ETLC - wird die Tage gezockt werden

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Neuester Beitrag: 05.10.07 14:14
Eröffnet am:17.07.06 11:59von: RoulettProfiAnzahl Beiträge:54
Neuester Beitrag:05.10.07 14:14von: goodman666Leser gesamt:8.836
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3002 Postings, 7825 Tage RoulettProfiETLC - wird die Tage gezockt werden

17.07.06 11:59


Germany- A0HFWF / E1P

Wird so ablaufen wie vor Wochen VSPC

Da waren schnell mal 100% zu machen,bei ETLC könnte es auch besser Laufen

Da ab Heute Pushs in USA in Gange kommen

z.B.. so

I believe ETLC has the potential to become a 10 or a 20-bagger.

But before I explain why, I must stress that this email is just speculation on my behalf. I am not trying to make any target prices for ETLC. Do not trust my research. You need to do your own research and make your own investment decisions.

ETLC right now has 130 million shares outstanding.

It is estimated that they will be issuing around 152 million shares for the merger with The American Home Market Corporation (AHM).

This would equal a total of 282 million shares.

AHM already has $100 million in annual revenues.

ETLC's service has a potential market size of 130 million Americans.

If only 5% of them or 6.5 million Americans signup for the service and make purchases on average of $20 per month, this would equal $1.56 billion in annual transactions. If ETLC earns a 13% fee from these transactions (10% from the customer and 3% from the merchant), it is possible that the service will generate another $202.8 million in annual revenues for ETLC.

Therefore, it is possible that ETLC could reach $302.8 million in annual revenues.

On average, companies in this industry trade with a price/sales ratio of 3.

If you multiplied $302.8 million X 3 you would get a potential valuation for ETLC of $908.4 million.

If you divide $908.4 million into the potential shares outstanding of 282 million, that would equal a stock price of $3.22 per share.

If ETLC were to reach $3.22 it would be a 23-bagger from the current price of $0.14.

Wie immer alles nur meine Meinung und was ihr daraus macht ist eure eigene Entscheidung


28 Postings ausgeblendet.
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323 Postings, 6744 Tage stockpower@roulett

29.07.06 22:05
bin bei beiden werten dabei. schauen wir einmal was uns die nächste woche bringt.  

3002 Postings, 7825 Tage RoulettProfiWenn es so wie in der Letzten Woche mit Top NEWS

30.07.06 17:58
weiter geht
steht einer Baldigen Explosion nichts mehr im weg


3002 Postings, 7825 Tage RoulettProfiKönnte ETLC sein

31.07.06 15:02
Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

der Newsletter des Global Investor erscheint ab sofort in neuem Layout und präsentiert dazu passend gleich morgen die 300%-Kurschance und damit den Global Investor Topp-Tipp für das zweite Halbjahr 2006. Halten Sie deshalb morgen bis 10:00 Uhr Ihr eMail-Postfach genau im Auge, denn Sie werden erstaunt sein, was wir mit unserer morgigen Empfehlung für Sie bereit halten.

Warum wir bei diesem Wert so zuversichtlich sind? Ganz einfach: Die Wachstumsdynamik dieses Unternehmens ist enorm. Dass es sich dabei nicht nur um heiße Luft handelt, beweist das Unternehmen seit Jahren, denn seit 2003 hat sich der Umsatz um mehrere 100% erhöht. Dazu kommt, dass das Unternehmen mit aktuellen Erfolgsmeldungen mehr und mehr in den Fokus der breiten Öffentlichkeit tritt.

Dabei ist dieses Unternehmen nach unserer Einschätzung auf dem aktuellen Kursniveau deutlich unterbewertet und bietet nach unserer Ansicht bereits kurzfristiges Kurspotenzial von rund 300%. Das Timing scheint dabei ideal, denn der Aktienkurs legt bereits deutlich zu. Das kräftig anziehende Handelsvolumen an der US-amerikanischen Heimatbörse sowie an der Frankfurter Börse bestätigt uns in unserer Annahme, dass bei diesem Titel ein kräftiger Kursanstieg unmittelbar bevorsteht.

Seien Sie also gespannt auf unsere morgige Empfehlung, die wir als Topp-Tipp für das zweite Halbjahr 2006 ins Global Investor Musterdepot aufnehmen!

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen und Details, warum wir gerade jetzt den Einstiegszeitpunkt bei diesem Unternehmen für ideal halten, erfahren Sie im Rahmen des neuen GI-Reports, der Ihnen am morgigen Dienstag noch vor 10:00 Uhr per Mail zugeht!


124 Postings, 6654 Tage ElronEtelcharge Hammerwert

31.07.06 16:50
Habe mich ein wenig schlau gemacht, über Etelcharge!DANKE!!!
Kannte den  Wert noch nicht. Aber WOW hochinteressant!
Versuche an der Otc zu ordern, mit Abstauberlimit.
Denke bei Etel kann in den nächsten tagen, oder wochen,
einiges an guten Meldungen kommen!!somit schließe ich mich
Deiner Meinung an! und kann jedem nur raten sich diesen Wert
anzusehen!!nochmal Danke für den tipp  

3002 Postings, 7825 Tage RoulettProfiHier kann man bei dem Kurs aber auch

14.08.06 13:48
gar nichts falsch machen
Freu mich schon auf die ersten 100%
wenn es auch noch ein paar Tage dauern sollte


3002 Postings, 7825 Tage RoulettProfiund erst mal wieder up!

20.08.06 18:15

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...die nächsten good news....

