Diese Aktie kaufen oder umgehen ?
Denn soviel Selbstkritik hätte ich ihm nicht zugetraut, ob er diese Aussage aus dem verlinkten Beitrag trotz dem ganzen Shortselling heute immer noch so posten würde, wage ich zu bezweifeln !!
Zitat aus dem Link :
Zumindest heute kein Renner
03.11.09 18:01
aber dann kann man ja auch eher nachkaufen.
Oder hat jemand von Euch das Haar in der Suppe gefunden, nach dem ich suche, weil die Aktie meines Erachtens unverschämt billig ist?
Zum Verständnis solllte man folgendes wissen: Als unverschämt billig bezeichnete er damals einen Kurs von ca. 5,5$.
Davon ausgehend müsste Local.com nun ja gradezu pervers billig sein, aber trotzdem kauft kaum keiner in good old germany, liegt es nun an Libuda oder daran das dieses Geschäftsmodell von Local.com nicht taugt ?
Local.com ist nicht mehr viel entfernt vom Allzeittief, wieviel haben diejenigen verloren, welche auf Libuda gehört haben ?
Fragt ihn doch mal bitte....
Und das alles mit einer Vervielfachungschance von der die gebeutelten My Hammer nur träumen können, obwohl "Local" das Zukunftsthema schlechthin ist.
Cash Flow From Operating Activities knapp positiv
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities increased $326,000 in the first 9 month of 2013: 1,441,000 - 2,172,000 + 1,057,000
View: Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013
Net Income (1,744) (3,586) (3,353)
Operating Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Depreciation 1,163 1,302 1,267
Adjustments To Net Income 1,449 3,484 1,261
Changes In Accounts Receivables (1,653) (3,156) (42)
Changes In Liabilities 1,885 167 2,293
Changes In Other Operating Activities 341 (383) (369)
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,441 (2,172) 1,057
Die Frage ist: Kann man damit die Kosten decken? Mit den bisherigen Kostenstrukturen nicht - wenn alles eine Nummer kleiner und weniger großspurig abläuft vielleicht.
Letzte Kurse
Handelsplatz (?)
letzte Stk.
0,41 €
0,43 €
0,41 - 0,43
0,39 €
0,40 €
0,39 - 0,401
0,39 €
0,44 €
0,39 - 0,40
0,398 €
0,41 €
0,398 - 0,40
wenn sie Börsentechnisch nur die Kurve kriegen würden
am besten die B-Partner Gebühren abschaffen
dafür 10% bei Auftragsvergabe
For example: Yelp has only the 2.6-fold revenues of Local Corp, but with 4.23 billion the 113-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 37.3 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasten.
Local Corp., the company that connects consumers with all local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13.
Yelp Inc., the company that connects consumers with great local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013.
• Sequential revenue growth up 11.3% to $61.2 million in Q3-13 from $55.0 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA for the third quarter of 2013 was approximately $8.1 million.
Yelp: Ist mit seinen Produkt-Bewertungen einigermaßen erfolgreich, ohne allerdings bisher die Gewinnzone erreicht zu haben, aber extrem absurd überbewertet wie es kaum ein Wert zur Zeit des Neuen Marktes war - meines Erachtens das Werk von Inkubatoren, die abkassieren wollen.
My Hammer: Wurde trotz guter Chancen von unfähigen Vorständen weitgehend gekillt. Ob es da eine Wiederauferstehung nach einem Fast-Tod gibt, lässt sich nur schwer beurteilen.
Local Corp: Hat sich aufgrund exzellenter Führung und einer exzellenten Technologie- und Patent-Basis immer wieder neu erfinden können und bietet mit einem extrem niedrigen Umsatz-Multiple von 0,4 nach meiner Auffassung eine Verzehnfachungschance, was die vielen kleinen manipulierten nackten Shortseller, die sich verzockt haben dürften, nach meiner Einschätzung in den Wahnsinn treiben dürfte.
Havvit: New Local Product-Inventory App from Local Corp - Monday, December 16, 2013 (Screenwerk)
Local Corp. has released Havvit, a local-shopping app that leverages the Krillion data and infrastructure that it acquired a couple of years ago. The company intends the app to be a stand-alone consumer experience as well as a “showcase” of what can be done with its data.
I found Havvit overall to be a well designed and visually appealing app, though less complete in several respects than Find&Save. The latter is cross platform and has additional features not present in Havvit. However the two are not strictly competitors, Local/Krillion could supply data to Find&Save.
Like Find&Save, Havvit can be customized (follow stores and product categories) and equally supports e-commerce. In addition it has a useful product price-tracking capability not present in Find&Save. But like Find&Save, Havvit doesn’t have product reviews. Krillion product lead (former Krillion CEO) Sherry Thomas-Zon says that reviews are definitely on the roadmap.
And that all for a market-cap of 37 million of Local Corp.
From the first three quarters of 2013 were reported from positive EBIDA's and Q4/2013 will be positive, too
Q1: 0.6 million (reported)
Q2: 1.2 million (reported)
Q3: 1.3 million (reported)
Q4/2013: 1.4 million (result of the guidance of 4.5 million positive EBITDA in 2013)
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities increased $326,000 in the first 9 month of 2013: 1,441,000 - 2,172,000 + 1,057,000
View: Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013
Net Income (1,744) (3,586) (3,353)
Operating Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Depreciation 1,163 1,302 1,267
Adjustments To Net Income 1,449 3,484 1,261
Changes In Accounts Receivables (1,653) (3,156) (42)
Changes In Liabilities 1,885 167 2,293
Changes In Other Operating Activities 341 (383) (369)
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,441 (2,172) 1,057 Less
Steady increase of revenues during 2013 will continue in 2014:
Revenues in 2013
Q1/2013: 21.8 million (reported)
Q2/2013: 22.7 million (reported)
Q3/2013: 23.5 million (reported)
Q4/2013: 27.0 million (result of the last guidance of 95 million, if you subtract from this 95 million the revenues of Q1 - Q3).
Local Corps Krillion Closes 2013 With A Bang
BIA Kelsey
Local Corp. Focuses on National Retail with New Shopping App.
By: Rebecca Weingartner 24 December 2013
Local Corp."s Krillion has spent the last year and a half expanding its platform for local network and as a result, successfully launched its new Havvit app two weeks ago. Krillion is the localization engine that provides aggregated and structured local product shopping data to Local Corp."s business customers and channel partners. Local Corp. recognizes the need to transform itself into a mobile-local company and the Havvit app is a step toward that objective.
The Havvit App is designed to help consumers track items they are looking to purchase at all of their favorite stores. They are able to check what other stores are carrying the product they are looking for and compare prices. The app also does not have to be open to work so it is on the lookout for the best prices all the time and it has a GPS feature to help customers get to the stores that have the product they are looking for. The app can also be customized so that consumers can select which stores to follow.
National retailers are taking local much more seriously than they have in previous years. Krillion is able to provide help on the demand side and the direct response side. “We are working on test campaigns with very tight geo-fencing and testing the transition from mobile to in store,” Thomas-Zon said.
für ca 2000 € monatlich bin ich ehrenamtlich zu buchen
der Kurs könnte stark steigen :-)
Klopfe doch einfach ein paar forsche Sprüche, dann verfünfzigt vielleicht Herr Holtzbrink Dein Gehalt. Und fast hätte ich vergessen, natürlich musst Du auch dem DER AKTIONÄR noch ein Interview geben.