Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyalso von Kupferdefizit keine Spur

20.08.12 14:37

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyschöne Grüße

20.08.12 14:38


By Aloysius Laukai

Autonomous Bougainville Government President, CHIEF JOHN
MOMIS today announced the intention of his government to establish a foreign
investment regime to attract responsible investment to Bougainville.

In 2011 the ABG engaged Tuia International, a New Zealand
firm, to advise on how to attract investment into Bougainville. Tuia’s
recommendations were adopted by the Bougainville Executive Council in December
2011 as policy.

President Momis said “A key recommendation by Tuia was the
need for Bougainville to define clearly the type of investment it was looking
for and to create an institution that would screen investment proposals for
approval by the government.

We want to have investment for Bougainville that is
responsible, and this will be enshrined in the legislation.

Responsible investment will ensure that the interests of our
people, our values, our culture and our environment are protected as much as
possible as foreign investment and industries grow”.

He said legislation will be drafted to establish an
investment bureau to screen all investment proposals, and recommendations will
be tabled in the Bougainville Parliament to ensure full transparency.

President Momis says that the Investment Bureau will have a board appointed by BEC, and
membership will reflect the wider interests of the Bougainville community.

The ABG President said that he believes that the people of
Bougainville will see this as a very positive development.

“our recent history in Bougainville with outside investors
as not always been good. The Tuia International recommendation mean that we
will be able to seek investment into our future on our terms. We need outside
investment to grow and prosper, but our partners have to share our values and
hopes for the future. We have what the world wants so we can, and will set the
bar high.”

Tuia International expects to complete the project by
December 2012.  

1335 Postings, 6508 Tage TraderevilRohstoffminen und Baumwolle vor Anstieg

20.08.12 19:46
Rohstoffminen und Baumwolle vor Anstieg............

..............Doch auch die Edelmetalle und somit auch die Minen bieten derzeit ein hervorragendes Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis. Viele meiner Indikatoren deuten derzeit auf eine Trendwende bei den Edelmetallen hin, doch der endgültige Ausbruch fehlt hier noch. So lange dieser noch nicht erfolgte kann es nach wie vor zu einem letzten Absacker kommen, was aber eher unwahrscheinlich ist und weshalb man derzeit bereits zu einem gewissen Prozentsatz seines Depots Minenwerte erwerben kann. Die Chancen stehen extrem gut, was die große Anzahl positiver mittelfristiger Indikatoren zeigt. Nähere Analysen habe ich in unseren letzten Börsenbriefausgaben erstellt. An dieser Stelle möchte ich aber speziell auf die Minen hinweisen, welche es ebenfalls erlauben indirekt in Edelmetalle zu investieren. Nach einer langen Korrekturphase deuten sich, wie bereits erwähnt, erst Umkehrtendenzen an. ...............

........Wie Sie erkennen können handelt es sich bei der aktuellen roten Phase um eine der längsten Rotphasen des aktuellen Bullenmarktes. Zwar gibt das System derzeit noch kein Kaufsignal, aber alleine Aufgrund der Länge kann man vermuten, dass es bald wieder zu einem Wechsel der Farbe kommen sollte, da es „an der Zeit“ hierfür ist.....
----------------Doch auch zwei weitere Indikatoren sind hoch interessant. Diese messen das „Smart-Money“ und zeigen aktuell „Insiderkäufe“. D.h. jemand sammelt zu aktuellen Kursen Minen ein und dies im großen Stil, wie die extremen Anstiege der beiden folgenden Indikatoren andeuten...........
.............Nimmt man alle Fakten zusammen, stehen die Chancen für einen Anstieg bei den Minen derzeit extrem gut, erst recht wenn man mittelgroße bis kleine Minen betrachtet, welche aktuell bereits deutliche Anstiege aufweisen können. Da scheint es nur eine Frage der Zeit zu sein bevor die Schwergewichte der Minenbranche ebenfalls mit Kurssteigerungen aufwarten können.

Fazit: Minen und Baumwolle scheinen mittelfristig ein klarer Kauf zu sein.