05.09.06 06:00
eTelcharge Announces Transitioning in Business Model From Development Stage to Marketing Status
David Young, President, Responsible for Product Development, Takes on Role of CLEC Carrier and Client Consultant (OTCBB: ETLC), a diversified merchant services company, today announced that the Company is transitioning from the developmental stage and is focusing its efforts on national marketing of its traditional and alternative Version 2.0 payment products.

In line with this transition, the Company concurrently announced that David Young, responsible for product development, has resigned from his position as President and will remain with the Company as a consultant interacting with billing aggregators, clients and eTelcharge's technical team.

"Version 2.0 of the Alternative Payment System is complete, and thus, I have completed my day-to-day role in bringing this product from development to completion. Each merchant will now work directly with the eTelcharge technical team and the billing aggregator to bring the payment system up and to consumers. I am personally delighted with the Company's progress and remain committed to assisting in a more appropriate capacity to allow for seamless integration," Young concluded.

"Our focus is now completely on marketing the product on a national basis. With the pending merger with the American Home Market Corporation expected in approximately six weeks pending shareholder and SEC approval, we will significantly benefit from their established, seasoned marketing team. Our goal now is to enlist merchants and garner revenues," stated Carl Sherman, CEO

33 Postings, 6831 Tage tobaccoTief erreicht?? Was geht bei Ethel?? o. T.

18.09.06 18:50

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...+34% up - nur wegen neuem internetauftritt?

29.09.06 06:03

eTelcharge Optimizes Its Web Presence To Fulfill its Consumer and Merchant Interest

DESOTO, TX--(MARKET WIRE)—Thursday, September 28, 2006 -- (OTC BB:ETLC.OB - News),
a diversified merchant services company, today announced that the Company has redesigned its online appearance to convey the look eTelcharge expects to command in the ecommerce and marketing markets.
The new site will feature frequent updates. The change in the Company’s website reflects the current state of transition and movement to strengthen its position in ecommerce and marketing spaces. Interested merchants and online shoppers may sign up now and register free. “It is important that our website reflects the competitive edge the Company has and continues to gain,” stated
Carl Sherman, CEO. “As we move ahead with our long term Company goals,our ecommerce portal must provide the most up-to-date combination of technologies to create a reliable and scalable solution that constantly informs all stakeholders, prospective merchants and registered users,” Carl Sherman,

The redesigned website available via provides an
instant reaction conveying its progressive plan and offers fast, front end
implementation and easily maintained style pages that work on all major


214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...+34% up - und einem netten schreiben des CEO?

29.09.06 06:06
...beides direkt von der homepage:

a vision – to be the leading micro payment option on the Internet. The focus of this
company has not wavered. We remain committed to our vision and refuse to allow any thing or entity to divert us
from this vision. As we embark upon the pre-launch of Version 2.0 of our Alternative Payment System, I deemed
it a most appropriate time discuss our future initiatives, successes and disappointments. Of equal importance is
intensifying the focus of our mission – to eliminate identity theft and fraud online while providing an extremely
viable purchasing option for Internet transactions – charging purchases to a consumer’s telephone bill.
As discussed in recent announcements, the Company has met many milestones, albeit, delayed. We have
regained listing on the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board, signed AT&T as the billing aggregator for targeted areas
of the U.S., completed the technology and applied for a patent relating to VOIP for our Version 2.0 Alternative
payment system, entered the government sector for our traditional payment processing sector and made great
inroads in consummating agreements with online entities that will provide their customers with the upcoming
Version 2.0.
Of great disappointment to me personally and to our shareholders was our inability to keep to timeframes
promised in meeting expectations. This is a serious issue for which I take responsibility and I am addressing as
of the writing of this letter. We are presently implementing policies and procedures that will, we believe, assist in
resolving this issue. As we acknowledge the disappointments we also implore our shareholders to only take into
account press releases legally and publicly disseminated from the Company. Any references on bulletin boards
found in cyberspace or other websites of the like are hearsay and nothing more. eTelcharge has no plans for a
reverse stock split. If the Company had or does make an error, a press release coming directly from the Company
issuing a correction will be issued.
The pre-launch of Version 2.0, expected to occur in the immediate future, is dependent on more than one entity.
Yes, eTelcharge is the initiator of the technology transfer, in addition, merchants must revamp their internal billing
mechanisms and also meet the stringent criteria for billing. Therefore, we will only announce “signed-on”
merchants when the merchant itself and the billing requirements have been satisfied.
We do expect Version 2.0 to revolutionize charges of Internet purchases and to gain national attention, however,
we also recognize that Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day and if it was we would have used their contractors!
The traditional payment system offered by eTelcharge is also gaining recognition of local, state and governmental
agencies and utility providers. We expect continued growth and will announce the signing of these contracts by
location only. The utility providers are inundated with calls from their customers and cannot, in all fairness,
respond to our shareholder base.
In summary, we are here to build value. As CEO of eTelcharge, I am here to set the vision and be accountable
to all our stakeholders. So now, we will move ahead with strict adherence to our new policies, with a strong
corporate partner in AT&T and having learned lessons that have taught us well. eTelcharge does have the
potential to bring us all a solid return on our investment which involves not only money but endurance, and
sustained commitment.
Carl O. Sherman
September 28, 2006

