Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
...und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Start in das neue Jahr 2015 wünscht Traderevil. ;-)))
ich schließe mich deinen Wünschen für diese Runde voll und ganz an,
... auf das das kommende Jahr für uns so wird,
wie es sich jeder wünscht
und die Ernte in/von BOC für uns alle kommt ...
in diesem Sinne
wurde von P.C. veröffentlicht - oder sehe ich es falsch? - .
... und was hat das zu bedeuten ... das P.C. -BCL- es veröffentlicht ???
- evtl ein kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk ????? -
von mir allen ein frohes Fest
Panguna Copper Mine, Bougainville PNG
Once the largest open cut mine in the world, Panguna was at the centre of the Bougainville conflict after environmental damage and social unrest led to an uprising and a decade-long civil war.
Peace has been maintained since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement in 2001 but local media reports suggest continued local opposition to the mine reopening.
The issues has been further complicated by the passing of the Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Act 2014 by Bougainville’s Parliament which vested Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper with an exploration licence for the area where a mining lease was previously held. While Rio Tinto has responded with an announcement that it will review its stake in BCL, it is unclear what the impact of the legislative changes will be.
BCL, has been working towards the resumption of mining of the giant copper deposit after the mine was closed in 1989 following civil war. It says it will continue to pursue dialogue with landowners in Bougainville to assess the possible reopening of the copper mine.
Bougainville Copper chairman Peter Taylor previously warned both the national and Bougainville governments of BCL’s concerns about the potential adverse impact the new mining act might have on its asset base.
While headlines had documented the passing of the Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Act 2014, Taylor said Bougainville Copper operated under an agreement with the PNG National Government.
“There is no immediate impact,” Taylor said during an interview with PNG Report.
“There has been talk about how that particular bit of legislation sits with the National Government legislation.
“Bougainville Copper operates under the Bougainville Copper agreement, which is a contract between the national government and BCL.
“That contract is enshrined in National Government legislation, which is the Bougainville Copper Agreement Act.
“What actual impact [the Bougainville legislation] will have in the long term really depends on how the relationship between the National Government and the Bougainville government works out.”
Taylor said dialogue would continue with both governments and landowners in an effort to reach agreement on providing the company with the assurance it needs to go forward with community and study programs that are required to further assess the viability of reopening the mine.
BCL received a letter from Bougainville president John Momis in August stating the Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Act 2014 had been passed by Autonomous Bougainville Parliament.
The transitional mining bill transfers powers from the Papua New Guinea government to the Autonomous Bougainville Government before a complete mining law which is expected by early next year.
As a result, when the Bougainville Mining Act begins, section 212(2) will vest Bougainville Copper with an exploration licence for the area where a mining lease was previously held for the Panguna mine.
That exploration licence will give BCL the right to apply for a mining lease under the Bougainville Mining Act, while the grant of a lease will depend on the outcome of negotiations in the Bougainville mineral resource forum.
“Assuming that Bougainville has powers over mining, which was part of the Peace Accord, the only granted tenements on Bougainville were those held by BCL.
“The new legislation gives BCL an exploration licence where it once had a mining lease, and in turn that gives BCL an exclusive right to negotiate the terms and conditions of mining.
“BCL always accepted that the Bougainville Copper Agreement Act would need to be changed at some stage, if not repealed, because it was no longer relevant to the current situation.
“My approach, and my preference, was for the negotiations to be concluded first. In other words, all the parties would agree on what the new arrangements were before the Autonomous Bougainville Parliament legislated. But that hasn’t happened.
“Bougainville has decided to legislate and as far as
BCL is concerned we will continue with negotiations
with all the parties in an effort to get a mutually acceptable agreement which will allow us to reopen the mine.”
Taylor said negotiations were continuing in Bougainville with stakeholders led by a joint negotiating committee which has representatives from the National Government, the Autonomous Bougainville Government, BCL and landowners.
The committee’s brief is to establish an agenda between parties as to whether the mine should reopen or not, and agree terms and conditions if the preference is yes.
“[The legislation] doesn’t change the negotiation
progress,” Taylor said.
“That process is going on.
“My understanding is that if the group comes to the conclusion that the mine should reopen, and the terms and conditions were acceptable to all the parties, that would lead to Bougainville granting a mining lease.”
While BCL continues with negotiations, Taylor said he could not pre-empt the outcome of the Rio Tinto review.
“As far as Bougainville Copper is concerned and as far as I am concerned, we have to wait and see,” he added.
“We don’t know any more about where that review is
going, what it will entail and what the outcome will be until Rio Tinto makes the announcement.”
The mining major issued a brief statement to the market, noting that it was an “appropriate time” to review all options.
“In light of recent developments in Papua New Guinea, including the new mining legislation passed earlier this month by the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Rio Tinto has decided now is an appropriate time to review all options for its 53.83% stake in
Bougainville Copper Limited,” the statement said.
“For some time, BCL has been involved in discussions with the government of Papua New Guinea, the ABG and landowners about whether it would participate in a future potential return to mining at Panguna.”
Up to 20,000 people were killed in the conflict fought between PNG forces and the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, which began in 1990.