Ihr BayernGold


1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyschoene Grüsse

21.08.12 07:03

Bougainville sets up new foreign investment regime Jemima Garrett Posted 8 minutes ago Bougainville is to establish a new foreign investment regime with the aim of attracting responsible investment. Bougainville's President John Momis has announced he plans to set up an Investment Bureau to screen all investment proposals. After some bad experiences in the past, Mr Momis said he wants to make sure new investment is responsible and protects the interests, culture and environment of Bougainvilleans. Mr Momis says Bougainville needs foreign capital to grow and prosper but wants partners that will share its hops and values. Legislation to establish the Investment Bureau is expected to by tabled in parliament in Decembe  

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyweitere Grüsse

21.08.12 07:04
GOVERNOR-General Sir Michael Ogio will formally declare Papua New Guinea’s ninth Parliament officially open at grand opening ceremony at 9 o’clock this morning. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill will move a motion on the Governor-General’s address-in-reply and thank Sir Michael Somare for his address. The session will end with an address by Opposition leader Belden Namah before Parliament adjourns to September 4. Leader of Government Business James Marape will take charge of the proceedings in the Chambers in the afternoon, his first task, since his appointment. The order of the proceedings at the morning grand opening ceremony will include a guard of honour by the PNG Defence Force first Royal Pacific Island Regiment the combined Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and Correctional Services pipes and drums bands. Mr Marape, who is also Finance Minister, said yesterday opening proceedings would be ceremonial. Parliament will then adjourn to 2pm and after the official welcome and speeches by Prime Minister Mr O’Neill and the Opposition leader, Parliament will adjourn for a week and reconvene on September 4. According to the official program, Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and justices of the National and Supreme Court benches will take precedence. The Parade host will be the PNGDF Commander Brigadier General Francis Agwi, accompanied by Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga and Correctional Services (CIS) Commissioner Martin Balthaser. Heads of diplomatic missions –high commissioners and ambassadors –will also be present for the occasion. The Governor-General will take his position on the dais for the royal salute, to be followed by the combined band playing the British national anthem “God Save the Queen”, a 21-gun salute and PNG national anthem. Sir Michael will then inspect the guard of honour and band and then mount the dais where he will take the general salute. He will then dismount to meet the Speaker Theo Zurenuoc and they will proceed to the Speaker’s lounge, escorted by the Sergeant-at-Arms. The Opposition will announce its shadow ministers today and the Government will also announce its vice ministers.  

26 Postings, 5222 Tage michelntnDare’s statement cause LO’s to react

21.08.12 08:01

THE Bougainville landowner companies are describing the Member for Eivo/Torau and Chairman of Central Bougainville Committee Melchior Dare’s statement in the Post-Courier Weekender as a blunder and not in the interest of the people of Bougainville.
Directors of Karato Resources Holdings Limited, Pakasipan Resources Ltd, Banapa Resource Ltd, Kupe Resource Ltd, are refuting Mr Dare’s response to earlier media statements by the resources owners on their quest to control and own mineral resources in the region.
A representative of Karato Resource Holdings Limited Joe Bironoim asked who Mr Dare speaks for, the resource owners of Central Bougainville where the Defunct Panguna mine is located or the entire province?
Mr Bironoim said that as an elected representative of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville (ABG) he is expected to speak for and serve the interest of the land and resource owners rather than of the company (Bougainville Copper Limited) which has been blamed for civil war and environment destruction.
He said that Mr Dare’s statement clearly indicates that he is in favour of BCL giving “bel kol moni” or compensation for a short term gain which cannot comprehend the loss of lives and environmental damage which was the reason for not wanting to re-negotiate the return of BCL.
According to Mr Bironoim all the directors of the resource holding companies are already positioning themselves for the long term vision to take ownership of the resources, develop them and export from Bougainville.
He said that it won’t be in their interest to see foreigners come and exploit their resources and leave them with all the shambles and deep craters on their land.
Another prominent Bougainvillian and Director of Isinau Resources Holdings Sam Kauona has called on Mr Dare to withdraw his statement as it kills the spirit of independence and self determination in resource development and political destiny.
“Mr Dare is now contradicting himself as he was the one who sponsored the motion of the second ABG Parliament meeting where he moved the motion to recognise landowners’ right to own resources in Bougainville,” Mr Kauona said.
“And as a leader, he must stand by what he says at the first place rather than being swayed by money.
“As the way he speaks now, it seems that he must have been (influenced) by interested persons.”
The former Bougainvillian Revolutionary (now Me’ekamui Government) Commander General is now seriously venturing into exploration and said even if the National or ABG Government want to negotiate for BCL return, they must recognise the rights and wishes of the landowners.
“Not only that, they have to have a wider consultation with all the affected people from the Civil War caused by the BCL inflicted environment damages,” he said.  