wurde vom makt gut aufgenommen


214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...interessante news von der etlc-homepage....

05.10.06 09:49
...hört sich interessant an:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE to Pre-Launch Version 2.0 Through Downloading of Music
at eTelCharge Store on Company’s New and Enhanced Website-
–Download of Music from Artists Provides Users Option of Charging Purchase to
Their Phone Bill-
DeSoto, Texas – Wednesday, October 4, 2006 –,
(OTCBB:ETLC) a diversified merchant services company, today announced that
it will pre-launch Version 2.0 of its Alternative Payment System, allowing consumers to charge purchases to their home telephone bill, through the Company’s eTelCharge Store, located on the Company’s new and enhanced website.
Due to the rapid growth of digital downloading, eTelCharge will allow consumers,for the first time, to download music of independent artists along with those signed to major labels, such as Universal, to their phone bill. This endeavor willalso allow many artists crippled by a lack of distribution to create national and international exposure.
Industry sources estimate that the worldwide recorded music market was approximately $32 billion in 2004 and the digital music segment of this market represented approximately 1% in 2004 and it is expected to represent approximately 25% in 2009. The emergence of digital music has created
additional outlets such as the purchase of digital music and other sound recordings through mobile phones. Consumers now purchase music in many different formats, including physical formats such as compact disc from traditional music and e-commerce retailers and digital formats through download or
subscription services from online music stores.
Purchase of music in digital format offers many advantages to consumers over compact disc. Online music stores generally offer a larger music selection than
traditional music retailers and also offer the ability to sample all of their digital music selections before purchase; are accessible 24-hours every day; offer the
ability to purchase digital music as a single instead of an entire album; and enable the purchase of music in an easily portable format.
“We believe that this pre-launch, focusing on the download of music, will be a great catalyst for the full deployment for Version 2.0 of our Alternative Payment System and attract large audiences to eTelCharge, that could, in the future, use our services for a host of purchasing options,” stated Carl Sherman, CEO.


214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...mal wieder news von der etlc-homepage....

12.10.06 08:41
...ob gut oder schlecht - wer weiß das:

eTelcharge will not acquire AHM Corporation

-Company to continue operating as a stand-alone public company-

DESOTO, Texas, - October 11, 2006 --, Inc. (the “Company”), (Other
OTC:ETLC), a financial diversified merchant services company, today announced that it has terminated its negotiations to acquire American Home
Market.The Company will instead increase its efforts toward the promotion of its new online store, which will feature signed and independent artist’s music available for downloading to user’s iPods. With the launch of the 2.0 version, users will be able to charge downloads to their telephone bill. The Company has the billing aggregators in place. Additionally, the Company will continue to pursue contracts in the government sector which has the potential to bring the company significant business and bottom-line

...für mich ist die aktie ein kleiner geheimtip - bei überaus bescheidenen zahlen - bis jetzt.


3002 Postings, 7825 Tage RoulettProfiDie Luft ist halt mal raus,der Merger weg

12.10.06 20:27
jetzt kommt es darauf an was sie aus eigener Kraft machen
mal sehen wann sie wieder
-die Tage Gezockt wird-


214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666....die letzten news von der etlc-homepage...

06.12.06 17:23
...nach zwei monaten ohne news gibt es heute extra zum Nikolaus:

eTelcharge Announces New Electronic Communication System – “Beyond the Boardroom”
to Better Effectuate Shareholder Communications
DeSoto, TX – Wednesday, December 6, 2006 – (OTC BB:ETLC.OB – News), a diversified merchant services company, today announced that it has established an electronic video broadcast communication system to help the Company communicate with its shareholders, merchant clients, registered users and strategic partners. The new system will allow the Company and staff to communicate quickly, simply and easily with its valued shareholder base.“The Company is committed to using the system to provide up-to-date Company information to its shareholders on a range of issues.” stated CEO, Carl Sherman. This communications system
can be accessed from the Company’s website at for all stakeholders to view.The new video communication series, “Beyond the Boardroom” can be viewed by clicking on its link from the Company’s homepage.
Concurrently, eTelcharge is developing a video email campaign that may follow each pressrelease and will assist the Company’s position of providing more information related to specificpress releases in the future. “This will allow the Company to provide shareholders with more comprehensive detail that is not always possible to deliver in a press release format,” Sherman added.
The Company’s goal is twofold: to better inform and converse” with our shareholders and to encourage present and future stakeholders to use both systems to share Information. eTelcharge realizes and places considerable importance on effective communication with its shareholders,
market participants, customers, employees, vendors, financiers, creditors other stakeholders in the communities that have placed their faith in us.“We understand that communication is central to investor willprovide full information to ensure that trading in its shares takes place in an efficient, competitive and informed market,” Sherman concluded.
This Communications Strategy contains's approach and commitment to communication and is apart of the Company’s six-point business target plan, as follows:
1. The full integration of the 2.0 version into the billing aggregator’s network.
2. The pre-launch of the 2.0 version with the eTelcharge online store.
3. The official launch of the 2.0 version
4. The continued focus and service acquisition of the G to P market.
5. Targeting and engaging strategic acquisition suitors.
6. Adding value to the current customer offerings.