A peace agreement was established in 2001 which included a deferred referendum for full independence.
While BCL has been engaging with stakeholders, including local landowers regarding the possible reopening of Panguna, a recent report suggests local people are opposed to large scale mining activities.
Results of a survey conducted by the Jubilee Australia research foundation in villages and hamlets surrounding Panguna mine at the end of last year, found “near universal” opposition to the reopening, as well as unhappiness and mistrust of the consultation process.
Asked whether Panguna was realistically likely to reopen, Taylor said it was a difficult question to answer.
“If you go back five or six years it wouldn’t have been economic to reopen the mine,” he added.
“It is very sensitive to metal prices. The opportunity is when metal prices are at the right level to support reopening.
“There is the risk that if it’s not reopened during a window of opportunity, it will make it difficult until the next cycle comes around.
“But these cycles do come around so then the question is do you have the government and the landowners on side at that particular time.
“At the moment if we got everything in line, someone would open the mine – the economics stack up, it’s the other issues which make it difficult.
“Given the background you are going to have a fair degree of certainty around the terms and conditions.
The mine was closed down. Obviously you have to ask the question, will it happen again.
Auf Tradegate legt der Kursmakler den Geldkurs immer einen Cent über mein Limit.
Ich habe schon 3 mal nach oben angepasst und er zieht immer mit.
In Stuttgart liegt der Geldkurs seltsamer Weise 1 Cent unter meinem Limit.
Ein Schelm wer Böses dabei denkt.
Das ist kein Kursmakler sondern ein unseriöser Abstauber.
gebe biite bestens nur ein und Du solltest Deine Aktien bekommen,
so mach es wenn es nicht klappt wie in deiem Fall.
Ich will ein Limit zwischen Geld- und Briefkurs legen.
Das darf ich aber nicht, da mich der Makler auf Tradegate selbst sofort überbietet.
Der Makler in Stuttgart ignoriert meine Limitorder und zeigt einen Geldkurs unter dem meinigem. Falls jemand unlimitiert verkauft bekommt er vermutlich den niedrigen angezeigten Geldkurs vom Makler und mir verkauft er der Dinger im selben Augenblick einen Tacken höher.
Bis 0,30 AUD sind über 150.000 im Angebot.
Quelle :
ABG and Meekamui strengthen ties with liaison officer
429-kabaruiBy Leonard Fong Roka
In a positive move for Bougainville the Meekamui leadership of Panguna and the Autonomous Bougainville Government have begun direct liaisons.
The change of heart came in October and the President’s Office now has pre-notification of every move done by the Meekamui group of Panguna.
The Meekamui group in Panguna, known as the Meekamui Government of Unity (MGU), now has their member Peter Kabarui as the liaison officer between the Bougainville president and the MGU.
It is hoped the establishment of direct communication to the leader of Bougainville will create understanding between the ABG and the people in Panguna.
“We had dinner recently with the President at his residence in Buka and he told us that Panguna is a special case and must be treated accordingly,” said Peter Kabarui, who hails from the recently resettled Dapera Village at the Panguna mine site.
“The President admitted that his leadership has a heart that Panguna and the ABG should be focussed on realignment.”
Both the MGU and the Panguna District Administration currently are pushing for a series of Pan-Panguna conferences, under the leadership of vice executive manager Robin Tekapu, where various leaders, people and government representatives can come together to voice their opinions and find a way forward.
“The Pan-Panguna conference that is backed by the Panguna District and the MGU is the only way forward,” Mr. Kabarui said.
“The ABG created Panguna Peace Building Strategy (PPBS) to unite factions in Panguna, however it is now dividing and confusing us all.”
“PPBS held a dangkinang in Panguna but it was designed to ‘pass the buck’, thus creating divisions when we should be pushing for collaboration and unity.”
According to Peter Kabarui, President Momis now has direct communication with the MGU.
After every activity the MGU undergoes in Panguna Kabarui travels to Buka to debrief the President. Last week he was also in Buka to present a resolution on the proposed Pan-Panguna conference to the President and ABG Chief Secretary, Chris Siriosi.
“In our last meeting with the President we had a positive gathering and all we talked about was unity for the referendum for independence,” he continued.
Kabarui admitted that Meekamui for so long had been ruled by personal interests and went against the legitimate government of Bougainville, the ABG.
They are recognizing the need to be united in the lead up to the referendum on independence and autonomy
Zeitpunkt: 03.01.15 10:35
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Werbe-ID.
Zeitpunkt: 03.01.15 10:35
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Werbe-ID.
By Aloysius Laukai
On the Bougainville Mining Bill, PRESIDENT MOMIS said that the ABG will pass the permanent Bougainville Mining Bill at its next sitting.
He said that the Department of Mining has been making awareness in all parts of Bougainville since the Transitional Mining Bill Passed the Bill
The ABG President, Chief DR.JOHN MOMIS last night responded to critics regarding the Bougainville Mining Law and the recent appointment of MONOVI AMANI as Bougainville’s new Chief Secretary.
Speaking on New Dawn FM, PRESIDENT MOMIS said that people who are spreading rumours have hidden motives and he does not like it one bit.
