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1420 Postings, 5375 Tage madoldAbcourt Mines Inc

03.12.11 00:19
Mächtige insitu-Werte (in schrecklicher Aufmachung). Lest Euch mal rein, sobald die Eldermine leergepumpt ist (Wiederinbetriebnahme), sollte es losgehen mit der Förderung / Produktion. Guter Hebel, schlechte Kommunikation (IR). Ich hab mir vor einiger Zeit ein paar zugelegt, als Inventash Sheldon (Pinetree) eingestiegen ist. In Kanada guter Handel, in Deutschland "Null". Was ist Eure Meinung? Gruß, M.


8584 Postings, 8568 Tage Rheumax@DasMünz - Cobar

03.12.11 17:36
AUD 31,87/oz find ich nicht so übel, auch wenn dadurch ein bischen Phantasie rausgeht.  

1420 Postings, 5375 Tage madoldAurcana läuft bereits wieder ...

09.12.11 23:14
... während die Welt noch die EU-Gipfel-Resultate zu bewerten versucht. Wenn am Freitag in der letzten Handelstunde ein so deutlicher Anstieg zu sehen ist, dann ist das kaum ein Zufall. Short-Covering? Oder kommen News in der nächsten Woche?  
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1420 Postings, 5375 Tage madoldAbcourt Mines Inc. Spike wie 2006 denkbar ...

09.12.11 23:51
Momentan dümpelt Abcourt bei 0,085 CAN, 2006 gab es einen Spike auf fast 1,4 CAN. Warum sollte ein ähnlicher Massivanstieg unter bestimmten Rahmenbedingungen (AT-Silberhoch 2012, Übernahmeangebot ...) nicht nochmals möglich sein?  
Angehängte Grafik:
abcourt-mines_spike2006.png (verkleinert auf 80%) vergrößern

713 Postings, 5323 Tage black.jack@madold

10.12.11 01:31
ich finde aurcana auch sehr interessant. überlege schon länger da einzusteigen.
das einzige was mich stört sind die vielen warrants. weiß jmd hier genaueres zu??

auszug von http://www.aurcana.com/s/ShareStructure.asp

"Warrants 123,474,563
16-May-11   195,379  $0.30
16-May-11 2,116,251 $0.35
2-Mar-13           300,000 $0.35
30-Jun-13        4,785,000 $0.40
30-Jun-13            53,640 $0.35
7-Dec-12      12,805,402 $0.41
7-Dec-12        6,402,701 $0.41
7-Dec-12           42,000      $0.41
7-Dec-13      96,774,190 $0.41"
gruß black.jack  

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünz@black.jack

10.12.11 13:14
Ich denke Aurcana ist das beste was man im Bereich Silberproduzenten haben kann, weil sie die einzigen sind die einen großen Sprung bei der Produktion machen.

gruß DasMünz  

1724 Postings, 5349 Tage Arriba1mal nebenbei

10.12.11 23:48
wie lange kennst du kalle  ?

magst du mir noch was dazu sagen ?  

1420 Postings, 5375 Tage madoldAUN entdeckt neue Silbermineralisierung ...

13.12.11 21:16
Aurcana Discovers New Silver Mineralization at Depth at La Negra Mine

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- 12/13/11 -- Aurcana Corporation is pleased to announce that underground drilling at the La Negra Silver-Copper-Lead-Zinc Mine, located in Querataro State, Mexico, has intersected new deeper mineralization below the 1920 m level of the mine. This is the first time Aurcana has indentified significant amounts of mineralization at this depth.

Strong silver and copper values were encountered in holes IBX-02, 03, 04, 06, and 07 with the highest grade values ranging from 120/t Ag to 405gm/t/Ag and 1.18% Cu to 3.12% Cu.

The La Negra deposits are characterized by chimney and manto style deposits in skarn zones formed near the contact of limestone units and a large intrusive body.

One of Aurcana's key objectives at La Negra is to continue replacing and expanding the ore resources through a combination of underground drilling and development. Ten holes were drilled from four locations to trace the strike and dip extents of several moderately dipping, well mineralized beds (mantos) in the Breccia Norte Zone.


1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzJahrestief beim GDXJ, so ein sch...

14.12.11 17:39
2011 ist echt grausig, muss 2012 wieder besser werden.


GCU unter 2$........Untergang voraus  

8584 Postings, 8568 Tage RheumaxDie Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

15.12.11 15:34
Nachdem der Goldkurs aus dem Aufwärtstrendkanal raus ist, kann es auch noch grausamer werden..
An diesen chinesischen Wirtschaftsguru, der für nächstes Jahr eine Halbierung des Goldpreises vorhersagt, will ich lieber gar nicht denken.
Ist jetzt schon alles grausig genug..  

