Überrollt NIO bald Tesla?
"NIO's offering of 68 million new American depositary shares was completed on Wednesday at a price of $39 per share, raising about $2.65 billion before fees. In addition, the company said, the banks underwriting its offering -- Morgan Stanley and China International Capital Corporation -- have opted to purchase an additional 10.2 million shares at the same price; that sale will close sometime today.
Once that add-on offering is completed, NIO will have raised about $3 billion.
With this stock sale, NIO joined a growing list of publicly traded electric-vehicle companies that are taking advantage of high investor interest and lofty valuations to raise additional cash. NIO follows Tesla, which raised $5 billion last week; Li Auto, which raised about $1.4 billion earlier this month; and XPeng, which raised about $2.45 billion in an offering that closed last week. ..."
Die jetzige Korrektur ist absolut gesund und macht den Weg frei für dreistellige Kurse.
"....NIO’s vehicles are large battery-powered SUVs. What makes NIO’s cars different from others is its subscription purchasing model to simplify the ownership of the battery part.
It offers to lease it, and if updated batteries are released, you can have them fitted in your car. It also provides a three-minute battery swap-out service, which it calls BaaS.
Talking about NIO’s revenue, the Q3 numbers reached $666.60 million, a 146.4% gain, by the end of September 2020. The gross profit rose 87.1% sequentially to $86.30 million.
The company’s stock position in the market is also noticeable as it announced the completion of the offering of 101,775,000 American depositary shares in September. -...
GAC NIO bestreitet die Nachrichten nicht sofort, sagte aber, dass es zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht erlaubt sei, zu viele Details offenzulegen. Nächsten Monat wird es offizielle Offenlegungen geben, die größere Transaktionen beinhalten.
Laut Tianyancha-Daten wurde GAC NIO 2018 gegründet. Es ist ein Joint Venture zwischen der GAC Group, einem staatlichen Unternehmen, und NIO, einem neuen Automobilherstellerunternehmen. Unter ihnen machen "GAC" und "NIO" 45 % der Aktien aus und sind die Hauptaktionäre von GAC NIO, und "GAC NIO" hält nur 10% der Aktien.
Mit der strategischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der GAC Group und Baidu Anfang September dieses Jahres wird erwartet, dass GAC NextEV auch Baidus Partner wird und sich Baidus Reiseökologie wie Weimar Automobile anschließt. Der Unterschied besteht jedoch darin, dass Baidu einer der Investoren von Weimar Automobile ist und keine Investitionsbeziehung zu GAC NextEV hat ( Zi Jian)
22:00:02 Kauf $ 48.00 100.000
22:00:02 Kauf $ 48.00 181.500
"...The act says delisting could happen if a given company doesn't comply with audit inspections three years in a row.
China's government does not allow the board to perform audit inspections of Chinese companies listed in the US. Audit inspections are performed on other U.S.-listed companies by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, set up after accounting scandals such as the one that blew up Enron in the early 2000s...."