Plug Power - Brennstoffzellen

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4398 Postings, 3277 Tage begründet.

24.06.19 20:06
Die 2.23$ sind/scheinen gefallen, somit können die nächsten Tiefen noch, wir wollen es nicht hoffen, um einiges tiefer liegen.
Nächste Stütze wären die 2$ wenn es morgen nicht wieder aufwärts geht....


927 Postings, 4011 Tage luxsusschweinHm

24.06.19 22:34
Ich frage mich wer bezahlt motley? Das gleiche war mit Sekking alpha, Es mall alles wird  30 % runtergedruckt und nachgekauft. Und morgen wird wieder alles im grünen Bereich. Mann.  

3963 Postings, 2494 Tage AhorncanBericht am Ende zuversichtlich....

24.06.19 22:56
Die Aussagen kann man ja in die Tonne drücken. Zum Anfang alte Kamellen....
... und zum Schluss....
Angehängte Grafik:
552a21ad-a264-42b5-836e-0bbe54a62a2e.jpeg (verkleinert auf 46%) vergrößern

54 Postings, 2215 Tage steve2Ich muss ehrlich gestehen,

25.06.19 07:08
dass ich wirklich daran glaube, dass Plug noch großes vor sich hat. Gefühle haben ja eigtl an der Börse nichts verloren, aber Plug gehört doch zu meinen wenigen gefühlsbedingten Investments in Depot.  

4398 Postings, 3277 Tageöne Übertreibung heute morgen

25.06.19 09:22
. Ohne News nur Panik!

Zumal der Nasdaqkurs nachbörslich auf 2,11/2,13$ gesetzt wurde. Das wäre 1,85/1,87€.  

1070 Postings, 8563 Tage vettiButterweich durch die zweier Marke

25.06.19 15:45
Das war die untere Begrenzung vom Aktionär


54 Postings, 2215 Tage steve2nachkauf?

25.06.19 15:47
kauft jemand von euch nach?
So etwas habe ich wirklich nur sehr selten gesehen...  

246 Postings, 5950 Tage AlohaFällt ja wie ein Stein,

25.06.19 15:47
ist Plug pleite?

Spaß beiseite, allerdings ist es katastrophal, was abgeht.

Der Andy Arsch liefert wie immer nicht ab, was er verspricht.
Riesen Deals bezeichnet er welche mit gerade mal 2 Mio Umsatz ( DHL ).
Klar, dass daraus was großes werden kann...

Aber die Shorts haben immer wieder ein leichtes mit Plug  

1334 Postings, 2195 Tage ClearInvest@steve

25.06.19 15:51
Ich für meinen Teil noch nicht. Durchschnitt des EK bei 1,70...ab jetzt fahr ich Minus ein und warte ab.  

54 Postings, 2215 Tage steve2@ClearInvest

25.06.19 16:16
Guter EK! :)
Hab immer wieder nachgekauft und bin jetzt bei 2,25 Durchschnitts-EK.

Was aktuell abgeht tut wirklich weh.
Vergünstigter EK lockt schon ein wenig, allerdings kommt langsam doch ein wenig Unwohlsein auf.  

927 Postings, 4011 Tage luxsusschweinHm

25.06.19 16:32
Es gibt keine schlechte nachrichten. In Gegenteil. Ich habe nicht nachgekauft. Aber ich liege fett im minus.ich denke ab heute kommt Abwärtstrend. Heute abends wird  alles anderes aussehen.  

800 Postings, 3322 Tage DawnrazorAutsch

25.06.19 16:32
Jetzt ist durchhalten (und langer Atem) angesagt :/  

1070 Postings, 8563 Tage vettiDie shortquote hätte man im Blick haben

25.06.19 16:37

3983 Postings, 3052 Tage Tom1313Man schrieb ja bereits Gewinne

25.06.19 16:42
somit werden die nächsten Jahre bestimmt interessant. Bis 2025/2030 muss man sich halt gedulden. Ganze Branche braucht noch etwas, aber man kann sich ja mal positionieren.  

1070 Postings, 8563 Tage vettiMarsh hat einfach

25.06.19 16:50
Nicht das geliefert, was er angekündigt hat.

