Eurogas - Reloaded
Warum sich auf das Niveau jener "Kapitalmarktexperten" aus der Stehbierhalle begeben?
(Wer wirklich mag, kann das dortige Gestammel der in Mehrfachrollen auftretenden Kleinkünstler zu EuroGas als Comedy-Dividende verbuchen.)
Sonst wird man dieses Jahr sowieso nix mehr hören.
Also zurück zu "Rauchende Colts" die sich in diesem Umfeld prachtvoll halten..
Die beiden CEO`s hatten sich übrigens mal bei mir getroffen und sich auf Anhieb sehr gut verstanden. Vielleicht der Beginn einer "wundervollen Freundschaft" :-)
Colt hat im Moment andere Sorgen!
Aber jetzt erstmal die Klage (ca. 150Mio) und dann Rückgabe der Mine und mit wem auch immer die Mine in Produktion bringen, dann hat man geld für die anderen Projekte und der Kurs wird dann nach (Wiederbelebung) auch andere Regionen ansteuern.!
Eugs im Moment nicht mal Kreisklasse(da nicht handelbar)
Deshalb auch seit Monaten keine substanziellen Postings.
Ich werde mich heute mal schlaumachen und danach die "Kampfhunde" von der Kette lassen :-)
Zu Plombe fällt mir nichts mehr ein .Es bestätigt einige , die ihn persönlich kennenlernen mussten und ihn als unangenehmen Menschen schildern.
Der Luftgitarrenspieler hatte doch immer seinen email Kontakt mit Brown so hervorgehoben. Er hatte doch die Fusion immer als Geschwätz abgetan. Naja , 1 oder zwei andere auch noch :-) Und ich kenne die Unzen die dort verarbeitet wurden...Keine Gramm -Unzen. Obwohl ich sowas von überrascht bin
SOURCE: Tombstone Exploration
Tombstone Exploration
December 10, 2013 09:00 ET
Tombstone Exploration Corporation Acquires 26% Interest in EuroGas AG of Switzerland
EuroGas Inc. Commits to $5 Million Exploration and Drilling Program for Tombstone's Porphyry Copper Gold Exploration Property in Arizona
PHOENIX, AZ--(Marketwired - Dec 10, 2013) - Tombstone Exploration Corporation (OTCQB: TMBXF) (BERLIN: UDNA), announced today a strategic Corporate and Financing Investment that will include the acquisition of a 26% interest in EuroGas AG of Zurich, Switzerland, an international Natural Resources Holding Company with European assets in industrial minerals, oil and gas interests as well as base metal and precious metal assets located in the USA.
Under the Strategic Corporate Investment in EuroGas AG, TMBXF will also receive from EuroGas Inc. a committed financing in the amount of $5 million USD for extensively drilling its wholly owned USA porphyry copper-gold project in Arizona, USA. A previous airborne survey completed in 2011 by Toronto Canada based Geotech Ltd., indicated the geological presence of a potential deep seated copper porphyry orebody similar to other large producing copper-porphyry ore deposits throughout Arizona.
EuroGas Inc., a US Company, has a longstanding corporate relationship with TMBXF and was owning until now approximately 9% of the capital of TMBXF, as well as owning itself a large block of prolific mining claims adjacent to the Tombstone Mining Claim block in the Tombstone Mining District in Arizona. In the mid 1970s, ASARCO, a major US mining Company, made a deep seated significant low grade copper discovery on EuroGas' mining claims at "Robbers Roost" which had led to the past and present cooperation between TMBXF and EuroGas Inc.
EuroGas Inc. is also the controlling shareholder of EuroGas AG of Zurich, Switzerland and currently owns 70.17 percent of the fully issued and outstanding 925 million EuroGas AG shares, out of which it will now exchange 240 million EuroGas AG shares, representing 26 percent of EuroGas AG's capital in exchange for 348 million shares of TMBXF, together with a financing commitment by EuroGas to provide Tombstone Exploration Corporation with working capital of $5 million. EuroGas AG's last Audited Financial Statements show Total Assets of approximately CHF 145 Mill. (approximately $155 million) with very little Liabilities.
