Forlink Software(928317 )könnte heute laufen
D.h. euncn (= gmgame) = forlink !
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Banner von for-online (Forlink) ist auch dabei!
Ich werde mir mal alles in Ruhe mal anschauen!
Bis denne redi
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Neben cec-ceda, Forlink, For-Online und 156net tauchen folgende Seiten auf:
und wieder alle aus Beijing!!!
schaut euch das an!
Die For-online Produkten werden u.a. auch angeboten! (mehr Produktverkauf? Bestimmt!) ( rms kommt dir sicher bekannt vor Drubert! :-) )
noch besser
Daher ja meine Vermutung
euncn = forlink ( und erst dann = gmgame ?)
Q1 2004 (3 month):
total net sales = 5,528,909
Sales to customer A = 5,322,990 (96%)
Net sales without customer A = 205,919
Q2 2004 (3 month):
total net sales = 585,278
Sales to customer A = 367,051 (63%)
Net sales without customer A = 218,227
Q3 2004 (3 month):
total net sales = 1,387,110
Sales to customer A = 1,173,434 (86%)
Net sales without customer A = 213,676
Q4 2004 (3 month):
total net sales = 2,665,436
Sales to customer A = 2,138,716
Net sales without customer A = 526,720
2004 (12 month):
total net sales = 10,166,733
Sales to customer A = 9,002,191 (89%)
Net sales without customer A = 1,164,542
Customer A (Beijing Mobile) is project business, it can vary from month to month. It depends on the project progress and the paying from beijing mobile.
Net sales derived by 156net (given to forlink):
Q1 2004: 66,123
Q2 2004: 177,892
Q3 2004: 119,067
Q4 2004: 82,890
2004 (12month): 445,972
They got back 445,972 of their 17,6% investment (760,870) in just 12 month.
I hope it's all ok.
***Selling expenses increased 56% to $599,921 in 2004, from $384,364 in 2003. This
increase was primarily due to our increased advertising expenses and sales
efforts to market our fast growing ASP (Application Service Provider) services
"For-online", IT outsourcing services, as well as our EAI (Enterprise
Application Integration) services.
Research and development expenses increased 24% to $1,105,348 in 2004, from
$888,305 in 2003 due to our continued focus on developing new products and
solutions to increase our competitive advantages.
The market for information technology services in China is rapidly growing and
changing. We compete with both international and local companies. Our principal
competitors in application integration services are: AsiaInfo, Linkage
Technology, Digital China. Our principal competitors in the ASP (Application
Services Provider) fields include: UFSOFT, MYCRM, HAN Consulting. Our principal
competitors in software outsourcing include: Neusoft, Dalian HaiHui, China
Software & Technology Corporation
Jahr 2003 Umsatz Kunde A Beijing Mobile --- $ 8,999,662
Jahr 2003 Umsatz Kunde A Beijing Mobile --- $ 9,002,191
Jahr 2002 Umsatz ohne Beijing Mobile --- $ 952,244
Jahr 2003 Umsatz ohne Beijing Mobile --- $ 536,394
Jahr 2004 Umsatz ohne Beijing Mobile --- $ 1,164,542 (!!!)
Für das Jahr 2005 kommen auf jede Fall $ 500,000 rein (Shanghai Steel Exchange, Guangxi Stock Sugar)!!!
:-) Redi
1) Die 10 Millionen Jahresumsatz geschafft
2) Stark angestiegener Umsatz "ohne Beijing Mobile" in Q4
Und dass, obwohl das "for-online" Geschäft ja erst angelaufen ist.
Bin wirklich gespannt, in welchem Quartal wir die 1 Millionen beim Umsatz "ohne Beijing Mobile" sehen. Ich schätzte es ist in Q2 2005 soweit.
Was mir nicht so ganz klar ist, sind die Gewinne von gmgame. Das können doch nicht nur die $899 sein ?
Ich denke daher, es laufen viele Aufträge von gmgame direkt an forlink und damit ist es direkter Umsatz bei forlink.
Ich bin jetzt für eine Woche auf Dienstreise und nicht online.
Viel Spass ohne mich.
Cashposition is sehr stabil und for-online is wie gesagt erst grad angelaufen.
Wenn dort der Umsatz so ansteigen sollte, wie die Kundenzahl dann dürfte sich das Investment hier richtig lohnen.
Gruß BarCode
aktuell 2.03.2005 !!!!