4 Big Deals, davon  1x Mai , 1x Juni, wobei Juni- Deal Umsatz von 30 bis 35 Mio

Streetscooter ist das nicht , nur 100 Fahrzeige

2018 schon ein Big deal nicht kam, schauen die leite halt genau hin und messen daran.

Werden Erwartungen nicht erfüllt, geht’s krass runter.  

927 Postings, 4011 Tage luxsusschweinPlug

25.06.19 16:54
Plug Power Is Close To Seeing Daybreak … Probably … Maybe … Could Be …
After more than 20 years, the company and customers are clicking. PLUG stock watchers are waiting.
By James Brumley, InvestorPlace Feature Writer Jun 25, 2019, 6:26 am EDT
If fuel cell company Plug Power (NASDAQ:PLUG) is ever going to swing to a profit and jolt the share price, evidence of that turn should start to become clear soon. PLUG stock has been stuck in the low $2 range for the better part of the last three years.

Plug Power Is Close To Seeing Daybreak … Probably … Maybe … Could Be …The stage is certainly set for such a long-overdue development. The company, now more than a couple of decades old, has never turned a full-year profit, and rarely turns a quarterly profit despite a steady stream of optimistic chatter from and about Plug Power. A handful of recent made deals and a couple of acquisitions may finally drag the organization over that hump.

On the flipside, if the light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t appear soon, it may time to concede it’s just not going to happen at all.

Slow Start
It was, when conceived, a brilliant idea. Although battery-powered vehicles were around at the time, they were woefully lacking in terms of range and convenience. Converting hydrogen gas into electricity was efficient and cost-effective, and best of all, clean. Unlike gas-powered automobiles and equipment, hydrogen fuel cells only create heat and water.

They’ve simply not caught on where investors felt they needed to the most, however.

Thank Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) and the fortuitously timed development of lithium-based batteries for that proverbial failure to launch, of course. Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s bigger-than-life insistence on mainstreaming battery-powered cars cast a shadow on hybrids and other alternatives. Moreover, with lithium providing more power per weight than traditional lead-acid or nickel-cadmium batteries, that approach to non-combustion vehicles proved just effective enough to become the preference.

There’s a glimmer of hope in the horizon, though. The premise has found its place, albeit a limited one thus far, and decidedly outside of the car arena.

Case(s) in point: Fuel cells have proven to be ideal sources of backup or emergency energy, for instance. Walmart (NYSE:WMT) has also tapped Plug Power’s GenDrive technology to power its forklifts at an import warehouse in Alabama. Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) is a Plug Power customer, too, as well as a major owner of PLUG stock.

Amazon’s investment may ultimately prove to be a brilliant one, even if not one with a quick payback.

Plug Power Approaching Profitability
Hydrogen fuel cells may never become the norm for passenger vehicles, but they’re finally catching on in a big way for material-handling companies. In May, StreetScooter announced it would build 100 delivery trucks powered by Plug Power’s ProGen engine for Deutsche Post DHL.

It’s not just ground-based equipment undergoing a revolution, though. Earlier this month Plug Power acquired Canada’s EnergyOr, which builds very light fuel cell engines that can be used in aerial vehicles. The specialized tech opens up a whole new sliver of the market: drones.

That pair of announcements appear to be two of the four that CEO Andy Marsh was touting in May, immediately after the company released some rather disappointing fiscal first quarter numbers. Ergo, two more are on the way.


The four combined developments may finally be enough to drag Plug Power out of the red. Analysts think so anyway.

While the pros are calling for a loss this year and next, for fiscal 2021, continued revenue growth may finally yield a profit of nine cents per PLUG stock share.

Admittedly, it’s not much, but relative to the current Plug Power stock price near $2.10, it’s a huge victory.

More important is the trajectory. Assuming Plug Power has finally figured out how to balance spending and selling at the same time the most logical customers have realized the advantages of hydrogen fuel cells, the profit divergence should widen going forward.

In short, it’s been a long couple of decades, but the fuel cell movement may have finally gelled well enough for Plug Power to turn regular profits.

Looking Ahead for PLUG Stock
In its defense, Plug Power isn’t alone in its struggle. Rivals Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) and FuelCell Energy (NASDAQ:FCEL) have also agonizingly remained in the red despite investor confidence that both would also be well in the black by this point. Their joint struggle only underscores the notion that the impasse has had far more to do with the most promising fuel cell market just not being ready, rather than failures of any of these outfits.