1335 Postings, 6508 Tage TraderevilWorld Bank: PNG not easy place to do business

21.08.12 08:08
PNG is classified as a “lower middle income” country with the gross national income per capita at US$1,300. The PNG ranking can be seen on the URL link:

Quelle :  

1335 Postings, 6508 Tage TraderevilShareholder News

21.08.12 08:17

By Aloysius Laukai

Good news for shareholders of the former INVESTMENT CORPORATION of PAPUA NEW GUINEA. A team from the Melanesian Trustee Services Limited which manages funds from the former

Investment Corporation which has been changed to Pacific Balanced Fund would be visiting Bougainville to talk to shareholders on Bougainville on the status of their investments. The team will meet shareholders at the Hahela YC HALL on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th August, 2012.

And on Thursday 30th August and Friday 31st August they will be meeting with shareholders at the Arawa Police Station.

Shareholders are kindly requested to bring in copies of their share certificates and some form of identification like Passports or drivers licences.

According to their notice which New Dawn FM has copy, the team will produce new Identification documents to members.

The notice says that the team would also present the status of the Pacific Balanced Fund and also present their new look share certificates.

Persons requiring further information can contact the Melanesian Trustee Services Limited on Phone numbers 3210560 and 3210561 or fax 321 0563 or email at

Quelle :  

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyjetzt werden die 0,80 AUD immer wieder aufgefüllt

21.08.12 08:24
gut zu sehen an den letzten Trades zusammen 29k,um 7 Uhr war das Ask mit rund 15k belegt,gehandelt wurden nach 7 Uhr noch 29k,und jetzt stehen immer noch fast 10k im Ask zu 0,80

also alles fest in einer Hand,warum auch immer

Das diese Stücke von eimem Verkäufer kommen könnten,welche sich von BCL-Aktien trennen wollen ist sehr,sehr unwahrscheinlich,da seit Anfang Juli rund 8 Mio. Stücke gehandelt wurden,und diese hatte keiner in einer,zwei oder drei Händen,außer Rio und PNG  

1335 Postings, 6508 Tage Traderevilauf Hot Copper......from the weekend papers

21.08.12 13:51
...................“The central Bougainville Regional Parliamentary committee wish to applaud and commend Mr Coleman on behalf of BCL for realising and to make commitment towards maintaining stem positions, on the new deal new Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) on future mining investment dealings o Bougainville between resource owners and ABG in post conflict Bougainville,” Mr Dare said.

******Paul Coleman has offered to genuinely address primary terms and conditions from “Bel Kol” money, compensation, fund peace and reconciliation and build and enhance capacity of PLOA with office space, and special technical advisers.********

kpl. :

(wenn der link net funzt: anmelden auf  HC, einloggen , BOC eingeben und unter Orabanda 21.08. aufrufen ;D)))))  

666 Postings, 5931 Tage havannaDare’s statement cause LO’s to react

21.08.12 17:33
Dare’s statement cause LO’s to react
Quelle: Post Courier, 21.8.2012

THE Bougainville landowner companies are describing the Member for Eivo/Torau and Chairman of Central Bougainville Committee Melchior Dare’s statement in the Post-Courier Weekender as a blunder and not in the interest of the people of Bougainville.
Directors of Karato Resources Holdings Limited, Pakasipan Resources Ltd, Banapa Resource Ltd, Kupe Resource Ltd, are refuting Mr Dare’s response to earlier media statements by the resources owners on their quest to control and own mineral resources in the region.

A representative of Karato Resource Holdings Limited Joe Bironoim asked who Mr Dare speaks for, the resource owners of Central Bougainville where the Defunct Panguna mine is located or the entire province?
Mr Bironoim said that as an elected representative of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville (ABG) he is expected to speak for and serve the interest of the land and resource owners rather than of the company (Bougainville Copper Limited) which has been blamed for civil war and environment destruction.
He said that Mr Dare’s statement clearly indicates that he is in favour of BCL giving “bel kol moni” or compensation for a short term gain which cannot comprehend the loss of lives and environmental damage which was the reason for not wanting to re-negotiate the return of BCL.

According to Mr Bironoim all the directors of the resource holding companies are already positioning themselves for the long term vision to take ownership of the resources, develop them and export from Bougainville. He said that it won’t be in their interest to see foreigners come and exploit their resources and leave them with all the shambles and deep craters on their land.

