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5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawSEC: security-based swap (SBS) position reporting

31.03.23 15:05
> Wurde der CDS-Markt manipuliert? ESMA prüft nun den CDS-Markt

New SEC rules for security-based swap (SBS) position reporting are  designed to combat the potential for fraud and manipulation in single-name CDS.
Under the security-based swap (SBS) position reporting measure, known as section 10B-1, parties that exceed a net $150 million long or short position, or a gross $300 million position, in a single-name CDS will have to disclose the position
The proposed Securities and Exchange Commission rules would shine a light on traders building up large single-name positions, and are designed in part to avoid the so-called manufactured credit events of recent years – where hedge funds engineered payouts on CDS contracts.  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawRising dangers for retail investors

31.03.23 16:43
IOSCO's Retail Market Conduct Report: A Retail Market Conduct Task Force report, issued by IOSCO, has revealed a series of escalating threats to retail investors by fraudsters with easier and cheaper ways of spreading false communications and information to a wider target audience: The Report highlights a wide range of retail trends and sources of potential retail investor harm in an increasingly online environment, where social media is now a major source of information.  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawBlackrock ändert sein Investment Playbook

31.03.23 16:47
2023 Global Outlook - Q2 update: More damage is emerging - Blackrock's new investment playbook in action: The banking tumult on both sides of the Atlantic has made crystal clear how important it is to stay nimble and update investment views in real time. This is the new playbook in action amid the volatile economic and market regime. More damage is emerging: Across a swath of different measures, we are seeing economic damage emerge. These include housing, industrial and consumer indicators. Credit conditions were already tightening before the bank turmoil, and we expect them to tighten further. Financial crisis this all reinforces our recession view.

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawFixed Income Forum Spring Roundtable

31.03.23 16:59
Fixed Income and Options: The Other Market Structures - Remarks at the Fixed Income Forum Spring Roundtable by  Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw: Equity market structure is critically important, but the equity markets aren’t the only securities markets investors rely on. The fixed income and options markets are important as well, and have historically received less attention from academics, regulators, and the public.

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawBlackrock Pricing the damage

31.03.23 17:18
Pricing the damage: Financial cracks and economic damage are emerging from the fastest rate hiking cycle since the 1980s.
An update on Blackrock fund exposure to recent market events  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawDOLF

31.03.23 19:21
Was für ein Day of Long Faces  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawCommunity bank: Congress must act now

31.03.23 19:29
Community bank CEO: ‘Congress must raise the bank deposit insurance limit to $10 million’: In order to restore confidence in the banking system and stem the dangerous outflow from regional and community banks, Congress must act now to raise the FDIC insurance limit to $10 million.  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawTelling the truth

31.03.23 19:34
Blackstone's Steve Schwarzman said the SVB crisis was caused by "people on iPhones" and rising interest rates: “This crisis was caused by people on iPhones and other devices, hearing on social media that some bank might be in trouble,” Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman said in an interview with Bloomberg in Tokyo on Thursday. “They responded with huge withdrawals in a very short period of time, collapsing the bank.”

991530 Postings, 3762 Tage youmake222Russland sperrt offenbar Konten des Goethe-Institu

31.03.23 20:50
Blockade durch Zentralbank
Die drei Einrichtungen des Goethe-Instituts in Russland haben laut Medienberichten keinen Zugang zu ihren finanziellen Mitteln. Ein Vergeltungsschlag für den Umgang mit dem Russischen Haus in Berlin?

991530 Postings, 3762 Tage youmake222Kreml erklärt Westen zur existenziellen Bedrohung

31.03.23 20:52
Neue außenpolitische Strategie
Die Regierung in Moskau unter Präsident Putin hat eine neue außenpolitische Strategie beschlossen. Demnach ist Russland angeblich durch »Aktionen unfreundlicher Staaten« in Gefahr – darunter Deutschland.

991530 Postings, 3762 Tage youmake222IWF genehmigt Kreditprogramm für Ukraine in Millia

31.03.23 23:48
Teil eines internationalen Hilfspakets
Erstmals gibt der Internationale Währungsfonds einen Kredit an ein Land im Krieg: 15,6 Milliarden Dollar will er der Ukraine zur Verfügung stellen. Für die Zeit nach der russischen Invasion gibt es bereits Pläne.

