. You will hear glib arguments about how “If we just do this or that” (windmills, biofuels, conservation, etc.) we can avoid the need to build any CTL plants. As a nation, we should “do this or that” in any event. Really, we need to do everything. But we will also have to build the CTL plants. The opposition to CTL reflects how deeply the “Just say no” approach is hard-wired into our modern culture.

The U.S. could get away with avoiding major capital investments in energy projects when the dollar was strong and oil was cheap. (How else did we wind up importing two-thirds of our daily oil?) If the U.S. needed oil, we just waved dollars and the tankers showed up at the piers. But no more.

It is crystal clear that the U.S. no longer has long-term assured access to liquid fuels. I hope you got the memo. This reality is rapidly transforming into a supreme matter of national security. A U.S. CTL industry cannot come about too fast, in my view. The nation is not “running out of oil,” technically speaking. But not enough oil can cause just as much havoc as running out. And the national “adult supervision” sure knows that the U.S. is running out of time. Let’s look at the present and forecast the future.

Oil Output and Supply

First, let’s discuss the U.S. oil supply going forward. The U.S. presently consumes about 21 million barrels of oil per day. This is a mix of domestic output (much coming in small quantities from several hundred thousand old stripper wells) and imports.

According to the most recent figures from the U.S. DOE, in January 2008, U.S. crude oil output was just over 5 million barrels per day, plus additional natural gas liquids. The balance of oil consumption comes from imports. (Also, the U.S. supply of transportation fuel is supplemented about 3-4% with ethanol that comes from distilling about half the U.S. corn crop. That is why your grocery bill is skyrocketing.)

But domestic volumes of oil output are depleting and declining inexorably. From the North Slope of Alaska to the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. output is just plain falling. There is very little good news, and even the good news is oft-times not so good.

New discoveries and new wells just cannot keep up with depletion of older oil fields. By 2025, U.S. daily oil output will be a fraction of its current level (probably down to about 2-3 million barrels per day), even with an aggressive program of drilling offshore and in Alaska — which is not happening, in any case.

Also by 2025, U.S. imports will almost certainly decline. The oil will not be available to buy and import from world markets. Not everyone agrees with this. In one fanciful projection from 2005, the U.S. DOE forecast that “Total U.S. gross petroleum imports are projected to increase in the reference case from 12.3 million barrels per day in 2003 to 20.2 million in 2025.” Maybe in somebody’s dreams, but my view is that this is one projection that will never come true.

Really, by 2025, the rest of the oil-producing world will simply lack the product to export. This will be due to reasons of depletion on a global scale, and fast-growing internal demand in oil-producing nations. Gasoline consumption in places as diverse as Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia is just soaring, so there is less net oil available for export.

And oil output everywhere is flat or declining. (Just last month, Russia announced a plateau in oil output.) And closer to home, Mexico’s Cantarell field is simply crashing at an annual depletion rate of 8% or more.

So what will happen in 2025? Will the U.S. pump its own oil? No, it’s not there. Will the U.S. continue to import large volumes? No, it won’t be available. The bottom line is that conventional oil sources for the U.S. — domestic output and imports — are simply drying up.

Be on the lookout for Part II tomorrow!

Until we meet again,

Byron King


17202 Postings, 6481 Tage MinespecCTL ist im kommen, keine Frage

28.05.08 23:13
ein ernstzunehmender Player ist m Meinung nach Rentech. (RTK)
Arbeitet auch im Fertilizer Geschäft, auch hier wie in CTL schon gute Fortschritte erzielt. Vor Allem ist Big Player Peabody energy an Bord. Das beruhigt.
Ich werde Slglf weiter beobachten aber Rentech demnächst kaufen.

Auszug aus yahoo:

RTK and CTL funding: BTU is backing that up. ‘Peabody energy is funding to $10 million of engineering and development costs for Rentech's planned coal-to-liquids project in Illinois and to supply the facility with nearly 1 million tons of coal annually. As part of the agreement, Peabody has an option to acquire a 20 percent equity interest in the project through increased funding’ Refernce:
The point that I am trying to make here is that vital sectors; Coal energy, Oil Services, and Agricultural Sectors will have a symbiotic relationship with RTK and that there are environmental benefits that will arise with such relationships.


154 Postings, 6587 Tage Jones2MS.

29.05.08 08:54

Rentech hat sich in den letzten 4-5 Wochen verdreifacht.

Daran kann man erkennen, wie schnell es gehen kann, wenn
auch Silverado einmal so positive Nachrichten herausgibt.

Dabeibleiben lohnt sich m.E.