1420 Postings, 5375 Tage madoldAbcourt Mines erwirbt 80 neue Claims

18.12.11 01:49
Galahad Metals Inc. ("Galahad") CA:GAX +12.50%  is pleased to announce the successful completion of its agreement regarding the sale of 80 claims, called the Barville claims, located in Landrienne and Barraute Townships to Abcourt Mines Inc. ("Abcourt"), for a consideration of $25,000 in cash and 500,000 shares of Abcourt.


1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzTSX:REG 54.5 metres 3.79% Cu Eq or 7.58 g/t Au Eq

18.12.11 12:41
Ist eine 50/50 joint venture, deshalb steigen beide

Regulus Discovers New Gold-Rich, High-Grade Copper-Gold Zone at Rio Grande
257.2 metres with 0.53% Cu, 1.20 g/t Au, and 1.59 g/t Ag (1.19% Cu Eq or 2.39 g/t Au Eq) including 54.5 metres with 1.34% Cu, 4.52 g/t Au and 2.68 g/t Ag (3.79% Cu Eq or 7.58 g/t Au Eq)

@madold:Abcourt Mines kauf ich nie weil die Ressourcen mickrig sind, und die Wachstumsaussichten für relativ schlecht. Klar kann die Eldermine in Betrieb gehen aber 20-25T Oz Gold ist einfach zu klein. Der Gewinn wird sofort durch Explorationskosten aufgefressen.

Wenn überhaupt, Kauf ich IVR zu- nur wegen den tollen High Grades.

Bei Explorern zählt vor allem "Grade is King", egal ob Gold, Kupfer oder Silber.
- zum eine kaufe ich Explorer bei denen ich die Chance sehe, dass eine Große profitable Mine entstehen kann die ein großer Produzent vielleicht aufkaufen könnte (oder wie Extorre selber zu einem großen aufsteigen).  

200 Postings, 4904 Tage luigi79Bonifaz Gold

18.12.11 20:29

Ich will mal einen Wert in die Diskussion einstreuen: Bonifaz Gold. Die haben vor ein paar Tagen 76 g Gold je Tonne gemeldet.


Hat jemand eine Meinung zu der Aktie?


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8584 Postings, 8568 Tage RheumaxBonifaz?

19.12.11 09:07
Hab ich immer für Käse gehalten!

76g/t Au gemeldet:
Da ist von metallurgischen Testergebnissen die Rede, nicht von Drills.
Zu denen würde ja auch zumindest die Angabe von Mächtigkeiten der Mineralisierung gehören und das Bohrloch.
Wie soll man das einordnen?
In der Metallurgie wird doch getestet, wie und mit welchem Anteil sich das Metall am besten erschließen lässt.
Sorry, versteh die Meldung nich..  

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünz@Rheumax: absolut richtig

19.12.11 17:39
Bonifaz ist Käse, absolut dubioser Laden ( lasst bloß die Finger weg).  

8584 Postings, 8568 Tage RheumaxKann man so sehen:

20.12.11 08:59

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzABM Resources NL427m Strike @ 21.85g/t Gold