214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...nun geht er los der zock....

08.12.06 10:30
          §ETLC Company Snapshot
  Jump to ETLC Forum  
  SUBJECT: QualityStocks Daily - Thursday 12/07/06 ( ETLC) previously at $0.02 up 80% at $0.036 with 3,002,275 shares traded. ( ETLC) was highlighted today by Lebed announced yesterday that it has established an electronic video broadcast communication system to help the Company communicate with its shareholders, merchant clients, registered users and strategic partners. The new system will allow the Company and staff to communicate quickly, simply and easily with its valued shareholder base., Inc., a development stage company, offers traditional credit card merchant services, checks, and other existing financial infrastructure in the United States . They also offer the proprietary new online currency that will provide online shoppers the exclusive choice to charge approved transactions to their telephone bill.  Designed to reduce the risk of identity fraud and identity theft by providing an Internet credit option for online shoppers to charge consumer transactions on the Internet. This payment option is a perfect match for the millions of individuals who do not own a credit card. started as the only company with the ability to charge a variety of products to the home phone bill.  Lebed.Biz stated today that "My #3 pick for 2007 is ( ETLC). From the current price of $0.02, ( ETLC) has a chance of becoming one of our biggest percentage gainers of 2007. (ETLC) only has 130 million shares outstanding with 86 million in the float which is nothing for a 2 cent stock. This means the market cap is only $2.6 million, which is pathetic."  ( ETLC) is trading at a 52-week low because of delays in the launch of their service. ( ETLC) is about to launch their service which allows you to make purchases online and have them charged to your home telephone bill. Online merchants will be able to sign up with ( ETLC) to offer the etelcharge payment option on their site."  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...mal wieder news von der etlc-homepage....

15.12.06 13:50
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE and Dallas County To Pilot Test Traditional Merchant Services–Dallas County and eTelcharge to Operate Kiosks Providing Citizens of Dallas Traditional and Alternative Payment Options for County Related Payments-
DeSoto, Texas – Thursday, December 14, 2006 – (OTC BB:ETLC.OB – News), a diversified merchant services company, today announced that Dallas County will pilot test the Company’s uniquetraditional merchant services utilizing kiosks in county buildings. The County is also considering the Alternative Payment System (Version 2.0) to assist in citizens in preventing Internet Fraud and provide a viable payment option.
With over $78 million spent per annum by citizens, paying property taxes, seeking copies of their birth certificates through the Office of Vital Records, parking tickets,
through the Department of Finance and other small transactions, eTelcharge is working with the County on building an on-site payment infrastructure.
The Company plans to, with the County, provide kiosks in county buildings that citizens can easily visit to quickly obtain and or rectify the abovementioned issues.
Lisa Hembry, the Dallas Country Treasurer, stated, “It is of the utmost importance to the County of Dallas to provide our constituents with efficient and fraud-free alternatives in
order for them to resolve outstanding issues and/or purchase vital items with complete confidence. After an exhaustive assessment of eTelcharge’s proposition we have
chosen to pilot test this critical project with eTelcharge.”
“We are honored to be working with the County of Dallas and their population of approximately 2,305,454 people. We hope to expand these types of service options to counties and cities nationally,” stated Carl Sherman, CEO.

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...endlich Umsatz!?!?...

20.12.06 14:34
ETELCHARGE.COM INC Signs Letter of Intent With MobydoM
Efficient Payment Option Technology Streamlines Multi-Billion Parking Revenue Industry

DESOTO, TX, Dec 19, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --, Inc. (OTCBB: ETLC) (, a financial diversified merchant services company, announced today that the Company has signed a letter of intent with MobydoM Ltd., creators of an advanced parking management system based in Israel.

As cities struggle to manage the multi-billion parking industry that ranges from building parking structures to collecting fees, MobydoM provides technology to effectuate seamless and cost-effective transactions.

MobydoM and eTelcharge will partner to create an innovative and efficient payment option, based on MobydoM's US patented technology and eTelcharge's host of payment systems to fully integrate the system for municipalities nationwide. The signed letter of intent (non-binding) will allow eTelcharge exclusivity to provide the billing of parking services in Texas and California.