154 Postings, 6587 Tage Jones2bin ich alleine, alle auf der INSEL ?

29.05.08 11:43

May 28, 2008
Capito to seek ethanol-style mandate for coal-to-liquids
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito wants Congress to mandate domestic production of 6 billion gallons of liquid fuel from coal annually by 2022.
By The Associated Press
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito wants Congress to mandate domestic production of 6 billion gallons of liquid fuel from coal annually by 2022.

The Republican congresswoman said Tuesday the requirement is part of legislation she plans to introduce next week.

"Our nation's coal reserves are larger than the combined oil reserves of the rest of the world. We've seen enough excuses and it's time to get serious about coal-to-liquids,'' Capito said in a statement. "The technology is there, but we've under-invested.''

The legislation is modeled on ethanol fuel targets already enacted by Congress and would require steady increases in the amount of aviation fuel, motor vehicle fuel, heating oil and boiler fuel sold in the U.S., Capito said.

Multiple sites in West Virginia are under consideration for coal-to-liquids plants, along with sites in Ohio, Kentucky and several other states.

While coal-to-liquids isn't used in the U.S., it's been around for decades. Germany relied on coal for liquid fuel during World War II and South Africa has long relied on coal for about 30 percent of its transportation fuel. More recently, China and other countries have been investing in coal-to-liquids technology.

Environmental groups oppose the idea. They contend the process could generate too much carbon dioxide and increase coal mining.

Capito, however, said modern technology can convert coal to clean, sulfur-free synthetic oil and fuel for about $35 to $45 a barrel.

Crude oil prices were hovering around $130 a barrel Tuesday.

"Coal-to-liquids can be clean, it can be produced domestically, it will create American jobs, it's economically viable and it's the right thing for West Virginia,'' Capito said.

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito wants Congress to mandate domestic production of 6 billion gallons of liquid fuel from coal annually by 2022.
The Republican congresswoman said Tuesday the requirement is part of legislation she plans to introduce next week.

"Our nation's coal reserves are larger than the combined oil reserves of the rest of the world. We've seen enough excuses and it's time to get serious about coal-to-liquids,'' Capito said in a statement. "The technology is there, but we've under-invested.''

The legislation is modeled on ethanol fuel targets already enacted by Congress and would require steady increases in the amount of aviation fuel, motor vehicle fuel, heating oil and boiler fuel sold in the U.S., Capito said.

Multiple sites in West Virginia are under consideration for coal-to-liquids plants, along with sites in Ohio, Kentucky and several other states.

While coal-to-liquids isn't used in the U.S., it's been around for decades. Germany relied on coal for liquid fuel during World War II and South Africa has long relied on coal for about 30 percent of its transportation fuel. More recently, China and other countries have been investing in coal-to-liquids technology.

Environmental groups oppose the idea. They contend the process could generate too much carbon dioxide and increase coal mining.

Capito, however, said modern technology can convert coal to clean, sulfur-free synthetic oil and fuel for about $35 to $45 a barrel.

Crude oil prices were hovering around $130 a barrel Tuesday.

"Coal-to-liquids can be clean, it can be produced domestically, it will create American jobs, it's economically viable and it's the right thing for West Virginia,'' Capito said.




11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWayNein, bist Du nicht !

29.05.08 12:06
Da kommen in den letzten Tagen immer mehr News rein, die immer tiefer in die Materie abtauchen.

Sauberer Treibstoff aus Kohle ist DER MARKT der Zukunft.

Da bin ich mir absolu sicher.

Wenn ersteinmal die Vorurteile widerlegt sind wird es lustig werden. ;)

11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWaynur zur Info, :

29.05.08 13:09

17202 Postings, 6481 Tage MinespecSilverado mit Rentech zu vergleichen

29.05.08 14:07
ist wie Äpfel mit Birnen.
RTK hat starke Partner hinter sich und ein klar fokuss. Geschäftsfeld.Ausserdem noch die Fertilizer Erträge.
Silv. hat bisher keine finanzstarken Partner gefunden. Die Leute die dort bei Rentech  Beteiligungen eingehen oder Finanzierungen f. Fabriken vorstrecken um dann die Kohle ( coal ) zu liefern
wissen schon warum.  

11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWayMinespec enspann Dich. Rentech ist mit Sicherheit

29.05.08 20:57
eine gute Firma, wer bezweifelt das ?

Wir brauchen keinen Streit.

Selbst wenn wir uns darauf einigen das Silverado 50% alles verlieren oder 50% alles gewinnen bedeutet, also Ja oder Nein müssen wir doch zugeben das es für 50/50 eine verdammt gute Quote gibt.

Ist ungefähr, wie

EM Finale Deutschland - Italien
Quote : 1:25

Du schreibst es doch selber ab und an. :)

11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWaySilverado ist aber nicht schon über 30 Jahre am

29.05.08 21:23
Markt weil sie vorgeben aus Kohle billigen, umweltfreundlichen "Diesel" machen zu können. -Problemlos akzeptabel für Co2-Gegner.