22.12.11 14:24
das sind doch High Grades

Old Pirate Trenching Extends to 427m Strike @ 21.85g/t Gold
Exploration Update | Drilling Report
Old Pirate Phase 2b Bulk Longitudinal Trenching Results:
Strike length vein sampling includes:
68 metres strike length averaging 25.86g/t Gold
extending overall vein sampling to date to
427 metres strike length averaging 21.85g/t Gold
ABM Resources NL (“ABM” or “The Company”) is pleased to announce results from Phase 2b (125
samples) of the systematic Old Pirate Bulk Sampling and Trenching Program, which is part of the
Company’s Twin Bonanza Gold Camp Project.
* Phase 2b results averaging 20.44g/t gold over a combined vein strike length
of 145 metres (125 samples) with a peak value of 293g/t gold.
* 33 samples (out of 125 Phase 2b samples) graded greater than 10g/t gold and
averaged 66.99g/t gold.
* 8 samples (out of 125 Phase 2b samples) graded greater than 100g/t gold and
averaged 164.88g/t gold.
* Individual veins exposed range from 0.4 to 3 metres in width (averaging 1.0
* Combined Phase 1, 2a, and 2b show overall results of:
o 1,691.4kg surface vein material sampled with a combined total strike
length of 427 metres and a weighted average of 21.85g/t gold.
* Eastern Limb Lodes combine to:
* 248 metres of strike length from 5 overlapping veins averaging
23.96g/t gold including individual veins with:
* 83 metres strike length averaging 56.31g/t gold*
* 68 metres strike length averaging 25.86g/t gold
* 12 metres strike length averaging 115.1g/t gold*
* 30 metres strike length averaging 26.58g/t gold*
* Western Limb Lodes include individual vein lengths:
* 26 metres strike length averaging 21.80g/t gold
* 10 metres strike length averaging 78.28g/t gold*
* 46 metres strike length averaging 10.59g/t gold*
* 25 metres strike length averaging 8.50g/t gold*
(*) Refers to previously reported results which are unchanged with extensions of vein
sampling in Phase 2b.
* A further 419 longitudinal strike length trench samples and 481 costean
samples (across the vein) pending assay and compilation along with
duplicate samples.
Darren Holden, Managing Director said, “The longitudinal surface sampling at Old Pirate continues to
return spectacular grades. Old Pirate is devoid of historic diggings, was missed in the old gold rush days
and likely represents one of the last high grade vein systems discovered outcropping at surface on the
Australian continent. The process of longitudinal sampling is designed to solve the statistical nugget
effect of the coarse and unevenly distributed gold and is providing new insights into the distribution of
gold within the individual veins. In particular the Eastern Limb Lodes are shaping up as a composite
series of stepping veins with considerable strike length and remains open along strike to the north.”
Bulk Trenching at Old Pirate
Figure 1 shows the sample location of the Phase 1 and Phase 2a (refer announcements 13/10/2011,
29/11/2011) and Phase 2b bulk longitudinal (strike-length) trenching at Old Pirate. Phase 2 was split into
two batches for processing at the laboratory. A further 419 samples of Phase 3 and duplicate samples
of all Phases along with 481 cross-trench samples (costeans) are being analysed and compiled. The
statistics of all 125 samples from Phase 2b are shown in Table 1 below. Table 2 shows the combined
statistics from Phases 1, 2a and 2b.
About the Old Pirate High-Grade Gold Prospect
The high grade Old Pirate Gold Prospect is located approximately 1,800 metres from the 1.67 Moz
Buccaneer Porphyry Gold Inferred Resource. Gold at Old Pirate is distributed throughout a series of
quartz veins within interlayered sandstone and shale sedimentary rocks. The veins range from
centimetres to several metres wide and are defined by drilling, surface mapping and trenching over an
area of 600 metres by 250 metres and to a depth of 200 metres within an overall anomalous trend in
excess of 3 kilometres. The veins and sediments are folded into a plunging anticline (an arch shaped
geological structure). In addition a diorite intrusive rock has been emplaced within the sedimentary rocks
and is thought to have been a focus of the mineralising fluids. Previously ABM had contracted
Dr Charles Butt of the CSIRO in Perth to conduct preliminary Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis
work on surface gold samples and Dr Butt concluded that, based on the samples provided, the gold in
the veins is not supergene enriched and is hence primary gold in quartz (refer ASX announcement
Due to the uneven distribution of the gold within the quartz veins, ABM geoscientists focus on the
location and distribution of the actual veins as well as the gold within the veins. Based on the trenching
results to date approximately 27% of the quartz vein samples grade greater than 10g/t gold averaging
71.33g/t gold; and 6% grade greater than 100g/t gold averaging 211.68g/t gold. The overall average of
all trench results to date is 21.85g/t gold.
Rationale and Sampling Method
ABM has previously drilled several high grade intercepts including 9 metres averaging 100.9g/t gold and
5 metres averaging 274g/t gold interspersed with generally lower grade intercepts. The gold can be
coarse (up to 2 to 3mm grains) at Old Pirate and is hosted within quartz veins. However, the distribution
of the gold within these veins is not uniform, and hence drilling will likely under-call the overall grade due
to the fact that there is a less than 1 in 3 chance of intersecting high grade in any particular part of the
vein. Upon advice from external consultants, rigorous and systematic bulk sampling of the quartz along
the strike length of veins at Old Pirate was proposed, of which the on-going work is presented here. This
information, along with statistical parameters and extents of mineralisation, will be used to determine the
minimum drill spacing required for further resource work.
The process for the bulk-trenching program is:
1. Natural outcropping veins are mapped for location and width and sampled at 1 metre intervals.
2. The backhoe digger then digs a trench that exposes those parts of the veins that are hidden
underneath shallow soil cover to provide a combined map of natural outcrop and trench
exposed quartz vein (Figure 1).
3. For each metre of exposed quartz vein (both in natural outcrop and trenched veins) two
representative samples of approximately 3 to 4kg are collected. Quartz is selected
systematically so as not to bias individual samples. One sample is sent to the laboratory with
the remaining sample retained for future checking.
4. The sample width depends on the width of the vein. In cases where the vein width is greater
than 1 metre, multiple samples are collected across the vein.
5. The maximum depth of the trench is 60cm (due to permit regulations, safety considerations and
to minimise environmental impact). If the soil cover is greater than 60cm then sampling does not
take place (refer Figure 1).
6. Samples are processed by ALS Global in Alice Springs (NT), ALS Global in Orange (NSW) and
ALS Global in Perth (WA) where they are weighed and analysed using regular fire assay.
Samples greater than 10g/t are re-assayed using AA25 ore-grade method, and samples
>100g/t are re-assayed using AA25 / Over Limit Dilution method.
7. Overall statistics and spatial distribution for vein strike length and grade are calculated by
measuring sampled portions of vein (including a projection of short lengths (<10 metres) where
the vein is inferred to have extended under cover) and then averaging all of the samples along
the length.
8. Samples were originally surveyed with a hand-held GPS and re-surveyed with a differential
GPS (20cm accuracy).
About the Twin Bonanza Gold Camp
The Twin Bonanza Gold Camp is centred approximately 22 kilometres south of the Tanami Road and 14
kilometres east of the Western Australia – Northern Territory border. The Project spans the highly prospective
“Trans Tanami Structure” an inferred regional / tectonic geological feature which hosts numerous gold deposits
including Newmont’s multi-million ounce Callie Gold Mine. In 2010 ABM focused its effort at Twin Bonanza on the
Old Pirate Prospect – a 3 kilometre anomaly with multiple high-grade zones in quartz veins hosted in sedimentary
rocks and the Buccaneer Porphyry Gold Deposit – an intrusive related bulk tonnage gold deposit where the
Company reported a 1.67Moz gold maiden resource in February 2011. In 2011 ABM has reported several
extensional discoveries around Buccaneer including the Cypress, Caribbean, Empress and Eastern Contact
Zones as well as high grade gold in drilling and trenching at Old Pirate. The Company aims to complete a revised
resource in the first quarter of 2012.
About ABM Resources
ABM is a mineral exploration company focused on gold and gold/copper discovery in the Tanami-Arunta
regions of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Company is one of the largest exploration license /
license application holders in Australia. The Company has an aggressive exploration approach.
Darren Holden – Managing Director  