Another prominent Bougainvillian and Director of Isinau Resources Holdings Sam Kauona has called on Mr Dare to withdraw his statement as it kills the spirit of independence and self determination in resource development and political destiny.

“Mr Dare is now contradicting himself as he was the one who sponsored the motion of the second ABG Parliament meeting where he moved the motion to recognise landowners’ right to own resources in Bougainville,” Mr Kauona said. “And as a leader, he must stand by what he says at the first place rather than being swayed by money.
“As the way he speaks now, it seems that he must have been (influenced) by interested persons.”

The former Bougainvillian Revolutionary (now Me’ekamui Government) Commander General is now seriously venturing into exploration and said even if the National or ABG Government want to negotiate for BCL return, they must recognise the rights and wishes of the landowners.
“Not only that, they have to have a wider consultation with all the affected people from the Civil War caused by the BCL inflicted environment damages,” he said.  

555 Postings, 6505 Tage BOCandorraESBC...

22.08.12 02:15

1335 Postings, 6508 Tage Traderevilauf HC vom 21.08...................

22.08.12 13:37

shareholders news (luxusburger)
With about 10 Mill. (physikal) Shares on Bougainville this should also be one of the next steps of BCL

bis jetzt 1 Daumen. ;D)))))  

382 Postings, 6505 Tage centwatchNeuer Beitrag im FOBC

22.08.12 14:44

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyschöne Grüsse

22.08.12 20:28
The proposed meeting with the OBA and the President and the four MPs eventuates this coming weekend

Vorbereitung der Roadmap ;-)))  

703 Postings, 6334 Tage Tom0001FOB

22.08.12 22:32

26 Postings, 5222 Tage michelntn#12690 meeting verzetz

23.08.12 10:11
Quelle [ rebuilding Bouganville    fb ]

Please note that the FORUM jointed organized by the PBA/UPNG BSA/DBTI BSA for our four (4) Members of Parliament namely:
Hon. Joseph Lera - Regional Member for Bougainville
Hon. Lauta Atoi - Member for North Bougainville
Hon. Jimmy Miringtoro - Member for South Bougainville
Hon. Steven Pirika Kama - Member for South Bougainville

…which was scheduled for Sunday 26th August 2012 has been deferred indefinitely to a date yet to be confirmed in early September 2012. We will advise the new date once we obtain the agreement of all the four (4) MPs.

FYI, we have already received verbal positive confirmations from the Regional Member, Hon. Joe Lera and the MP for South Bougainville, Hon. Steven Pirika Kama of their willingness to attend the forum but only on the condition that all other members must also attend.

The President of Bougainville, Dr John Momis and the Director of NCOBA Ellison ToWollom have also verbally indicated their willingness to participate in the forum and are only awaiting a confirmation from us to advise them of a mutually agreed date set with the four (4) MPs.  

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeynicht nur auf Bougainville ist es schwierig

23.08.12 15:11
A unit of global miner Xstrata Plc warned on Thursday it may delay the start of production at its $5.9-billion Tampakan copper-gold project in the southern Philippines as a result of regulatory and security concerns.

Until now, Sagittarius Mines has said it was confident it would be able to start production in 2016, despite being denied permission to start building the mine, which is believed to contain one of the world's biggest copper-gold deposits.

The firm had wanted to obtain environmental clearance early this year but the government refused, meaning mine construction -- expected to take 2-3 years -- is unlikely to start in 2013 as planned.

"Our project has experienced a number of challenges, particularly in the past twelve months," Sagittarius spokesman John Arnaldo said in an e-mailed statement.

"Until we have addressed these challenges, and obtained the necessary approvals from the government and community, it is difficult to nominate a definitive production date," he said.

The mine is estimated to contain 15 million tonnes of copper and 17.6 million ounces of gold. It is the biggest of several mining projects expected to bring in up to $12 billion in new investments to the Philippines in the next five years.

A provincial ban on open-pit mining has been in effect since 2010. South Cotabato's governor Arthur Pingoy told Reuters last month that the mining ban in his province, which is home to Tampakan, could be lifted only by a court order.

Citing that ban, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has not issued environmental clearance for the project sought by Sagittarius, which is also part-owned by Australian miner Indophil Resources NL.