Weggefährten, vergesst mir das Gold nicht. Die Jungs arbeiten weitaus härter und haben mehr Respekt verdient. Außerdem ist der Gewinn unmittelbar und unabhängig von Regierunggeldern oder privaten Investoren. Lass sie mal machen. Kleines Risiko für großen Spaß... ;)

The Investment case For Junior Mining Companies

17202 Postings, 6481 Tage Minespeckann sein, kann nicht, Silverado...

02.06.08 13:10
wird für ultimative Spekulanten langsam interessant.
Jedoch muss auf den junior Minen hype gewartet werden.
A rising tide lifts all boats, heisst es.
Ab Ende september/Anfang Oktober sehe ich hier auch neue GRosschancen.
Die Goldpreise und Silberpreise werden noch etwas zurückkommen aber danach ab SEpt etwa wird
es wieder losgehen.
Einige sind bestimmt hartgesotten genug jetzt reinzugehen . Ich habe i.Mom. wenig flüssig bin in den Alternativenergieaktien engagiert.
Nur meine Meinung.  

448 Postings, 6318 Tage SuperGarfieldxx

02.06.08 21:37
"SILVER"ado "GOLD"mines
- also was denn jetzt: Silber oder Gold.
Ist auch egal, Silverado ist einfach nur Müll.
Jede Woche ein neues Alltime-Low. Heute mal eben wieder -17%,
0 Umsatz.
Lächerliche Puscherei hier, heute schmeiß ich sie aus meiner Watchlist raus.


17202 Postings, 6481 Tage MinespecSuperGarfield gibt auf

02.06.08 21:51
"  Silverado ist nur Müll"
ich sage dazu nichts mehr. Hab schon genug Senf dazugegeben.
Jedoch wenn so gut wie alles verloren scheint, also so  mancher still bleibt bzw. wegwirft ist manchmal dicke was zu holen. Mit Abstauber..auf die Lauer legen und liegenlassen.
Bin gespannt ob und wann Musik reinkommt. Rechne ab September/Oktober mit starkem Goldanstieg und ab 2009 mit noch mehr.Vorher Korrektur da Dollar weiter anzieht , später Dollar mit Gold hoch, Hand in Hand.
A rising tide lifts all boats und Silverado ist wohl jetzt fast ganz unten im Wellental.
Vielleicht nicht mehr lange.  

11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWayAlles nur eine Frage der Zeit und der Politik

03.06.08 09:34,1518,557283,00.html

"Der US-Senat stimmt unterdessen einer Debatte über eine Reduzierung der Emissionen von Kohlendioxid und anderen Treibhausgasen zu. Mit der deutlichen Mehrheit von 74 zu 14 Stimmen wurde beschlossen, über einen Gesetzentwurf zu dem Thema offiziell zu beraten. Der Entwurf sieht vor, die Emissionen von CO2 in den USA bis zur Mitte des Jahrhunderts um zwei Drittel zu senken."

17202 Postings, 6481 Tage MinespecLöschung

06.06.08 09:48

Zeitpunkt: 08.06.08 10:58
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Bashversuch



27100 Postings, 6122 Tage brunnetaich bleib drin!!

06.06.08 10:10
bis zum bitterem ENDE!!
Die Hoffnung stirbt immer als letzte.

8524 Postings, 7188 Tage sts091280david baines... fragt warren B. *ggg

06.06.08 10:25

Warren Bevan, why would you recommend a company (slglf) that has a cease trade order in effect?


Silverado silent on cease-trade order

David Baines
Vancouver Sun

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The B.C. Securities Commission has finally caught up to Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. On Tuesday, it issued a cease-trade order against the company, citing a host of filing deficiencies.

I have written several columns about Silverado, which operates a money-losing placer gold mine in Alaska and purports to be developing a "green fuel" plant in Mississippi, but isn't really.

For the past four decades, president Garry Anselmo has been promising his shareholders riches, but the company has generated nothing but losses. Anselmo, meanwhile, has milked the company for millions of dollars.

The BCSC now has the company in its cross-hairs. Its cease-trade order prohibits anybody in B.C. from trading Silverado shares until the company files certain disclosure documents.

True to form, the company has made no mention of this adverse development to shareholders, or outlined any plan to rectify the deficienci


mcpherson asked a Commodities questionAsked by mcpherson in Commodities 18 hours ago                             answer                      




warren answered a question in Commodities.
405 points



warren answered 10 hours ago …

The cease trade order is imposed as we speak on several companies and only applies to BC , Canada. It is just a paperwork issue mainly related to being late filling financial forms.

Contrary to the story, they did announce the order.

I realize the company has had many ups and downs.  Technically it is at solid support and should not drop much if any.