The MobydoM/eTelcharge Solution

Better For Drivers - Best for Parking Providers

Parking consumers will activate a new account with eTelcharge by placing a simple phone call. Once the account is activated, the consumer can park, pay with his cell phone, and the charges will be billed monthly. Securing funds for the municipality and providing the ease of this payment option for consumers can be an explosive combination.

This easy parking payment method -- no searching purse or pocket for change, no running to the pre-pay machine when your time's run out -- charges drivers only for the time they actually parked. Drivers are billed monthly.

For the municipality this solution helps maximize parking payment while simplifying the collection processes itself. It significantly reduces fines -- and the expensive process of trying to collect fine payment. And it also helps the ongoing move towards more efficient, technology-backed services.

"This is a win-win situation for all," stated eTelcharge's CEO Carl Sherman. "With such consumer and provider benefits our company feels sure that this solution will be readily adopted by the marketplace."

"This joint venture represents a great strategic move aligning ModydoM with a strategic partner like eTelcharge," MobydoM CEO Amos Shattner added. "We are positioning ourselves with key corporations who understand our business model and level of convenience we bring to consumers. eTelcharge understands and demonstrates the same consumer concerns we have. It's a perfect partnership," Shattner concluded.

The implementation of this concept is believed to be the first of its kind in Texas and California.

About (OTCBB: ETLC) offers the traditional credit card merchant services, checks and other existing financial infrastructure offered by banks, as well as the proprietary new online currency that provides online shoppers the exclusive choice to charge purchases to their telephone bill. Designed to reduce the risk of identity fraud and identity theft by providing an Internet credit option for online shoppers to charge a number of items sold over the Internet. This payment option is a perfect match for the 70 million Americans who do not own a credit card. started as the only company with the ability to charge a variety of products to the home phone bill. Clearly, past electronic commerce solutions have not employed effective security and privacy techniques that adequately address consumer concerns about privacy and security on the Internet today. The release of the latest version of the proprietary phone billing option is scheduled to be launched soon. For more information, go to

About MobydoM

MobydoM is a leading global provider of innovative business solutions that modernize the parking processes and enable all drivers to manage easily their parking needs. MobydoM's innovative solutions are recognized for their ability to reduce the cost related with parking management (operator's side) and increase the driver's satisfaction level with its easy to use mobile interface. The company is located in Israel and its major markets are in Europe and in the USA. For more information, go to

This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The statements involve a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause, Inc. and actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein. These include its historical lack of profitability, limited working capital, the need for additional capital, end-use customers' acceptance of new products and actual demand, the need for, Inc. to manage its growth, and other risks

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...letter vom ceo....

02.01.07 10:32
January 2007
Dear Fellow Shareholders:
eTelcharge became the first company to bill for exclusive products to the phone bill by
understanding that progress is the sum of the little things we do every day to improve the
lives of our customers and the position of our company. Providing premier service,
understanding the level of commitment needed to prosper, and conducting business with
integrity and honor – especially during challenging times – is critical to our continued
Our goal is not to change the world overnight, but to focus on creating long-term value,
strive to provide great service, and to make progress every day. This will take potential,
persistence and patience. With challenging economic conditions, throughout the years,
we have continued to make strides and improvements in our business through expansion
of services and product development. That stated, customer satisfaction and retention
continue its moderate upward trend of the past eighteen months. On the cusp of reaching
profitability, we expect continued growth in revenue from our focus on the G to P
(government to people) market. To ensure this progress, management has focused on
improving our customer base with government accounts as reported.
The 2.0 version has experienced delays and ultimately missed launch dates. In an effort
to insure a more certain deliverable date for launch, we have executed a new agreement
with AT&T. These and other efficiency moves, as well as, continuing product
development have resulted in significant improvements. As a result, we will be able to
roll out the 2.0 version with a remarkable discount rate as low as 2.25% up to 4% plus .25
cents per transaction compared to the pricing of our 1.0 version of 8% -10% and .50 cents
per transaction. Certainly, with a more attractive cost proposition for prospective
merchants, we offer a viable payment option, as a different kind of merchant service
Our stock performance unfortunately reflects the markets uncertainty about our
company’s direction and 2.0 future product launch date. Our continued focus will be to
demonstrate our belief in the growth potential of our 2.0 version – while addressing the
fastest growing crimes of the Century (Identity theft and Identity fraud) into shareholder
value. We must remain steadfast in our focus on long-term value. The strength of our
value lies in our ability to provide a real solution for this real market challenge. We
remain determined and focused on creating sustained value and we believe the market
will reward this determination and focus in the near future. We believe this value will be
achieved and maintained through the execution of our six-point plan, as follows.
1. The full integration of the 2.0 version into the billing aggregator’s network.
2. The pre-launch of the 2.0 version with the eTelcharge online store.
3. The official launch of the 2.0 version
4. The continued focus and service acquisition of the G to P market.
5. Targeting and engaging strategic acquisition suitors.
6. Adding value to the current customer offerings.
We’re making progress daily. We will continue to demonstrate our resolve to achieve
our mission through our current business model to become the preferred micro payment
option on the Internet.
Carl O. Sherman
President & CEO  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666....schöner kursverlauf....