The major asset of the EuroGas Group is its legal claim to the huge industrial minerals soapstone (talc) ore deposit in the Slovak Republic, which ranks amongst the largest and purest of its kind in the world. The Gemerska Poloma deposit was illegally expropriated under dubious circumstances by the Slovak Republic's Government in late 2004 and deprived EuroGas' 90% owned Slovakian subsidiary Rozmin s.r.o. of its lawful right to place the deposit into production. Despite three non-appealable Final Judgments by the Highest Court of the Slovak Republic in favor of Rozmin, the Ministry of Economy's Mining Administration Office of the Slovak Republic has not returned yet the huge Gemerska Poloma mine to its rightful and legal owner Rozmin s.r.o. The Slovak Republic has recently published that the Gemerska Poloma orebody contains in excess of 140 Mill. tons of mineable reserves. Independent Slovak Government Geologists have put a value of more than $ 1.5 billion on the proven and probable reserves of only the Western part of the deposit.
Two years ago, EuroGas Inc.'s solicitors officially informed the President of the Slovak Republic of EuroGas' intent to file damage charges against the Slovak Republic and provided the Slovak Republic with the formal "Intent to Arbitrate" seeking damages in the amount of $1.65 billion as published in EuroGas' Press Releases. EuroGas is currently in the process to proceed shortly with International Arbitration (ICSID) against the Slovak Republic within the scope of the Investor Protection Program provided by a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between the United States of America and the Slovak Republic in front of an independent Tribunal of the World Bank in Washington D.C.
Wolfgang Rauball, Chairman & CEO of EuroGas Inc. and EuroGas AG stated:
"The new Strategic Corporate Agreement between EuroGas Inc. and its 70.2 percent controlled Swiss subsidiary EuroGas AG and Tombstone Exploration Corporation will result in a very strong Corporate Alliance between our Corporations and will strongly enable our common search for a deep seated copper-porphyry deposit as indicated by previous operators, like ASARCO, as well as also indicated by the interest of our claim neighbor in the Tombstone Mining District, Phoenix, Arizona based Freeport McMoran, the largest publicly trading copper-gold producer in the world.
"We are very happy to be able now to develop this exciting copper-gold-silver mining project of TMBXF after EuroGas' own corporate reorganization process in Europe has been successfully finalized, and after the extensive and time-consuming legal preparations of our Paris, France based solicitors regarding our huge damage lawsuit against the Slovak Republic for the illegal 2004 expropriation of our lawful mining rights to our world-class Gemerska Poloma soapstone (talc) deposit are finalized and the commencement of the Arbitration procedures against the Slovak Republic is now well on its way."
Alan Brown, President of TMBXF stated:
"This transaction creates a premier USA-European resource partnership with a substantial European holding company with its portfolio of precious metals, industrial minerals and oil and gas assets."
TMBXF's immediate focus will be executing a drill program on its wholly owned gold targets on the Zebra Property along with updating the plan for the major porphyr targets identified via Geotech Ltd., ZTEM report released in 2011. Of the targets that have been identified, two have precious metal (Gold and Silver) occurrences as "halos" around the properties, which are significant characteristics of porphyry systems. One of these identified structures has been compared by Geotech Ltd. to the Mt. Milligan deposit. These extensive drill programs are to prove a mineable ore body that has been overlooked for generations.
A more detailed report on the assets of EuroGas AG and the start of TMBXF's 2014 Exploration and Development work program will be forthcoming.
Da ist grad ne Anzeige in der Schweiz anhängig!
ne feine Sache die Kommentare des Geistes-der seinen Namen nicht schreiben kann-
oder ´von meinem Spinaker Freund Menglo-der mich ständig zitiert- zu lesen. Meine Magie scheint außergewöhnlich zu sein.
Hoffentlich erklärt jetzt noch jemand dem Menklo, daß damals ganz selten mit
Caterpillar und Mills gearbeitet wurde,,,
Ja wem gehörense denn?
Ja wie bezahlens denn?
Fragen über Fragen und so viele Dünnbrettbohrer:-)
Aber wer die Tombstone im letzten Jahr gekauft hat war wohl doch nicht ganz blöd..
Menklo hat sie übrigens totgesagt-da hab ich gekauft :-)
Für mich immer wieder überraschend , daß so viele Schweizer(sind es vll. gar nicht so viele?)
sich um Eugs kümmern und "das Web joinen"
Eugs hatte doch auch mal einen Schweizer in Diensten, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.
War mW ein guter Freund von AU. Sollte K (H) sich deshalb immer an alte Sachen erinnern?
Nö, glaub ich nicht!
Guten Rutsch und schönes Fest !
Frohes Fest und guten Rutsch !
Ps. Und grüß mir ja freundlich den Weihnachtsmann HO! HO! HO! , falls Du ihm begegnen solltest :-)
war's das noch nicht für dieses Jahr (der Kalender zeigt noch 13 und es ist noch Zeit für die Weihnachtswünsche).