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawS&P Lowers Outlook On 4 Large US Banks

01.04.23 08:49
S&P Lowers Outlook On 4 Large US Banks After Record Deposit Outflows
Moody’s cuts outlook on U.S. banking system to negative, citing ‘rapidly deteriorating operating environment’
Fitch Rtgs’ Bank Regulation Monitor Highlights US Regional Bank Regulation: The recent banking sector turmoil could speed up the tightening of regulations for US large regional banks, which are exempt from – or subject to tailored requirements of – Basel standards, says Fitch Ratings in its latest Bank Regulation Monitor update  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawFitch: Some Caution Warranted

01.04.23 08:55
Global Banking Risks Contained For Now, But Some Caution Warranted  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawOUCH!

01.04.23 10:43
OUCH!  Schwab Is Having Its Worst Month Since 1987
Charles Schwab stock is having its worst month since 1987 as depositors are pulling money from bank's account searching for higher yields, depriving Schwab of cheap funding and putting pressure on earnings.


5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawBank run in slow motion continues

01.04.23 10:58
Bank run in slow motion continues. US retail deposits withdrawing their money to put it into money market funds.
Deposits at US banks fell sharply for a 2nd week. Deposits at commercial banks dropped by $125.7bn in week, marking 9th-straight period of declines, highlighting preference for higher-yielding money market funds.
“The non-seasonally adjusted Fed figures suggest a decline in US banking system deposits of $53 billion for the week, while ICI data on US money-market mutual fund balances for the period show growth of $121 billion, Moody’s said.” Small US Banks Lose $109 Billion in Deposits in a Single Week. Decline is the first annual drop for smaller banks since 1986.  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawWall Street Threatens to Sue SEC

01.04.23 10:59
Wall Street Threatens to Sue SEC if New Proposals Pass: Wall Street is threatening to sue the SEC if proposals that will change how retail orders are executed gets passed. Gensler has been critical of payment for order flow (PFOF), whereby some retail brokers (including Schwab, ETrade and Robinhood) route orders to electronic market makers known as wholesalers (including Citadel and Virtu), who pay the brokers for access to that order flow.

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLaw#3116 SEC Retail Auction Rule Proposal

01.04.23 11:03

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLaw#3116 SEC Retail Auction Rule Proposal

01.04.23 11:04

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawBoE Bericht: Tiefe Probleme der Finanzmärkte

01.04.23 13:03
Bericht der Bank of England weist auf tiefe Probleme der Finanzmärkte hin
BoE Financial Policy Summary and Record - March 2023  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLaw#3115 Bank run continues

01.04.23 21:11
Federal Reserve: US-Bankeinlagen sind weiter deutlich gesunken, alleine in den ersten beiden März-Wochen um 237 Milliarden Dollar.  

24176 Postings, 7736 Tage harry74nrwUmschichten ist kein Run

02.04.23 13:22
Oh weia........... #3120

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawFinancial weapons of mass destruction

02.04.23 15:36
There are few things in finance that generate as much fear as over-the-counter derivatives: Bank for International Settlements put OTC derivative notionals at $632.2 trillion, or about seven times gross world product – the combined income of every nation on the planet. To put it another way, for every dollar paid, anywhere in the world, there are seven dollars of what legendary investor Warren Buffett has called “financial weapons of mass destruction”.  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawFondsmanager so pessimistisch wie lange nicht

02.04.23 18:39
Fondsmanager so pessimistisch wie seit 20 Jahren nicht – Bis zu 190 weitere Banken könnten kollabieren
Der nächste Dominostein? Märkte wetten auf Pleite der Deutschen Bank  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawBankenkrise: Sorge um US-Regionalbanken wächst

02.04.23 21:18
„Lebenswichtig für den Mittelstand“: Sorge um US-Regionalbanken wächst. Einlagenflucht, riskante Immobilienkredite, mehr Regulierung – Mittelgroße Banken kämpfen mit einer Reihe von Problemen. Die Angst vor einer Kreditklemme in den USA nimmt zu.
„Der Kongress muss die Versicherungsgrenze für Bankeinlagen auf 10 Millionen US-Dollar anheben“: Um das Vertrauen in das Bankensystem wiederherzustellen und den gefährlichen Abfluss von Regional- und Gemeinschaftsbanken einzudämmen, muss der Kongress jetzt handeln, um die FDIC-Versicherungsgrenze auf 10 Millionen US-Dollar anzuheben.  

5068 Postings, 785 Tage JohnLawJPM: 2023 Recession Certain

02.04.23 22:47
Investors enjoying the recent rally in the riskier corners of the market may want to listen to a warning from Wall Street veteran Bob Michele. JPMorgan’s Michele Warns on Risk Rally as 2023 Recession Certain. Veteran strategist sees junk spreads above 800 basis points.  He says investors are cleaning portfolios to get rid of risk.

Individual investors are losing their appetite for U.S. stocks, leaving equity markets without a dependable leg of support after a rocky first quarter.  

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