übersetzt mit Altavista:
Ten big games duties field human spirit enterprise and ten big games positions On the other day, the specialized talented person employment advertise website - China's person with outstanding ability net has issued the newest issue of game duty field human spirit order list. It is reported, "ten big games duties field human spirit enterprise" elects from the job seeker to deliver resume most enterprises; But "ten big games duties field human spirit position" is the statistics from the enterprise issued the demand most games class position, penetration announcement Shan Kanzhi the field, asks the person regarding the preparation which the work, changes job to say, this is a most prompt duty field windvane.After the beginning of the spring, travels by the talented person market whole to change the warm express train, the game profession new year employment advertise lively is also extraordinary. Has the difference with other professions, the game industry overall talented person is deficient, but the spring advertises for also is the good opportunity which changes job, therefore uses "to snatch the person" to describe the game enterprise hires the person certainly not to exaggerate.
Last year, in China the network swam the market on to achieve more than 2 billion Yuan scales, also in by every year 200% high speed increases progressively. The next net will swim the development space also will have 5 to 10 time of growths. At present the domestic network game plays the family to have more than 30 million people, but the specialized network game technical personnel only has about 3,000 people, talented person gap tens of thousands of. It is estimated that this year the 1st quarter, the network game company as well as will design the master, game correlation talented person's the and so on frequency channel edition, medium public relations personnel, game customer service regarding the software developer demand can further expand.
It is reported, plays the software profession not to be certainly low to talented person's demand, the enterprise generally has the explicit request in the technical aspect to the job seeker, like the game programming, network game position and so on programming, 3D fine arts design, all requests the job seeker to be familiar with C/C++ and so on the higher-level programming language, and has the certain understanding to the 3D engine, to game procedure understanding and so on. At present, plays family's treatment to the game, the enterprise generally all adopts the face-to-face talk the way, because the game design is has the creative work, the enterprise generally can act according to each person's situation to provide the different treatment, "a minute rank buys the list". The usual company's colleague, the reward difference are very many. To recently the staff, the enterprise generally paid 2,000 - 3,000 Yuan salaries, even only several hundred Yuan, but senior had the design experience to play the family monthly salary to be possible to amount to 120,000 Yuan.
Ten big games duties field human spirit enterprise
1st, Beijing plays the network science and technology limited company together
2nd, Beijing group victory network science and technology limited company
3rd, Beijing new times information technology limited company
4th, great kindness education group
5th, the Beijing sunlight adds the letter software technology limited company
6th, Beijing Kang especially ten thousand advantages information technology limited company
7th, Beijing leaps the military technical limited company
8th, the Beijing Internet seeks novelty the network science and technology limited company (Gmgame)
9th, Jinshan software Chengdu company
10th, the light entirely believes the development limited company
Ten big games duties field human spirit position
1st, the game develops high-quality software engineer
2nd, game fine arts designer (2D/3D)
3rd, game platform development
4th, the 3D game designs the senior lecturer
5th, the handset game designs the senior lecturer
6th, the on-line network game designs the senior lecturer
7th, handset game development engineer
8th, network game development engineer
9th, software engineer J2ME game
10th, the game plans the teacher
NET INCOME (LOSS). Net income decreased 61% to $468,052 in 2004, or basic and diluted earnings of $0.01 per share, from $1,211,448, or basic and diluted earnings of $0.02 per share in 2003.
We ended the year with a cash position of $2,298,831
Wenn sie ihre Investitionen zurückschrauben würden, dann wär der Gewinn sicherlich höher, aber der Nutzen davon würde nur kurzfristig andauern, auf lange Sicht würde es dann mit dem Laden bergabgehen.
Es gibt wenige Firmen dieser Größe und noch dieser Branche die dauerhaft profitabel arbeiten und FRLK ist wie es aussieht auf nem ordentlichen Weg.
Gruß BarCode
Vielleicht doch noch mal aufstocken? Ich weiß noch nicht.
Neue jobs bei forlink:
Nur 17 neue Jobs (2005-04-07)!
D.h. die Differenz zu den früheren Stellenangeboten wurde mittlerweile eingestellt ???
Werde das am Wochenende mal genauer anschauen.
Habe mir ja die Listen der Stellenangebote von forlink bei 51job abgespeichert, d.h. auch die alten.
Habe heute wieder mal etwas nachgekauft. Ich denke, wir sind operativ auf dem richtigen Weg... der Kursverlauf sollte sich hier bald anschließen.
Euch ein schönes Wochenende!