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzThere's a fire sale taking place in elite goldstoc

22.12.11 16:56

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzJH bei PDG

22.12.11 20:41

Magino Updated PEA: NPV of $939M, Projected Gold Production of 2.6M Ounces, Cash Costs $461(US)/Ounce  

8584 Postings, 8568 Tage RheumaxWünsche Euch allen

23.12.11 11:01
schöne und besinnliche Feiertage und uns allen schon mal ein gutes neues Jahr 2012, auch was die Börsen anbelangt, wenngleich dies gottlob nicht das Wichtigste im Leben ist.


1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzDa kann ich mich nur anschließen

23.12.11 21:24

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzSchaut euch mal NWR an

02.01.12 17:50
329000 Oz. @ 20,7g/t Gold +7300t Antimon

Im Vergleich zu einer Doray ist sie mit ein Bruchteil der MK bewertet.

Produktion soll 2013 starten , PFS Q2 2012


1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzNMG will 150000 Oz. Gold p.a. in Ghana produzieren

11.01.12 18:21

1987 Postings, 6578 Tage DasMünzGetting real about gold and silver

12.01.12 18:07

713 Postings, 5323 Tage black.jackzu aurcana

13.01.12 10:49
von minenportal.de:
"Aurcana Corp. meldet: Silberproduktionsrekord bei La Negra - Mine überschreitet 1 Million Unzen Silber

Aurcana Corporation (TSX-V: AUN; OTCQX: AUNFF) („Aurcana" oder das „Unternehmen") freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass sich die Silberproduktion im vierten Quartal 2011 auf 265.230 Unzen belief – die höchste Produktionsrate eines Quartals in der Geschichte von Aurcana; im vierten Quartal 2010 waren es 251.020 Unzen gewesen. Die Silberproduktion ist von 838.077 Unzen im Jahr 2010 um 20,1 % auf 1.007.256 Unzen im Jahr 2011 gestiegen. Das Silberäquivalent ist von 1.354.315 Unzen im Jahr 2010 um 28,3 % auf 1.737.203 Unzen im Jahr 2011 gestiegen..."

mehr zu den ergebnissen und zum aktuellen stand von shafter hier: http://www.minenportal.de/...ne-ueberschreitet-1-Million-Unzen-Silber

gruß black.jack  

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