13.08.07 13:53 den letzten wochen.

durch den neuen ceo howe wird das ding ganz gut abgehen....'s Howe Appointed Chairman
Former Chairman, Carl Sherman, Resigns

DESOTO, TX, Jul 02, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- (OTCBB: ETLC), a diversified merchant services company, today announced that Rob Howe has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective July 31, 2007.

Mr. Howe joined eTelcharge June 4, 2007 as President and CEO. "I am honored and excited to be elected to the chairmanship. I have begun making the changes necessary to get eTelcharge moving ahead. I look forward to this significant additional challenge," Howe said. Former Chairman, Carl Sherman, tendered his resignation at the board meeting on June 21. "The board is grateful for all the contributions Mr. Sherman made both as a founder and as an executive with the company. We wish him well in his new endeavors," Howe said.

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...schöner gedankengang uas dem rb-forum....

13.08.07 15:22
Here's my vision:

I could be way off, but thinking through how this would all need to work:

- Primary user is an ATT customer.
- Retailers have to join to get an icon on their site.
- User sees icon on retailer site; goes to ETLC to sign up to get a password (similar to PayPal), then gets redirected back to buy item.
- In the process, ATT would have to verify the person as a valid ATT phone customer--and to sign up with ATT, you probably had to give your SSN and credit info--so this is the trick pony--your credit is already verified through ATT. You get a credit limit to charge to your phone bill.
- Item cost gets posted on phone bill.
- ETLC gets a fee for the transaction similar to credit card fee.

So when does this get significant? When very large retailers sign up, or perhaps Compusa, Dell, Paypal or Google. I'm guessing they will watch to see how this plays first. There will be fraud, etc.--there always is. The key is how the security of checking your phone number and making sure that it is you with that phone number that orders the item. I haven't figured that one out yet, but supposedly that's the key part of release 2, that will make all this work.

Again, a person like Howe would not sign up, unless he thinks this is going to work. We are not in Kansas anymore. Howe was a SVP at several companies. He's young enough to carry this through, and his connections are so far beyond Sherman's it's quite remarkable. ETLC is moving into a whole different league of players. When you read his bio below, you'll note the word "billions" several times.

This from a recent press release:;

"Mr. Howe, 60, is an experienced industry veteran who comes to eTelcharge with a remarkable track record. Howe was responsible for $2 billion in revenue in the Sales, Marketing and Service organizations at Dell North America. Howe created and established the worldwide DellWare business, launched in the US in August of 1992, generating gross revenue in excess of $160 million in its first year. He created the DellWare model which revolutionized the physical distribution of software and peripherals for computer manufacturers. While at AT&T GIS, Howe established 2,500 retail facings for the AT&T Globalyst PC worldwide, while building to a $2.5 billion annual run rate. Additionally, he turned around the ailing CompUSA in-house PC business (CompUSA PC) which was sold as a part of the sale of CompUSA in 2000."

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666news von der homepage

04.09.07 15:24
...lesen, verstehen, kaufen, zurücklehnen und geniessen

To: All Etelcharge Shareholders
From: Rob Howe, Chairman & CEO
Re: State of the Company
Date: 09-04-07

Dear Shareholders:
I want to thank all of you for your belief in Etelcharge and our prospects for the future. It is only with your support that the company can prosper. I am ever mindful of your investment in our business, and your desire for a significant return on those investments.When I joined Etelcharge in June of this year, I found a company that was stalled, demoralized and rudderless. In my first thirty days, I focused on our processes and procedures, with satisfactorily completing the delinquent SEC filings from Q-1, and with nailing down the exact status of our development efforts and our merchant services business.Our New Online Payment ApplicationI concluded that we needed the services of an outside expert in the evaluation of eTelcharge’s development program, and I brought in James (Toby) Wilson for a short-term consulting project for that purpose. Following his evaluations, I hired Toby full time as our Sr. VP of Technology to initially focus on the development of our new payment system. I am happy to report that Toby has made significant progress. Under Toby’s leadership, our new payment application will release this month. Built on a technology platform that is entirely new and different from anything Etelcharge has used previously, our new payment system will be extremely scalable and flexible.
Importantly, our new technology meets the Payment Card Industry security standard (PCI/DSS

1.1). We will complete our new online way to pay system this month on time at quality. Let me repeat, our new payment system is entirely new technology based on a totally different platform
than anything Etelcharge has had previously. It is revolutionary, breakthrough and highly scalable.
Our company’s technology has vaulted forward.

I have also been focused on the company’s state of compliance with SEC regulations. Our Q-2 filings were completed within the prescribed time limits without the need for an extension. While
this sounds like no great achievement—it is, after all, what we expect—I would point out that this illustrates a change in our culture. We are focused on execution.