I also have info that something may be coming down the pipe in terms of other parties being interested in certain aspects of the company.

I know the company intimately, and although it has issues I think the risk/reward ratio is very favorable.

They do have a good mine, although small to exploration, and it in my eyes could truly turn out to be major find.

For me and many others at this price it is worth a small gamble, since I have a strange feeling this could be one of the ones written about in the history books as goign from a nickel to a hundred dollars or more as some did in the '80s.

I have considered all points of view and it's mine, I see it as a very good gamble in todays world, and today's price....well maybe a few more, it went up a bit quick yesterday.

One last note is I neglected to mention the short on that stock could be a MAJOR driver.

I knew I would and I have recieved both praise and scorn for this article, hope this helps and time proves me right!

Feel free to contact me anytime to discuss further.


Warren Bevan

Read more from warren


154 Postings, 6587 Tage Jones2MS zu 389

06.06.08 10:59

Nicht das Du meinst, das grüne Sternchen sei für informatieven Bericht.

Ich habe deine Aussage mit "witzig" prämiert.

Fang doch nicht wieder an, dummes Zeug zu berichten.

Falls Due hier Behauptungen aufstellst solltest Due Quellenangaben bekannt geben.

Reine Vermutung oder Wunschdenken reicht nicht aus.

Ich vertraue lieber anderen Berichten und Empfehlungen.
Aufgrund meine "Long Investition" kaufe ich ruhig und gelassen immer wieder nach.

Wenn die Silveradofans irgendeinmal auf unser Insel sein werden, werde ich Dich
eventuell mitnehmen - als Fächerhalter-.


17202 Postings, 6481 Tage Minespecguter Artikel zitiert von poster sts091281

06.06.08 11:45
auch andere Adressen werden hier kritisch und aufmerksam was bei Silverado läuft.
Weiter so. Bringt Licht ins Dunkel !

154 Postings, 6587 Tage Jones2Ebenfalls zufriedenstellend !!

06.06.08 13:20

warren answered 10 hours ago…

The cease trade order is imposed as we speak on several companies and only applies to BC , Canada. It is just a paperwork issue mainly related to being late filling financial forms.

Contrary to the story, they did announce the order.

I realize the company has had many ups and downs.  Technically it is at solid support and should not drop much if any.

I also have info that something may be coming down the pipe in terms of other parties being interested in certain aspects of the company.

I know the company intimately, and although it has issues I think the risk/reward ratio is very favorable.

They do have a good mine, although small to exploration, and it in my eyes could truly turn out to be major find.

For me and many others at this price it is worth a small gamble, since I have a strange feeling this could be one of the ones written about in the history books as goign from a nickel to a hundred dollars or more as some did in the '80s.

I have considered all points of view and it's mine, I see it as a very good gamble in todays world, and today's price....well maybe a few more, it went up a bit quick yesterday.

One last note is I neglected to mention the short on that stock could be a MAJOR driver.

I knew I would and I have recieved both praise and scorn for this article, hope this helps and time proves me right!

Feel free to contact me anytime to discuss further.


Warren Bevan


154 Postings, 6587 Tage

06.06.08 13:33

CTLC Lauds Introduction of Clean Coal-Derived Fuels for Energy Security Act

June 5, 2008


361 Postings, 6466 Tage northface84Webseite

06.06.08 13:49
Die Webseite ist schon ziemlich lange nicht erreichbar. Gewöhnlich baut man die neue Webseite paralell zur bestehenden und zieht diese innerhalb von 2 h hoch... ein wenig merkwürdig  

11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWayLöschung

07.06.08 20:35

Zeitpunkt: 09.06.08 19:48
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



17202 Postings, 6481 Tage MinespecSilverado ist finanziell angespannt bzw angeschlag

09.06.08 18:14
selbst Poster "grazer " der den Hauptthread aufgemacht hat hat dies bestätigt.
Also wer erzählt hier Mist ?  

11123 Postings, 7046 Tage SWayDu und das sogar nachgewiesener Weise, denn

09.06.08 18:33
wenn es anders wäre hättest Du ja wohl mit Deinen "Beweisen" irgendeines der gelöschten Postings wiederbeleben können... *lach*

Finanziell angeschlagen war/ist Silverado mit Sicherheit, deswegen können wir ja auch zu diesem Chancen-Risiko Verhältnis rein. Wenn ich aber Recht habe wird sich das noch in diesem Jahr ändern und dann werden an einem Tag 100.000.000 Millionen Aktien gehandelt und der Kurs klettert um 200-300%. Du wirst dann natürlich sagen das Du es immer gewusst hast aber das werde ich auch noch überleben. *haha*

17202 Postings, 6481 Tage Minespecder Kurs verlust von minus 11 %

09.06.08 22:01

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