Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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Neuester Beitrag: 07.03.25 12:30
Eröffnet am:29.09.07 14:50von: nekroAnzahl Beiträge:25.579
Neuester Beitrag:07.03.25 12:30von: Fuchsbau24Leser gesamt:6.361.922
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:3.379
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15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroUS Order

10.07.12 18:10
Wenn man bedenkt dass seit 1 Jahr (zumindest offiziell) kein einziger Trade in USA stattgefunden hat(u. der Makler wàhrend dieser Zeit keine K-Order angenommen hat) so kommt der gestrige 730K Trade nicht wirklich überraschend.Schon letztes Jahr hatte ich über eine (leider nicht verifizierbare) 1 Mill. St K-Order a 1 USD geschrieben.So soll der US Makler seit 1 Jahr alle einlaufenden VK Orders abgegriffen u. in seine Bücher genommen haben , deswegen tauchen sie auch in der History erst jetzt bei der Weiterleitung auf. Dass der Transfert vor erreichen der 1 Mill. St stattfand erklärt sich damit dass wohl "Not am Mann" war.;-))))

Man kann getrost davon ausgehen dass so auch ein Teil der hier umgesetzten Stücke ihren Weg nach AU gefunden haben.

Der Preis soll übrigens Makulatur sein, die "Commission" gleicht die Differenz locker aus.

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroVielleicht..............

10.07.12 18:16
.............wurde der (offizielle) Preis zum einen so niedrig angesetzt um keine Begehrlichkeiten zu wecken,zum anderen um sich beim VK um die 0,80 AUD (somit theoretisch mit Gewinn) nicht dem Verdacht der Marktmanipulation auszusetzen.

Dass die Jungs voller Tricks sind sollte auch der Unbedarfteste inzwischen gemerkt haben.;-)))

14459 Postings, 5603 Tage pandabärchen* lol *

10.07.12 18:50

543 Postings, 5458 Tage enJOyITpanda

10.07.12 20:10
wo ist denn dein Pandabild hin? Fand ich immer ganz witzig ;D  

521 Postings, 5217 Tage xxxraphaelxxxdie pandamama ist ja auch ganz süss...

10.07.12 21:04

521 Postings, 5217 Tage xxxraphaelxxxradio new dawn...

10.07.12 21:07
dokumentiert die Vorstellung "harter" Arbeit auf Bougainville:

Bougainville Election Manager hard at work at the Hutjena Secondary School counting Centre

Ist es nicht wunderbar, dass Sie bald wieder Unzen zählen können...  

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil..@nekro...

10.07.12 21:33
nekro: BOC Volume: 731,257
09.07.12 21:13

Sieh mal an,nach über 1 Jahr mal wieder 1 Trade in USA ;-))))))))

nekro: US Order

Wenn man bedenkt dass seit 1 Jahr (zumindest offiziell) kein einziger Trade in USA stattgefunden hat(u. der Makler wàhrend dieser Zeit keine K-Order angenommen hat) so kommt der gestrige 730K Trade nicht wirklich überraschend.Schon letztes Jahr hatte ich über eine (leider nicht verifizierbare) 1 Mill. St K-Order a 1 USD geschrieben.So soll der US Makler seit 1 Jahr alle einlaufenden VK Orders abgegriffen u. in seine Bücher genommen haben , deswegen tauchen sie auch in der History erst jetzt bei der Weiterleitung auf. Dass der Transfert vor erreichen der 1 Mill. St stattfand erklärt sich damit dass wohl "Not am Mann" war.;-))))

Man kann getrost davon ausgehen dass so auch ein Teil der hier umgesetzten Stücke ihren Weg nach AU gefunden haben.

Der Preis soll übrigens Makulatur sein, die "Commission" gleicht die Differenz locker aus.

>>>>>> Zitat: So soll der US Makler seit 1 Jahr alle einlaufenden VK Orders abgegriffen u. in seine Bücher genommen haben , ..........

....dumme Frage: wie kommt man an diese Information??????? ;D))))))  

14459 Postings, 5603 Tage pandabärchenLöschung

10.07.12 22:01

Zeitpunkt: 11.07.12 11:05
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroResource Firms Top Transparency List

11.07.12 02:05

Norway’s Statoil ASA came top, scoring 8.3 out of 10, followed by Anglo-Australian miners Rio Tinto PLC...................

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekro@raphael

11.07.12 04:56

Vol. hat sich zum 6.7. auf über 10 Mill AUD erhöht.Der Betrag scheint also upgedated zu werden.

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroThe Autonomous Bougainville Government Moves......

11.07.12 05:00 Introduce Bougainville Mining Policy to Start Mining Exploration on Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

...........the "Company") is pleased to announce that on June 7, 2012 before a packed House of Representatives (the "House") in Buka, Bougainville, a motion was presented from the floor to introduce a Mining Policy to start exploration on the Autonomous Island of Bougainville. The motion was passed unanimously by the 39 member House. The action was described in Papua New Guinea's ("PNG's") leading daily newspaper as "a positive step since its (ABG) installment in 2005 for a young government." It further stated that exploration is "a right that every Bougainvillean has been waiting for and have (sic) fought the Bougainville crisis for."