AT&T Strategic Relationship
We continue to invest great effort and resources in our relationship with AT&T. We have recently concluded status meetings with AT&T. I can say unequivocally that our relationship is solid, on track and moving forward to both our satisfactions. Toby Wilson’s team is tightly coupled with the internal requirements of AT&T, and we are managing our way toward a successful launch on both sides. Because the AT&T relationship is of such great importance to us, it demands a daily focus, and that is what it gets.

Finance Organization
I am also pleased to report that the company has engaged Robyn Gatch-Priest, CPA, as a consultant to manage our finance organization starting today. Robyn has a distinguished
background, having previously served as a finance executive in public companies. She is a former VP of Finance and Assistant Treasurer at CompUSA corporate. She has also been a CFO. Robyn
injects solid business discipline and strict business control procedures into our operations. Her background and experience in the detailed specifics of retail finance and online merchant sales will also provide invaluable guidance to our development team as they complete the order and transaction audit processes and procedures of our payment system. Experience, expertise,
professionalism—we’re fortunate to have Robyn on our team.

Business Development
A significant portion of my attention is now focused on developing strategic and transactional relationships that will yield great growth in our membership and a critical mass of merchants who offer our payment option at checkout. To this end, I am recruiting a Sr. VP of Business Development who will head that effort full-time with great energy and focus. I am in the processof interviewing a short list of experienced candidates and will be selecting one soon. Upon the signing of these new team members, I will have completed the initial phase of building out my management team. With these team members, together with the consultants we have working in our behalf in Investor Relations, we now have assembled considerable executivebandwidth for the growth ahead.

We are embarking on a major promotional campaign in three areas:
1. Membership Development
2. Merchant Development
3. Corporate Investor/Public Relations
a. Fall Roadshow

Each of these areas, while having distinct goals, will work in concert with the others. I expect success in all three of these endeavors. I will keep you apprised of developments as they unfold.

I want you to know that I am passionate about and steadfast in my commitment to Etelcharge. Our challenges are great, but only because they are significant. Our vision for a worldwide online
payment system with a concomitant social networking component that does not rely on a buyer’s ability to use a credit card or even a bank account is a significant vision. As the way the world purchases online is changing rapidly;

Etelcharge is now on the leading edge of that change. As I have discussions with the leaders of companies in the online merchant community and in the telecom community, I am struck by the enthusiasm with which they embrace our concept. We are truly onto something big, and we will do all in our power to realize the promise of our vision. I will be going on the road this fall, speaking and presenting our story to the investment community and the merchant community to build the credibility of our company and spread the word about Etelcharge. In that effort, I am acutely aware that I represent you as well.

Finally, I challenge each of you to match my commitment to Etelcharge with an equal one of your own. Invigorate your passion for the Etelcharge vision. Encourage others about Etelcharge and our promise for the future. Continue to be engaged with us, as we surge forward into this new, exciting era.

With my best personal regards,
Rob Howe
Chairman & CEO, Inc.
ETLC Members
Online Merchants
Investor Relations ETLC

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...good news zum ersten...

10.09.07 19:20 Launches Enhanced Website

Company's Renaissance and Image Reflects Upcoming Launch of the New Online Way to Pay

DESOTO, TX, Sep 06, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- (OTCBB: ETLC), the new online way to pay, today announced that the Company has launched an enhanced website,, that reflects the new image and the company's renaissance under new management.
"Our execution has allowed us to move forward with great momentum. The emblem of that momentum is our new look -- new logo, new type treatments, new image for our business. We chose to reveal the change on our website. As we approach our launch, we will add additional functionality to our website that will be a great source for investors, consumers and merchants," stated Rob Howe, CEO and Chairman.  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666....und zum zweiten...

10.09.07 19:21
...howe baut sich seinen personalstamm von compusa auf: Brings on Top Finance Executive
Chairman and CEO, Howe, Adds to His Team

DESOTO, TX, Sep 10, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- (OTCBB: ETLC), the new online way to pay, Chairman and CEO Rob Howe today announced that the Company has hired Robyn Gatch-Priest to head its finance organization. Gatch-Priest, formerly a Vice President and Assistant Treasurer of CompUSA corporate, joins the company as a consultant.

"Robyn has a distinguished background, having previously served as a finance executive in public companies. She has also been a CFO. Robyn injects solid business discipline and strict business control procedures into our operations. Her background and experience in the detailed specifics of retail finance and online merchant sales will also provide invaluable guidance to our development team as they complete the order and transaction audit processes and procedures of our payment system. Experience, expertise, professionalism -- we're fortunate to have Robyn on our team," Howe said. nem eingespielten team wird es einfach schneller gehen!

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...howe legt fürs wochenende schwer einen drauf:

05.10.07 14:06

E Telcharge Com Inc
Etelcharge Launches Campaign to Add Merchants and Members for "New Online Way to Pay(TM)"
Howe Concurrently Launches Road Show Targeting Members of the Investment Community

DESOTO, TX, Oct 05, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Etelcharge (OTCBB: ETLC) today announced that following last week's successful launch of Etelcharge's New Online Way to Pay(TM) which enables Etelcharge members who have AT&T landline service in Etelcharge's market area, to make online purchases and bill them to their home phone bill today, announced today that the Company is launching a major membership and merchant campaign along with an aggressive investor awareness program.