Security problems around the project site have also restricted Sagittarius' field activities, Arnaldo added. Local media reported that a security guard at the site was shot dead in June, about a month after another security guard was injured also in a shooting incident.

Tampakan, which will have a 17-year lifespan, is believed to be potentially the largest mine in the Philippines, a country that sits atop an estimated $1 trillion worth of mineral wealth.

Das wird bald überall auf der Welt so sein,dem sollten sich die Minenkonzerne langsam bewußt werden und behutsam-umweltfreundlich den Abbau betreiben.  

703 Postings, 6334 Tage Tom0001Eigentumsicherung durch Aktienbucheintrag-so gehts

23.08.12 22:23
Unsere Aktivitäten in Bezug auf Eintragung in das Aktienregister haben folgende Möglichkeiten (belegbar durch bereits durchgeführte Transaktionen) gebracht:

Cortal Consors

1) Der Anleger kann die Auslieferung der Aktien beantragen.

      a) Beantragung in schriftlicher Form(formlos) in deutscher Sprache bei Cortal Consors der      Auslieferung der Aktien
      b) Die Aktien werden nicht „körperlich“ an Sie ausgeliefert sondern sind bei BCL hinterlegt.
      c) Es erfolgt die Ausstellung eines Dokuments der Verbriefung der Aktien durch BCL bzw.Computershare
      d) Eintragung der Aktien auf den Inhaber mit den persönlichen Daten des Eigentümers durch BCL bzw. Computershare

2) Kosten:

Die Kosten belaufen sich pro Transaktion „Auslieferung“ bei Cortal Consors auf
ca. 100 €

3) Dauer der Abwicklung: ca. 6 Wochen  (wobei die letzte Eintragung nur 3einhalb Wochen dauerte)

4)   Folgen:

      a) Der Auslieferungsvorgang löst automatisch den Registriereintrag/die Accounteröffnung bei Computershare aus – hierzu sind keine weiteren Schritte seitens des Anlegers notwendig. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit einer Onlineverwaltung. Hierzu bekommt man automatisch mit dem Registereintrag die Webseite genannt, wo man sich einloggen kann. Die Webseite ist in englischer Sprache.
      b) Die Stücke sind dann in unmittelbarem Eigentum des Anlegers
      c) Die Stücke sind dem Bankensektor und dem Custodian/Nominee komplett entzogen
      d) Es fallen keine Depotgebühren an
      e) Die aktienrechtlichen Informationen ergehen an den Eigentümer direkt wie z.B. Einladung zur HV, Kapitalmaßnahmen der AG, Dividendenzahlungen erfolgen per Scheck (per Post) bzw. auf ein durch den Eigentümer namhaft zu machendes Konto
      f) Alle Dokumente und Informationen erfolgen in englischer Sprache
      g) Die steuerlichen Auswirkungen sind durch den Eigentümer im Rahmen der steuerrechtlichen Vorschriften im seinem Heimatland selbst abzuklären.

5) Verkauf der Aktien durch Übertragung

      a) Verkauf durch Übertragung der ausgelieferten Stücke an einen neuen Eigentümer erfolgt durch einen Auftrag an Computershare.
      b) Dauer der Eintragung auf den neuen Eigentümer: ca. 4 Wochen
      c) Kosten: ca. 80 AUD

6) Verkauf der Aktien über die Börse

      a) Beantragung der Einlieferung bei Cortal Consors mittels eines formlosen Antrags inklusive des Nachweises des Aktieneigentums (=das bereits erhaltene Bestätigungsschreiben von Computershare)
      b) Cortal Consors leitet dann die entsprechenden Schritte ein und stellt ein zu unterzeichnendes Formular – ein gesonderter Auftrag an Computershare ist nicht notwendig.
      c) Cortal Consors schreibt die Aktien dem Depot gut
      d) Die Kosten belaufen sich auf ca. 100 € pro Einlieferung
      e) Erst nach erfolgter Einlieferung können die Aktien über die Börse verkauft werden
      f) Dauer der Abwicklung ab Rücksendung des unterzeichneten Formulars von b) bis zur Einbuchung auf das Depot bei Cortal Consors: ca. 4Wochen

Für Anleger in Österreich liegen folgende Informationen seitens eines Kunden des Raiffeisenbankensektors vor:
Ein und Auslieferung: (Abwicklung wie bei Cortal Consors)
Kosten: Ungefähr EUR 70,00 (eigene Spesen + registration fees)
Evtl. anfallende Drittkosten + Versandkosten, etc. werden zusätzlich weitergereicht
Als Lagerstelle wurde CBL genannt.
Lt. CBL sind bis auf weiteres Aus- und Einlieferungen möglich.
Der Nominee ist JP Morgan Nominees Australia.