Of significance, as part of the motion, a Draft Mining Policy was commended to the House reaffirming that the ownership of mineral and oil & gas resources reside with the Landowners, and that mineral exploration licenses on Bougainville will be registered only to Landowner Companies and their qualified partners. The motion called for the Government to instruct the Administration to act in 2012 to review and finalize the draft, and present it to the House for passage.


1158 Postings, 6514 Tage sumoeyerstmal keine Kurssteigerungen

11.07.12 07:29
in AU stehen 160k bis 0,90 AUD im Ask  

1025 Postings, 4835 Tage antares0650Ruhe vor dem Sturm?

11.07.12 07:35
es scheint als hätten sich die Wogen wieder geglättet....  

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekro"in AU stehen 160k bis 0,90 AUD im Ask".........

11.07.12 09:42
..................u. damit wären die us 730K dann so langsam durch ;-)))))))))))));sy=tpl&code=BOC#tabs

Today: 11-Jul-2012
  Trades Volume Value High Low
Today 9 63,823 50,647 0.8100 0.7800
This Week 108 667,261 555,174 1.0000 0.7300
This Month 151 827,719 669,271 1.0000 0.6800
This Year 835 3,897,408 2,969,101 1.0000 0.6000
Rolling Year 3,225 8,421,184 7,139,323 1.2200 0.6000

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroBSP returns to Arawa

11.07.12 11:21
.............incl. Online Trading? ;-)))))))))

The National, Wednesday July 11th, 2012

BANK South Pacific yesterday became one of the first financial institutions and major businesses in Papua New Guinea to return to Arawa in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville since the Bougainville crisis 23 years ago.
Banking services in Arawa ceased around July 1989 when all major businesses and banks pulled out as a result of the looming crisis.
When BSP closed its doors then, it was a quiet exit, due to security concerns, and yesterday as it re-entered, there was a celebration and the bank was welcomed back with open arms.
BSP group chief executive officer Ian B Clyne, deputy chief executive Robin Fleming, head of security George Loverock, general manager retail banking Frans Kootte and manager branch operations John Brutnal travelled to Arawa to hand over the new BSP branch.
It is a containerised branch, a concept first delivered by BSP in 2010 when it opened a similar branch in Motukea outside Port Moresby.
Prior to the crisis, BSP Arawa had more than 30 staff and a good customer base.
Today, there are eight personnel and the bank is confident of growing its customer base again.
Clyne said BSP was back in Arawa after 23 years and the feedback received so far from customers and the people of Central Bougainville was one of appreciation and huge relief, as it eased the burden to travel out of Arawa to do their banking.
“BSP’s presence so far has made a huge difference by bringing this very essential service to the community,” he said.
“We have had very positive comments from the locals from as far as Buin and Siwai, who can now travel to Arawa to do their banking and return home on the same day as opposed to going to Buka where they would have to spend a night and return home the next day.
“The business community here in Arawa are also very happy about the branch because it is making banking easier for them in terms of cost, security and time spent and other costs involved in travelling to Buka.
“It is also interesting to note how technology has changed since 1989, where BSP Arawa now has two ATMs.
“BSP is the first to bring ATMs into Central Bougainville, that is because we mean business and it shows our commitment to bring banking services into the heart of the community.”
The bank is also aggressively rolling out its BSP Rural network throughout the country, and in Bougainville BSP is set to open two rural branches in the next few months in Wakunai and Buin.

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekro#11986

11.07.12 11:34
The Autonomous Bougainville Government Moves to Introduce Bougainville Mining Policy to Start Mining Exploration on Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

Was noch die Wenigsten in diesem Artikel erkannt haben:Damit hat sich das ABG ohne international grosse Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen selbst die Miningpower appropriiert.Ganz klar scheint hier die Weltbank ihre Finger mit im Spiel zu haben. Die offizielle übertragung beim nächsten JSB Meeting sollte dann nur noch eine Formsache sein,der Fokus wird somit garantiert auf der übertragung der Böcke u. dem Start der BCA Review liegen.