Rob Howe, CEO and Chairman, is also commencing a national road show. "Now that we have successfully launched, it's time to build our member base, our merchant base and get our story out. We're launching a hard-hitting consumer-focused membership drive, and we're focusing on hitting the top 500 merchants to join Etelcharge in order for them to obtain their fair share of our member's purchasing power. We are on the path to accelerating revenue generation while taking the opportunity to get on the road and tell our story to the investment community," Howe stated.

Howe explained the consumer-focused membership campaign and the merchant campaign go hand-in-hand. "We're on a mission to build a portfolio of the top merchants in electronic downloading and other services which fit right in the center of our community of online purchasers' interests. Our growing membership will represent a huge uptick in revenue potential for these merchants. $60 a month in purchasing power per member coming out of the chute is $60 more than these merchants have been getting from this enormous group of consumers. You can move a lot of digital content for that number. The potential aggregate dollars are considerable. Etelcharge's value proposition for merchants is that we bring this huge potential market of purchasing that, until today, was not available to them," Howe continued.

"That is why we've built the hooks into our online payment system to make it flexible enough for a merchant to join us no matter what architecture they use in their shopping carts. Part of the brilliance of Etelcharge's payment solution is our ability to integrate a merchant quickly. Being able to target members of the investment and merchant community as we travel is our goal," Howe concluded.

Howe will be presenting at the Small Cap Discovery Conference in NY October 24th and meeting with the investment community while there. Howe also plans to attend the JM Dutton Conference in November and the RedChip Review Conference in Phoenix in January, among many. Howe just completed a very successful trip to California, meeting with potential new merchants. Concurrently, the company is initiating an advertising campaign to reach major markets whose goal is two-fold: attracting additional members and garnering awareness among potential "blue ribbon" merchants. sieht, dass er ein alter hase und vollprofi ist. denke viel zeit bleibt nicht mehr, um so günstig einzusteigen. spätestens wenn einige grosskunden bekanntgegeben werden, fliegt das teil uns um die ohren.

euer goodman666  

214 Postings, 6695 Tage goodman666...zum wiederholten mal im moneytv, kontinuität ist gegeben:

05.10.07 14:14

E Telcharge Com Inc
MoneyTV, Week of 10/5
LOS ANGELES, CA, Oct 05, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

MoneyTV is the nationally syndicated television program all about money and what makes it happen (, featuring informative interviews by hosts Donald Baillargeon and Skip Lindeman with company CEOs, providing insights into their operations and outlooks for their futures.

Free information packages from the featured companies can be requested by sending an email to

The television program can also be viewed online immediately at

Featured companies on this week's program include:

Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc. (OTCBB: SPNG) President Michael Metter spoke of the company's patented sponge products which deliver soaps and waxes, but do not absorb dirt or bacteria. The company is offering a free sponge offer to MoneyTV viewers who visit

Cord Blood America, Inc. (OTCBB: CBAI) CEO Matthew Schissler announced further acquisition activity by the company. (OTCBB: ETLC) CEO Rob Howe announced the launch of their new product and a "road show" tour he will undertake to introduce the company and its business model.

HearUSA, Inc. (AMEX: EAR) Chairman Dr. Paul Brown discussed the details of the company's recent funding amendments with Siemens.

Indymac Bank's Mortgage Minute Guy Roger Schlesinger announced Fannie and Freddie Mac will be raising their loan limits, which he predicted may go as high as $500,000 to $600,000.

Healthsonix, Inc. announced a major contract with Abbott Pharmaceuticals.

Viewers of MoneyTV can receive free information in the mail about featured companies by calling the toll-free phone number on their TV screen. The weekly television program debuted in 1996 and is broadcast nationally in the USA to 70 million U.S. homes on Saturdays at 11:00 AM ET, Sundays at 8:30 AM PT, 8:30 AM ET, 9:30 AM ET, 3:30 PM ET and Mondays at 6:30 PM ET.

MoneyTV is broadcast to 45 million TV homes in Western Europe, Wednesdays at 5:00 PM.

MoneyTV is also broadcast on UPN-TV in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sundays at 8:00 AM.

MoneyTV is also available in Thailand on the Broad TV Network.

A complete menu of TV listings is available at the MoneyTV web site,

MoneyTV television program, Copyright MMVII, all rights reserved. MoneyTV does not provide an analysis of companies' financial positions and is not soliciting to purchase or sell securities of the companies, nor are we offering a recommendation of featured companies or their stocks. Information discussed herein has been provided by the companies and should be verified independently with the companies and a securities analyst. MoneyTV provides companies a 3 to 4 month corporate profile with multiple appearances for a cash fee of $11,500.00 to $17,250.00, does not accept company stock as payment for services, does not hold any positions, options or warrants in featured companies. The information herein is not an endorsement by the hosts Donald Baillargeon and Skip Lindeman, the producers, publisher or parent company of MoneyTV

enjoy your weekend

euer goodman666  

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