Unbedingt einen „LEBENSLAUF“ der Stücke anlegen mit allen dazugehörigen Belegen und Dokumenten.
Es empfiehlt sich die steuerliche Seite von einem Mitglied der steuerberatenden Berufe prüfen zu lassen.

Interessierte Anleger haben uns noch diese Dienstleister genannt, die eine Auslieferung von Aktien ebenfalls anbieten:

Deutsche Bank
comdirket bank AG

Tests bzgl. der Durchführbarkeit wurden von uns bei diesen 3Dienstleistern nicht ausgeführt.  

555 Postings, 6505 Tage BOCandorraPNG Attitude...

24.08.12 05:29
...schließt sich der ESBC Aufklärungskampagne an:  

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeyAnils Roadmap nach dem nächsten JSB Meeting

24.08.12 08:13
liebe Grüße an alle

1. New
Bougainville Copper Agreement [BCA] is signed by all 4 parties BCL, the
National Govt, the Autonomous Bougainville Govt [ABG] and
Landowners. [10 months from now?; Target price AUD5 to 8]

2. Financing arranged and mine development commenced [Four months after 1 above; Target price AUD8 to 11]

3. Earnings
and dividend stream commences [12 to 18 months after 1, initially with
ore mined shipped out and production ramped up; Target price AUD15 to

4. Full capacity production is achieved [ 36 months after 2; Target price AUD30 to 50]  

917 Postings, 6509 Tage Carlchen03Anil

24.08.12 09:24
... hat wohl in einem "falschen" Traum geträumt ... ;-)))))))))
( ... oder irgendetwas war in seinem Fencheltee ..... )

trotzdem allen ein wunderschönes weekend

795 Postings, 6101 Tage upholmviele Grüße...

25.08.12 11:57
Neben Ariva scheint unsere Aktie auch in anderen Foren sich immer größerem Interesse zu erfreuen  

795 Postings, 6101 Tage upholmZwar schon ein alter bekannter Artikel...

25.08.12 12:42
... (wurde auch schon mal gepostet), aber es ist ein gute Zusammenfassung zu BOC. Auch wenn sich seitdem die Entwicklung drastisch zum Guten verändert hat.
Also ein lesenswerter Artikel zu unserer Aktie.  

448 Postings, 6504 Tage bockaufbocFinanzfrage

25.08.12 16:03
Jetzt schon in BOC investieren oder lieber zur Sicherheit noch das JSB Meeting abwarten?

Bei diesem im Sep. oder Okt. stattfindenden Meeting soll von PNG das Recht an Bougainville übertragen werden selbst über Rohstoffabbau auf ihrer Insel zu entscheiden.Dort befindet sich die Pangunamine die ehemals 4 grösste Kupfer,Gold,Silber- Tagebaumine der Welt,welche 1989 wegen Unruhen geschlossen wurde. (Den Landeignern wurde ein grösserer Anteil als 0,02% an den gigantischen Gewinnen verwehrt..In 2015 soll ein Referendum über die Unabhängigkeit der Insel von Papua Neuguinea durchgeführt werden.Um erfolgreich zu sein ist eine vorhergehende finanzielle Unabhängigkeit unabdingbar welche kurzfristig nur durch die Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine zu erreichen ist..Das haben die Bewohner der Insel längst erkannt und BOC (Bougainville Copper) aufgefordert zurück auf die Insel zu kommen um die Mine wiederzueröffnen.

Von mehreren Seiten gibt es Berechnungen welche BOC ein gewaltiges Kurspotential zugestehen wenn sich die Vision der Landeigner einer Wiedereröffnung realisieren.

Was meint ihr,ist es besser sofort eine grössere Position zu kaufen oder bei höheren Kursen sukzessive nachzukaufen?

Hier noch ein Link welche mir bei meinem Research recht hilfreich war.

(Dort unter Deutsch, dann Dokumente u. Literatur suchen)

Seite: < 1 | ... | 506 | 507 |
| 509 | 510 | ... 984  >  
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