Key Outputs will include internal systems for MRA, an MRA Anti-Corruption Plan, an
MRA e-commerce system, a fully computerized mineral tenements management system,
reduced time for issuing mining and exploration licenses, a national Geological
Information System (GIS), an ASM data base, an ASM registration and identity card
system, safer and more environmentally friendly ASM mining practices, environmental
and social guidelines including resettlement and community consultation, a Measurement
and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for EI community-related services, EI community
participatory planning procedures, Local Level Mining Community Development Plans,
Benefits Streams Reports for mining communities, a national Women in Mining (WIM)
Action Plan, a youth internship program to be implemented by MRA, a review of all
mining Memoranda of Association (MoAs), publication of EI-related payments by
companies to government, a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and
an information dissemination and communications program.
3. Component 3: Improving revenue collection and audits of the sector (Estimated
Total Cost: US$4.65 million; IDA: US$4.22 million). The principal target group for this
component is IRC’s Resources Monitoring Division staff, who will be supported to
review and draft mineral tax legislative amendments, conduct revenue risk assessments,
and carry out mining and petroleum project audits. The component will support the
establishment of four EI tax audit teams, two with a main focus on high priority, complex
audits and two for less complex audits with a strong focus on staff training. Key Outputs
will include for the EI sector tax legislation amendments, tax-related risk assessments, tax
audit reports, tax assessments and tax collections.
4. Component 4: Strengthening the foundations for a conflict-free mining sector in
Bougainville (Estimated Total Cost: US$2.21 million; IDA: US$2.01 million). The
principal target group for this component is ABG’s future DoM staff, who will be
supported to establish the organizational framework for the department and implement an
effective policy and regulatory environment for mineral exploration and development in
Bougainville. Key outputs include transitional arrangements (to facilitate granting of
exploration and mining licenses until mining powers are transferred to ABG), issuance of
exploration and mining licenses for Bougainville, a Bougainville Sustainable Mining
Policy, operation of a functioning ABG Department of Mining, a Bougainville Mining
Act, a Bougainville Mining Safety Act and enabling regulations, hiring of professional
staff for the ABG Mining Department, twinning of ABG Mining Department staff into
MRA and DoMPGM or other appropriate organizations, and development of ASM
support services and outreach on Bougainville.
5. Component 5: Project Management (Estimated Total Cost: US$0.74 million;
IDA: US$0.67 million). The principal target group for this component is MRA’s Special
Projects Unit (SPU) staff, who will be supported to monitor, supervise, and provide
technical and administrative management control of the Project. Key outputs will be
project procurement documents, financial accounts, and project-related reports.

521 Postings, 5217 Tage xxxraphaelxxxmorumbi

11.07.12 11:39
also der Umsatz bei morumbi ist fast genauso hoch oder tageweise höher als bei boc.
und das bei marktcap. vom 18 mio CAD...  

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroJetzt offiziell: Panguna to open ;-)))))))))))))

11.07.12 12:34

By Aloysius Laukai

The three stakeholders in the Panguna Mine issue last week agreed to work together towards consensus on re-opening the mine closed since 1989.

This was revealed by ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS in Buka today.

He said that last week’s meeting agreed that if the mine does re-open it must be primarily for the benefit of all Bougainvilleans.

Also it must be entirely under a new mining agreement that must ensure that the world’s best practices are followed by whoever is selected as the new operator.

President Chief JOHN MOMIS said that BCL and the Papua New Guinea Government have already agreed that any Panguna negotiations must involve the ABG and the landowners.

He said that last week’s meeting also agreed that negotiations must be based on principles of fairness, integrity and transparency.

Chief JOHN MOMIS also said that the landowners also agreed that because of the suffering during the Bougainville conflict all Bougainvilleans interest must be taken into account in all negotiations.


15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekrou. weiter................

11.07.12 12:36

By Aloysius Laukai

Panguna landowners have assured Bougainvilleans that this time they would make sure that all Bougainvilleans benefit from the PANGUNA MINE if re-opened.
This was revealed by the ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS in a news conference yesterday.
Chief MOMIS said that the Chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association CHRIS DAMANA made the assurance at the meeting last week between the landowners the ABG and a representative of BCL PAUL COLEMAN.
MR. MOMIS said that he was happy the landowners have made this assurance to the people.
He said despite this assurance the ABG represents all Bougainvilleans in any of its dealings.

521 Postings, 5217 Tage xxxraphaelxxxna dann

11.07.12 13:00
kaufen... informationsmäßig dürfte das in den nächsten tagen ja hier und da auftauchen...  

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroSollte doch nicht so schwer sein..............

11.07.12 13:01
.................diese 2 Posts ins Hotcopperradio zu voten damit die Aussies morgen die US (Rest)Order u.bis über 1 AUD alles abräumen? ;-))))))))))))

521 Postings, 5217 Tage xxxraphaelxxxgern..

11.07.12 13:18

22 Postings, 5279 Tage Renewing69schon erledigt

11.07.12 13:36
und danke nochmals für all die infos  

933 Postings, 4725 Tage LOFPgevotet!

11.07.12 13:53

521 Postings, 5217 Tage xxxraphaelxxxnews

11.07.12 13:53
bei diesen nun offiziellen news sollte der Kurs galoppieren.
eben wurden 50.000 stck in FFM umgesetzt. wer verkauft den bei diesem Kurs und diesen news?
sicherlich werden 750.000 stck nicht ausreichen, um den Kurs zu deckeln...
mal schauen ob es wieder Umsatz in den USA gibt  

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