The lack of support for fuel cell powered passenger vehicles was also something of a surprise for the industry.

Regardless, with the market finally fully ready for the right solutions, Plug Power is shaping up as a top provider. Discernible progress toward that 2021 profit expectation should be enough to move shares higher in the meantime.

It’s still not a bet to make blindly, but the risk-reward ratio that PLUG stock sports is quickly becoming a compelling one.

As of this writing, James Brumley did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities. You can learn more about him at his website, or follow him on Twitter, at @jbrumley.

1334 Postings, 2195 Tage ClearInvest@steve

25.06.19 16:59
Ja, bis vor Tagen war er das wohl. Aber wem der eintätige Anstieg auf 2,70  nicht reicht, der muß nun dafür zahlen. Bisserl selbst schuld ;)

Und Vetti, ob du Miesepeter nun schreibst oder in China nen Sack Reis umfällt interessiert hier eh keinen.  

927 Postings, 4011 Tage luxsusschweinPlug

25.06.19 16:59
Befor kommen gute Nachrichten die aktie wird mega runtergedruckt. Aber so was ist schon absolut unglaublich was Shorts machen. Endy. Leibt weiter locker und fährt zum Symposium.....  

927 Postings, 4011 Tage luxsusschweinHm

25.06.19 17:02
Plug Power To Address Vertical Integration At Scale During The 2019 Ohio Fuel Cell Symposium
CEO Andy Marsh to Speak On Growing the Country’s Leading Fuel Cell Business in the Country’s Fastest Growing Fuel Cell Corridor
June 25, 2019 10:12 ET | Source: Plug Power, Inc.
LATHAM, N.Y., June 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a leading provider of hydrogen engines and fueling solutions enabling e-mobility, today announced that it will participate in the 2019 Ohio Fuel Cell Symposium in Columbus, OH. The event is produced by the Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition, an organization designed to accelerate the region’s leadership in fuel cell technology. Plug Power’s CEO, Andy Marsh, will present as a keynote at the Symposium. The Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition has attracted leaders from across the industry to discover opportunities and create solutions to advance fuel cell technology businesses in the state.

At the Symposium, Mr. Marsh will speak on Plug Power’s vertical integration strategy and why it has been a crucial component to growing the business. From material handling and ground support equipment applications, to long- and short-haul delivery trucks, to autonomous vehicles and drones, Marsh explains how Plug Power stepped in to power market verticals once untouched by the possibilities of fuel cells.

Mr. Marsh’s session is open to registered forum attendees:

Date: Thursday, June 27, 2019
Andy Marsh Speaking Time: 9:20-9:55 AM EDT
Location: Quest Conference Center
8405 Pulsar Place
Columbus, Oh 43240
Plug Power has a significant footprint in the State of Ohio. The company employs almost 30 employees through the state, and operates a service center in Dayton. In total, Plug Power has commissioned 1,450 GenDrive units in the state, including a long-standing deployment at Walmart’s Washington Courthouse distribution center. Every day, approximately 1,460 hydrogen fills are completed in Ohio by Plug Power customers.

Ohio has quickly become a leading state for fuel cell technology, with strong industry and academic ties to research and development, advanced manufacturing, advanced materials technology, components, and services. According to the US Department of Energy, more than $100 million in fuel cell components were purchased from Ohio supply chain companies in 2015, meaning there isn't a fuel cell manufactured in the United States that does not include Ohio components. In addition, Ohio’s local and national congressional representatives have shown support for the industry, enabling the creation of new, clean economy jobs for the state.  

1070 Postings, 8563 Tage vettiSmile

25.06.19 17:10

800 Postings, 3322 Tage DawnrazorHammer pattern?

25.06.19 17:37

800 Postings, 3322 Tage DawnrazorWas sag ich? Kerze grün

25.06.19 18:20

924 Postings, 4099 Tage IHIHGKrass..

26.06.19 12:04
hab nicht gedacht, dass ich so eine krasse rot–grün–Schwäche habe :)  

1334 Postings, 2195 Tage ClearInvestVorbörslich

26.06.19 12:33
2,42$ denn  

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