Responding to all four demands from the BRA General, ISHMAEL TOROAMA, President Momis said that he does not and will not create instability to Bougainville but wants stability and development for the region and because of this he wants total unity in diversity from all Bougainvilleans.
President Momis said on the appointment of MR. MONOVI AMANI he had already explained that the Bougainville constitution requires the Senior Appointment Committee which is an Independent Committee to make appointments after all checks and processes are met and him as the Chairman is only part of the team.
CHIEF MOMIS said that the outgoing Chief Secretary will be best utilized in other important functions of the Bougainville Administration and has already accepted this change.
On the second demand why him and several Ministers have shares in the POGE LIMITED, President said that these shares were held on behalf of the Bougainville Government and would be transferred to a Bougainville Holdings Company that will manage and control all Bougainville Government Shares including those of the MV CHEBU.
President Momis response on his association with the TOROKINA OIL PALM Project, CHIEF MOMIS said that he has no personal interest in the project but had to continue this project approved by the previous Government under the Late JOSEPH KABUI.
He said that before he became the President in 2010, the project had already commenced and some funds were misused and some heads had to be rolled to stop the misuse of funds for the project.
President Momis said that when tender was called only three companies made bids to do a feasibility study on the project of which One Company BIDDED for more than 30 MILLION KINA, the Second Company did not put a figure on their bid whilst HAKAU had the lowest bid of TEN MILLION KINA.
President MOMIS also announced that the study has been completed and Landowners have formed and registered their Land groups and will be making their presentation in Buka next week to seek for possible developers of this TOROKINA OIL PALM PROJECT which can become an Impact project for this part of Bougainville.
On the MV CHEBU, President MOMIS said that the project is 50/50 owned by HENRY CHOW and his company and all profits will be shared according to the shares.
President MOMIS said that the ABG will be paying management fees and these people have the management capability to manage this company on behalf of the two shareholders.
New dawn fm
Monovi Amani worked with James Tanis as his economic advisor when Mr Tanis served as President.
BY Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President, Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS says that Bougainville needs to meet Fiscal Self Reliance with Good Governance and Weapons Disposal as condition before the referendum is held.
Speaking on NEW DAWN FM, President Momis said that he sees no other option to meet this fiscal self reliance but to open the PANGUNA COPPER MINE under the new Bougainville mining law.
He said that Weapons disposal and Good Governance can be met in time but he was more concerned at the fiscal self reliance was currently out of reach and most critics who do not want the mine to re-open are not providing the alternatives for raising these funds.
PRESIDENT MOMIS said that Agricultural commodities can be fast-tracked once funds are raised from the mine.
He said funds can be raised immediately once the approval is given and starting at reconstruction stage.
PRESIDENT MOMIS said since the end of the Bougainville conflict WORLD BANK AND AUSAID pumped in a lot of funds on Cocoa rehabilitation but the COCOA POD BORER killed these initiatives and will take time for these products to come on line.
AND with the drop in prices the help needed by Bougainville is not coming at all said President MOMIS.
Responding to comments made by DR.RUTH SPRIGGS, he said that under the new mining law Bougainville land owners are fully protected and on top of that they have the VETO power to halt any operation if they are not happy with the company or the government.
He said if critics think their option like planting and selling Tomatoes and other garden foods can make Bougainville reach economic self reliance within the short time remaining to referendum, then they should tell the government of these options instead of just criticizing the government.
Die wurden ja schon mal in der Vergangenheit hier gepostet,sie lagen glaube ich bei
ca.0,10€ cent,(bitte berichtigen falls ich falsch liege)ich warte wie weit es noch runter geht,vor allem wenn ich mir das OB an der ASX so anschaue.
Solange nix wirklich greifbares von der Insel kommt lasse ich mir Zeit.
Zahle lieber nachher wenn es dann doch irgentwann mal losgehen sollte ein paar cent mehr,als jede woche geld zu verlieren.
Nix für ungut ist nur meine meinung
keine Alternativen für Fundraising, alles hängt von der Mine ab u. somit von BCL
ab. Die Mine wird schneller eröffnet als der Kurs es aktuell zeigt.
ARG (Argo Investments Limited) = 1,937,571 shares
AFI (Australian Foundation Investment Co Ltd )= 4,757,570 shares
BKI (BKI Investment) = 625,427 shares
MLT (Milton Corporation Limited) = 612,890 shares
ARG 1,937,571 7.85 15,209,932
AFI 4,757,570 6.1 29,021,177
BKI 625,427 1.6 1,000,683
MLT 612,890 4.49 2,751,876
total: 47,983,669 AUD
/ 401,062,500 BOC shares
= 0.12 AUD / BOC
Zeitpunkt: 06.01.15 07:43
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Mehrfach gesperrte Nachfolge-Id
Zeitpunkt: 06.01.15 07:43
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Mehrfach gesperrte Nachfolge-Id
habe denen mal diese anfrage von cc gemailt.
kannte keiner dort! man will sich kümmern.......
Schlamperei oder Absicht?
jedenfalls sollte jeder darauf bestehen dass sein Bestand ordnungsgemäss gemeldet wird.